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Posts posted by wCwCreator

  1. Congrats to Steelers... and even more congratulations to the referees who managed to completely put no credibility into the game.

    You would think the NFL would get the best officials for the game but they didn't. They screwed up.

    I feel sorry for the Seahawks because clearly if it weren't for some blown calls, they would've won.

    I'm not knocking Pittsburgh. They played okay and took advantage and that's what your supposed to do in order to win so hats off to them but the whole game leaves a bitter taste of victory.

  2. Walt is gonna get fucked up

    You mess with Jack and you die, just ask all the bitches who tried, well you can't because their dead so Walt you better watch out and that guy who's supposedly the mastermind, hanging around his little tech center. I don't even know who the fuck you are but your dead too.

    and Audrey, she seemed a little clingy.


    Where else could you find a show killing off two, possibly three main characters in a season premiere?

    Take that LOST!

    ... I knew something was up when the actress who played Michelle was named a "Special Guest Star."

  4. As a NE fan. I'm crushed. The cards didn't fall into place like they could. You know what it is? It was Bad Luck. No other way to point it out. Simply Bad Luck but you know it's going to be a bit better knowing that the team that beat us is going to get beat by the team we own.

    I'm now scratching football of my favorites list unless Favre returns.

    NHL on NBC (Y)

  5. Magnolia

    "What the fuck was that?"

    and Recon 2020. Low budget future flick. Rubber walkie-talkies, badly animated dinosaurs, horrible robot voices (they just added an echo) and 5 or 6 vampires all in an abandoned building. Oh and Soldiers saying "Ho-ah"

  6. "The Other 48 Hours" was good but it was just a filler for me. Didn't see why ABC needed to extend the hour especially since the last five minutes were just what we seen last week. Next week's episode is the one I'm looking forward to...

  7. Above average episode but it was slow at times. I can understand the flashbacks of Desmond and Jack running the stadium but the Sara/Jack thing was probably a filler I guess and what the heck happen to the guys on the raft? I want answers damnit!

  8. Night Match between Nadal and Jenkins was good but obviously Jenkins needs some more practice but he's got a lot of power, all he needs is some control and he'll be alright.

    My Underdogs to win:

    Murray- STILL ALIVE!

    Jenkins -OUSTED

    Monfils -OUSTED

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