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Posts posted by Tigerstyle

  1. The thing that has happened here is, Marvel have created an identity we all know and love, non comic book fans can now think 'man, this next avengers tie in is fantastic'. The MCU is ours and we are a part of it.

    DCU on the other hand, constantly changing who is who and what is what, new actors, new back stories, and as they own all of their property they need a Whedon to run the whole shebang but don't. Unless they explain everything by doing Crisis on Infinate Earths and they can get Bale, Keaton, Affleck, Cain, Cavill, the kid who plays The Flash now and who will end up playing him and going 'look! It was all different universes!' They will never get a foot hold.

    Marvel have already established a potential mega avengers in Ironman, Hulk, Cap, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Fury, Bucky, Falcon, Warmachine, Sif, Guardians, Hill.

    By Infinity War we will also have Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, The Vision, Antman, Black Panther, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Daredevil and whoever I have missed. MCU is forever safe. Antman is even going to introduce the 'same mask, new character' dynamic incase they lose someone.

    By all accounts, DC will introduce nearly all their main stable in Batman vs Superman which could theoretically bomb.

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