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Posts posted by Jook

  1. Courtesy of NeighboursFans.com...

    Title: 4884: The ex file

    Aus date: 19/01/06

    UK date: 24/3/06

    Writer: Ray Kolle

    Director: Jovita O’Shaughnessy

    Guests: Dr Helen McNamara – Emma Walmsley

    Music: ‘She Said’ by Selwyn

    ‘No More’ by Pete Murray

    Summariser/Images by: Linda


    Harold leaving and leaving Connor in charge

    Karl being impressed with Boyd’s work

    Steph telling Max she can’t make the decision

    Toadie’s Office

    Toadie explains that Max could only have Steph sanctioned as an involuntary patient – meaning she could only be committed if she were proved to be a danger to herself AND others.


    Lyn has brought over brochures for the health resort for Steph. She is impressed, but figures it won’t be too cheap…no worries dear, it’s mama Scully’s shout. She would do anything for Steph.

    Toadie’s Office

    Although Steph would be sanctioned, it wouldn’t be the result Max was after – but he still wants to know more. Basically a registered psychiatrist would assess Steph and then sign her up for the involuntary treatment. However, this only covers treatment for a mental illness – anything else would have to be an emergency.


    Steph perks at the opportunity to spend some time with Oscar, as “every moment is precious”. Concerned, Lyn gently reminds Steph about all the time she will get to spend with him.

    Toadie’s Office

    Max thinks this plan is great! But, he should listen carefully – he would not be given rights to Steph’s treatment, the psychiatrist would. AND he would be keeping his wife in a ward by force. Toadie refuses to have any part in this plan.

    The General Store

    Connor is serving coffees, and being jolly, but Toadie wants to know what the hell is going on! They are suppose to be chasing ambulances. Connor refuses, he promised to help out with the store. Well that doesn’t seem to be a problem because Toadie spots some people looking injured and rushes off to “help them” with his services.

    Boyd and Janae chat over coffees – he is very nervy about first round offers. She refuses to believe he won’t get into medicine, he got a great score and he aced the interview. He thanks Janae again for defending him in the interview, and pops off to work.

    Toadie sees the injured people off, who are now his new clients. Connor orders him to stop harassing HIS clients. Toadie doesn’t care, picking up a muffin and moves it towards his gaping mouth. Connor is just horrified.


    Max is drowning his sorrows in coffee, but it’s alright as Lyn snap him right out of it in her fetching fluoro yellow coat. (matches her matching bag from that morning). Of course, they are both worried about Steph. She glumly weighs the options out…they can only respect her decision, is there any other choice? Lyn is concerned however, she doesn’t like the way Steph is…preparing herself for the worst. Max agrees, she is terrified. I mean, who can choose between herself, or the baby’s? He has been thinking and believes Steph wants HIM to make the decision. No, she didn’t say it out aloud, but he believes it to be true. Lyn is shocked, how can they do this? Well, there is a way…but it could end up costing Max dearly…including Steph.


    Impressed with Boyd’s work, Karl offers him an on-going position. Hurrah! He’s not leaving just yet, needs to finish off some filing. Oh cool, well then don’t forget to lock the patient files, and dead-lock the door… Alone, Boyd finishes up the filing until he comes across Mike Pill’s medical file. Unable to resist, he has a peek and is shocked at the ‘POSITIVE’ result. Janae startles him, so he quickly puts the file away and they leave.

    The General Store

    Once again, Toadie sees off some new clients off and starts to imagine setting up a work station here in the store. Connor has had enough, and won’t have Toadie harassing his clients! He may have walked all over him, but now enough is enough dammit. Ahhh, well mister who was the one pushing him away for all those weeks? Connor agrees he shouldn’t have done it, and apologises. But now the punishing stops, Toadie can help him out or not at all. Grinning, that is all Toadie wanted to hear. Good-o, you can start by giving these coffee orders out.

    Scarlet Bar

    Lyn is shocked about the potential locking of, no sanctioning Steph up! She isn’t mentally ill. Max points out the dreams, and nonsense about the protection box? How do they know what is “normal”. What about Lyn’s PND? They didn’t know… Lyn is still hesitant about the locking up of Steph, but Max just wants to save her – even if they resort to this.


    Janae daydreams about the house she and Boyd will have…for their kids. Speaking of children, Steph has brought back Oscar. Janae perks up and agrees to babysit until Lyn gets home. She nudges Boyd about the “good practice” it will bring. She sighs that Steph is very lucky to be pregnant, than kind of looks embarrassed at mentioning it.

    Steph leaves, and Janae and Oscar play. She is so taken by him, how amazing it’d be to make one of these. Boyd is still distracted, and he denies it. Although finally, he has enough and starts to question Janae about her past boyfriends. How serious were they? Janae asks him to spit it out. He does. Mike…how “far” did they go? Janae denies everything, they only kissed and nothing else. She does have standards! How can he even ask her that?! Ozzie even shakes his head. Oh, ok then, Boyd is quite relieved. He blames how stupid guys are with things like that on it. Janae looks concerned though.

    The General Store

    Toadie cuts a generous slice of mud cake, whilst making lovely bumbling noises. Tut Tut! Connor berates him for cutting off way too much, even if it is for him! One of them here has to show restraint, and he shall not have Toadie run this business into the ground! Toadie gets him chill, dude it’s only cake. Nope, it is the damn principle of the matter…

    Karl says it’s good to see some things don’t change and bids “Harold” and “Lou” goodbye.


    Max surprises Steph by bringing Dr Helen home. Steph is taken back, but Max encourages her to talk about the dreams, and protection box with her. Helen admits she is a psychiatrist and Max asked her to come as he loves her and wants what is best. Right…Steph asks to have a quiet word with her husband first.


    Well to put it lightly, Steph is fuming. What is Max trying to do? Have this doctor assess her mental condition, and then have her committed? Make her have the chemo?! Max is silent. … Steph is not impressed one bit – this is her body! Her decision, not his! He should trust her judgement. Max couldn’t do that, stand by and risk losing her. He loves her.

    STEPH: Pack your bags and get out.

    She will never forgive him for this.


    Boyd idly chats about movie plans, but it is Janae’s turn to be distracted. He apologises once more for being a stickybeak about her past relationships. She just wants to know why now? She hates Mike. She has a brainwave – did Boyd see something at work?! Boyd denies denies denies.

    Lyn runs in and seeing Boyd, asks if he could please bring some shopping over for Steph. Of course he shall – though he needs his keys first. No a problem as Janae holds them up. Once he’s gone, you can see she has kept one little key…


    Steph is sitting alone, crying, and explains to Boyd she kicked Max out. She had to do it! He brought home a psychiatrist, and wanted to force her into chemo. Boyd can’t believe this, and if he did it, it is because his dad loves her. LOVE? Max doesn’t trust her to make a decision. He doesn’t respect her as a person. What he thinks is more important that what she feels. Boyd simply wraps her up in a huge hug.

    The General Store

    Lou!Toadie feigns a bad back sunshine, oh no wait, maybe it’s a tick of his kidney. Or should he say Harold!Connor’s kidney, eh? Eh? Connor asks him to stop, but oh no, Toadie is dead-set serious.

    TOADIE: Harold Bishop, I love you.

    Connor wants him to shut it, and besides there could be worse people to be…Toadie just wants him to loosen up and have some fun. Even though he has been through a lot in the past few weeks… he mentions his old room at HoT is still available. Ned has apparently taken vacancy in the hot water heater room. Connor grins, excited.

    CONNOR: Yeah and clear a place for my tuba

    TOADIE: Haha, that’s a good one.

    CONNOR: No no no, I’m serious. I play the tuba.

    TOADIE: Oh.


    Max is gutted about Steph’s throwing him out, though he does understand now. He can’t believe what a stupid, arrogant idiot he was, to think he could force her to have the treatment. Lyn is very understanding, but Max simply blames himself. He is suppose to be at her side, no matter what. That is love. But no, he could only be selfish. Max can’t lose Steph, he doesn’t want her to die.

    Surgery…later that night which does not have any sort of electronic alarm system

    Janae sneaks in with her flashlight and quickly makes her way to the patient medical record cabinet. She checks her own file first, but nothing. She then grabs Mike’s file and like Boyd, we see the big POSITIVE reading. Uh oh…

  2. 10000things

    Agent Blue

    Alkaline Trio

    Ambulance Ltd


    Auf Der Maur


    Ben Christophers

    Ben Kweller

    Biffy Clyro

    Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

    The Black Velvets

    Bloc Party

    The Blood Brothers

    Boy Kill Boy

    Bronze Aged Fox

    The Chalets

    The Chemical Bros

    Clor x 2

    The Coral

    The Cribs

    The Darkness

    David Ford x 2

    The Dead 60's x 2

    The Dears x 2

    Death From Above 1979 x 2

    The Departure x 5


    The Distillers

    Dogs Die In Hot Cars


    Elbow x 3

    Emiliana Torrini

    The Fiery Furnaces

    Foo Fighters

    The Frames

    Franz Ferdinand

    From Autumn to Ashes

    Funeral For A Friend

    The Futureheads

    Goldfrapp x 2

    Graham Coxon x 2

    Goldie Lookin' Chain


    Har Mar Superstar

    The Hives x 2

    Hope Of The States x 2

    Hot Hot Heat

    Hundred Reasons

    I Am Kloot



    The Infadels

    Iron Maiden




    Kaiser Chiefs

    Kasabian x 2

    The Killers x 2

    Kings Of Leon x 2

    Komakino x 2

    KT Tunstall


    The Late Greats


    The Libertines

    Lucie Silvas

    Lyca Sleep


    Marilyn Manson

    The Mars Volta x 2


    Million Dead


    Muse x 2

    The Music

    My Coma

    Natasha Bedingfield

    The New Casettes

    New York Dolls

    The Open x 2

    The Ordinary Boys

    Pink Grease


    The Polyphonic Spree

    Pretty Girls Make Graves

    Presidents of the USA

    The Prodigy

    Pure Reason Revolution x 2

    Queens of the Stone Age

    Razorlight x 2

    Read Yellow

    Robert Plant

    Robin Trower

    Secret Machines

    Shortwave Set


    Sonic Youth

    Sons and Daughters

    Soulwax x 2

    The Stills

    The Streets

    The Subways x 3

    The Sugababes

    Supergrass x 2

    Super Furry Animals

    Tanaou x 2

    Tara Blaise

    Terra Diablo


    T Raumschmiere

    Visionstate x 2

    Von Bondies

    White Stripes

    The Young Knives

    Yourcodenameis:Milo x 2

    Zelega x 2

    The Zutons

  3. It was pretty poor, which is a shame, because with Chris Morris and Richard Ayoade being main cast members it could've been a lot better. But you could see the jokes coming a mile off and it was just generally unfunny.

  4. The Smiths are a tough one... I love them... but I just don't know about a reunion. Seeing Morrissey and Marr live would be amazing... but it wouldn't last long and soon enough they'd have split again. But if it was just Morrissey and Marr and no new songs were written, then it could be good.

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