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Posts posted by Hewey

  1. If Dan doesn't get hired by the other teams remaining, he could end up somewhere during the middle of the season as a replacement when someone gets fired, maybe he'll go to Toronto, take you guys to the playoffs, and win the cup. :pervert:

    Now that I've read more on Rutherford, and watched the press conference, it seems like he's just there to groom someone for the position of GM. He knows it'll be a two/three year thing at most, and then someone else will take over for him. I do think Bylsma got treated pretty badly in the whole thing, though. I know they didn't want him possibly going to Washington, but they should have fired him when they fired Shero instead of saying the new GM was going to evaluate him, since Rutherford pretty much said ownership wanted Bylsma gone and he didn't really get to evaluate him.

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  2. '94, I lived in Brazil at the time and just remember everyone going crazy when they won. Can't remember much else from that World Cup either than one of the players on one of the other teams having red hair and a long red beard, which at the time, I thought made him look scary. Was also in Brazil for the '02 cup, that one I remember more, especially the finals and the crazy ass start times. I think one of the games started at fucking 5am.

    Not really a soccer fan, but I'll try to catch a game here or there, and it's always fun watching it if you got a lot of people around.

  3. Do you have any problem going and grabbing a Rutherford to replace a Shero...who just fleeced THAT SAME JIM RUTHERFORD twice?

    Which two trades? Staal and...

    Also...that didn't take long....Bylsma is let go.

    Jokinen? With Carolina paying for part of his salary? I also don't think the Staal deal was bad. Plenty of Pens fans will admit to missing Staal the last two years. Sutter has been good, but non existent at times.

    As for Bylsma, had to happen. He seems like a great person, but this team hasn't gone anywhere since winning the cup. He'll be hired by someone soon, especially with his regular season record.

    No idea on who they'll hire as the new coach, though.

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  4. Do you have any problem going and grabbing a Rutherford to replace a Shero...who just fleeced THAT SAME JIM RUTHERFORD twice?

    On that part, yes. Shero wasn't a bad GM by any means, except when it came to drafting and making some bad signings/not keeping some players. I thought the ax would have fallen on Bylsma this year instead of Shero, to be honest.

    As for Rutherford, I really thought they were going to get someone a little younger, or someone who would have been a first time GM, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I'm interested in seeing what he'll do with some of the free agents coming up, or what he'll do with Letang. Honestly, right now I'm just glad they didn't get Pierre for the job. :P

  5. Aaand it's McGuire to Pittsburgh after all.

    Made you look, Hewey. It's Rutherford.

    Good thing I just saw the news before I got on the thread, or you would have given me a heart attack. Though, I wouldn't mind Pierre as some kind of scout or something in that field. He knows the minors/juniors better than anyone, and it would keep him off TV. Now we just gotta wait to see what they do with Bylsma. I got a feeling he's staying, unless he really lost the room this season, or Malkin/Crosby.

    As for Rutherford, I've seen some people complaining because Carolina hasn't done much in years, but I am glad they brought in someone from outside the organization. Best of luck to him, hopefully he can get some depth back on the bottom six, or at least someone to watch out for Crosby.

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  6. I'm kinda curious about what happens with Tokarski now. Montreal has their guy in Price and a prospect coming up in Fucale, so they could deal him and get a pretty good return.

    I wouldn't mind Pittsburgh looking at him as a back up for Fleury. No idea on what they'll give up for him, though.

    Personally, I'd like NY to win the cup just because Chicago and LA won the last two years, but I really think they got a slim chance shot against whoever wins in the West. Shame all we're going to hear about is how NY only won because Price got taken out.

  7. So is it likely that they're not firing Bylsma yet just because they don't have a definite replacement in mind yet, or they're waiting for teams like Washington and Carolina to get new coaches before firing Bylsma and have him be hired by one of them?

    Other than the lack of forwards, but I think Shero signing Scuderi is probably one of the bigger mistakes he's made. I think it's a four year deal, for a guy who's aging, while Pittsburgh has a bunch of solid young defensemen waiting in the wings. The Letang deal is also going to haunt them in the long run. I think he can be a great player, but Pittsburgh could have used the cap space to keep guys like Niskanen and Jokinen in the off season. Hell, Sutter might be gone too. Imagine the king's ransom they could have gotten for Letang last year.

  8. Babcock has 1 more year, I think. A lot of Toronto fans seem to think he's going there in a year also. I sure the Wings offer him an extension unless they miss the playoffs. No idea if he accepts but I can see him wanting to coach a high profile team and taking them to the cup.

    I've read that Babcock hasn't really committed to signing a extension, and the Red Wings might be wanting to bring in their guy from the minors. As for the Pittsburgh rumors, what I've read is that he's got a good relationship with Crosby and would like to coach him and Malkin. We'll see, but I'm sure everyone will be wanting him as a coach.

    Looks like they're keeping Bylsma for now, until they hire a new GM. God, watch them want to give him another shot. :bang:

  9. Nothing against those two, but change was desperately needed. Bylsma seems like a good guy, I'm sure there will be a lot of teams lining up to get him, especially for his season records. Hell, maybe both go to Washington? His system just didn't work in Pittsburgh for the playoffs, and he couldn't/wouldn't make any adjustments. Next coach needs to go back to defense first, and next GM needs to get some depth and size for Pittsburgh.

    No idea on who's going to be GM in Pittsburgh, and as far as coaches go, I've read everything from Mike Keenan, Jacques Martin and Mike Babcock. I don't know where people are getting Babcock from, I think he's still in Detroit for another year or two.

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