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John Stones' Paint Trophy

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Posts posted by John Stones' Paint Trophy

  1. Haha, that mound of messy brown hair in that second picture might just be me since I was around that area for Ladyhawke.

    Marina and the Diamonds are amazing. I can't really remember much of Dizzee except getting clattered about.

  2. Yeah, Born in the 80s. Get there before 12 though, if possible unless you want to pay significantly more than 80p. Also, the 24 hour McDonalds is the one opposite Mushroom so it's usually filled with a more rowdy clientele as it were. If there's not a policeman there, it's been a quiet night.

  3. Oh my plan was to go to that Digital place. Though it will far more likely actually be getting lost trying to find it.

    Easy enough to find it. Just head toward the Centre of Life and follow the dirty youths once you're down there.

  4. Fighting Force > *

    This a million times. Ben "Smasher" Jackson is one of my favourite game characters ever for his Diving Headbutt, Rolling Kick and making up for a generic name by being hard as fuck.

    Also, Crash Team Racing still holds up pretty well as a multiplayer game so bust that out.

  5. ELO should be right on there. Beach Boys too. In fact, get some late 60s sunshine pop/psychedelica too. Some of it is incredibly strange, granted but there's some amazing stuff.

    The Millenium

    The Shaggs

    Billy Nicholls

    The Left Banke

    The Turtles

    Chad and Jeremy


    The Mamas and The Papas

    The Free Design

    The Partridge Family

    The Buckinghams

    For more recent stuff in that style, there's always The Junipers, The Offbeat and Greater California.

    There's pretty much nothing better than sitting in the sun as the last couple of minutes of Hendrix's All Along The Watchtower blares too

  6. Good god, new St. Vincent. Awesome. Everyone's on about this bullshit about musical progression, such as the justification why people were all LAY OFF THE CHRIS CORNELL because he was experimenting, but this is fucking musical progression. Much more fun and dramatic than Marry Me, and I loved Marry Me.

    This. Takes everything that made Marry Me great and totally improves on it. Way too soon to call her the Kate Bush of our generation but she has the potential.

  7. Audioslave - "Gasoline"

    God damnit. I'm glad we're finally getting some Audioslave, but they chose this over Cochise? I don't care if it was in the first game, sort this out :@

    Cochise might be in the GH: Smash Hits, if that's any consolation.

  8. I love The Shins but I can't imagine "New Slang" not being agonizingly boring to play. They should have gone with "Phantom Limb."

    Agreed. The chart on Guitar Hero was pretty boring. I would like to see "Australia" or "Pink Bullets" at some point too.

  9. Man, I'm going to download the demo and play the shit out of Stone Cold Crazy. Guitar and Drums Chart looks a ton of fun as well from what I've seen on Youtube.

    Also, that Queen pack could have been so much better, sadly. I'll assume they're keeping the big guns (Don't Stop Me Now, Another One Bites The Dust, We Will Rock You) for major titles. Same goes with Hendrix but any Hendrix in your guitar game is good Hendrix. All Along The Watchtower for GH 5, please.

  10. I'm there on Monday. I always miss Dizzee when he's up here and I will not this time. Also, there's a ton of free gigs in Ouseburn and The Week Tha Was are playing at the Art Galleries for free. I think it's on Friday the 22nd.

  11. I wouldn't class Martins as a cheat player considering he suffers from the same flaws as he does in real life in that he has the first touch of a rapist and can't finish for shit. There's no way that he's harder to play against then Torres who routinely ruins my shit if anyone online is good with Liverpool/Spain.

  12. Cool beans. Thanks for the help; picked up Boom Blox and am having a ton of fun with it thus far and World of Goo is downloading as we speak. Also picked up Eledees/Elebits for £8, just based on the fact that it looked like a fun, little casual time killer but haven't played it yet. I've been too busy going for all the medals in Lylat Wars to really play much else right now. Goddamn Sector X

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