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Posts posted by Tigerstyle

  1. I don't think you need to know the comics at all. There are references to comic stuff, and it's going in a comic direction, but i don't think you would you need to know how it got told in one format to enjoy it in another?

    I did say the nuances... Not the entire show. I think a knowledge of Marvel comic books enhances the enjoyment

  2. Basically, you can not watch that film and not miss a beat of the storyline... Even in Avengers, Fury states that Stark knows about The Avengers Initiative, Stark went to Banner in the after credits scene to discuss it.

    Also, when Banner and Stark meet in Avengers it's like it is the first time...

  3. The worry is, when Hemsworth, Evans, Downey Jr., Ruffalo and Johansson - who this franchise has all made legitimate household names - want to leave, will the fans of the movies understand it like with the comic books? Probably not.

    Anyone can be Iron Man and anyone can be Cap, we don't need a Widow and Thor is mostly interchangeable, there is also a ton of different Hulks out there... But would anyone go for a completely different Avengers in phase 4?

  4. Yeah he's became aware of the one from Guardians in that pool, assuming they're Mind (Visions head), Power (with NovaCorp), Space (Asgard) and Reality (The Collector) we have Soul and Time left (assuming it's the original six)

    These need to come to light in the next five films I suppose (Ant-Man, Captain America, Guardians, Thor and Dr Strange)

    As Thor can easily travel to space (as seen by his comrades going to The Collector) I can only assume he will be making himself known to the Guardians at some point (thusly allowing The Avengers to know of the existence of Thanos)

    I guess one Gem will show up with Dr Strange and the other in Thor.

    Oh I am too excited for Marvel

  5. it was The Vision that popped my boner. When he speeds towards the window and just looks. I've always had a lot of time for Paul Bettany.

    I actually think, looking back on it, it's better and better... When Fury is like 'can I borrow Hill?' ... 'Do something dramatic, I hope' and then boom! Hellicarrier!

  6. I went to watch Age of Ultron at the midnight showing last night and frankly... It was amazing.


    The constant forshadowing of Hawkeye dying (introducing his family, saying this is his last mission) was a great swerve for people who would read in to this as being obvious writing.

    The sassiness of Ultron was great, Vision is beautiful, the nuances between his tiny exchanges with Scarlet Witch is great for n3rds, mentioning Wakanda, Klaw having his arm removed foreshadowing his future interaction with Black Panther, the "where has Hulk gone" moments, the simple expositions and explaining that Thor now knows about the coming together of the Infinity stones is brilliant.

    This is the second Avengers movie we needed, as well as the bit at the end with "The New Avengers" was great.

    I still expected Spider-Man.

    Was there anything after Thanos grabbing the Infinity Gauntlet in the credits?

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