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John Stones' Paint Trophy

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Posts posted by John Stones' Paint Trophy

  1. So, fun local multiplayer games for the Wii that aren't Mario Kart, Brawl or Wii Sports? Got some friends over tomorrow and we'll blast through the usual fare pretty quickly so am wondering what else there is. Boom Blox looks fun but I'm not sure how it would go down.

    Cheers for any suggestions.

  2. Quite happy with my performance against Whisper but there was some right howlers from my defense in the second half. Beye's random sliced cross-field pass which fell straight to Huntelaar was a highlight. Thank god, I'd brought Given out quickly or it could have gone wrong. I still think it was a case of me getting my tactics right more than anything. I do admit that I let out a little squeal of joy when my first went in though; I very rarely score goals like that and I wish I could have saved it in all truth.

  3. Thought it was alright. It needs to be looser though as their banter on the Australian Gamer podcasts is usually pretty hilarious when they're riffing off each other. On there, they seemed much too scripted and way too focused on the camera. I quite liked the little bit on Adventure games though and when they were doing voice overs, it was much improved.

  4. Jesus Christ, it's a game where you shoot big fucking space aliens in the head, ripping their body to shreds in a glorious bloody spectacle. If anyone can do this and still complain about some total non-factor, then we've failed as a race and need a Rapture to come along so we can appreciate manly, awesome fun again.

  5. Autotune or no Autotune, the ten or so tracks that have leaked that are CD quality are amazing stuff. It's a bit jarring at first but as a whole album, it works pretty well as a bit of an experiment. It's probably better than Graduation but not a patch on his first two.

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