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Posts posted by Mysterio2000X

  1. Well, with IW basically no more, this'll probably be the last COD game for a couple of years.

    Unless Activision feels the need to rush through a COD: MW3 despite virtually all of IW's top brass no longer with the company. Which would be a huge, huge mistake, and a great way to ensure they kill the gold-egg laying goose.

    That being said, I'm actually looking forward to this. There aren't many Vietnam War games out there, and there's even less quality Vietnam War games out there. If they can pull this off correctly and make the in-game story as much of a clusterfuck as the real war (but in a good way >_>), then I'm down.

    Lets spend 3 days trekking through hellish jungle to find an orphanage.. where the babies all are rigged with grenades and OMGWTFSABOTAGE RUN!!!

    Yeah, I'm down. Will there be a nuke in this one, too? Or at least a bad ass game of Russian Roulette-gone-wrong from the POV of the dude that kills himself. Fuck yeah.

    EDIT - Holy shit, I just thought of something.

    Jungle Zombies.

    NO ONE has done that. Treyarch, fucking do it.

  2. Hasn't this been in the works for a while now?

    I may be making shit up, but I do recall reading/hearing about this at least a year ago.

    Oh shit, where the hell did AAA get these production values from, and why don't they make their promos look this good?

    • Like 1
  3. Yeah, fair enough if you don't like Star Trek. It's not everyone's cup of tear, but WHATTHEFUCKGIJOE? How can you rate GI Joe as anything other than utter trash?

    I've already explained my <3 for that movie in another thread, but the gist of it: it's stupid, mindless fun that entertained me for the hour and half (or however long it was), primarily because it was so cheesy, corny and intentionally stupid, and my expectations heading into the movie were practically non-existent. In a weak year for movies, that's more than what I can say for a lot of other of the films I watched. Unlike some of the other summer trite from last year (Transformers 2, Terminator: Salvation, The Mummy: Jet Li), it didn't try to be anything more than what it was, and it didn't feel unnecessarily bloated. Plus, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is awesome. Awesome.

    But, Star Trek is fucking boring. I've never been into the series whatsoever, however, so maybe it just wasn't the movie for me? (though I've never been into the GI Joe "series", either.)

  4. So, I've been watching quite an amount of recently-released movie over the past week or so.

    The Crazies - Arguably my favorite "zombie" movie since the 28 Days/Weeks movies, though that doesn't really say much. Nowadays, you find plenty of genre movies try to stand out by being breaking form, but this is a perfect example of where keeping it simple just works. Timothy Olyphant is awesome, Radha Mitchell isn't as annoying here as she tends to be, the supporting cast does their job, the action is fun.. the movie just works. Check it out. 8/10

    Pandorum - I wanted to like this movie. I really did. The premise was great, the set designs amazing, the special effects looked legit, Ben Foster is awesome, and even Dennis Quaid is fine in small doses and certain roles. It starts off well enough, and at one point I thought I would be watching some love baby of a film by a Dead Space fanboy and a Bioshock fanboy, but oh god does it fall apart. The plot is convulated and cliche'd to the utmost degree, the rest of the non-Quaid/Foster characters are mind-boggling annoying, useless or both, the creatures are worthless, and though the ending is a nice twist, by that point I just did not give a shit. I considered turning the flick off about an hour into it, but the effects, set designs and story was intriguing enough that I stuck it through. Don't make the same mistake I did, you'll just be sorely disappointed. 4/10

    Daybreakers - Again, great premise, legitimate effects/set designs, intriguing story, but it all just falls apart shortly after the Willem Dafoe character is introduced. The "cure" is fucking retarded, and the movie just never lives up to it's promise. Easily skippable. 5/10

    Kick-Ass - The shit. Watch it if you haven't already. And if you have, then go watch it again. 9/10

    Clash of Titans - Piece of shit. How the hell do you fuck up what should have been such an epic movie? Fuck you, Hollywood. 2/10

    The Tournament - Nice, mindless action flick for what it is. It's not quite Mean Guns, but whatever. Mean Guns is awesome. This movie's just alright. 6/10

    Repo Men - Retarded garbage. Fuck you, Jude Law. 3/10

  5. Holy shit, did anybody watch the latest episode of Breaking Bad ("One Minute")?

    I casually watch the show; I'm not as into it as others, but that may just be the best episode in the series, and one of my favorite episodes, ever, from any TV show.


  6. IGN.com has their initial hands-on preview...here.

    Locomotion in both games (NCAA being the other) sounds awesome. Also, from what I heard in the background of the Drew Brees interview, Gus Johnson IS the announcer in this game. I'm 100% sold, the more Gus Johnson in my life, the better.

    Oh fuck, really?

    I'm going to go ahead and pre-order my copy right now.

  7. It seems to be a flashier version of the beginner mode where you selected run or pass and Madden picked the play. I don't see seasoned players making much use of it. If I want to be a QB and not the team, I'll play Superstar Mode which hade this option all along, though this could improve it. I could see myself audibling out of every play I don't like which would defeat the purpose to begin with.

    That's not what it is. You can set the gameplan how you like, and you still control your whole team. It's the same Madden, just a way to make the games faster.

    That's a shame, I really like Madden and American football, but I still don't fulling understand play-calling, which ends up screwing me over.

    They need more help for us Brits!

    Hopefully they will sort out the online franchise trading with the CPU too, they seem to accept anything.

    Don't they have an option where the CPU just calls the plays for you already in the game? I'm fairly certain that's what "Beginner" is.

  8. I wonder if the rest of the staff upped Al's meds, put him to bed on Wednesday night, let him sleep until Saturday, and told him that the first round was still Saturday.

    Bruce Campbell and Jacoby Ford were workout freaks, and are great fourth-round picks...unfortunately, he'd normally be all over them in the first or second. :shifty:

    All in all, the Raiders probably had a better draft than anyone else in their division, counting the addition of Jason Campbell.

    Campbell's an absolute steal that late. He was a late 1st/2nd round player based on his physical skill and upside, in my opinion. He's big, very strong, has huge, long arms and some of the quickest feet I've ever seen on a tackle. The Maryland coaches just suck dick at actually coaching and developing players; it's the same thing that happened with DHB.

    • Like 1
  9. Anyone heard about the new gameflow feature? I was quite excited when it cropped up in the trailer as it looked like you were essentially teh quarterback getting the gameplan from the OC in your headset. From what I've read since, it seems it's more of a training tool for newbies, which is somewhat less cool.

    I haven't kept up with the game, but that sounds cool. And there's already trailers out? Link?

    EDIT - nvm, I can scroll up. >.>

  10. Brady will need to prove he's still the same Brady of old this year, I don't see how Rivers isn't the third best QB right now behind Manning & Brees (in that order). Rodgers/Brady is a tossup, as is Romo/Ben/Schaub, and they're followed by Favre and McNabb (in that order). So, my top 10:

    1. Manning

    2. Brees

    3. Rivers

    4. Rodgers

    5. Brady

    6. Romo

    7. Ben

    8. Schaub

    9. Favre

    10. McNabb

    Also, they've revealed the rookie ratings for the first three rounds' worth of rookie players since they're allowing fans to input their opinion as to what stats those players should start off at this year. Here's the link and, just looking at the base stats, I can already tell Bradford, Trent Williams, Okung, JPP, Iupati, Demaryious Thomas, Tim Tebow & Patrick Robinson are overrated from the first round. And underrated, IMO, are Kareem Jackson, Jahvid Best and Jerry Hughes.

    Colt McCoy's stats are silly, too.

  11. Ah, the classic use it when it fits my opinion/point of view but dismiss it when it doesn't routine. Lovely.

    And Spiller being a half step slower than Johnson is like Deion Sanders being a half step slower than Darrell Green and thusly saying that Sanders wouldn't be able to cover the NFL WR's like Green because the NFL WR's are all faster. When you reside in the level of speed that these guys do, one being a half step slower than the other is irrelevant because everybody else is in a category of speed lower than theirs.


    No. Just.. no.

  12. You must have missed the point where I stated that I watched the guy in college. Being a Florida State fan, an ACC fan, and living in ACC territory has allowed me to witness his last two years. I saw 8/9 of the guys games each of the last two years. I didn't judge anything by a highlight reel. All that was, was a compilation of him doing the exact things you said he couldn't. I didn't evaluate him by a highlight film but rather by watching about 20 of his games. What did you see on TV that wasn't on Sportscenter ?

    And uh, this FO Metric crap ? Really ? How do you go from yanking on me with the "40's don't mean shit otherwise there'd by a bunch more 2000yd backs" to pulling that crap ? You're right stats don't tell the full story but it's idiotic NOT to say that the kid doesn't line up with Johnson. He's the exact same build and only a half step slower. Hell, even their college performance is scarily similar. They both have exceptional speed, agility, vision, and "playmaker" ability. Spiller was even given credit for his blocking efforts (something Johnson wasn't noted for). If you look at film of both guys in college they look like the same back. Making the comparison isn't idiotic or a stretch even ... it's the only person Spiller lines up with.

    Of course, I asked what it was that Johnson had/has that Spiller didn't ... and didn't get an answer. Spiller has every tool (and actually a couple more) that Johnson had coming out of school. That's fact.

    But unless you can actually bring something to the discussion instead of re-stating the same sentences over and over ... we're done.

    Football Outsiders's stats are compiled off of actual, in-game production, and are adjusted for the level of opponent you faced and the talent of your supporting cast (in this case, the offensive lines). To dismiss them as being just as pointless as the 40 yard dash in in-game situations, when the stats they used to come up with those metrics are nothing BUT in-game stats, is obnoxious and stupid.

    You said it yourself, CJ Spiller IS a half-step slower than Chris Johnson, only I realize that that half-step makes a world of difference in the NFL when everybody you face is faster, stronger and smarter than any defense these prospects faced in college. You're delusional and seriously overrating CJ Spiller, but are too obnoxious to see anything but what you want to see.

    Is CJ Spiller slow? Fuck no. Can he change directions quickly? Yes. Can he do some of the things CJ can? Yes, and I never said he couldn't. But can he do those things at the absolutely elite, Chris Johnson level? No, I don't see that when I watched his games, and the stats clearly don't show that. But, you've inflated your perception of what Spiller is to a point where I doubt anything I say or anybody else says will make you change your mind, so continuing this is utterly pointless.

    EDIT -

    The reason Faneca got cut, as I understand it, is because he can't pass block to save his life, and he's only really special when he's pulling on running plays nowadays. Given the big ass amounts of cash he was supposed to make, it just wasn't worth it (even in an uncapped year).

    And McFadden got exposed in Arizona - he's slow, has poor instincts, cannot man up, and was by far our worst single starting defender, period, last year. He was going to be replaced by Greg Toler this year, so it didn't really make much sense to keep him around at $5million for the year. Being able to trade him to move up and get John Skelton's awesome, though I would've preferred Jarrett Brown over him for sure.

  13. If all it took for a RB to run for over 2,000 yards is a 4.3 40, then we'd have quite a bit more 2,000 yard runners in the history of the NFL, wouldn't we? He doesn't have Johnson's elite ability to re-direct and accelerate in a single, fluid motion without losing any speed whatsoever, and with his frame, he will not be able to run it up the gut or off-tackle consistently without getting fucked up at the next level (and especially in the AFC East). Again, you're being utterly unrealistic if you honestly think you just drafted the next Chris Johnson - guys like him and Barry Sanders are so special and so rare for a reason - it takes more than just straight line speed to do what they do. Again, none of this makes CJ a bad player because he isn't, but you need to lay off the kool-aid a bit.

    Proof positive that you haven't seen Spiller outside of highlight packeges on Sportscenter.

    What pray tell is it that Johnson has that Spiller doesn't ? With the exact same build and speed, how is it that Johnson was able to go off tackle but you say Spiller won't be able too ?

    Simply because you say he doesn't have this "elite ability" doesn't mean it isn't there. I don't have to tell you that he does, because the proof is in the video of him doing it. That is something you've either never seen or are just simply pretending doesn't exist.

    Spiller can cut on a dime and accelerate to top speed in three steps. He runs strong and is able to make moves at top speed without slowing down. He also exhibits better vision than Johnson as well.

    This one video package shows him doing everything you are trying to say that he can't:

    Spiller showing you that you're making shit up

    Judging players, especially players at the skill positions via highlights is an absolutely terrible way of evaluatiing a player.

    Is CJ Spiller a great player? Yes. But is he elite on the level of Chris Johnson? No. Hell, he isn't even as stupidly-explosive-and-fast as Jahvid Best. Even FO's metrics agree with what I'm saying, and what I saw on TV. Now, stats don't always tell the the full story, but the correlation between what I am saying and what they show clearly is more than just a coincidence.

    He's a great player and a playmaker, but just don't do the mistake New Orleans fans did a few years back when they drafted Reggie Bush and think he's more than what he really is.

  14. He's not an every down back, and I doubt he'll be able to run it up the gut or even off-tackle. He's not Chris Johnson, and the people comparing him to CJ are being unrealistic, delusional and are going to be disappointed with him. That's doesn't make him a bad player, just in the way Reggie Bush isn't a bad player, but you shouldn't expect him to be anything more than what he is - a great change-of-pace RB with versatility in how he can (and will be) used.

    It would have been much easier if you'd had said "correct, I have no clue about CJ Spiller."

    how exactly is he not like Johnson ? They're identical in size and Johnson is like a half step faster. Either way they both run sub 4.3 40's ... what isn't to compare ?

    And having watched Spiller over his college career, yes ... he can run up the gut and off tackle. In fact, he ran off tackle very effectively.

    If all it took for a RB to run for over 2,000 yards is a 4.3 40, then we'd have quite a bit more 2,000 yard runners in the history of the NFL, wouldn't we? He doesn't have Johnson's elite ability to re-direct and accelerate in a single, fluid motion without losing any speed whatsoever, and with his frame, he will not be able to run it up the gut or off-tackle consistently without getting fucked up at the next level (and especially in the AFC East). Again, you're being utterly unrealistic if you honestly think you just drafted the next Chris Johnson - guys like him and Barry Sanders are so special and so rare for a reason - it takes more than just straight line speed to do what they do. Again, none of this makes CJ a bad player because he isn't, but you need to lay off the kool-aid a bit.

    boo I did not want Clausen, I would of liked McCoy as a Panther but Clausen ain't gonna do shit here.

    I don't want to get into another argument about Clausen's potential, but please, explain yourself here. Please. Pretty please?

    I hear that Tim Tebow can cure many afflictions, including vampirism, with his tears. Maybe Al should look into that.

    Help from a stinkin' Bronco? Pfffft! (Un)death before dishonor, amirite?!

  15. *shrug* But here's some dudes who deserve to have their names called during the first half of the 2nd round tomorrow:

    OT Bruce Campbell - A physical freak of nature with great strength, capable of shutting down defenders in one-on-one situations, some of the most naturally quick and athletic feet ever for an OT, but he has been so poorly coached that it'll take a year or two for him to live up to his natural talent. Still, his upside is through the rough, and now I would not mind the Cardinals making a move for him at all.

    QB Jimmy Clausen - I won't go into detail here. I think I've made my opinion on him as a QB prospect pretty clear.

    OT Rodger Saffold - He's supposed to be the best of all of the small-school prospects, and he definitely has prototypical size. I hear he might be a bit of a project/a better fit in a zone blocking line, but yeah. He could've dipped into the late 1st round and I doubt many people would've batted an eye.

    DE Everson Griffen - Great first step for a DE, but overall inconsistent and character concerns will probably drop him (unless Mike Singletary thinks he can coach him up, too.)

    WR Arrelious Benn - A big, fast, physical receiver who runs good routes and does some serious damage after the catch, but he was hampered by his QB's shitty play, injuries, and inconsistent hands (though they're not that bad - he's not DHB or Ted Ginn). Reminds me a lot of Anquan Boldin.

    WR Damian Williams - Probably the most polished WR in the whole draft. He is a very crisp, very fluid route runner, is faster than he appears, understands how to work & read defenses, and catches anything thrown his way. Reminds me a lot of Chad OchoCinco in terms of playing style, although he also can do some damage as a return man/doesn't have Chad's big mouth.

    OT Charles Brown - Probably the 2nd best polished OT in this draft (besides Bulaga) in terms of technique and understanding his position, but there are some questions about his size, if he can hold up at the next level, and if he's strong enough to do any damage as a run blocker.

    DT Brian Price - A short fat man with a great first step who does some serious damage as a pass-rusher, but is scheme-limited and a liability against the run.

    S Taylor Mays - A physical freak of nature who cannot cover and does not properly wrap up his targets when he tackles. But hes very big (for a safety), very fast, and can lay you the fuck out.

    WR Golden Tate - Very fast and dangerous after the catch, but may not be anything more than a glorified slot receiver at this point. Needs to get better seperation from more physical corners, and run better routes.

    DE Carlos Dunlap - Overrated, lazy, and lacks production/heart, but the triangle numbers are too good for him to fall out of the 2nd round.

    CB Brandon Ghee - Don't know much about him other than the fact that he's supposed to be pretty damn good, but I haven't watched him play. Has good size and speed for a CB, for what it's worth (6'0, 192 lbs. and 4.40 40 at the combine).

    That's it off the top of my head, and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few obvious names, but yeah. Colt McCoy may be reached for in the 2nd, but he really, really does not deserve to be.

    EDIT - Here's a rd. 2/3 mock draft that should give you a good indication of who some of the top players left are.

  16. I fucking love the CJ Spiller pick. Of course, being both a Buffalo and CJ fan ... I like it more than most. On paper, yeah they look like they're full at RB. However, Lynch is a character problem and injury issue. Jackson ? yeah great year last year but there's not telling whether or not he's the real deal. Spiller gives you another option and can also take some of the return pressure of of McKelvin so the kid doesn't get his ass lit up all the time and can concentrate more on his coverage.

    And who was it, Mysterio ? that didn't have a clue about Spiller ? .... I mean seriously, Youtube the guy or something. You seriously don't have a clue on him. CJ Spiller isn't a Bush-esque type of guy. He's not an athlete that plays RB. He's an RB that is a good enough athlete to be really good at other things. There's a huge difference between the two. There's also a reason that many, many people say he was the best player in college football last year.

    I also really like Mathews to SD. I really like him as well.

    He's not an every down back, and I doubt he'll be able to run it up the gut or even off-tackle. He's not Chris Johnson, and the people comparing him to CJ are being unrealistic, delusional and are going to be disappointed with him. That's doesn't make him a bad player, just in the way Reggie Bush isn't a bad player, but you shouldn't expect him to be anything more than what he is - a great change-of-pace RB with versatility in how he can (and will be) used.

    Really surprised the Bills didn't go with Bulaga or Dan Williams, though, as those are legit areas of need for them, but you can't hate on a team trying to acquire an explosive, home-run threat. Still, not having a great NT/the beginnings of a formidable o-line just sets them back even further, but it's the Bills, so who the fuck cares? =P

    EDIT -

    FSU is a big-time school that is constantly on TV. And, if I noticed how overrated Patrick Robinson is while watching FSU, I can sure as hell guarantee you NFL personnel types did, as well.

    But whatever, you clearly have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, so this is futile.

    Yeah Patrick Robinson is so overrated that he went 6 spots later than where I had him. I clearly have NO IDEA what the fuck I'm talking about, and those NFL personnel types think you're a genius for thinking he's so overrated.

    All of the teams with a legit CB need passed up on him. The Saints, who are already 3/4 deep at the position (and who, by the way, don't exactly have the best track record with regards to the 1st round) took him as a luxury pick because he is fast, and teams always assume they can coach players up to a level where they meet their physical skill. That doesn't make him any less overrated.

    Jesus fuck, you're a douchebag.

    • Like 1
  17. Dan Williams is a great value at #26 overall and one of the three players I wanted most out of this draft for AZ (Sean Weatherspoon & Jerry Hughes being the others), but that was because I assumed Jimmy Clausen would be long gone by then. Dan Williams over Jimmy Clausen? Fucking Cardinals.

    But, whatever. Matt Leinart, the ball is in your court. You better ball the fuck out next year.

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