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The Heartbreak Kid

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Everything posted by The Heartbreak Kid

  1. Alright. I'll add your GamerTag once I get on.
  2. I haven't played Fallout 3 yet. It looks really good. But right now, I'm digging CoD: World at War and Left 4 Dead. Anyone on here wanna play CoD sometime?
  3. Happy birthday Omelets!

  4. I'm still waiting for that Super Troopers sequel...
  5. "At Least We're Dreaming" by Eve 6 I seem to listen to that song when I'm depressed.
  6. It's okay... I forgive GA.

  7. RaveX 26 doesn't work either. There's nothing in the zip file.
  8. Modern Way. What picture package are you using with that TNA game you used on the preview?
  9. I really like this skin. It's new, fresh and easy on the eyes. Kudos to you sir. Downloading as I type.
  10. Now You're Gone by BassHunter. The beat is very close to his first hit - Boten Anna. But the women in his videos are hot as hell. Way hotter than the bitches I see on BET.
  11. I wish there was someone from EWB that would play Halo with me.
  12. "Rebirth of the Temple" - Silent Civilian Good band, only has one album though. No one seems to have heard of them. So this leads to my question, anyone here listen to them?
  13. SOiL - "Breaking Me Down" SOiL was alright with Ryan McCombs. Not my favorite band, but they're decent. Got a couple good songs.
  14. I think that is just an April Fools joke. And yes, I got the same message.
  15. It was the only thing I could make up at the time. I want to change it but I need 400 more MS points. So until then it's staying the way it is. Edit: If you want to hand over 400 MS points, then I will happily change it.
  16. GamerTag: Twizt3dKilla69 I just got my 360 last Tuesday and I'm already a Rank 12 Lieutenant on Halo 3. I feel so badass.
  17. It might be an alright movie. Since the director did direct Die Hard 2, and the Die Hard series is the shit. But yet again, the same plot as The Marine. Blah, they need new motives. Maybe if Cena took down some huge drug king-pin and they get revenge by taking his girlfriend. But the WWE and Drugs is a huge no no.
  18. I know this thread is old as fuck. But im curious, why did Spike TV stop airing Slamball? I used to watch it back in the day.
  19. Alright thug. I definately will read up on some tutorials. Thanks. BTW- I think it was a pretty badass cutout I did. (Y) 1st one I ever cut.
  20. No hard feelings De. All feedback is welcome, good or bad. Praising or downright shitting on it. Thanks to everybody who has given advice, I've tried to touch it up. But I dont know how to do borders on Photoshop. :-\ haha yeah I just basically changed all of Lionheart Era to black.
  21. Haha it's okay. It wasn't intentionally supposed to be used as a diary banner. More of the RFP banner with the face of the new era. But hey, it's all good. What do you think of it?
  22. Well yeah, if you read the NWA Handbook. You will see that Sting passed the torch to Chris Jericho to lead RFP. And ontop of that, it says the "Lionheart Era." Gosh.. Edit: Ric Flair is the owner of the promotion. Hence, "Ric Flair Promotions"
  23. I got bored, and decided to make a Ric Flair Promotions banner. I might use it in the future, I dont know. But really I was just dickin around with Photoshop.
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