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Posts posted by wCwCreator

  1. Curse?

    people will believe anything? Idiots. If you have a bad game you have a bad game there's no excuse. No curse.

    I believe in the Red Sox and I think this series will go the distance to a game 7. Or atleast go back to Boston for game 6.

    I want the Cards to win the NLCS but the Astros are showing that they still have some fight within them. I'm still undecided... What's better The Cardinals Offense or Roger Clemens?

    It's really unfair when The Red Sox/Yankees have to play 3 straight days... Feel sorry for the both of them.

  2. Just incase you don't know...

    ALCS begins Tuesday October 12th

    The Boston Red Sox versus The New York Yankees

    NLCS begins Wednesday October 13th

    The St Louis Cardinals versus The Atlanta Braves or Houston Astros.

  3. The Czech's were solid tonight. Both goalies let in weak goals. (Czech's first goal, Draper's slap shot and Elias goal too) Feel sorry for the Czech's though, they were on the offensive all night.

    The match I've been waiting for is going to happen on Tuesday:

    Mikka Kippersouff versus. Team Canada. (Ignila)

  4. I was watching that last match with Roddick-Johansson, it was great duel of serves but Roddick killed himself when he was down triple break point and couldn't come back from it.

    Federer and Hewitt for the finals...

    I don't like Hewitt too much.

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