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lafunky xxvii

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Posts posted by lafunky xxvii

  1. I needed some music to listen to and this thread reminded me I like The Distillers :)

    EDIT - Stupid ratbags in my hall haven't got any Distillers so it's not on the network so I can't listen to it.


  2. Good signing for Everton, but I guess Marcus Bent has lost his place as I only ever see Everton playing with one up top nowadays. It is a great signing though and Beattie will work well in their system.

    I just think £6m is a little steep, I always saw him in the £4m-£5m range.

  3. Spain coach Luis Aragones has created more controversy in the race row engulfing his position by labelling Jose Antonio Reyes a 'gypsy'.

    Aragones was attempting to clarify his comments which sparked outrage when he referred to Thierry Henry in a racially derogatory manner.

    Aragones is already facing disciplinary action from the Spanish FA (RFEF) over those remarks, and the outburst prior to England's game in Spain when he blasted England's colonial past.

    However, he could now face further censure after describing Reyes as a 'gypsy' in trying to explain himself.

    "Reyes is ethnically a gypsy, I have got a lot of gypsy and black friends, I consider myself a citizen of the world, I don't care about their skin colour," he told El Mundo.

    "All I did was to motivate the gypsy by telling him he was better than the black.

    "I feel I have been the victim of a lynching. All I did was try to motivate Reyes comparing him with Henry and making him see that he was better.

    "I didn't use the term `black' with any racist meaning.

    "I'm not going to forget what's happened.

    "A section of the press in this country [spain] has lynched me and I will not forget that my family have had a very bad time as a consequence of this."

    Arsenal are understood to be unhappy at Aragones' latest outburst but do not plan to take any formal action.

    However, the veteran coach is sure to now face widespread condemnation and could find his position under further threat.

  4. Queeg 500 was the character, the episode name was just Queeg.


    It's also my favorite early episode, but my shiny new season 5 dvd's have reminded me how great Back To Reality was.

    Also Just The Episodes is for pansys

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