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lafunky xxvii

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Posts posted by lafunky xxvii

  1. The worst thing is that people keep telling people what they're saying about them behind their backs. Everyone bitches about people, it's a fact of life, but generally you don't snitch on them, especially it this case because it makes horrible television.

  2. If by chances you mean Carling Cup games, then I'm sure he had loads. He barely played a league game, especially compared to the time the likes of Reyes, Flamini, Fabregras, Senderos, Eboue and Van Persie have been given.

    He obviously had off the field problems (I have no doubt he's an absolute cunt), but part of being a manager is to deal with that and nuture his obvious talents.

    He scored a hat-trick in one game that made everyone take notice, and WAS going to get games from then. How did he follow on from that? By getting drunk, missing training, crashing cars, going to prison. Basically, he thought he was better than he was and pretty much believed that he should've played.

  3. It was liking being back at school again. Shabaz was just a complete tosser, but everyone in there is an adult and it's sad that the majority of them lowered themselves to it. The walking in and out of rooms, locking him outside, stealing his clothes - that's just so sad. We used to do that sort of thing when we were like 14, and after watching that I feel bad for the kids who were bullied like that.

    I don't feel so much sorry for Shabaz because he's ridiculous. He's in his late 30s and he behaves like a child, and although you can't say he deserves it because in an adult environment no one should be treated like that, it couldn't have happened to a bigger twat.

    Sezer was just acting like the class 'cool' kid. Whilst he wasn't the biggest ringleader, he was playing up to it all to show off. It's quite surreal watching that sort of kid-like stuff acted out by a bunch of people older than you.

    I feel bad for Bonnuh and Glynn. Neither of them has done anything wrong, they just don't fit in. I think Bonnie is a bit out of her depth with the type of people she's with and Glynn is just young and naive. I hope they swerve everyone and put the 3 who they want to stay in the house up for eviction, just so Nikki can fuck off with her whining.

    It was pretty funny watching Mikey and Grace at the end, because he made her do all the work. She was giving off all the signs for him to move in and he was having none of it. Fair play to him though, she's a stunner.

    Oh, and Lost Soul, you're a tool. He's not only horribly irritating, but he's a childish, drama-queen who's been a veteran of the Dole for the past 20 years - he has no value to the world. He's not entertaining, he's just sad. And you're not a tool because you like him, but because you keep coming prancing into the thread bashing anyone who doesn't like Shabaz, making a big deal out of it, like he did about himself in the house. You like him, we get it. I like George, but I don't wear a 'I LOVE GEORGE' sandwich board over my I *heart* G t-shirt.

  4. The problem with selling him would be that our entire team is built around him, so it wouldn't be a case of cashing in and straight swapping him, it would mean another transitional season whilst we adapt our style to playing without Henry. When it does come around to Henry being 'past it' we should be completely prepared for it.

  5. There was a little thing on Lordi this morning on BBC News.

    "What are you doing for Finland?"

    "What are we doing for Finland? We're representing!"

    "And does everyone in Finland look like that?"

    "No...only the pretty ones."

  6. I don't know how any Arsenal fan can't be bitter. If that happened to my team I'd certainly be pissed off. Especially when the referee came out the next day and said maybe he shouldn't have sent Lehmann off. It ruined the whole atmosphere of the game. Fuck him. Then again, it's not Barcelona's fault, they played well, took the two chances when they needed to take them and won.

  7. I think the Loughborough chav (woop, woop), is going to get completely isolated. There's the two crowds really, the rich, good looking people, and the freaks. She'll want to be part of the 'cool' crowd, but she's too much of a chav, and she won't want to be associated with the guy from Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Mrs Doubtfire, so she'll end up putting out for George.

  8. George and Shabaz will be friends.

    How small is this Loubrough place if you're like "oh I know her"?

    NBT lives there as well

    NBT lives in Leicester, or atleast he did last time I spoke to him.

    It's just Benji, J and I who live in Loughborough. Luckily I haven't come across them yet.

  9. I've spent the past week watching the whole of season one so it was awesome tonight for it to begin again. I was a bit let down by the ending to Series 1, especially with regards to Walt, but it does make sense.

    Another thing that bugged me about tonight's episodes was that they developed the storyline with

    (NOTE - Only a spoiler if you did not see tonight's episodes in the UK)

    Jack and Desmond in the first episode, but then didn't go past it in the second. And I need to know what happens damn it!

    The third episode looks cool though, especially with the appearance of a young Kamala.

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