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Posts posted by Mysterio2000X

  1. Awesome Supernatural episode today. I always wondered why

    the angels didn't just use Adam/another relative of Dean's as Michael's vessel instead, but I guess tonight solved that "loophole". Michael's vessel HAS to be Dean, not just any descendant of.. Abel's? or whoever



    Zachariah's actually probably one of my favorite characters on the show, so while it sucked that he went out, he at least went out in a badass scene.

    Also, Castiel is the shit.

    How many episodes 'til the grand finale? I finished watching Season 4 about a week and a half ago, and while I haven't gotten started on the beginning of Season 5 just yet, I can't imagine it'll take me too long to get all caught up in time for the motherfuckin' apocalypse.

  2. Brandon Marshall to the Fins for a 2010 and 2011 2nd round draft pick.

    And of course trading Holmes hurts Pittsburgh; they have nobody to replace him with, and now their main (only?) targets are an a vet who likely only has 1-2 years in him at the most, and a glorified slot receiver (I'm not counting their TE, because fuck TE's). Since they also seem to be reverting to more of a pass-oriented attack, the need for a player of at least Santonio's talent for at least the next half decade is much needed. What are they going to do, pray Bryant (who has his own set of off the field question marks) falls to them this year and groom him in time to replace Ward? Pray they bomb/trade up next year to land AJ Green, Michael Floyd, or Jonathan Baldwin?

    That being said, it was pretty clear Holmes wasn't going to be sticking around long-term in Pittsburgh, so it makes perfect sense for them to deal him. Just.. they lack the depth at this point for this deal to be a slam-dunk for both teams, especially considering they're only getting a 5th.

    EDIT - Oh hey, look, apparently there was a new page with a handful of posts that I didn't read, so now this post looks kinda out-dated. Whatever.

    Love Marshall to the Fins, especially since it means he's not going to Seattle.

  3. When the Oakland Raiders showed a willingness to trade for the Donovan McNabb without an extension, McNabb indicated to the Eagles through his associates that he’d retire.

    “He has plenty of money,” the source close to McNabb said. “He’s not doing anything he doesn’t want to do.”

    Read more: http://football.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives/16527/20100405/mcnabb_told_eagles_hed_retire_before_going_to_raiders/#ixzz0kG4EQOj5

    Is this supposed to mean something, or do you just get off on talking shit about Oakland?

    He didn't want to go to Oakland. Big fucking deal. I think he's stupid for making that decision, because Oakland is far closer to being competitive than any other team mentioned in the running for him, outside of Minnesota. That includes Washington.

    I guess its that Cleveland inferiority complex. If all I had to pride myself on was a poor imitation of the Black Hole (Dawg Pound, lol. Only drunk Philly fans have less class), I'd have to make myself feel better too.

    I would have been happy with McNabb. I like the guy, think he deserves better than he got in Philly, and think he could have put Oakland over the top. In the end, however, its probably better that he didn't want to come to Oakland, because its a young team, and I'd rather have a good young QB. Then again, wouldn't we all.

    Hell, I'd REALLY like Jason Campbell.

    Oh, and I was unaware that San Francisco was considered a contender. They have many of the same problems Oakland does (no proven QB or WR, decent running game and defense), and similar advantages (weak division). San Diego is probably better than Arizona, though. Still don't consider them a contender, though.

    lol, I don't think he was purposely taking a shot at the Raiders, just stating a fact.

    I read that the reason McNabb was traded to the Redskins was because he, point-blank, told them that he would veto any trade to any other team but the Redskins. It was a much less public and much speedier version of the Favre saga, pretty much. Similar reasoning to the Favre ordeal, too (try to get back at his old team/the management team that pushed him out the door).

    EDIT - Even if Alex Smith continues to "improve", there's still no way he has the chops to "carry" (and I use that term loosely) past a Wild Card game, if that. Especially with the holes in the secondary/defense that the Niners have; if they get into a shoot-out with any of the potent passing attacks of the NFC, it'd be over before the half. McNabb, at least, has proven he can take a sub-par team to the NFC Championship in the past, and then immediately choke and crush the dreams and hopes of the entirety of his team's fanbase. =P

    But whatever, at least this'll end the McNabb-to-Cardinals rumors that kept popping up every other day, it seemed.

    Also, apparently the Ravens are willing to part with Gaither for an early 2nd round. Why the fuck aren't the Cardinals on the phone right now offering their 1st for him? He is an elite tackle, efficient at both pass and run blocking, doesn't have an extensive injury history as far as I'm aware, and is only 24. Shit, even though he's already been in the league for a handful of years, I'd say his ceiling's higher than Okung's at this point. Make the fuckin' call, Graves!

    And how the hell is Kirk Morrison still available for only a 3rd? Pick him up, too, Graves, god damnit.

  4. Is Supernatural streamed on Hulu/some other site, or am I going to have to torrent this bitch?

    I try not to get ahead of myself (I'm in the middle of the 4th season, the Siren episode was the last one they showed on TNT today), but I'm too intrigued by what they do with Heaven to not watch.

  5. Well, haven't they been saying that this season will end the biblical story arc they're on? Does that mean they're going to rid the show of not just the Apocalypse storyline, but also of angels and demons? Because there is literally an infinite amount of gods/goddesses/demons that could be turned into some badass characters for them to fight, and who are unique enough that it won't just be Yellow Eyes, Lilith or Lucifer all over again.

    I agree with you about the "comedy", though. I really liked that episode, but I also really could have done without the Cupid scene; that was just annoying, not funny. Do they do "comedy" bits like that often nowadays?

    I missed yesterday's episode, though I read the plot summary or whatever. Honestly, it sounded kinda blah. I was half hoping it was just some weird April Fool's joke, but meh.

    Did they really go to Heaven? Because, that's gay. Part of the appeal of this entire, epic battle is the mystique and mysteriousness of both heaven and hell and their occupants, in my opinion.

  6. If the Eagles trade for Nnamdi, it won't be McNabb they trade for him. McNabb has said he won't go to the Bills or Raiders.

    The Eagles have said they want a top 42 pick for McNabb, and I don't see any team willing to give that up for him unless McNabb is willing to sign a 2-3 year deal with them rather than just be their QB for one year. And I don't see McNabb being willing to go to a team that won't be a contender. He's said he'd be willing to go to the Vikings, but they're waiting on Favre to make up his mind about whether he's coming back or not. So I don't see that happening unless Favre suddenly decides "fuck it, I'm done for good this time" before the draft, and that's not very likely.

    If the Cardinals are smart, they should consider trading for him. Because with Anderson they'll be lucky if they don't finish near the bottom of the whole league, and taking a chance on Leinart is risky.

    Yeah, well, Anderson won't be our starting unless Leinart absolutely fails. Homer alert, but Leinart shouldn't fail; he won't be Kurt Warner, but with the focus shifting off of the passing game and onto the running game, there won't be as much emphasis on Leinart or reliance on him winning us games. We should be okay. A lot of the hate towards him is really unfounded.

    I think they just want to find out once and for all what they have with Leinart, similar to Rodgers/Packers a few years ago. They can't afford for him to go to another team after this year, and have a Steve Young-esque comeback, which is the major reason why they're not interested in McNabb. That, and because McNabb can't win when it matters most. =P

  7. Who cares as long as Jensen Ackles is pretty, right?


    Also they've said they'll take it Buffy style, which worked for Buffy and should do fine for Supernatural. There's always another big bad out there. I imagine this series would see the end of the whole Angels thing though. Which is a shame because Cas is awesome.

    Isn't he cut off from heaven or whatever? If this story goes where it seemed to be going I think (the angels aren't any different than the demons, or whatever), no reason Castiel can't "quit" them and still help out the Winchester.

  8. Nnami's cap number next year is beastly (if there's a cap at all), I'm not that surprised he's on the block. Might as well trade him while he's worth something before he leaves them and gets another monster contract elsewhere.

    But, still. No. lol, Al Davis.

  9. Yeah, what the hell? Without glasses? How is that going to work?

    Though 3D Pokemon, if anything like the Gameboy games or Pokemon Stadium, would be fucking sweet. I think this is also the only time I'd ever say that they should be out a Yu-Gi-Oh game for the console. Because it'd make the child in me happier than ever to be able to play Yu-Gi-Oh like on the TV series. wub.gif

    That would be fuckin' epic. Especially combined with WiFi.

    I'm going to be severely disappointed if this isn't the first hologram-based video game console. Severely.

  10. I've only seen about 3 episodes from this season; the one with the Jesse Turner, My Bloody Valentine and Abandon All Hope. I don't know if I've just gotten lucky and picked the best episodes of the season or whatever, but I'm loving it. Like I said before, this is probably the closest I'll come to seeing a live action Good Omens adaptation, and Good Omens is awesome.

  11. So, TNT is fucking awesome and they've started showing two Supernatural episodes a day.

    Season 3 finished airing today, and season 4 starts tomorrow. At this rate, I'll probably be done with season 4 in two weeks.

    Oh, yeah. And season 5 of Supernatural also continues tomorrow night on UPN/whatever they're calling it these days. Awesome.

  12. Way to completely ignore most of my point. Again, not every player develops at the same rate and it's entirely possible that while Whitehurst was learning how to play the position in the NFL, that the Chargers didn't want to run the risk of even potentially having to count on him before he's ready so they keep Volek as their safety net should something happen to Rivers. It's about minimizing their potential risk and by keeping Volek as their #2, they don't have to worry about putting Whitehurst in before he's ready and ultimately losing games because of it. Not to mention the effect it would have on Whitehurst who would likely never recover from that situation.

    And San Diego was surprised at what they got from Seattle? How the fuck do you know this; got AJ Smith on speed dial? No, you don't. So stop acting like you have insider scoops to situations you're purely speculating on. Not to mention, that for the last time, what San Diego got was the equivalent to what a 3rd round pick would be this year. I covered it a couple pages ago and you couldn't comprehend it then (or just chose to flat out ignore it) so maybe it'll stick this time. The Seahawks don't have a 3rd round pick this year. Well, damn, how the hell are they going to trade for Charlie Whitehurst? Oh wait, there's this thing, it's called the draft pick value chart and by switching seconds and giving them a 3rd next year it's as if...oh my god, it's value equals that of a straight up 3rd round pick this year. So, no Carroll really didn't overpay for anything because it equals that of what the Chargers were asking for.

    And Starr, Seattle's not going by their gut on this one. That's like saying they didn't do their homework before getting the guy, which I would imagine is not the case. Just because he hasn't played in a regular season game, doesn't mean that they don't have tape of him, whether it's preseason or hell, even practice. Not to mention that he could've worked out for them as well before they got him.

    As far as the new OT rule, I pretty much agree with you on that. I think the reason they think it's better is because most OT's end in FG's but like you said, it still doesn't fix what was the main issue.

    You named Tony Romo. Do you really want me to list every other quarterback taken in the 3rd round or later that hasn't panned out? The chances of Charlie turning into anything special or worthwhile are stupid low.

    That "learning the position" argument should only apply if a player's still young. As in, one or two years in the league. If after four years he hasn't developed enough to beat out Volek, I doubt he's developed enough to lead the Seahawks once Matt gets hurt again.

    It was reported that San Diego weren't expecting what they got for Whitehurst and that Seattle was the one who offered the deal that ended up going down, so chill the fuck out and shut the fuck up. I wasn't stating an opinion, I was stating a fact, and why the fuck would I do so if it's not true?

    Yeah, by the trade value chart it seems like a "fair" trade, but for a team with as many holes as Seattle, it's quite a bit different when they give up a fringe first rounder that could have easily filled one of their holes by picking up a Charles Brown, Everson Griffen, Damian Williams, the millions of fringe 1st round defensive backs available, possibly Brian Price/Jared Odrick, etc. However, by moving down 20 spots, they practicaly have guaranteed themselves that they won't have their pick of that litter, and will likely have to take a lesser player or a player at a position that isn't as in need, which in turn hurts Seattle's turnaround and delays it that much more. And obviously, at this point I don't think Charlie'll be worth losing out on one of those guys.

    And regardless of that, there was no market for Charlie Whitehurst! Any competent GM should've tried to have driven his price tag down, not blown their load and given up the 38th pick for him. Or, if unable to do that, just moved on. Again, I don't think Charie's worth what was given up for him.

    EDIT - ANYWAYS, Jets are the next team to be on Hard Knocks.


    Rex Ryan, lol.

  13. Seriously guys, if you haven't yet, start watching The Pacific, its absolutely brilliant, wow...

    Yup, watching the second episode now and I love it. Who cares if you know the ending? People know the ending of a lot of things and still watch it, for example The Watchmen.

    I don't know what The Watchmen is, but I don't know how it ends! :P

    2nd ep of The Pacific was great, though. I don't much care for the show as a drama/about the characters, or whatever, but the episode was pretty intense.

  14. You can see talent before it's developed and not all players develop at the same rate so it's possible he wouldn't have been ready to be put in a position where he would have to play a lot before. Tony Romo didn't play for the first 3 years of his NFL career and he's obviously playing better than Drew Bledsoe did for the Cowboys but that's not to say that if he were put in a similar situation 2 years earlier than the one he was in in 2006, that the results would be the same. And if you put a player in before in a position he's not ready for, he's never going to reach his maximum potential.

    And by having Volek as their solid #2, that would allow Whitehurst all the time he needed to develop so that the Chargers would be able to utilize his developed talents at a later date, as opposed to possibly having to put him in before he's ready. It just makes too much sense for the Chargers to not put themselves at a potential risk like that if they were in a position to easily avoid it, which they were by being able to afford having a veteran backup while Whitehurst sat and developed.

    Matt Hasselbeck (who never played in the regular season before he was traded to the Seahawks because he was behind Favre) is another example and there have been numerous cases throughout the years where a team has traded one of their backups after they've developed and that player has gone on to have a nice career.

    It's not simply that Whitehurst hasn't received any genuine playing time, it's that he's never been any higher than #3 on the depth chart, period. If, after 3 years, he hasn't developed to the point of at least challenging Volek's grip on the back-up spot, what are the chances he'll make for even a quality starter?

    Again, Whitehurst is not a fresh pup full of potential at this point; he's been in the league longer than some of the marquee names, yet hasn't proven himself to Norv Turner, a supposed QB guru, to be good enough to even be trusted on the off chance that the tough-as-all-hell Phillip Rivers can't physically compete in a game. Hell, San Diego was surprised that they managed to get what they did from Seattle - they weren't asking for that, from what I read, and it was Seattle that offered the deal that ended up going down. No other team, not even San Diego, thought he was worth anything more than a third (and even then, the only other team that showed any interest - AZ - has an extra 3rd due to the Boldin deal, so it wouldn't of been as big of a deal, anyways). Now, either Pete Carroll is a brilliant talent evaluator and he caught something that all other teams/personnel guys missed, or he overpaid.

    Right now, I'm saying he overpaid.

  15. If after four years in the league he still hasn't managed to beat out or even seriously compete with Billy Volek, chances are very unlikely he's going to be worth what Seattle gave up for him. Charlie isn't exactly a newly born puppy nowadays, if he was truly better than Volek, it'd be stupid to not start him over Billy, whether he has Billy's experience or not. But, I don't know the intricacies of how San Diego likes to work their players, or if Turner happens to have some sort of man crush on Volek, or something of that sort.

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