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Captain Kirk

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Everything posted by Captain Kirk

  1. I didn't understand how Bates could just buy the club again with less debt. :s
  2. Lovefilm is terrible for games, never have them to go out. Good for movies though.
  3. Good thing the PS3 version the loading times were sorted out. I've mainly just done loads of minor quests, just the ones you get from talking to random NPC's. Just started the fighter's guild stuff and done the Sheogorath shrine, had to kill the innkeeper to get the cheese but that'll get me in to the Dark Brotherhood.
  4. Does anyone think there will ever be cross-platform gaming for things like Pro Evo? Or will that be impossible with the two different networks?
  5. Has anyone else got this? Just got it today and I can't put it down l really like the blind shooting from cover and using the snake cam to plan your next moves.
  6. So we get Sarajevo or the Hearts Reserves. Plus I thought Rangers were seeded for the 3rd Qualifying round too?
  7. Wait..when did they announce Kingdom Hearts 3 for the Wii? I thought they weren't making any announcements till late Summer?
  8. Now that looks awesome, seems like they're trying to have it the same as the fighting from Advent Children too.
  9. Was psyched up for getting the game but then every review that came out said it was absolutely cack, maybe I might look in to getting it though because I do like the FF 7 storyline.
  10. Finally got 36: Spoiler: Click here to viewForrest Gump EDIT: and 26 Spoiler: Click here to viewKarate Kid
  11. What the hell is 9? I am sure it must be a spelling mistake how do u spell it so it's right?
  12. It's good to see the most honorable character in ROTK getting past 85. I hope every person thats a ROTK fan has voted for the the red faced one. Because we all know loyalty is better than plumbing.
  13. I thought most of the backwards compatibility on the PS3 had been mostly fixed with the firmware updates? I think it really just depends on your preference on what games or on each, but from the 360 I played it was noisy as hell. My PS3 seems to get really hot when playing PS3 games though.
  14. Gravesen has been absolute guff for Celtic but as a Gers fan I don't want him to go, you can't be paying some 40-50k a week to sit in the reserves.
  15. Hopefully there is a few votes for Guan Yu who we all know is the most badass character in the ROTK series.
  16. 1. Cloud Strife(FF) 2. Solid Snake(MGS) 3. Sonic(Sonic) 4. Barry Burton(RE) 5. Guan Yu(Dynasty Warrior Series) 6. Crash Bandicoot(Crash Bandicoot) 7. Guybrush Threepwood(Monkey Island) 8. Albert Wesker(RE) 9. Sepiroth(FF) 10. Goro(Mortal Kombat)
  17. After 17 games unbeaten with Rangers with only one draw I somehow managed to get beat 6-1 by Kilmarnock. I still can't believe it I fined 10 out of the 11 players in the team with the striker who scored being the only one to get above a 5. I'm still at a loss how I can get beat 6-1 by Kilmarnock!
  18. Started a game with Hibs in January with them 4 points adrift and only having sold Scott Brown. Finished the season comfortably in 8th thanks to my free transfer and captain Paul Bosvelt. This season in 19 games I've notched up what I got in 38 after signing around 4 bosmans(Saulius Mikolianus, John Potter, Jay Jay Okocha and Titus Bramble) and signing Clarence Acuna and John Sutton for a total of 500k and also managing to get my best players on cheap contract. But anyway 19 games gone and 7 points clear of Celtic and 10 of Rangers. This is more down to Celtic and Rangers losing about 7 games each already rather than my team playing very well, undefeated against the Old Firm hoping to at least finish 3rd which looks like it could be in the bag already.
  19. Have you tried loading a database?
  20. Just picked it up for the PS3, any reccomendations on a good team to use?
  21. Bought myself a PS3 with Virtua Tennis 3 and Resistance. Only played it for about an hour but not dissapointed in the least.
  22. What was the big secret I fell asleep?
  23. Captain Kirk


    I still can't believe Laverne died. Think the episode should have had a lot more Dr.Cox seeing as thats what the last episode was about. But yeah what a gutting episode.
  24. In my newly started Rangers game I have started only signing players who I have scouted first or well known players, which I usually scout too just to make sure they are good signings. It's actually quite fun. Signed an amazing dutch U-21 Elmas Ferdi too.
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