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Posts posted by wCwCreator

  1. Carl Pavano signs with the Yankees for a four-year deal worth $39 Million. (MLB.com)

    Dang... Pavano to Yanks, Wells to Sox. Let the spending spree begin again!

    Boston still has enough money to still keep Pedro. While Derek Lowe will probably go somewhere else. (Detroit maybe) Renteria might be going to Boston and in exchange Orlando Cabrera could be going to St Louis.

    What about the BLUUE Jays?

  2. The heavyweight division is screwed right now and that's why were getting Williams in a fight with Klitschko. Only reason Williams is fighting Klitschko is because he knocked out Tyson and Tyson couldn't move well in the last bout. Unless you want to see Williams getting KO'ed in the 2:14 mark of the fourth, then don't bother paying the money.

  3. Athlete of The Year

    1. Vijay Singh

    2. Vincent Lecalvier, TB

    3. Barry Bonds, SF

    Game of The Year

    1. Red Sox 6 Yankees 4 (ALCS Game 4)

    2. Saskatchewan Roughriders 25 BC Lions 27 (CFL Conf Final)

    3. Calgary Flames 1 Detroit Red Wings 0 (NHL Semi-Final)

    Sport of The Year (based on the season, controversy, memorable moments, games, etc.)

    1. Baseball

    2. Football

    3. Basketball

    Team of the Year

    1. Boston Red Sox

    2. Calgary Flames

    3. New York Yankees

    Play of the Year

    1. David Ortiz game ending home run game 4 of the ALCS

    2. Henry Burris rallies back from behind for a TD in CFL-Semi-Final

    3. Johnny Damon's Grand Slam in game 7 of the ALCS

    Dissappointment of the Year

    1. New York Yankees

    2. Calgary Flames

    3. Team England (Euro 2004)

    Controversy of the Year

    1. Fight at the Palace of Auburn Hills, Pacers vs. fans

    2. Flame goal was in but did not count during game 6 of Stanley Cup

    3. England goal did not count, possible off-side

    Coach of the Year

    1. Terry Francona, Boston Red Sox

    2. Andy Reid, Philedelphia Eagles

    3. Bill Belichick, New England Patriots

    Most Anticipated Moment of the Year

    1. Red Sox winning World Series

    2. Game 7 ALCS Red Sox vs. Yankees

    3. Game 6 NHL Western Conference Final

    Inspriation of the Year

    1. Brett Favre

    2. Boston Red Sox

    3. Calgary Flames

    Rookie of the the year

    1. LeBron James, Cleveland Cavaliers

    2. Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh Steelers

    Best Comeback


    Soccer Player of the year

    1. Wayne Rooney

    Soccer Rookie of the year

    1. Wayne Rooney

    Soccer Team of the year

    1. Manchester United

    NHL Player of the year

    1. Vincent Lecalvier, Tampa Bay

    2. Jarome Iginla, Calgary

    3. Mikka Kippersouff, Calgary

    NHL Rookie of the year


    NHL Team of the year

    1. Calgary Flames

    NBA Player of the year

    1. Kevin Garnett, Minnesota

    2. Shaquille O'Neal, Los Angeles/Miami

    3. Kobe Bryant, LA Lakers

    NBA Rookie of the year

    1. LeBron James, Cleveland (2003-2004)

    NBA Team of the year

    1. Detroit Pistons

    2. Minnesota Timberwolves

    3. Los Angeles Lakers

    MLB Player of the year

    1. Curt Shilling, Boston

    2. Manny Ramirez, Boston

    3. Carlos Beltran, Houston

    MLB Rookie of the year

    1. Jason Bay, Pittsburgh

    MLB Team of the year

    1. Boston Red Sox

    2. New York Yankees

    3. St. Louis Cardinals

    NFL Player of the year

    1. Peyton Manning, Indianapolis

    2. Donovan McNabb, Philadelphia

    3. Terell Owens, Philadelphia

    NFL Rookie of the year

    1. Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh

    NFL Team of the year

    1. Philadelphia Eagles

    2. Pittsburgh Steelers

    3. Green Bay Packers

    NCAA Male Athlete of the year


    NCAA Female Athlete of the year


    NCAA Team of the year


    Best Male athlete at the Olympics


    Best Female athlete at the Olympics


    Best Male Tennis player

    1. Roger Federer

    2. Andy Roddick

    3. Carlos Moya

    Best Female Tennis Player

    1. Maria Sharapova

    2. Amelie Mauresmo

    3. Lindsay Davenport

    Best Male Golfer

    1. Vijay Singh

    2. Phil Mickelson

    Best Female Golfer

    1. Annika Sorenstam

    Best Race Car Driver


    Next Big Thing

    The Phenom "Sidney Crosby" (HOCKEY)

    Most Anticipated 2005 Event

    1. 2005 Super Bowl in Jacksonville

    2. When Hockey Returns

    3. 2005 World Series

    Oh and Hockey Will Comeback...it will wipe out all the other sports into season shortage and I'll laugh manically...

  4. ^go watch your giants/falcons game.

    It was a great game but I'm still wondering why Dickenson started... he was great and all but I thought they were just going to stick with Dickenson for the first half then give the ball to Casey Printers but no!

    Oh well, I was part of Rider-Nation. So I wasn't too mad that B.C. lost. I'm happy for the argos, and especially Mike "pinball" Clemons.

    Half-time show was awesome... Tragically Hip :)

  5. SNL's Jeopardy Skits. Farell-tastic!

    MAD TV's Magic Johnson's Jeopardy Hour. "Now, Dick"

    MAD TV's Steven Seagal skits. (Steven in China, Steven Seagal's Letterbox 2000, "Crouching Cops Hidden Badges") All played by Will Sasso (Y)

    Conan's good old fashion, Staring Contest between him and Andy Richter.

    MAD TV's Eddie Murphy impersonations played by Arie Spears. "It's Par-Ti Tie"

  6. I seen it and I'm glad to see it back. All the shows I liked were either cancelled or moved to January but it's good to see this back. Never knew you guys like The O.C. but anyways...

    It was a good episode but I do agree, it was Anticlimatic but I read all the spoilers for the episode so yeah, expected what was going to happen.

    Rachel Bilson > Everybody Else... :)

    Too bad she's dating Brody :blink:

    and I really think they should move the show back to Wednesday's. I mean they're up against pretty tough competition. (Apprentice, Survivor and Joey).

  7. A whole lot of horrible remakes outhere, but in my opinion:

    -The Italian Job, flashy mini's can't bring this remake to life although Theron was pretty hot. Didn't they have to re-release twice?. The story sucked and what kind of a bad guy was Norton supposed to be?

    and Ocean's Eleven, I think it was a great movie. Loook at the cast, got everybody in it. How much money they spent, I'm wondering... and I'm looking forward to Ocean's Twelve.


    4 Straight, YANKEES SUCK ASS!

    Go Boston.

    Lowe, was great tonight! He came through. I think the reason behind Pedro coming in was to stick it into the Yankee fans but sadly it didn't work.

    Johnny Damon! I knew right from where the pitch was thrown it was going to be a home-run or atleast a deep base hit. GRAND SLAM!

    Ortiz is like the hero of Boston now. Good for him. There should of been a Co-MVP... Schilling (for his performance from game 6)


    and after the biggest comeback in Sports history all I can say is...

    "What Curse?"

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