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The Heartbreak Kid

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Everything posted by The Heartbreak Kid

  1. At 6'4, 228lbs, Maybin is small for the linebacker position at the NFL level. Maybe if he added some weight he could probably show some of that potential. With the right coaching, system and what not.
  2. This was a hard choice. But I feel like I'm making the right pick. Antonio Gates, TE - San Diego Chargers
  3. Son of a bitch. Good pick, Universal. Since he wasn't picked up in the first 2 rounds, I was crossing my fingers in the hope he would drop to me in the 3rd. Solid pick up though. (Y)
  4. LOL I'll be apart of the "B League". I don't want to associate myself with your league anyways. Why don't you go back to your "A LEAGUE" and stop trolling this one? I think Bill has everything under control here. You seem not to notice that without the collective effort from Maxx and Bill, we wouldn't be having this league. I can't believe we're actually having an argument about this... *face palm*
  5. In case anyone missed the San Diego/Seattle game. (Or hasn't watched SportsCenter) Bryan Walters from Cornell returned a kickoff a 103-yards for a touchdown, under the new kickoff rules. I just wanted to give a shout out to him. Since he played 20 miles away from where I live. I can't say that I saw him play at Cornell, or that I've been to a Cornell game. But it's nice to hear about an athlete from around here make some news, even if it's a pre-season game. Especially under the new kickoff rules. Here's a link for the video, and more info on him if you want to read it. Click Here
  6. *face palm* >_< Goddamn it. Anyways... with the pace we've been moving at. I'm sort of expecting people to take longer with their picks in the later rounds, compared to the earlier rounds. With the list of talent getting smaller and smaller after each pick, and it becomes more difficult to choose who you want. Ya know? Either way we will be done before the regular season. (Y)
  7. Try again, already been chosen. Why so serious? We're just trying to have fun here Why jump in the middle of a thread in which you don't belong and make a dumbass comment? Dude, chill out. Yeah, that's pretty good. It was between Shady and Johnson for me, but I went with Shady just in case Johnson's hold out is legit and it lasts into the season.. and since he's already foregone his 4th accrued season, I'm guessing he's in it for the long haul. Besides, in a PPR, McCoy is money. I was waiting to see how low CJ would drop because of his holdout. I was going to take a chance on him in the 2nd round if he was still there.
  8. I apologized a few pages back about what I said. I do feel like a dick. I'm sorry TCO.
  9. Yes because it takes a special type of person to partake in a fantasy football league. It's should be renamed the Skull and Bones Fantasy League. While that is an adequately awesome idea, it has more to do with the mass of unfunny jokes in this thread than anything else. The OFFICIAL EWB Fantasy Football League is all about class and dignity. Fair enough then. I'm not a fan of the jokes either, just say Lesean McCoy like. I was one of the only people not to post a picture or make an attempt at a joke. I had the picture planned though, if I landed Vick. I was going to make a joke about the belt. But I ditched the joke last minute because of what was going on. I don't think the pictures are really the problem here. Like the pictures of MJD, Vick, Manning and Charles. Since they're our picks and what not. But a lot of us have been being acting stupid, myself included. Edit: I'm not saying lets use pictures the whole time to make our picks, either. I don't see a problem with them for the 1st round. But that's just me...
  10. I guess my whole team rides on this pick, and his ability to stay healthy this season. I'm honestly suprised he's still available at #9. Michael Vick, QB, Philadelphia Eagles
  11. I agree. So I went ahead and simmed to Week 5. I didn't boot either of them yet, but I probably will here soon. Within the next few days, unless I hear something different. EDIT: LA Tech (Rocksta) has to play Hawaii (DYSI). So I'll boot Rocksta later.
  12. If the Jets were going to return to Cortland this year, I was going to go. But unfortunately they didn't. Now watch, because they didn't come to Cortland for camp this year (like they have the last two years), they're going to suck it up.
  13. When I made my statement, I wasn't trying to hurry TCO. He could of taken 24 hours, 24 1/2 hours, I don't care. I'll admit, I sounded like a total douche. And I'm sure everyone took it that way. In jaywhytes case, it looks like that I gave him initiative to try and hurry people. That wasn't my intention at all. I found it ironic that the 1st pick hadn't been made. Usually people with the 1st pick are giddy, and sometimes make their pick before the clock even starts. As for doing my part and sending a list to Bill, I plan on being active and making my picks when they come to me. I might shoot Bill a list for the later rounds, but as for now, I plan on being here. I apologize for what I said. I am very much looking forward to playing Fantasy Football this season. I don't want this to be the first and last EWB FF B-League. (We really do need a better name.) Plus, Dan has more important shit to worry about at the moment than making his Fantasy Football pick.
  14. I know we have 24 hours or so forth. But I feel like the 1st pick usually never takes this long. You can call me punctual, or a dick. Whichever.
  15. "Always know if the juice is worth the squeeze."

  16. I guess we are just waiting on Rocksta and Cole. I sent a message to Rocksta on XBL, and Cole hasn't been on since 7/31. Ain't that a bitch.
  17. Me either. That's why I figured I'd jump on the chance this time around. Since I didn't see too many people who wanted to take over the first time, besides yourself.
  18. I wouldn't mind taking over as Commish if nobody has any objections.
  19. I'm pretty sure I'm done. I might just have a couple hours left in recruiting.
  20. Shows how well I'm keeping up with this...
  21. "Wide Receiver Derrick Mason has decided he will sign with the New York Jets." -Adam Scheftler's twitter 10 minutes ago. I also heard that Braylon Edwards might be going to the 49'ers.
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