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Posts posted by Mysterio2000X

  1. BloodyElbow is reporting that the UFC have already made their minds about TUF 14, Coaches will be Dominick Cruz and Urijah Faber and it will feature Bantamwights/Featherweights. Not official yet, but that is the plan supposedly.


    Now I want Wineland to win, just for shits and giggles.

    Oh wow, he did. Why?!


  2. Strikeforce Confirms No Heavyweight Tournament Fights on April 9th

    by Kid Nate on Mar 1, 2011 6:09 PM PST in Strikeforce News

    Scott Coker today confirmed earlier reports from Sherdog that the second installment of the Heavyweight Grand Prix will not take place on April 9th. For weeks MMA sites have speculated wildly about what is going on with that event. There had been talk of holding it in Japan, returning to California, cancelling it. Now it's much more clear.

    The April 9th event will NOT feature Alistair Overeem vs Fabricio Werdum or Josh Barnett vs Brett Rogers. Those fights will instead be held on June 18th at the American Airlines Center in Dallas.

    Josh Gross has more:

    "We just ran out of time," Strikeforce CEO Scott Coker said Tuesday, referring to the second leg of its Heavyeight Tournament quarterfinal round. "I didn't find a venue that we thought would work for everybody, so we decided to move it."


    "We're in a situation now where we have a good three-and-a-half to four months to promote the fight and do a great job of having a shot of driving the rating and driving attendance," Coker said.


    The date change, which was first reported as a possibility by Sherdog.com on Feb. 21, pushes the tournament semifinals back to mid-September, with the finals penciled in for early December, Coker said.

    "I would like to conclude it by the end of the year," said Coker, who was in the hospital after falling ill last week. "... I feel bad for the fighters but as a promoter I'm happy we have more time. I think with those heavyweights and the proper amount of time, we're really going to have our best shot of recreating the success we had in New Jersey."

    The card as it stands right now:

    MMA Junkie adds:

    Coker stated the April 9 event instead features two title fights: welterweight champ Nick Diaz (24-7 MMA, 5-0 SF) defends his title against Paul Daley (27-9-2 MMA, 2-0 SF), and lightweight champ Gilbert Melendez (18-2 MMA, 8-1 SF) defends his belt against Tatsuya Kawajiri (27-6-2 MMA, 0-0 SF).


    A venue for the April 9 event has not been determined, a Strikeforce official today told MMAjunkie.com. The promotion is deciding between two separate arenas, though the venues' respective athletic commissions have approved the event.


    Additionally, a light-heavyweight matchup between former champion Gegard Mousasi and Mike Kyle is expected to take place at the April 9 event. Mousasi informed MMAjunkie.com of the targeted bout this past November.


    Josh Gross also tweeted that Japanese star Shinya Aoki will fight an unnamed grappler on April 9th, but that that fight might not be aired on Showtime. Former Elite XC champ K.J. Noons is also a possibility for that card but not likely against Aoki.


    Pretty bush league from Strikeforce considering April 9th is the date they hyped during the first set of tournament fights. If nothing else, you'd think they'd at least have the first rounders set up in advance. Diaz/Daley, Melendez/Kawajiri, Gegard Mousasi and Shinya Aoki should make for a good show and all, but still.

  3. I'm with you for the most part. I do like to watch specific players though. Having played and gone through a similiar process as the combine (the NFL Scout Camp does the same routine just not on the "grand" scale) I'm curious about the "numbers" certain guys put up in contrast to how I saw them play in college.

    This and the drills which test fluidity/agility are the main reasons I watch, pretty much. There's also simply too many quality prospects and not enough nationally televised games to have an accurate assessment of just what each and every one of them is; the combine is a good way to amassing all of the prospects, and figuring out who looks the part (which should encourage going back and watching games specifically for them, or whatever).

  4. I don't think the Titans will be nuts enough to take a chance on Newton. I'd say he probably will end up with the Panthers or Bills. The Panthers need anyone they can get and the Bills have a knack for drafting overrated, shitty QBs.

    He went 11 for 21 during the passing portion of the Combine, though, so his stock is going to go down. At any rate, I think he'll be drafted higher than he probably should be.

    Personally, I'm hoping the Titans pick up Christian Ponder or Jake Locker (who has some accuracy issues, but those can be fixed and he has one hell of an arm), and stay the fuck away from Cam Newton and Ryan Mallett. (Mallett refuses to address the issues about possible drug use)

    In public, which I can understand. I think I read somewhere that he aced his team interviews, but given the coaching these kids receive, that should be expected. I don't want anything to do with the kid, regardless. I don't see him having any success in the NFL whatsoever.

  5. Shogun is the better striker, no doubt about it, but Jones has his freakish reach advantage and wrestling skills, which mean he should be able to spend lots of his standing time in clinches, negating that striking disadvantage.

    I can't see Jones wanting to clinch up with Rua and those knees of his, personally. He definitely has a crazy reach, though. His best shot is to take him down and cave his face in without getting trapped in a submission.

    Either way, It'll be one hell of a fight. That's for sure.

    In other news:

    Chael Sonnen Wants To Face Michael Bisping Next in the UFC

    Posted on February 28, 2011 by Damon Martin

    Michael Bisping’s actions at UFC 127 earned him a victory, but it also may have prodded a hornet’s nest. The one looking to sting the Brit next is a returning Chael Sonnen.

    Still considered the top middleweight contender in the UFC, MMAWeekly.com was able obtain an email sent from Sonnen to UFC matchmaker Joe Silva requesting a fight against Bisping in the near future.

    To: Joe Silva, Matchmaker Extraordinaire, Ultimate Fighting Championship

    Re: Spitsbing & his tainted victory


    If you get a chance to talk with him, please mention to your idiot-in-residence Michael Spitsbing it’ll be a little tougher to knee ME in the head when I’m charging at him like a runaway train and mincing him through the fence like a boiled potato, should we ever have the pleasure of each other’s company for a few (VERY few) moments in the Octagon.

    Oh; and I’d suggest to him being a little careful about spitting on any of MY cornermen, since any one of them can beat him up as badly as I can. Thanks ever so much.

    Hope all is well.

    -Chael Sonnen

    When UFC 127 ended, many fans immediately started asking about a potential fight between Sonnen and Bisping, who have exchanged words in the past.

    Sonnen’s manager, Mike Roberts of MMA Inc., echoed the sentiments of his client, and his desire to face Bisping when he returns to action.

    “I’ve had the chance to talk to Chael and he absolutely has Michael Bisping in his crosshairs and wants to fight him,” Roberts told MMAWeekly.com “Chael welcomes the chance to face him in the UFC and give the fans what they want.”

    Sonnen is awaiting a return to action after a hiatus from fighting due to personal issues, but now it appears he’s ready to start stirring things up, and the first person on his hit list is Michael Bisping.

    The brash Brit ruffled more than a few feathers with his post fight antics when he spit in the corner of opponent Jorge Rivera after their fight ended in Australia. Bisping has also come under heavy criticism for an illegal knee strike that he landed on Rivera in the first round, although he’s stated several times it was purely accidental.

    Vitor Belfort also hit Twitter recently to state his desire to face Bisping.

    There has been no date for when Sonnen might return to action, but a fight against Bisping might just be the fight the UFC would want for him.


    Face turn for Sonnen~!? He's the lesser of two evils here, at least. I can't see how he doesn't destroy Bisping if this match goes through, which is a great way for him to get himself back into the title picture.. if he doesn't get himself in a prison cell first.

  6. All this damn talk about Cam Newton being perfect for the Bills or Titans is making me sick. I DO NOT WANT JAMARCUS RUSSELL 2.0 WITH THE TITANS! If he is being considered we might aswell stick to VY for this season.

    Don't worry, the good ol' Buddy Nix'll probably take him #3, so you won't have to even worry about him.

  7. I wouldn't agree what so ever. It's just like the people who thought Bader would out wrestle Jones and look how that turned out. I don't see why you think Rua has this massive advantage standing. Jones is a god damn beast in almost every single department and at his age it's just scary. I made the mistake of giving Rua little chance against Machida in fairness, but I still think this fight is leaning towards Jones right now. Gazz was spot on though, it's kind of a win/win situation for him, because it shouldn't hurt him too much even if he was to lose.

    Nah. You're either severely underrating Rua or overrating Jones in the stand-up department (or both?); I can't see him standing much of a chance against the whirling dervish of strikes that is Shogun. He's not there yet.

    The only aspects of Jones's game that are clearly superior than Rua's is the wrestling and the takedowns. Possibly ground control, by virtue of how freakishly big and strong the dude is - Jones is basically a Heavyweight pretending to be a 205er.

  8. Lights Out is fantastic. And its ratings are worse than Terriers. Fuck you FX.

    Shit, no way?

    This better make it to a second season; when has a down-on-your-luck boxing story ever not had mass appeal, especially when done as well as this one?

  9. It's funny how quickly and how often Rua rebounds from BEST FIGHTER IN THE WORLD to GOD HE'S OVERRATED and back. Rua stylistically matched up very well against Machida. I think wrestlers give him more trouble, so Jones certainly has a chance.

    I don't think Jones stands a chance in a stand up fight. His footwork and technique is just too sluggish and unrefined yet to handle someone like Rua who, if he doesn't knock him the fuck out, will most certainly chop his leading leg to pieces. Having said that, I'll be very surprised if Jones can't get Rua down, but it isn't like Rua doesn't have a great ground game or anything. Jones definitely has a chance, but Rua should be the favorite going into this fight.

    Speaking of which, is the money line still in Jones's favor? Because that's pretty ridiculous; I might bet that on principle alone.

  10. Shogun is one bad motherfucker. Jones needs to be absolutely on-point for that fight, or else the hype train will get derailed, and quick.

    He has a ready made excuse in that he took the fight at short(ish) notice. It's really a no-lose situation, if he loses, he has that excuse and he is young enough and frighteningly talented enough to get back up to the top later on and if he wins, then he is some kind of freakish manbeast that will destroy all in his path.

    Oh, no doubt he will consistently be in the title picture for the next ten years win or lose. I just don't see Jones being able to stand with Rua and, while he might take him down, Rua's sub skills are pretty damn good.

  11. Lights Out is damn good TV, anybody here watching it? Justified is a hell of a lot better this season than last, as well. It really seems to have found it's footing with this run, and there hasn't been a bad episode yet.

    Have to agree with the Chicago Code love, though I don't know about it being better than The Shield or anything like that. It makes for a fun waste of an hour, though. Glad to see the non-Jason Isaacs brother from Brotherhood's still getting worked.

    This last episode of Supernatural was pretty good. The show's been pretty underwhelming since

    the episode where they raised Death and killed off the two chicks

    , but this last episode was quality. Next week's looked pretty good, as well. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come; the show's probably getting a 7th season, I'm just hoping it's worth it.

  12. So, the combine. Just random thoughts:

    Anybody shocked by Julio Jones out-performing AJ Green in the drills, and saying he'll go before AJ is just silly. Jones is and has always been a total freak - it's the reason he was considered a better HS prospect coming out. But, AJ Green is still the better player.

    Brandon Harris measured in at 5'9", which is pretty shit. He's going to need to post a big vertical and a sub 4.5 40 to ensure he goes in the 1st, most likely.

    I'm sure you've already heard, but Paea is a BEAST. 49 reps ain't no joke, especially since that strength very much translates to the playing field.

    Robert Quinn only recored 20 reps of the 225, but that's not that big of a deal. He's always been a finesse/speed rusher. DaQuan Bowers's 22 is pretty laughable, though, since his game is literally nothing but a bull rush and straight-line speed.

    Marcel Dareus weighed in at 319 lbs, which is NT-sized. Assuming he can carry the weight well, though, he's still my #3 best player in the draft.

    These QBs are shit. Just.. shit. Sad that Arizona's actually in a position to draft one this year, and there isn't a single one worth the #5 pick. Oh well, give me one out of Robert Quinn, Patrick Peterson or Von Miller any day, god knows we could use each and every one of them. We'll trade for Kolb (assuming there's a new CBA), or pick one up later, I guess.

    Likewise, this OT class is pretty poor. Tyron Smith measured in over 300 lbs, which is a huge plus for him, and he might be the first tackle drafted on upside alone.

    Marcell Dareus, at 319 pounds, just ran a 4.94 40, with a 1.66 10-yard split. That's.. pretty freakish. To put this into perspective: the running backs at last year's combine averaged a 1.63 10-yard split.

    And Marvin Austin was just timed with a 1.63 split. Geez.

  13. The ASU defense just drew up the blueprint for slowing/beating Oregon. If Stanford learns from the tape, they have a far better cast of players that they could easily give Oregon it's first loss. Stanford's already in mid-season form; the Oregon starters are rusty still since they've been sitting out so much, and don't seem to have the cardio to go all 4 quarters and still be fast/hard hitting, as well.

    But yeah, it's about time the Pac-10, as a whole, got it's shit together.

  14. And so Moussassi kills DREAM's best shot at a new breakout, homegrown star. Anybody care?

    Miller pulling out the heel tactics from the Shibata fight against Sakuraba was kinda fucked up. I mean, it's funny, but didn't he go on and on about Sakuraba being his idol? What a dick. >_>

    And is anybody else hyped up for the upcoming Huerta/Alvarez match?

  15. While he very well may not ever translate into the pro game, McCoy certainly isn't everything you just described. In fact, you illustrated perfectly the issue guys have coming from any school that throws the ball more than 50% of the time. I'll preface by saying that I completely agree with the whole "system" argument explaining the successes of plenty of QB's ... I won't however do what you just did.

    Harrell was anything but weak armed. In fact, he got more attention that the previous Tech QB's because of his arm strength.

    McCoy had to throw the ball on numerous "out" patterns and on many "read" routes at Texas. That's the offense that Mack likes. If you'd ever actually paid attention to Texas games you'd also know that his pocket awareness was just fine for the college game. His intelligence was actually one of his strong suites. He doesn't have the down the field arm but can throw passes on a rope in the 40yd range more often than not ....

    ... you know what, I'm actually very interested in what reports you're talking about because uh .... yeah.

    Obviously, that was just a large generalization of all of the problems most system quarterbacks tend to come with. Obviously, not all of those qualities apply to all of those quarterbacks, but every single one of them has enough of those faults that did (or should) have prevented them from going in the first half of the draft.

    That being said, for the love of god, PLEASE show me Colt McCoy zipping a ball 40 yards down. He struggles getting velocity/zip at 20 yards; I can't imagine how much he has to loft it up to overcompensate for his girly arm on a 40 yard pass.

    And like I said, I was just regurgitating what the only in-depth scouting reports I could find off of google said. Seriously, I didn't even go past the first page, you can just google "Case Keenum Scouting Reports" if you want.

  16. Kiper's been drooling over Jake Locker's nuts for the last twelve months, and Nebraska's defense made him look worse than Colt McCoy ever looked.

    Because he hadn't played as bad as he did against Nebraska, maybe? You don't think he's going to re-evaluate his views on Locker now? Besides, he wasn't exactly the only one hyping Locker up as the best quarterback this (or last) year.

  17. Really?

    Because I'll fully admit that I've watched maybe just a game or two of his, period, but all of the in-depth scouting reports I can google up all say he's right in line with the Chase Daniels/Colt McCoys/Colt Brennans/Graham Harrells of the world. A system QB with a skillset that doesn't translate well to the NFL at all.

    One of those things is not like the others.

    ... and if any of those reports are by Mel Kiper, disgregard.

    No, no. They're all weak armed quarterbacks from pass happy spread offenses who weren't prepared to read defenses, had poor footwork, no sense of pocket awareness, and will never amount to anything more than backups in the NFL.

    And no, none of the reports were from Kiper. However, Kiper's one of the best when it comes down to drafting and scouting and all that jazz, why would I disregard anything he has to say? McShay's the mentally challenged one, not Kiper. >_>

  18. Keenum is actually one of the few that people have tabbed as a good QB 'despite the system' ... coming out of HS he was a dual threat QB (6500+ yds in the air 48TDS and 2000yds on the ground and 42 TDS) ... but he played at a 3A school in Texas (smaller school) so only teams like Baylor/UTEP/Houston/North Texas really payed any attention ...


    Because I'll fully admit that I've watched maybe just a game or two of his, period, but all of the in-depth scouting reports I can google up all say he's right in line with the Chase Daniels/Colt McCoys/Colt Brennans/Graham Harrells of the world. A system QB with a skillset that doesn't translate well to the NFL at all.

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