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Posts posted by Ananas

  1. I'm gonna throw my hat in the race for the darkhorse, Jazz. The shear complexity of some of the better Jazz just seems to put it on a level beyond the other genres. It's also such an all encompassing genre, ranging from fast to slow, loud to quiet, vocal to instrumental, big band to small arrangment, and that's not even including the infinite number of possible instrument arrangements. So yeah, Jazz, and Bill Evans "Everybody Digs Bill Evans" is the greatest CD ever.

  2. They're not even Slipknot anymore.. they're SlipSour. :\

    Even if that were true, I'd have a hard time justifying how that's a bad thing. Stone Sour's first album was bad ass.

    As for this story, if Mike Patton taught us anything, it's that a loud cover of a non loud tune can be cool.

  3. I'd just like to add Thousand Foot Krutch to the list. It's weird, because while I'm from Canada, I've never heard of this Canadian band, and it seems as though just about no one outside of America does. Doesn't really fit the topic, but it's an interesting twist on the concept.

  4. I'm a little skeptical about this but I remember he said Jay-Z retired, but not Sean Carter. DJ Whoo Kid says something about it here.

    Wait, doesn't Jay-Z own Roc A Fella? Why would he record an album for someone else and forego all of that potential money? This just makes no sense whatsoever.

  5. Kill Hannah


    Stabbing Westward

    The Beautiful Mistake



    Stabbing Westward has two gold albums. They're known in plenty of places.

    Great Unknown Canadian Artists/Bands:

    - K-Os

    - The Trews

    - Billy Talent

    - Pilate

    - Sam Roberts

    - alexisonfire

  6. No version of Kittie without Fallon Bowman is going to be the same. They dropped her from the band after Spit, and well, if you've heard Oracle you know that they haven't been the same since. Dropping her and then Talena from the lineup did them no favors from a hardcore fan perspective. The Landers sisters seem like the Canadian Gallagher brothers, aside from the sibling infighting.

  7. "When I first joined the network my first order of business was ordering more episodes of 'Family Guy,'" says FOX Entertainment President Gail Berman. "I believe this show was way ahead of its time. It's now a huge DVD hit and we believe that 'Family Guy' has a ready-made fan base eager for its return."

    Gail Berman has to be the best thing to ever happen to FOX. She just took over last year and already FOX is finally beginning to show some loyalty to non-Sunday night shows. She moved "The O.C." to Thursdays, but with the promise that if the show struggles on the night she'll find a less challenging slot for it. Best of all, her delaying 24 until January allows the show to run in 21 back to back weeks (3 of the episodes this season will be two hours long each) without reruns. It should be awesome for the ratings. After this season, and with it's look into next season, FOX is probably the most improved network of all, and Family Guy is just the icing on the cake.

  8. It's not about democrats or republicans here, this is Disney attacking their competition in the name of news.  It's shit like this that made decide against getting into journalism in the first place.  The entire institute of reporting has been soiled by garbage sensationalism like this and it's disgusting.  I shouldn't have brought up the Moore thing because this really has nothing to do with Bush, Moore, porno or politics.  This is about how journalism has been killed in favor of ratings and business interests.

    Agreed. Then again, you, me, or anyone else with a brain for that matter doesn't go to television to get unbiased journalism, but instead entertainment. ABC is definitely guilty of a conflict of interest, but then again all of the networks are. I've seen more than a few news outlets jump on board with Michael Moore in order to criticize Disney for dropping Fahrenheit 911, which is obviously an indirect shot at ABC. If there's any consolation, it's that one has a hard time finding anybody who actually watches ABC anyway.

  9. I got a good laugh when I told the_dark_guitarist that Midget was a moderator. I think now he might watch what he says to Midget.

    I think the really funny part is that he tried to insult Midget's intelligence in a post riddled with spelling and grammatical errors.

  10. This is ABC and Disney trying to make themselves look good while attacking their competitors who happen to distribute porn.  This is especially disgusting considering Disney's recent attitude toward Michael Moore.  They don't want to take a stance on an issue like a president who has lied about a war, but let's discuss the evils of grown women making their own goddamn decisions.

    Everything indicates that Disney decided not to release Fahrenheit 911 for fear of losing tax grants from Jeb Bush, not for any support of Bush. In fact, Disney and its subsidiaries have donated more to the Democratic party than the Republican during this current race. If you were in a position to lose tens of millions of dollars in tax incentives I highly doubt you'd release the film either.

  11. Is anybody watching this on ABC?  They're doing this in depth feature about how horrible porn is and how big corporations distribute it through their cable and satellites.  They of course then say bullshit like "why don't these corporations care that girls as young as 18 are having sex on camera with no health care and condoms aren't always required?"  This is hands down, one of the most underhanded tactics I've ever seen.  ABC is taking this chance to blast FOX and Time Warner all while keeping their image clean because they're owned by Disney.  This is absolutely fucking disgusting and isn't the first time ABC has pulled shit like this.

    Well I wouldn't exactly defend the "good name" of the porn industry. Debating the ethics of pornography aside, they don't have a great history of taking care of their stars. Keep in mind that ABC was also the network that tried to do an episode of Nightline that named all of the victims of the Iraq war with a picture, but were stopped from doing that by an army of Bush supporters.

  12. I agree 9999%

    Any thing by that Hilary Duff, just because you are a Disney star doesn't mean you are a movie/music star. She was definately the worst part in Cheaper By the Dozen. My ass can sing better than her mouth.

    EDIT: God Dammit! I wasted my 100th post on Hilary Fucking Duff!

    Let me first say that I can't stand Hilary Duff, but I must disagree with you on Cheaper by the Dozen. Her charm made her probably the only thing that didn't annoy the hell out of me about that movie. Haven't seen any of her other movies, although I wouldn't exactly consider myself impressed about this one.

  13. "When I smoked, I didn't like second-hand smoke. You know? I like that first-hand smoke because you get to suck it right out of the cigarette, you know? And that second-hand -- any fucking thing that's already been ingested by someone is not as good. You know what I mean? Like a pork sandwich is delicious, but ... a digested pork sandwich? That's fucking shit!"

    -Norm MacDonald-

  14. somewhat, he had a mustache and he was the one that toled jack that he can trust no one because there is a mole

    Yes, now I remember. They were in some sort of building and it got shot up. The dude got hit and Jack escaped. Hopefully next season they'll get a character like that as head of CTU, because they're nothing special and allow Jack Bauer to be the real main character.

  15. Thats wrong, season one started of with someone elth as head of CTU (Richard Walsh played by Michael O'Neill), he got shot in the second episode, than jack tock over and after that (in season one) came Mason.

    You can see walsh doing his job as head of CTU about 12:30 (episode time, not 24 world real time) in the first episode.

    Season 2 had Mason in the beginning and later Alberta Green took over i think.

    Dammit, now I wish I had picked up 24 season 1 on DVD today instead of Family Guy/Roswell. I actually do vaguely remember a meeting with CTU including someone Jack's superior, I guess it was Walsh. Was he an older guy?

  16. Reggie and the Full Effect - Under the Tray

    You actually had to look under the CD tray to find the CD. When you did, there was a picture of the band's mascot Paco with the caption (written on his fingers a la Ozzy Osbourne) "Good Look'n!".

    Reggie and the Full Effect - Promotional Copy

    Some stores actually thought it was a promotional copy of an upcoming album and didn't put it on sale until they got the joke.

    blink 182 - Take Your Pants Off and Jacket

    Say what you will about blink, but they know their double entendres.

    blink 182 - Enema of the State


  17. The head of CTU in the first season died some episodes in, Mason started out as head of CTU in Season 2, DEAD, Shappel was head of CTU at the beginning of this season. Everyone that was head of CTU in the beginning of a season died in it.

    Also Kim´s boyfrinds tend to loose bodyparts


    Jack was the original head of CTU. He lost the position when they thought he was trying to assassinate Palmer or something. Mason took over from him, who promptly died halfway through season 2. Tony took over for Mason, but Michelle took over for Tony when he got shot. She realised that she'd rather be at Tony's side than run CTU and Chappelle took over. After Chappelle was killed, Tony took over again. When Tony committed treason, Jack took over. Technically, Jack is back where he should be. It'll be interesting to see what happens next season, considering Jack was technically under investigation for heroin use.

  18. Yes, but Hollywood demands sequels and thus it got one or in this case two. And Beatnik, at least we all remember Ms. Wilson as the teacher from Billy Madison.

    Hollywood demands sequels, but the fact that Annhilation was a flop seemed enough reason to not make it a trilogy. As for Wilson, yes, we do know her from Billy Madison. Why? Because that movie was good.

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