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The Heartbreak Kid

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Everything posted by The Heartbreak Kid

  1. I wouldn't be suprised if the Jets pick up Merriman to bolster their defense even more. I dont think they will, but I wouldnt be suprised. And oh yeah, Fuck the Chargers! I'm with ya on that one, Meacon.
  2. Can we just give Maxx the NFC conference title already?
  3. The Patriots also have a pick from the Broncos too. Just to fill in that other pick that wasn't mentioned.
  4. I just got this game over the weekend. Pretty sick. Is there a 360 online dynasty I could join? If not, I'm willing to create one if anyone is interested.
  5. I guess I'm a misguided soul then. Because I'm a Mets fan. Not like we have much to cheer about now a days.
  6. Sorry I missed your post last night. I was watching the Jets game, it was pretty good. But I work 1pm-8pm, so I can do it a little earlier in the day or after I get out of work.
  7. Alright Essnc, when do you want to play? I haven't tried the new patch, yet. Hopefully it's for the better.
  8. It was 14-9 until the Rams did a 2 min drill in the 4th to finish me off. Jackson kept eating up yardage and just drained my defense. Oh well...
  9. Haha you're funny. I don't think in anybodies wildest dreams would Alex Smith be the league leader. But the Niners are a more well rounded team than the Panthers. Which just lost the Rams, by the way. 24-9. Goes to show what my team is really like without Jon Beason and Steve Smith.
  10. What I think really helped Maxx was the 9 TD passes he threw in his game against Dragsy. Which I'm pretty sure Bryant caught all of them. Which sucks because now he blows Clausen away in the league leader passing yards and all that junk. I should of been the Niners. :/
  11. I've been hooked on Stone Sours new single, "Say you'll haunt me." I want to get their new album Audio Secrecy, but I want to hear a couple more songs before I decide.
  12. Shutout the 49ers. 34-0, at the cost of Jon Beason. It was raining hard, so I couldn't get the passing game I really wanted. Beason is out 4 weeks with Broken Ribs. But, I injured Manny Lawson for 10 weeks with a Dislocated Hip. So I guess it's even.
  13. My friends have been creaming over this game. I haven't played it yet. But is it true that there is a glitch where you can just keep making traps for this one lady, over and over and over?
  14. I approve of this trade. (Y) And Heyward-Bay has like a 95 speed, I think. But still, Branch does have that stinky Patriots aura around him. Bastard.
  15. Well well well... I've been thinking about this. And I'm not going to sugar coat it. Hopefully no one gets mad. But... I only put in the FA Request for back up, just in case the trade got objected and didn't go through. I'm willing to take the trade, but I don't really need Curtis then. :/ Not trying to make anyone mad, just figured I'd say something.
  16. None of us can't deny that there was 2 fairy tale stories last year. Favre/Vikings and Brees/Saints. If Brett was going to win the big one, last year should of been the year. But tonight will show us who is geared up to go. I dont think Brett has any in the tank, but we all said that last year. But with injuries, it looks pretty dark for the Vikings. Unless AP just kills it this year. Personally, I think Rodgers has the tools to lead Green Bay. Now he just needs the rest of pieces to fall into place.
  17. Reggie Bush does some amazing things.
  18. Wow. Okay. I'll find another receiver. Nevermind, none of my other proposals would work. :/ I guess I'll have to stick with what I have. Edit: I don't think there is much of anything that can help the Bears. Matt Moore? I know the Steelers will take Moore, Brayton and Tyree for Mike Wallace. But that's worse then the first one.
  19. Before I wanted depth at WR. But now I'm sort of desperate. If I could get Golden Tate to compliment Jimmy Clausen, I would.
  20. Aromashodu is their 4th option, and so is Jennings at CB. Brayton matches the rating of their starting LE, but he is my 2nd. And Tyree would replace Aromashodu in the 4th slot. Aromashodu would be my 2nd option since Smith is out for 7 weeks, and Jennings would be my 4th also. I don't know why they want Brayton, but Chicago accepted the trading block ad with Aromashodu. It was Brayton and Tyree for Aromashodu. But they would exceed 55 players, so I added Jennings.
  21. I'd like to propose a trade. Tim Brayton LE (74) and David Tyree WR (67) for Devin Aromashodu WR (70) and Tim Jennings CB (68) from Chicago. It works in an offline franchise.
  22. I'm not trying to make enemies. You were being as nice as possible and I acted like a dick. I took out some of my anger that I've had recently on you. I'm sorry. If it makes you feel better, Steve Smith is injured for 8 weeks.
  23. You had some good plays. I can name at least two 40-60 yard passing TDs you had on me. On top of the two kick off returns for a TDs. I just thought you tried to blitz too many times, which totally drained your D, and I made you pay for it. I'll take the HB Screen all day! If I had a team of your caliber, the score would of been way higher. Edit: You're a good player too! The safety and a couple catches were just sheer luck. And the timeout after the kneel was just a joke. There was only 3 seconds left and it was 2nd down.
  24. I will be on tonight. I would like to play but we will see. And thank you Drags. It's just been a really bad week for me.
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