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Posts posted by Tigerstyle

  1. Brilliant episode.

    I was getting to a point thinking it wasn't going to happen... That they weren't getting saved, great pacing.

    even liked the Dany bits, giving her tyrion really helps.

    The Vale and the North uniting is a big problem for the Lannister/Tyrell's, if they can extend their power through The Reach and take The Twins and Riverrun they hold a lot of power.

    The Westerlands have no recognisable Warden (Jaime?) right now and the Lannisters have enough problems in Kings Landing, not to mention the Martels, however I suppose that's where Varys has gone now the Greyjoys have shown up to support Dany.

  2. Was Qyburns rumour thing not about them finally learning where Tyrion was and what he's up too?

    i felt it was a fairly obvious nod when it cut straight to him in Mereen... Cersei finding out that not only is Tyrion alive but he is now council to Dany and running Mereen is basically her worst nightmare.

    if anything is going to compound her misery and drive her to insanity, it's that information

  3. That fucking trailer <3 some bits I noticed...

    full Targaryan armour spells one thing... Tower of Joy... Meaning another thing, Jon's true origin.

    Old onion knight is at Bear island (after the first scene where him and Ghost are defending Jons body)

    Why are the wildling army at war with the Boltons, unless they've united under the wolf?

    Looks like Brienne has made it to Riverrun for some Blakfish action.

    Theres a Lannister camp there I think, for the siege of Riverrun or maybe marching on Dorne?

    things I take from this... Jon is now Jon Stark, King of the North and all beyond... The Onion Knight is bringing us Rickon, to help cement the great houses followers, Sansa is at Riverrun to get her mothers family involved in the next Great War of Westeros, are we going to get a second War of the Five Kings? Jon, Tommen, winner of the Kingsmoot, Dany and Doran?

    i am too excited.

  4. That is the exact advert I said would drop, and all it does is put more eyes on the product and take away from DC at this point.

    Batman vs Superman ruined all their reveals with their trailers, Marvel does it and it's like 'BAW GAWD KING'

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  5. I think I saw a few




    theon being 'baptised' meaning he's returned home, looked like the Kingsmoot too.

    Asha looking disheveled in one shot.

    Boltons were the army in that shot, could see their banner on the shield. Couldn't see the opposing flag?

    Not much else which wasn't obvious to me. Catch anything else worth looking on?


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