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  1. I did thanks for the Ted Turner
  2. sorry but here is another request does anyone have a pic of Ted Turner oh and nice ROH banners [DESTINY]
  3. I'm looking for a WCW Internet banner please
  4. I have that one I was looking for another if anyone has one
  5. Blackout


    Pinkerton is the only Weezer CD you'll ever need Never knew they split though
  6. any time I seen this while channel flicking it was not quite uncut the tits where still blured out
  7. thanks for the wwe banner at least it's new does anyone have any TNA banners??
  8. Blackout

    Band Members

    Yeah I think it's the singer as if James Hetfield had left Metallica I could not see them going on Like if Shawn or Chirs left Slipknot I mean it's not really going to be a hugh blow to the band
  9. Not to bad it sounds like there going away from that Rage type sound that was present in the last album still should be one the best release's of the year
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