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The Heartbreak Kid

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Everything posted by The Heartbreak Kid

  1. As much as I'd like to buy a couple shirts from you. I'm not paying $27.95 for a t-shirt.
  2. New York Jets! Oh, you mean soccer... New York Red Bulls.
  3. Would enough people be interested in an online league? I'm on X-Box.
  4. We might be called the Big Apple, but it doesn't mean everybody has to look like one. I'm a Jets fan, but this is something I can't deny.
  5. I'm glad I'm a Jets fan. I'd rather have all these down to the wire wins, than my Quarterback flopping like a dead fish and giving up the ball. Not saying the Jets are perfect, don't get me wrong. Shonn Greene coughed up the ball during a crucial possession. I'm just happy the Jets pulled that win out of their ass yesterday. And as I type this, Brad Childress is fired!
  6. I'm down to at least be honorable and play out the season.
  7. On the "Five" level, but you have to unlock it first. I just used the cheat code and unlocked everything.
  8. Well this shit is dead. Fun while it lasted...
  9. So you guys going to play CoD with me or what?
  10. When do you want to get this done, HM? I work 3pm - 9pm, mon -fri.
  11. My copy came in before I left for work. So in T-Minus 6 hours I'll be on that shit like butter on toast. I was thinking about appearing offline for a little while to get my stuff up, like perks and guns before I play with people. But I'll still play with anyone from EWB, just add me.
  12. I watched my friend play the Campaign yesterday. I was having fun watching him play, because I thought the story was neat. To me it looks like World at War with new bells and whistles, but it still looks fun as hell. I ordered it today and it better be here tomorrow. I put that shit on 1 Day Shipping! So if any of you EWBers want to play, my XBL GT is Quicksilver i79. I also ordered a microphone and new controller. But I put that on standard shipping to be here next week. So I'll be a mute for half a week or so. It's probably better that way anyways.
  13. Toby Gerhart is the fucking man. I don't know what you're talking about.
  14. J-E-T-S! Jets, Jets, Jets!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Heroin Bob

      Heroin Bob

      At least the chant isn't as bad as their team!

    3. DJ Ice

      DJ Ice

      You sir are a smart man. J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS!

    4. Benjamin


      Jets are awesome. Best street gang in a musical, ever.

  15. Depending on how many people we have transfer over, I was thinking we could have a certain amount of people in each conference. I'd like to play somebody for the Super Bowl. 6 in AFC, 6 in NFC? I like the overall team rating cap. So instead of a draft, everybody has just about an even team. The only thing I personally request is a new team. I don't want to be the Panthers.
  16. I'm on board with whatever you decide to do, Maxx.
  17. Not necessarily, Nate Washington could very well be a good slot receiver with the Britt/Moss duo.
  18. Have we found anybody that is willing to run the league after this season? Edit: Maxx, would you want to play a exhibition game sometime?
  19. I'm thinking about picking up this game. But I'm torn between this, Fallout 3/New Vegas, and Fable 3. Decisions, decisions.
  20. It was cool playing with Steve Smith for once, and even scoring a TD with him. But then he goes to block on a Draw and he breaks his collerbone and is out for... 8 weeks? Fucking sweet!
  21. I will play my game this week, I swear. My life has currently been consumed of work and NCAA college football. And then being a lazy ass and sleeping/partying on the weekends.
  22. The Robinson hit was fair, and a picture perfect big hit that everybody dreams of. You have to put some of the blame on the guy who threw the pass. Harrison's 2nd big hit, when he launched himself, is dirty. Merriweather's is what you shouldn't do, Todd Heap was clearly wrapped up already. But the NFL isn't changing any rules, so the game isn't changing. Last week was just big hits all around. Revis laid a nice crack on Eddie Royal, I believe that's who he hit. I'm glad Revis is back.
  23. It was just an alternative idea. I thought it might of been good, because nobody (including myself) couldn't be like "WTF was I thinking by picking this team?" because you picked all your own players. Oh well. How 'bout them Cowboys?
  24. I agree with the not fun part. Probably because I picked the Panthers, or maybe because Maxx is just raping everyone and everything. But I'm willing to stick out the season. If people would want to do EWBFL Fantasy Draft, I wouldn't mind running that. I think it would be fun. Just throwing an idea out there.
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