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Posts posted by Ananas

  1. Wag the Dog - 8/10

    I love this movie. It's an amazing cast put together with a script filled with political insight and released at the perfect time (the Clinton sex scandal). I particularly love Hoffman as the quirky Hollywood producer Stanley Motss, who you feel particularly sorry for towards the end. Thumbs up.

    13 Going On 30 - 5/10

    I was particularly surprised with how positive the reviews for this film were, and seeing it doesn't explain anything. The script is remarkably dull; a hodgepodge of the cliches of every romantic comedy with child elements ever made that builds to a remarkably predictable ending. Jennifer Garner is really charming, but one actor can't make a movie. Where Mean Girls made up for a run of the mill plot with a biting script, this one relies entirely on the star, and Garner is simply uncapable of carrying the film on her own. The worst part is that the supporting characters, all played by talented Hollywood mainstays, are completely one dimensional. A little content would have gone a long way with this one.

  2. Fox knew from day one the OC would be a hit.  It caters to the easiest audience to hook (teen girls) plus FOX just couldn't stay away from the 90210 or Melrose Place genre.

    Can't know FOX for doing what works for them. Realistically, they're the network that most teens actually watch at some time or another. 90210 and Melrose Place were both huge hits, why not try to duplicate that success? Can't say NBC isn't guilty of trying to replace Friends with Coupling, or WB of trying to replace Dawson's Creek with any of their dozen odd teen dramas.

  3. Laws of Attraction - 5/10

    It's really disappointing when a solid cast isn't enough to overcome a terrible script. This is one of those disappointments. Moore and Brosnan are pure charm in this film, but this attempted tribute to the romantic comedies of the 40's and 50's ends up as a combination of both the cliches of those movies and the cliches of modern romances. Of course their relationship will start up frosty, of course one cast member will get their heart broken, and of course the girl will realise her true feelings at the end to make for a happy ending. It just isn't realistic anymore. Thumbs down, but only with the tragic realisation that it could have been a lot better.

  4. But did they really expect The OC (not my type of show but it is pretty popular) to do this well? Didn't they start promoting it more after they saw it was catching on?

    My feeling is this; if they had no intention of The O.C. becoming a hit then they would have saved talent like Tate Donovan and Peter Gallagher for a different pilot. More specifically Gallagher, these two are beyond a typical summer replacement show, so I figure they had to be hoping the show would catch on.

  5. Godsend - 3/10

    Wow, Torque's looking better and better everyday. The film attempts to do way too much, and ends up failing at just about everything. While Kinnear and Deniro are talented actors, this marks some of their least believable work to date. Rarely do you realise in the middle of a viewing how bad the movie your watching is, but this one counts. At least From Justin 2 Kelly was fun to watch.

  6. Despite being better than ABC, I still think Fox is bush-league. They're actually the network I watch most often. What makes them bush-league is that they'd rather go for a quick spike in the ratings that will drop again soon after than build a serious following for a show. Look at how many good shows they've had in their hands over the years but they mismanaged them. I can't see Fox ever having another long running show like The Simpsons or Married With Children.

    I have no complaints about how FOX has promoted The O.C.. They've turned that into a ratings bonanza, and I'm sure they intend for it to be around a long time. They've also remained pretty loyal to Arrested Development, and despite its low ratings you can't argue their intentions.

  7. Good point about no strong lead in or follow up, but I'm sure they could find something.  Plus, I don't really think it will be too big of an issue.  Buffy/Angel is like Star Trek... there's a group of hardcore fans that will watch it anywhere.  You could put Angel on Animal Planet and the Buffites will go there in droves for it.

    Definitely, but the same is true for Roswell or Buffy when they jumped networks. The hardcore audiences were simple too small. Same thing would be true for Angel, especially when you consider a jump from cable to network. If NBC could develop a similar show, however, stick a lineup of sci fi shows on Friday nights and they might have themselves a staple. But I'm looking at NBC's pilots for this year and there's simply nothing similar.

  8. Nope, we heckled him on Saturday during the Reds/Giants game yelling things like:

    "Steroids half price HERE!"


    Yeah, it was fun.

    At the Jays game last Wednesday, there was some guy in a Quebec Nordiques jersey heckling several members of the Kansas City Royals. The best was his heckling of Desi Relaford: "Hey Desi, you like booze?". I'm not sure why it was funny but it was.

  9. Angel would work out fine on NBC, they're desperate for shows with Friends and Frasier gone.  Plus, NBC doesn't have any true Fantasy-esque shows, it'll balance their line up and give them something to compete against the others with.

    FOX would fuck Angel up just like they do with every other good show they have.  They constantly bump shit around and Angel would just get lost in the shuffle.  Fans would be confused enough with a network change, then Fox would just shift its timeslot to accomodate for "Joe Penis Pump"

    CBS could work if David Boreanaz was 80 years old.

    ABC sucks, they haven't had a good new series since Drew Carey and that was 10 years ago.

    Looks like NBC is the place to be.  Glad to see the folks over at savingangel.org are really making an impact.

    It would probably have the opposite effect. There would be no good lead in to keep viewers. Besides, NBC needs comedies to fill out Tuesday, and dramas wouldn't be able to hold that spot.

    FOX might fuck it up, but then again they've proven loyal to Arrested Development. Maybe a post American Idol slot could = ratings bonanza.

    Like I said, CBS has a large teen audience on Friday with Joan of Arcadia, following it up with Angel as opposed to JAG seems a smart thing to do.

    ABC does suck. Nuff said.

  10. While I doubt this will happen, I have to wonder how a show like Angel or Buffy would fare on one of the "Big 3" networks (Fox doesn't count. They're still bush-league. Plus we know they'd screw it up. Look at Firefly). Would they promote it better? I know I'm oblivious to what is shown on UPN or WB. It flies right under the radar. If it was on one of the big networks, they could advertise during popular shows and draw in many new viewers. I have to wonder if Angel has too much backstory to do that though. Firefly brought to NBC would be a much better option.

    FOX isn't bush league, they're the number three network. Right now if any of the big four are bush league it's ABC. Angel, or any teen marketed show for that matter, would be best on cable, although FOX would be the best spot for one of those shows from a network perspective. NBC aren't exactly promotional geniuses themselves you know. The fact that Scrubs could go three years without gaining a Will and Grace like audience with how good it is just goes to show NBC's obvious lack of ability to market to youth. Firefly, Angel, or any teen show for that matter would fail on NBC. CBS, on the other hand, have proven to be quite good at promotion. They do have a huge teen hit, Joan of Arcadia. If Angel is best to go anywhere, it'd be Fridays at 9 on CBS after Joan.

  11. Mean Girls - 7/10

    On one hand, it's an at times cliched teen comedy that relies entirely on one's distain for the "popular people" going in. On the other, there's enough of Tina Fey's sharp wit (which is at times the only redeeming thing about Saturday Night Live) to bring this film one step above the teen comedy standards. I also enjoyed all of the ex and current SNL cast members such as Fey herself, Tim Meadows, Ana Gasteyer and Amy Poehler, who really dominate the screen whenever they appear. Tim Meadows is an awesome entertainer, and hopefully we eventually see more of him. It was sort of an SNL film, only this time it was good. Easy thumbs up.

  12. Is NBC really that desperate? I mean, I got nothing against Angel, I'm absolutely sure it's a great show with how dedicated the fanbase is, but it's ratings haven't even been good by cable standards. NBC is losing alot next year, but those are comedies not dramas. I highly doubt this will happen, although maybe Jeff Zucker is just a dedicated Angel fan who wants to see the show continued for his own purposes.

  13. (1) Elisha Cuthbert

    (16) Pamela Anderson


    (8) Emmanuelle Chriqui

    (9) Sarah Polley


    (5) Jill Hennessy

    (12) Sara Foster


    (4) Neve Campbell

    (13) Cynthia Preston


    (6) Mia Kirshner

    (11) Rachel Blanchard


    (3) Estella Warren

    (14) Marie-Josée Croze


    (7) Carly Pope

    (10) Lucie Laurier


    (2) Kristin Kreuk

    (15) Jewel Staite

  14. Kill Bill Volume 2: ****

    Lost In Translation: ****

    Yeah, I don't watch a lot of movies. I've wondered though, what is it with people not seeing LIT? :rolleyes:

    Actually a ton of people saw Lost in Translation, it was a big hit from an independent perspective. If you're wondering why it's not on peoples lists, that's because it was released in 2003.

  15. 1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: ***** (A+) (9.5/10)

    2. The Passion of The Christ: ****3/4 (A) (8.5/10)

    3. Kill Bill: Volume 2: ****1/2 (A-) (8/10)

    4. The Girl Next Door: ****1/2 (A-) (8/10)

    5. Jersey Girl: **** (B+) (7.5/10)

    6. Mean Girls ***1/2 (B) (7/10)

    7. Starsky & Hutch: ***1/2 (B) 7/10

    8. Dawn of the Dead (Remake): ***1/2 (B) (7/10)

    9. Eurotrip: ***1/2 (B) (7/10)

    10. Barbershop 2: Back in Business: ***1/2 (B) (7/10)

    11. Miracle: ***1/2 (B) 7/10

    12. Chasing Liberty: 6.5/10

    13. Secret Window: 6/10

    14. 50 First Dates: 6/10

    15. Club Dread: **1/2 (C+) (6/10)

    16. The Big Bounce: 6/10

    17. The Perfect Score: 6/10

    18. Win a Date with Tad Hamilton: 6/10

    19. Walking Tall: 5.5/10

    20. Hidalgo: ** © (5.5/10)

    21. 13 Going On 30 (5/10)

    22. Laws of Attraction: 5/10

    23. Taking Lives: (5/10)

    24. Welcome to Mooseport: 5/10

    25. Along Came Polly: 5/10

    26. The Butterfly Effect: 5/10

    27. You Got Served: 4/10

    28. My Baby's Daddy: 4/10

    29. Torque: 4/10

    30. Soul Plane: 4/10

    31. Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen: 3.5/10

    32. Godsend: 3/10

    33. New York Minute: 2.5/10

  16. Wow, I think we've managed to find a video game concept worse than... well I can't think of a video game with a concept even approaching this bad. The only people who will by this game will be motivated to do so with something other than their brains. Once they get the game home, they'll be out the cost of a video game and some lube.

  17. I thought that was pretty funny what went down last night.  Everyone told me Jenna L. looked hot, but of course I didn't watch the reunion.  I just watched Amber and Rob get engaged.

    Anyway, I'm voting Rupert... but Rob played the game the best.

    The reunion was even better than the episode itself. I can't remember hostilities from within the game spill over into the after show before.

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