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Posts posted by Visionary

  1. Yes Beckham did work hard in being pulled out of position and being somewhere we didn’t want him to be and since moving to Madrid his work rate has dropped considerably. Right-sided midfielder attributes should include pace, going past people, not works hard. A lot of players can work hard and run all day but it doesn't make them a great attacking force, which is what we play Beckham for, not his defensive abilities.

  2. Well that was awful. We created little, we didn't look sharp, none of out players did a good job and frankly we didn't deserve anything from the game. It's a sad day when Cole, Wright-Phillips, Beckham, Gerrard, Lampard, Owen and Rooney can't penetrate a defence consisting of a Championship reverse, Aston Villa man, someone I’ve never even heard of and League One player. We needed a high intensity game plan today to really get at the Irish and frankly we tried to play against our strengths and slowly pass it around. Ridiculous when you consider the league that all of these players bar Beckham plays in.

    Sven was also more than questionable throughout the game, bringing off Wright-Phillips? Owen Hargreaves? Playing key players out of position and with his constant changing confusing even his captain? Letting someone else do the dirty work for him in the shape of McLaren? When we really need Sven what does he do? Bugger all! Brazil! Portugal! And now Northern Ireland! For the highest paid manager in football things have to improve.

    Why did we deviate from the 4-4-2? Why on earth did we try to play something that we are not use too? Did we need to change? No! 4-4-2 doesn't let us down and Sven seems to think he has to play a fancy formation to make himself look good! He plays one up front so he can keep one player on the pitch and then he changes that so he can play the same guy in a position where tackling is key but yet the Beckham doesn't know the meaning of the word. I think Beckham is good at what he does and may well of been our best player but if you based a formation around Steven Gerrard he'd do the same, or Cole, or Lampard. We have some many World Class players now that we don't need to accommodate Beckham and if he doesn't fit to the plan then drop him, show some damn balls Sven! Beckham is good at what he does but being a good passer and freekick taker isn't enough to make you World Class.

  3. Prediction Competition Answers


    Thirty Man Royal Rumble

    Winner: The Rock

    WWF Championship

    Kurt Angle © Vs Steve Austin

    Intercontinental Championship

    Chris Benoit © Vs Matt Hardy

    WWF Tag Team Championship

    Edge & Christian © Vs The Dudley Boyz

    Billy Gunn Vs Steven Richards

    One point pre correct answer with title matches counting double and the Rumble worth four points.

    Bonus Questions

    What will be the first match of the night? Chris Benoit Vs Matt Hardy

    Who will get the pinfall/submission in the Tag Team Title match and against whom? (If you believe there will not be a pinfall or submission then stat match ending) Edge pins Buh Buh Dudley

    Which match will gain the highest match rating? Kurt Angle Vs Steve Austin

    Which match will gain the highest crowd reaction? Kurt Angle Vs Steve Austin

    Which match will gain the highest overall rating? Kurt Angle Vs Steve Austin

    Who will be the number one entry in the Rumble? Scotty Too Hotty

    Who will be the first elimination in the Rumble? Scotty Too Hotty

    Who will be in the final four of the Rumble? Kane, The Undertaker, The Rock & William Regal

    Who will be the last elimination in the Rumble? Kane

    Who will be in the Rumble for the longest amount of time? Kane

    One point per correct answer with double points for questions relating to the Royal Rumble.

    Prediction Results

    Baby Hewey: 4,2,0,0,1. 1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0.

    HaasOfPain: 4,2,0,2,1. 0,0,0,1,1,0,2,0,0,0.

    Chard: 4,2,0,2,1. 1,0,1,1,1,0,2,2,0,2.

    Steve Corino: 4,2,0,2,1. 0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0.

    Midnightnick: 4,2,0,2,1. 1,1,0,1,1,0,2,0,0,0.

    Crossface: 0,0,0,0,1. 0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0.

    Royal Rumble Rankings Table

    1: Chard: 19

    2: Midnightnick: 15

    3: HaasOfPain: 13

    4: Baby Hewey: 11

    5: Steve Corino: 11

    6: Crossface: 4

    Overall Rankings Table

    1: Chard: 19

    2: Midnightnick: 15

    3: HaasOfPain: 13

    4: Baby Hewey: 11

    5: Steve Corino: 11

    6: Crossface: 4

  4. If ya smellllllllllllllllllll! It’s The Rock and the roof goes off the New Orleans arena! Rock takes his time in eyeing up Kane and Taker before sprinting to the ring and exploding with speed and right hands to both. Kane takes him back with a knee to the gut but a double whip leads to a double clothesline on the brother as The Rock and the crowd go nuts! Rock has control as he brawls with both brothers but the numbers game catches up and Kane takes him down with a thrust to the throat. Both brothers stomp away at Rocky now on the mat before Undertaker holds Rock open for a barrage of Kane right hands. Rock off the ropes and clothesline by Taker. Rock is thrown to the corner for a double working over until he’s dragged out by the brothers grim and set up for a Double Chokeslam but Rock low blows Kane and takes Taker out with a clothesline to a good pop! Rock slaps Taker with open hands until he puts some extra spice into the last one, which almost takes Taker over the top. Rock backs up and looks for a clothesline but Taker catches him and Chokeslams him to hell! Taker works Rock to the corner where he and Kane try to eliminate him as we wait for number twenty six.

    Entrant Twenty Six: Dean Malenko

    Malenko comes to the ring and saves Rock with an attack to Kane, which draws his attention. Rock manages to escape Undertakers elimination but is thwarted with a soup bone in the corner. Taker has control over Rock in the corner as Malenko takes Kane down with a dropkick. Malenko looks to wear down Kane with a headlock but Kane is quick to his feet and shows impressive strength and stamina by throwing Malenko half way across the ring! Rock is fighting back in the corner with right hands and whips Taker off the ropes, Samoan Drop! Rock scoop slams Taker in the middle of the ring and the crowd get excited as Rock signals for the People’s Elbow! The pad flies off and Rock goes off the ropes but Kane catches him around the throat! But Rock nails Kane with a boot and hits a DDT before springing back up! Rock stalks Kane and is ready to uncoil, Kane is up and Rock nails the Rock Bottom! Kane soaks up more punishment! Rock goes over to the corner and he and Malenko stomp away at Taker. Taker is whipped off the ropes and hit with a double back elbow and Rock then turns on Malenko as the crowd begin the countdown.

    Entrant Twenty Seven: Road Dogg

    Road Dogg comes running down hoping to last longer than his tag team partner and immediately hits Undertaker with right hands. Dogg shakes, rattles and then Taker makes sure he rolls all the way to the floor with a hard right hand. Taker comes off the ropes and nails a leg drop as Rock brawls away with Malenko and Kane gets some well-earned rest in the corner. Rock has Malenko off the ropes and hits a nice spinebuster. Rock hooks up Malenko for the Rock Bottom but Malenko escapes and hooks up Rock for the very same move! But Rock much the same escapes and finally does hit the Rock Bottom! Rock doesn’t have long to think however as Undertaker turns him around and looks for the whip but its reversed, DDT! Rock lowered his head too soon! Road Dogg has Malenko in the corner and is trying to eliminate him but Dean escapes and hammers away at Road Dogg as we await the next man.

    Entrant Twenty Eight: Chaz

    Chaz comes down to ringside and goes over to help Road Dogg in the corner by attacking Malenko. Rock is up in the meantime having dropped Taker with a Samoan Drop and so is Kane. Rocky ducks under a Kane swipe and unloads with right hands to the big fella. Rock has Kane dangling over the ropes but Kane catches Rock before the final blow can be dealt. Kane takes Rock to the corner but Rock blocks with his foot and then slams Kane’s head into the buckle! Rock lifts Kane in the corner but Kane escapes elimination and brawls Rock back to the centre of the ring. Kane is in control and backs Rock towards the ropes, Kane takes a swipe but Rock ducks and throws Kane head first over the top as the crowd go nuts! But Kane doesn’t hit the floor and instead rolls back underneath where Rock boots away at him. Road Dogg and Chaz are now fighting and Dogg drops Chaz with a scoop slam. Dogg comes off the ropes and nails the shake, rattle and roll leg drop. The countdown begins as Taker attacks Rocky once more.

    Entrant Twenty Nine: The Big Show

    It’s The Big Show and you better get ready for something as the crowd erupt and Show steps over the top and looks in one mean mode! Show grabs Road Dogg and drills him to the mat with a one handed Chokeslam! Next Show grabs Chaz and chucks him with ease over the top rope! Malenko tries some right hands but too now avail as he goes sailing over the top too! Show picks up the unconscious Dogg and uses a Military Press to throw him into Chaz before turning his attention the big dogs.

    Elimination Twenty Three: Chaz by Big Show

    Elimination Twenty Four: Dean Malenko by Big Show

    Elimination Twenty Five: Road Dogg by Big Show

    Dogg grabs Taker out the corner and grabs him around the throat before delivering a one arm Chokeslam, which is an impressive feat on somebody over 300 pounds! Next its Kane turn and yes! Kane eats the mat and Rock is in trouble! Show points at Rock and spit flies out in his intensity but Rock rocks him with some right hands until Show knees downstairs and gets Rock in position. Rock is set for the ride but hits a low blow that breaks the hold! Rock slaps Show towards the corner before being cut off with a headbutt. Show stands tall in the ring, as the countdown reaches naught for our last entrant.

    Entrant Thirty: William Regal

    Regal gives a quick wave to the crowd as he comes running down to the ring and gets thwarted straight away by the 500-pound giant. Rock nails Show from behind and Kane and Taker also jump in, in an attempt to get ready of the threat. All three hammer away but even when Regal joins in they are all thwarted. Rock decides to stack the odds against Show some more and rolls outside for a steel chair. Rock snaps the chair together and as Show turns around he gets blasted in the head but it only shakes the Big Man! Rock blasts him again and Show is dangling over the ropes until Rock drops the chair and clotheslines him over the top! Big Show is gone! Rock did it!

    Elimination Twenty Six: Big Show by The Rock

    We’re down to our final four as Rock brawls with Regal. Regal reverses a whip but it’s to no avail as Rock comes flying back with a clothesline. Undertaker attacks Rock though and Kane drops a big elbow on Regal as the brothers look to put this thing to bed. Taker hammers away at Rock in the corner and chokes him before letting up. Taker goes for another right but Rock blocks and unloads with rights of his own as they come out the corner but Taker scores with a knee to the gut and lifts Rock on to his shoulder. Tombstone? Rock is in a precarious position but manages to escape his doom by slipping behind Taker. There’s a huge roar as Rock pushes an unbalanced Taker over the top! Taker has gone!

    Elimination Twenty Seven: Undertaker by The Rock

    Meanwhile Kane has Regal on the mat and is choking the life out of him as Rock comes over to attack. Rock unloads on Kane but Kane takes him down with a whip and a boot. Kane throws Rock off the ropes and nails a tilt a whirl slam. Regal nails Kane from behind now in his attempt to stop the monster and nails a nice neckbreaker. Kane is back on his feet despite Regals stomps and Regal comes off the ropes hoists only to be hoisted upon Kane’s shoulders and dumped to the outside, it’s just too easy for the Big Red Machine.

    Elimination Twenty Eight: William Regal by Kane

    Rock explodes with right hands on Kane and Kane gives as good as he gets and gains control with a knee to the gut. Kane whips Rock but Rock dodges a clothesline and comes back with is own before nipping up! Rock is stalking Kane and wants the Rock Bottom but Kane escapes with a knee an elbow and whips Rock off the ropes. Rock runs into the mitt of Kane but Rock escapes the Chokeslam with a Low Blow before collapsing to the floor. Rock scrambles across the floor and reaches the conveniently placed chair. Kane comes across but Rock surprises him with a shot right to the face! Kane is still up though as Rock hits Kane again and Kane stumbles towards the ropes. One more time Rock nails Kane in the head but Kane still remains standing, all be it almost over the top rope. Rock drops the chair and quickly clotheslines Kane over the top! Kane has gone! The crowd erupt! Rock has done it! Rock is the 2001 Royal Rumble winner!

    Elimination Twenty Nine: Kane by The Rock

    Rock falls to the floor as Earl Hebner rushes in to raise his hand. Rock goes to every turnbuckle to salute the deafening crowd having claimed his place at WrestleMania.

    Winner: The Rock

    Jim Ross “Good God, Rock has done it! Rock is going to WrestleMania!”

    Jerry Lawler “It took everything he had JR but the People’s Champion did it! He beat 29 other men and deserves that spot JR!”

    Jim Ross “I couldn’t agree more! Rock is going to WrestleMania! Good night everybody!”

  5. user posted image

    WWF Royal Rumble 2001

    January 21st 2001

    New Orleans Arena (14,175) – New Orleans, Los Angeles

    Tonight is a night of opportunity. A chance to obtain ultimate glory, for tonight thirty men will fight until the last drop of sweat hits the canvas and one man stands tall. For some it’s a chance of a lifetime and one that they have to grasp. For others who have been to the top, it is a chance to fulfil their hunger and once again obtain immortality. If WrestleMania is the showcase of the immortals, then tonight is the first step to ultimate glory!

    And now sponsored by 1-800-COLLECT, the 2001 Royal Rumble!

    Pyros explode and the crowd go nuts as we hit the New Orleans arena live for the 2001 Royal Rumble! We span the crowd holding various signs until we settle on our commentary team, Jim Ross and Jerry “The King” Lawler.

    Jim Ross “Hello and welcome everybody to the 2001 Royal Rumble! I’m Jim Ross alongside Jerry “The King” Lawler and King tonight should prove to be one heck of a night!”

    Jerry Lawler “You’re right JR! Three titles on the line! A lifestyle on the line and of course a chance to go to the biggest stage of all, WrestleMania!”

    We cut to a shot of a ram packed WWF New York and thousands of screaming fans.

    Jim Ross “A big hello to all our fans in WWF New York and………………………….”

    Intercontinental Championship

    Chris Benoit © Vs Matt Hardy w Lita

    JR is cut off by the music of Matt Hardy who is accompanied by the lovely Lita. The crowd are hot and Hardy seems focused as he makes his way down to the ring. Lita waits outside in a show of respect as Matt climbs the turnbuckles and taunts the capacity crowd who respond positively. Matt jumps down and doesn’t have to wait long before Benoit’s no nonsense music hits the arena. Benoit makes his way down to the ring with the prize around his waist before handing in to senior referee Earl Hebner who shows both competitors and New Orleans what’s stake before handing the belt to our timekeeper. Hardy and Benoit circle around the ring as Hebner calls for the bell.

    Both men come to the middle and lock up and Benoit uses his superior technical skills to trap Hardy in a headlock, Hardy counters by throwing the Rabid Wolverine off the ropes but Benoit stays firm as he knocks Hardy down with a shoulder block. Hardy recovers as Benoit propels himself off the ropes again, Matt jumps over Benoit and Benoit rebounds with a clothesline, which Matt ducks. Benoit for a third time comes off the ropes but Matt nails a dropkick to send Benoit to the mat. Both men recover and Matt has control as he nails Benoit with a knee to the gut and a back suplex. Hardy covers Benoit for the first near fall of the match. Hardy helps Benoit to his feet before hooking him up for a suplex but Benoit uses his great instinct to block and take Hardy over with a snap suplex of his own. A vicious Benoit doesn’t let up as he comes off the ropes and comes crashing down with a succession of elbows before pinning for his first near fall of the match.

    The Rabid Wolverine drags Hardy to his feet and throws him to the corner, Benoit rips Matt’s shirt open and lights him up with a succession of chops that leave Matt’s chest blood red. Benoit delivers a well-placed knee before taking Hardy out of the corner and knocking him down with another chop for good measure. Benoit lays the boot in on a fallen challenger and Hardy desperately grabs the bottom rope which forces Earl to back Benoit off as Hardy tries to regain his composure. Benoit approaches Hardy but is caught with a boot to the midsection. Matt hammers away at Benoit and backs him into the middle of the ring before whipping him off the ropes. Benoit’s rebound is met with a clothesline and Matt’s right boot crashing down continually as he stomps away at the champion. Benoit is raised to his feet and Matt backs him into the corner where he begins to relentlessly hammer away until his foe slumps to the floor. Matt begins to stomp the Wolverine until referee Earl Hebner backs him off and away from Benoit.

    Benoit drags himself up in the corner and Matt tries to keep the advantage with a high velocity charge but Benoit moves and Matt goes crashing against the buckle. Benoit senses an opening and goes behind Hardy and nails him with a German Suplex and a bridge for a near fall. Benoit zeroes in on his opponent now and starts to viciously nail him in the back with stiff kicks before raising him up and nailing a gruesome backbreaker that has Hardy screaming in agony. Benoit makes the cover and obtains a two count. Benoit grabs Hardy’s arms behind his back and places his knee in his back in an attempt to make Hardy submit but Matt escapes to his knees and Benoit in desperation locks in a headlock which Hardy escapes with a elbow to the gut and an irish whip. Benoit comes off the ropes and Hardy takes him down to the canvas with a rolling wheel kick, Hardy picks up the fallen Wolverine and tries to break his neck with a sweet twisting neckbreaker before covering for a two count.

    Benoit gets to his feet and recovers with some flesh ripping chops that take Hardy’s breath away. Hardy is in the corner where a relentless Benoit continues to light up him up before taking him out of the corner with a backbreaker but this time Benoit cleverly holds Hardy in position for the submission. Benoit is dragging Hardy’s neck back and really contorting Hardy at a horrific angle. After agonising torture Benoit lifts Hardy up and delivers another vicious backbreaker and covers Hardy but despite the agony the pugnacious Hardy kicks out on two. Benoit changes his course of attack now with a trifecta of German Suplexs. Benoit signals for the end with a cut of the throat and ascends the turnbuckle. Benoit takes a leap of faith with a Flying Headbutt but Matt moves! Benoit squirms on the canvas as Matt slowly gets to his feet.

    Matt is up and wastes no time in taking the opening and stomps away at the head of Benoit. Hardy raises Benoit up and kicks Benoit in the gut; Hardy wants to end it with the Twist Of Fate but Benoit somehow counters and pushes Matt into the buckle. Matt comes back to a seemingly dazed Benoit but gets locked in the Crippler Crossface! Benoit was playing possum! Benoit has it locked in on the mat and is ripping and tearing at Hardy, Matt is about to tap but a quick thinking Lita jumps on the apron and distracts Benoit. Benoit decided to take the law into his own hands and grabs a handful of hair but Matt saves his girlfriend with a club from behind. Matt turns Benoit around and plants him hard with a DDT before climbing to the second rope. Matt signals for his trademark legdrop and gets it! Matt is in control and senses the end, kick to the gut, Twist Of Fate! Hardy nails Benoit and covers, one, two, three! Lita enters the ring and both her and Matt celebrate as Benoit recovers on the canvas.

    Winner: Matt Hardy

    Jim Ross “Matt Hardy has done it! We have a new Intercontinental Champion!”

    Jerry Lawler “This is a miscarriage of justice JR! Matt Hardy cheated!”

    Jim Ross “Well actually King Matt did nothing illegal at all.”

    Jerry Lawler “Stop trying to cover up for him JR! If Lita hadn’t distracted Chris Benoit then Matt wouldn’t be holding that title above his head now! It’s as simple as that!”

    Jim Ross “You may be right King but after the treatment Lita has received at the hands of Chris Benoit and his buddies, I’d say justice was served!”

    Action switches to backstage where we see the Big Red Machine pacing up and down in the locker room. JR and King comment that he must be a favourite in the Royal Rumble. Next we switch to the McMahon-Helmsley lounge and Vince and Steph discussing tonight’s title match.

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “Dad, Austin can’t walk out Champion tonight. After everything his done to this family, not just recently but also in the past, I won’t sleep if Austin walks out champion. I just…………………………”

    Vince McMahon “Look Steph, Austin is not going to walk out champion I guaran-damn-tee it!”

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “Don’t get my wrong Dad I have total faith in Kurt but what if Austin gets lucky, I mean this is “Stone Cold” Steve Austin Dad, we both know how unpredictable he is.”

    Vince learns forward and looks his daughter in the eye.

    Vince McMahon “Your right he is unpredictable, but he can do whatever the hell he likes. I promise you that he will not walk out champion and that’s a McMahon guarantee!”

    Vince smiles as Stephanie looks reassured.

    Jerry Lawler “You hear that JR? A McMahon guarantee! There’s no way Austin is walking out champion tonight now!”

    Jim Ross “I don’t like the sound of that, I don’t like the sound of that one bit!”

    WWF Tag Team Championship

    Edge & Christian © Vs The Dudley Boyz

    Fireworks come crashing down and the crowd are on there feet as the Dudley Boyz music starts and Buh Buh and D-Von appear from the back. Both Dudley’s are focused and taunt on the stage before entering the ring and turnbuckle posing the New Orleans crowd. You think you know me? Out next are our tag team champions looking as cocky and confident as ever with the titles around their waists. They slide into the ring and Buh Buh and D-Von waste no time in attacking the Canadians and the bell sounds.

    Buh Buh and D-Von don’t let out champions out the blocks as they overpower Edge and Christian with right hands. Christian and Edge manage to throw the titles off and referee Teddy Long passes them outside but the Dudley Boyz refuse to let up and continue to knock their opponents all over the ring until eventually our champions smartly roll out the ring and regroup as the crowd cheer for the Dudley’s. Finally things are settled and Edge and Buh Buh start us off and Buh Buh continues the trend with right hands that rock Edge. Buh Buh delivers a crunching neckbreaker and smartly drags Edge to his corner in a tight headlock and tags in D-Von. After a kick to the midsection by the new legal man, Edge is catapulted off the ropes and dropped with a double elbow that could of knocked some teeth out! D-Von throws Edge off the ropes and elevates him for a huge flapjack with has Edge hitting the mat hard!

    D-Von helps Edge to his feet and tries to whip again but is reversed and D-Von goes off the ropes, in an underhand move though Christian knees D-Von in the kidney area and turns the tide for his team. Edge drags D-Von to his corner and makes the tag to his partner. Both men stomp away at D-Von before propelling him off the ropes and nailing a double dropkick. Christian picks up the fallen D-Von and takes him back down with a well-executed Russian Legsweep before covering for the first near fall of the match. Christian goes towards the Dudley corner and starts to taunt Buh Buh and predictably Buh Buh has to be restrained by Long and this allows Edge to nip in without a tag and nail D-Von as Christian holds him wide open. Long questions Edge but doesn’t act and Edge continues his assault when he nails D-Von with a neckbreaker and covers for another near fall as Buh Buh shouts encouragement from the outside.

    Edge locks in a rear chinlock until D-Von fights to his feet and elbows his way out and powers Edge off the ropes but Edge counters with a spinning neckbreaker and another two count. Edge comes off the ropes but D-Von has enough left to drive him into the mat with a powerslam but he immediately rolls off and tries to recover rather than attempting the pin. Both men are now crawling towards their respective corners and Edge gets the tag, but so does D-Von! The fresh Buh Buh takes out both brothers with right hands and then drops Christian with a hot shot on the top rope and takes out Edge with a butt slamming Buh Buh Bomb! A recovered D-Von and fresh Buh Buh stand in the middle of the ring with the crowd screaming at Buh Buh to utter the magic words. “D-Von! Get the table!”

    D-Von complies and goes outside but as he is under the ring Edge and Christian attack his partner from behind and throw him outside. D-Von has the table but both Edge and Christian baseball slide and knock the wood right into the teeth of D-Von. Buh Buh re-enters the ring and is taken down with a double clothesline. Edge sets him self in the corner for the Spear as Buh Buh recovers but D-Von grabs his leg and drags him outside where they both brawl wildly in further indication that Teddy Long has lost complete control off the match. Christian comes across to Buh Buh but Buh Buh recovers with some right hands before taking him down with a clothesline. D-Von re-enters the ring having dropped Edge by throwing him into the steel steps as Buh Buh slams Edge to the mat.

    Buh Buh holds open Edge’s legs as D-Von climbs the top and the capacity crowd join in the shout of “Wassup!”. Before D-Von can deliver the fatal blow though he is pushed off and hits nothing but canvas as Edge reverses into a victory roll and Teddy Long counts the three. Edge and Christian retain the gold! Buh Buh and D-Von are in disbelief as the champs escape to the outside with their belts and have their hands held high.

    Winners: Edge & Christian

    Jim Ross “Some how Edge and Christian retain their titles and I have no idea how!”

    Jerry Lawler “Now don’t start JR! Edge and Christian won that match fair and square!”

    Jim Ross “I’m not disputing that King but it seemed like the Dudley’s had complete control until they went for the table.”

    We go backstage to the Hardy Boyz locker room where Jeff is warming up to some cheers, until an elated Matt and Lita come bursting through the door and interrupt him! The crowd cheer again.

    Matt Hardy “WHOAAAAA! New Intercontinental Champion baby!”

    Lita “You know what we need Matt? Champagne!”

    Matt and Lita smirk before an annoyed Jeff poops their party.

    Jeff Hardy “Look guys, I’m happy Matt won the Intercontinental Title and all but I kinda have a big match too later tonight. You know? The Royal Rumble!”

    Matt Hardy “Yeh Jeff, you’re right. I tell you what, we’ll keep the champagne on ice until later.”

    Jeff Hardy “I’d appreciate that.”

    Matt and Lita leave the room to continue their celebrations elsewhere as Jeff continues his warm up. Action quickly switches to Lillan Garcia who’s standing by with WWF Champion Kurt Angle, who is not the most popular man in New Orleans.

    Lillan Garcia “Tonight Kurt you put your WWF Title on the line against “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. What are your thoughts heading into the match?”

    Kurt Angle “My thoughts? You want to know my thoughts Lillan? Let me tell you exactly what I’m thinking! I’m thinking about everything that sob has put me through lately! He’s stunnered me without provocation! He’s assaulted my good friend Stephanie McMahon! He’s destroyed property of my other good friend Mr McMahon! Let me tell you Lillan, Austin is a cancer in this federation and I’m here tonight to stop him spreading any further! Oh it’s true! It’s damn true!”

    Jim Ross “Austin, Angle, later tonight!”

    Billy Gunn w Chyna Vs Steven Richards w Ivory

    The very annoying music of the RTC rings through the arena and the crowd begin to boo as Steven Richards appears from the back accompanied by former Women’s Champion Ivory. Both have their game face on and we are shown footage off Chyna defeating Ivory for the Women’s Title on Smackdown as they enter the ring in a no nonsense manner. Next the music of Billy Gunn rings through the arena and the crowd cheer as he appears from the back accompanied by new Women’s Champion, Chyna! Billy runs down to the ring and the match begins straight away.

    Both men trade blows until Billy gains the upper hand and throws Richards off the ropes and nails him with a clothesline. Billy drops an elbow and covers for a two count. Richards scrambles to his feet only to be pummelled by an unrelenting Gunn and tossed off the ropes. Richards manages to turn the tide however by ducking a clothesline and coming back with one of his own. Richards backs Billy into the corner and beings to pummel away before whipping him to the opposing buckle. Richards looks for a clothesline but Gunn instinctively gets a foot up and unloads with some more right hands. Gunn bounces Richards head off the buckle ten times as the crowd chant along and follows up with a DDT that gets a two count out of referee Brian Hebner. Gunn whips Richards off the ropes but is caught by surprise with a clothesline.

    Richards puts the boots to Gunn before allowing him up and nailing a snap suplex for another near fall. Richards whips Gunn off the ropes but telegraphs and ducks his head far too soon, which allows Gunn to counter with a kick to the head. Gunn this time voluntarily off the ropes and nails a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Richards gets to his feet and is thrown off the ropes and Billy shows some impressive strength by hoisting him in a Gorilla Press Position but Richards slips out and rolls Billy up and tries to steal one with his feet on the ropes but Bad Ass still manages to kick out. Both men get up and Richards takes a wide swing which Billy ducks and counters into a back suplex. Billy covers for a near fall. Richards slowly gets to his feet as Billy measures him up but as he comes off the ropes Ivory involves herself by grabbing his leg.

    Billy foolishly turns his attention away from his opponent and when he does turn his attention back Richards clobbers him with a clothesline. Richards decides to take a risk and goes to the top turnbuckle, a staggering Billy turns around and is met with two fists in his face. Richards covers for another two. Richards seems to be a little frustrated now and keeps Bad Ass grounded with a headlock. Billy manages to regain his vertical base and hammers his way out of the hold but as he comes off the ropes Richards retakes control with a powerslam and a two count. Richards propels Gunn off the ropes but Gunn comes back with huge speed and ducks a clothesline before nailing a flying one of his own. Both men are down as Richards goes to the outside for a chair while Ivory distracts Hebner on the apron. Richards enters the ring intent on carnage but Chyna is closely behind.

    Richards has the chair behind his back but Chyna takes it away from him. Gunn struggles to his feet and Chyna swings at Richards but nails Bad Ass! Billy is out cold as Chyna checks on him but Richards bungles her out of the ring. Richards covers as Ivory jumps off the apron and Brain Hebner counts the three. Billy must join the RTC! Richards and Ivory celebrate as Chyna looks on in horror from the outside and Hebner tries to awaken Bad Ass.

    Winner: Steven Richards

    Jim Ross “Good God, no! Bad Ass has to join the RTC! Good God almighty! What has Chyna done?”

    Jerry Lawler “Chyna what have you done? Thanks to her the RTC has grown even stronger! Will this group ever leave the WWF?”

    Jim Ross “Good God! And I believe that initiation ceremony will be tomorrow night, live on Raw!”

    Jerry Lawler “This is a bad bad day JR, a bad bad day!”

    We go backstage to Test this time warming up in the locker room area to some cheers, when William Regal walks in. Scotty Too Hotty is in the background.

    William Regal “Ah Test, my dear chap. Good luck in the Rumble tonight and perhaps I might even see you when I enter at number thirty me lad?”

    Test stops his exercise and gets into Regal’s face with the intensity pouring off him.

    Test “I don’t want your luck or give a damn if your number thirty! If you get in my way I’ll break you in half!”

    Test storms out of the room leaving a somewhat taken aback Regal to comment to Scotty.

    William Regal “Really, some people just don’t understand goodwill and manners do they? Honestly!”

    Next we switch to Kurt Angle slapping his face and jumping up and down in preparation for his match, which is next.

    Jim Ross “The WWF Title is on the line, next!”

    “I lead by example as champion and am an excellent role model to young Americans everywhere.”

    “You Mr Austin stand for everything that’s wrong with America today. You stand for violence, show no respect to anyone, not even an American hero like myself!”

    “As far as you and a title shot goes, I’ll give you a chance. If you can prove to me you deserve it, then I’ll give you a title shot on Smackdown.”

    “That gives me a great idea Kurt! Tonight it’s gonna be Steve Austin verses the Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian in a handicap match!”

    Jim Ross “Austin’s done it! Austin has won a shot at the WWF Title this Thursday on Smackdown!”

    “I have called off the WWF Title match between you and myself, but, but! I do have good reason, a damn good reason in fact! You see I never said I would give you a WWF Title shot just because you beat Edge and Christian. I said you had to prove yourself to be worthy. When you stunnered me at the end of the match on Monday night you blew any chance you ever had of a title shot. When you learn to act like a champion Austin, perhaps I’ll give you a chance to become one.”

    “I take some time off and when I come back I find you strutting around like you own the damn place! Well let me remind you of something Kurt, you don’t own this company. I DOOOO!”

    “And as far as your title shot goes Austin, it’s on!”

    Michael Cole “McMahon just screwed Austin! What the hell?”

    “You had you’re chance Austin and there’s no chance in hell, I’m gonna give you another title shot.”

    “Then I best see what I can do to change ya mind.”

    Jerry Lawler “I don’t believe what Austin just did JR! Is he crazy?”

    Jerry Lawler “Austin’s a manic JR!”

    Jim Ross “McMahon screwed Austin and now Austin is screwing McMahon.”

    “Last week Austin preformed criminal acts against myself and my family and this week that son of a bitch is where he belongs, JAIL!”

    “What do you mean he’s been released? Who in the hell posted bail?”

    “You posted Austin bail didn’t you What in the hell is wrong with you?”

    “You know what? I don’t care! Because YOU’RE FIRED!”

    “No Vince I quit, I’m sick of being treated like dirt around her, especially since Mick left. You can stick you’re job and as far as my husband goes, yeah I did post his bail and he’s coming here, tonight!”

    “Stephanie! Stephanie!”

    “Debra has posted bail for Austin and he could be here any minute so we all need to leave the arena.”

    “No Dad! You two may have nothing to stay for but I made myself special guest referee in the main event and I’ll be damned if some redneck is going to ruin my plans!”

    “Fine we’ll stay but I’m having full security around us at all times and I want a guard in that ring with you.”

    Michael Cole “It’s Austin! Stephanie is all alone with Austin!”

    “Austin! Austin! Don’t do anything stupid! We can sort this out. You want Angle at the Royal Rumble? Fine! Ya got him!”

    Michael Cole “It’s going to be Austin and Angle for the WWF Title at the Royal Rumble!”

    Jerry Lawler “Austin going to have hell to pay!”

    “So with out any further ado, let me introduce to you the champion, *The crowd boo* He is an Olympic Gold Medallist and American hero! He is KURTTTT ANGLEEEEE!”

    “And he’s opponent, the challenger. Steve Austin.”

    “Well at the Rumble you can as many bad words as you want, you can do whatever you want and it won’t matter because it won’t change the fact, that at the end of our match I’ll still be WWF Champion. Oh it’s true, it’s damn true!”

    “Hell if anyone and I mean anyone tries to get in the way of me and that WWF Title I’ll whoop their ass. I don’t care if it’s Stephanie McMahon, I don’t care if it’s Vince McMahon, hell it could be anyone, I really don’t give a rats ass but I do know that I’m gonna whoop your ass one, two, three and walk out of New Orleans the WWF Champion and that’s the bottom line ‘cause Stone Cold said so!”

    Jim Ross “This is disgusting! That’s our champion the owner of this damn company assaulting a defenceless man! This is despicable!”

    “Let me make one thing perfectly clear to all of you, nobody lays their hands on Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley! Nobody lays their hands on daddy’s little girl! And that’s why after Austin hit me with the Stone Cold Stunner last week; he made the worst mistake of his life! I promise you Austin that you’re going to pay and it starts tonight. Tonight we’re going to see Steve Austin verses Rikishi in a No Disqualification match!”

    Michael Cole “Stone Cold just sent a message to our WWF Champion! There’s gonna be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide this Sunday!”

    WWF Championship

    Kurt Angle © Vs Steve Austin

    Glass shatters and the crowd are on their feet as Steve Austin’s music hits the arena and he appears from behind the curtain. Austin does his customary four-corner salute before awaiting our WWF Champion. Angle makes Austin wait a few seconds before his American theme hits the stereo and he makes his way down the ramp. Angle stops halfway and raises his arms as fireworks go off behind him before entering the ring but Austin doesn’t wait for the bell and gets in the first blow.

    Austin hammers away at our champion with right hands but Angle does manage to duck under and counter with some of his own until Austin blocks and once again controls the fistfight. Angle manages to stop the rampaging challenger with a knee to the gut and then some more right hands. Austin does much the same with a knee of his own and some more right hands; this is one hell of a heated brawl! Angle ducks under and pummels away some more at Austin until Stone Cold finally ends the brawl with a knee and a whip off the ropes but Angle reverses and Austin is met with a back elbow. Angle covers for one. Angle looks to whip Austin but this time Stone Cold reverses and sends Angle into the ropes, Lou Thresh Press! Austin with piston right hands on the champion!

    Austin drops his customary elbow off the ropes and covers for a two count. Angle regains his vertical base but not for long as Austin clotheslines him back down. Austin wants to end it early as he waits for Angle to stand, flips the bird and nails him in the gut but Kurt reverses and pushes Austin to the buckle. Angle unloads with some right hands that shake Austin until Stone Cold reverses and places Kurt in the corner and gives him some right hands. Angle slumps to the floor and Austin stomps a mudhole in him and walks it dry! Senior referee Earl Hebner backs Austin out of the corner as our America Hero scrambles to his feet, Austin takes him out of the corner and whips him off the ropes but Kurt gets back into the game with a textbook clothesline and covers for a near fall.

    Angle with some vicious stomps right to the head of Austin, Angle whips Austin off the ropes but Austin ducks the clothesline and rebounds with another Lou Thresh Press, five piston right hands before taking Angle over the top rope with a clothesline. Austin follows and bounces Angle’s head off the announce table, not once, not twice but three times! Austin has Angle by the head by Angle escapes and throws Austin into the ringpost! Angle stomps away at Austin before picking him up and ramming him into the steel steps. Angle continues the assault and bounces Austin’s head off the announce table before rolling him back into the ring. Angle continues the assault further with right hands to a defenceless Austin that have the challenger corned. Angle hammers away relentlessly in the corner until Austin slumps down and Kurt takes the opportunity to choke Austin with his boot. Hebner tries to back Angle away but smartly Angle stays on his man and whips him off the ropes before catching him and nailing a sweet Overhead Belly To Belly. Angle covers for a near fall.

    Angle with some more stomps to the head before lifting up Austin who takes a wide swing which Angle ducks and uses to hit a high angle back suplex. Angle covers for another near fall. Austin gets to his feet but Angle uses the snapmare to take him down and locks in the headlock. Hebner asks Austin if he wants to quit but Austin shows his tenacity by getting to his feet. He desperately elbows Angle in the gut and throws him off the ropes, Austin ducks his head far too soon and gets a stiff kick to the head for his trouble followed by a clothesline. Scoop slam on Austin and Angle has highflying intentions. Angle from the top, Moonsault! Beautiful! Angle has the cover and gets a near fall. Angle backs Austin to the corner and unloads with some right hands before whipping him to the buckle. Angle charges but Austin instinctively gets a boot up.

    Austin fights back with right hands and throws Angle off the ropes before nailing a clothesline. Angle gets up quickly and Austin executes a suplex with a cover for a two count. Austin whips Angle to the ropes and Angle dodges a clothesline but is caught second time round with a nice spinebuster. Austin comes off the ropes and drops his elbow across the champion’s throat before hooking the leg for two. Austin comes off the ropes but Angle ducks and Austin knocks Earl Hebner into next week! Austin turns around and Kurt takes advantage with a low blow and a DDT. Sensing an opportunity, Vincent Kennedy McMahon decides to make his way down to ringside much to the chagrin of the New Orleans crowd as Angle stomps away at Austin. Angle goes to the outside to grab the WWF Title belt and clearly has evil intentions on his mind.

    Angle full steam ahead towards Austin but Austin gets a boot to the midsection and the Title falls to the floor, another kick to the midsection, Stunner! Austin nails the Stunner! Austin has the cover and the crowd count the three but crucially Earl Hebner does not, the only think Earl is counting is sheep! McMahon has a chair and tries to sneak up on Austin but Stone Cold has eyes in the back of his head and Vince is face to face with the rattlesnake! In the nick of time Angle takes out Austin’s leg with a chop block and Mr McMahon goes back where he belongs, outside the ring and cheers on Angle as he works over Austin’s leg with repeated elbow drops. Angle drags Austin to the ringpost and goes outside, He wraps Austin’s leg around the steel but tries it once too often and Austin pulls his legs and Angle has some steel reconstruction to his face!

    Austin goes outside and after some stomps throws Angle back in, Austin comes off the ropes but Vince interjects himself again with a steel chair right to the injured leg! Austin drops and Angle stomps viciously before stalking Austin from behind, looking for the Olympic Slam and crucially Earl Hebner is stirring. Austin is up and Angle hooks it up but the rattlesnake slithers out! Angle ducks a right hand, Olympic Slam! Angle nails it the second time! He has the cover and Vince hurries Earl to the scene but it takes an eternity before Earl can begin his slow count, one, two, thre-no! Austin kicks out much to the crowd’s ecstasy and Mr McMahon’s frustration! Angle picks up Austin but with his will to survive and do anything necessary Stone Cold hits the low blow! Earl is still recovering and is in no state to see the DQ offence and Austin slowly climbs to the top rope. Austin takes an eternity to get to the top and Angle takes full advantage with a lighting quick arm drag off the top! Austin hits the mat hard and Angle crawls over for a cover but Earl once again produces only the two!

    Angle is incensed and starts to argue with now recovered Earl before turning his attention back to Austin, fatal mistake though as the rattlesnake takes the opportunity to hit another Stone Cold Stunner before collapsing. Earl starts his count as more reinforcements arrive for our WWF Champion in the form of Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. Both men in the ring are on their feet after eight and Austin blocks a right before nailing one of his own, and again. Austin takes us back to the beginning with piston right hands and takes Angle to the corner but our champion fights back with a knee to the gut and rams the fan favourite into the ringpost, hard! Stephanie is in distract mode as she jumps on the apron and Vince snidely slides the Title belt to Angle. Kurt doesn’t need a second invitation and as Austin turns around nails him with the gold! Austin is busted open! Angle slides the belt out and covers as Stephanie jumps down, one, two, thre-no! Austin survives again!

    Kurt takes out his frustrations on Austin’s head with stiff stomps before setting him up for the Olympic Slam once more, Austin stumbles into the trap but drops down again and this time nails a clothesline on the counter. Stephanie is on the apron again but Austin knocks her down, a red mask comes over Vince and he enters the ring to confront Austin and gets nailed with a Stunner for his trouble! Angle however manages to take advantage off a taunting Austin when he grabs him in a go-behind and nails a German Suplex and another and another! Angle stomps a few more boots before signalling for the end and as Austin recovers flips him the bird, kick to the gut, Austin reverses his own finishing manoeuvre! Angle off the ropes, Stunner! Austin nails the Stunner again! The cover, one, two and three! It’s all over; we have a new WWF Champion! Austin is thrown some beers and he toasts the electric crowd.

    Winner: Steve Austin

    Jim Ross “Bah God, Austin’s done it! We have a new WWF Champion!”

    Jerry Lawler “Oh no! How could this happen! Angle, Stephanie and Vince and that damn rattlesnake still did it! Mr McMahon is not going to be happy when he realises what’s happened!”

    Jim Ross “Austin took everything that was thrown at him and he beat them all! New champion and bah God this crowd is loving every second of it!”

    Kane is seven feet tall, over 300 pounds and must be considered a favourite for the Royal Rumble!

    The American Bad Ass is all about the fight and his gonna bring it at the Rumble!

    Rikishi is 400 pounds and a bad bad man, who in the hell is going to be able to single handily throw him over the top rope?

    William Regal is number thirty and has an excellent chance to go to WrestleMania!

    Y2J seems so focused on winning the Rumble, we haven’t seen this side of him before but he is damn determined to go to WrestleMania. You can see it running through his veins!

    Test has had enough and has promised to break anyone who gets in his way, in half!

    The Rock has to be a favourite and is defiantly the People’s choice, he’s been there before and his desire to go again is at boiling point!

    The brothers are working together! This is bad news for everyone, who in the hell is going to be able to survive the both of them? But what’s going to happen when it comes down to just them two?

    Who’s going to win the Royal Rumble?

    After a nice hype video for the Rumble main event we come to The Rock who gets a huge cheer and Jonathan Coachman who is going to attempt a straight up interview.

    Jonathan Coachman “Rock, we are moments away from the Royal Rumble and………………………..”

    Rock throws a hand in Coach’s face to stop him before grabbing the microphone.

    The Rock “Finally, The Rock has come back to New Or-leans!”

    The crowd give a huge cheer and The Rock waits for it to die down before continuing.

    The Rock “The Royal Rumble 2001! The biggest Rumble in history! The chance to go to WrestleMania and there are so many possibilities! It could come down to The Rock and Bull Buchanan! It could be The Rock and Perry Saturn! It could come down to The Rock and The Undertaker! And speaking of The Undertaker, everyone’s been saying the same thing; Kane and Undertaker are working together! Nobody can stop Kane and the Undertaker! Everyone’s in trouble because of Kane and The Undertaker! Well quite frankly, if The Undertaker and Kane are working together then we are all in trouble! But The Rock is sick of hearing the same thing; Kane wants to play doctors and nurses with The Undertaker. Undertaker wants to buy Kane an engagement ring; Undertaker wants to feel the wrath of Kane’s crispy critter! The Rock doesn’t give a damn! Cause those jabronis will be joining all the others, flying over the top rope as The Rock goes on to WrestleMania! If ya smellllllllllllllllllll what The Rock is cooking!”

    The crowd go nuts as we go to ringside and Fink explains the rules of the Royal Rumble and JR and King let us know it’s time!

    Royal Rumble

    Entrant One: Scotty Too Hotty

    Too Cool’s music hits the arena as unlucky number one Scotty dances his way down to the ring. He busts a move in the ring before awaiting his first opponent.

    Entrant Two: Kane

    BANG! Through hellfire and brimstone, it’s Kane! The crowd erupt as Kane makes his way down to the ring, as Scotty’s luck gets even worse. The Big Red Machine steps over the top rope and does his customary throw hands down as fireworks erupt on the turnbuckles. Scotty looks to get some shots in early but Kane predictably overpowers Hotty. Kane takes Hotty down with a thrust to the throat before throwing him into the corner; now Kane unloads with some rights before whipping Scotty to the opposing buckle and following up with a sidewalk slam. Scotty is like a lamb to the wolves here and Kane powers him off the ropes before sticking a foot right down his throat. Kane wants to slam Hotty to hell and waits for the hipster to stagger to his feet, Chokeslam! Kane sent him to hell! Kane scoops up Hotty’s remains and dumps him over the top as the crowd count down the next entrant.

    Elimination One: Scotty Too Hotty by Kane

    Entrant Three: Farooq

    It’s Farooq. The APA member comes charging down to ringside and a wild brawl erupts between him and Kane but even the big stud Farooq can’t compete with Kane’s power as the Big Red Machine comes off the ropes with a clothesline! Kane chokes Farooq on the mat before letting him to his feet and unloading with some more right hands. Kane looks to whip Farooq off the ropes but is reversed but soon regains the advantage with a flying lariat. The big man wants to show some high flying ability now as he climbs to the top rope, he waits for his target to get to his feet and takes a leap of faith, but it’s miss placed faith as Farooq moves out the way! Kane goes crashing to the mat! Kane regains his composure and vertical base but Farooq takes him straight back down with a clothesline and again with another. Farooq comes off the ropes again but Kane catch’s him in a chokehold and shows great adaptability by countering to a chokeslam. Kane drops to his knees as the countdown for our next entrant begins.

    Entrant Four: Steve Blackman

    The Lethal Weapon comes charging down ringside with Kendo Sticks in hand and dodges a big Kane swipe and unloads some stick shots to the back. Blackman shows great proficiency with the sticks as he unloads stiff shots that keep Kane on his knees until a sweet shot to the head takes Kane to the mat. Blackman turns his attention to Farooq but Farooq plays a little possum and catches Blackman by surprise with a boot to the gut. Farooq presses the advantage and his a thunderous Dominator! Farooq tosses the Kendo sticks outside with some contempt before stomping away at Blackman as Kane sits up. Kane turns Farooq around but Farooq has his smarts about him and nails a right hand first. Both men trade blows until Farooq is in the corner and Kane looks to choke the life out of him until Blackman nails the monster from behind. Farooq and Blackman wisen up and send Kane off the ropes in an attempt for double team offence but unfortunately for them it back fires and Kane catches both with a double clothesline. The countdown is on.

    Entrant Five: Bull Buchanan

    That damn annoying music of the RTC hits the arena as big Bull Buchanan fresh form his vote of confidence from The Rock makes his way to the ring. Bull goes straight for Kane but Kane is having none of it and hits a well-placed thrust to the throat of big Bull. Kane turns around and now has Blackman to contend with but swipes him away with a clothesline and Farooq eats a boot for his trouble. Kane is just dominating three men here! Kane picks up Bull and hits him with a suplex and then throws him into the corner. Kane pummels away at Bull until Blackman sneaks behind but is well scouted by Kane who trades blows with him now, Kane is holding off two men but appears to be losing until Farooq surprisingly nails Blackman from behind, Kane continues his assault on Bull as Farooq throws Blackman over the top.

    Elimination Two: Steve Blackman by Farooq

    Bull is slumped in the corner as Farooq nails Kane from behind; Kane overpowers Farooq once more in the fistfight and takes him down to the mat. The ten count begins as Kane chokes Farooq on the mat.

    Entrant Six: Jeff Hardy

    Hardy comes down to the ring and gives Kane something new to deal with when he ducks a paw swipe and rebounds with a spin kick. Hardy hits a legdrop off the ropes as Bull comes across and starts to beat down a fallen Farooq. Hardy’s energy seems to be the tonic as he continues the assault on Kane with a dropkick and clothesline, Kane does gain some control with a knee to the gut as Bull hangs Farooq over the top rope in an attempt to eliminate but Hardy comes back with a cross body block. Farooq manages to escape doom and fight back with some fists on Bull as Hardy ascends to the top rope. Hardy jumps off the top but is caught by the mutts of the monster and thrown across the ring. It looks like they just made Kane angry! Kane clotheslines Hardy down and throws him to the corner in an attempt to eliminate the nuisance but rather oddly Bull Buchanan who has just scoop slammed Farooq comes across to assault Kane and therefore saves Hardy. Farooq comes across now but not for revenge but rather to help his former foe in beating down Kane. Kane is thrown off the ropes and he ducks a double clothesline but Hardy comes off the top with a spin kick. All three men stomp away at Kane now as the countdown begins.

    Entrant Seven: Bradshaw

    Here comes Bradshaw charging down to ringside. Straight away he joins the three in the corner as they look to hoist Kane over the top but Kane battles away and throws all four men away before tossing an advancing Hardy over the top but unbeknown to Kane, Hardy holds on to skin the cat. Kane as Bull in his sights and powers away at him as Bradshaw and Farooq look to break the every man for himself motto and double team Jeff Hardy. They link and takes Hardy down with a big double clothesline before Farooq hoists Hardy onto his shoulders and looks to dump him over the top. Bradshaw shows his combative nature though when he dumps Farooq over the top in a double elimination attempt but Hardy holds on!

    Elimination Three: Farooq by Bradshaw

    Farooq is irate on the outside as Bradshaw apologises and gets back to work on Hardy. Kane dumps Bull down to the mat with a powerslam! Kane seems to go into overdrive mode and over goes Bull! Kane comes across to Bradshaw and clotheslines him over the top and as the clock reaches five Kane tosses Hardy over the top who this time doesn’t skin the cat! Whoever next has got one hell of a task!

    Elimination Four: Bull Buchanan by Kane

    Elimination Five: Bradshaw by Kane

    Elimination Six: Jeff Hardy by Kane

    Entrant Eight: Triple H

    Time To Play The Game! It’s The Game! He’s back! Triple H has his game face on as the crowd actually erupt in cheers for the heel. Triple H makes his way down to the ring slowly and calculatingly as Kane eyes up his fresh meat. Triple H spits some water vapour just outside the ring before throwing his bottle to the excited crowd and entering the ring. Triple H ducks a Kane right hand and unloads with some rights of his own that rock the Big Red Machine. Triple H knees Kane in the gut and takes him down to the mat with a hard-hitting DDT. Hunter look to whip Kane off the ropes but Kane reverses and sends Triple H off the ropes, Hunter regains control though with a high knee to the face and continues the high intensity assault with mounted right hands to the skull of the monster. Hunter throws Kane to the corner and comes running in but is too keen and gets caught with a boot to the face. Kane comes out of the corner with some right hands and whips Hunter off the ropes before drilling The Game into the mat with a powerslam. The countdown for number nine begins as Kane throws Hunter to the corner.

    Entrant Nine: The Goodfather

    The second RTC member of the night comes running down to ringside and immediately targets Kane with right hands. Triple H comes out the corner and he and Goodfather form an alliance and double team the Big Red Machine. Kane is on the mat as Triple H and Goodfather both choke him on the bottom rope, Triple H takes the lead and orders Goodfather to hold Kane open as he mounts vicious right hands that shake the monster. Kane doesn’t take it lying down though and boots Hunter down before hip tossing Goodfather over. Kane whips Goodfather off the ropes and has him in the Gorilla Press Position but The Game takes out Kane’s right leg with a chop block and Goodfather safely hits the inside off the ring. The countdown begins as Goodfather chokes Kane and Triple H goes into Cerebral Assassin mode and drops numerous leg drops onto Kane’s injured leg.

    Entrant Ten: Perry Saturn

    Perry Saturn slowly makes his way down to the ring with Terri by his side before ordering her to the back and taking out Goodfather in the ring. Goodfather and Saturn trade blows as Triple H locks in a modified side figure four on Kane. Kane escapes with a rake to the eyes of Hunter as Saturn unsuccessfully tries to eliminate Goodfather. Kane is up on his dippy leg and pummelling away at Hunter before throwing him off the ropes but ducking his head too soon and being hit with a swinging neckbreaker. Goodfather now has Saturn dangling over the top but much like Saturn’s own attempt it fails when Saturn nails his foe with an elbow. Triple H has Kane in the corner and bounces his head off the buckle before stomping away at him. Triple H finishes with a choke and Goodfather takes Saturn down with a nice Samoan Drop in the middle of the ring as the clock counts down to one.

    Entrant Eleven: Hardcore Holly

    How do ya like me now? Hardcore Holly comes crashing down to ringside and takes out both Goodfather and Saturn with clotheslines before going to the corner and trading blows with Triple H. Hardcore sends Hunter off the ropes and nails him with a sweet dropkick that almost breaks his jaw! Hardcore scoops up Triple H and looks to dump him over the top but Hunter holds onto the top and re-enters under the bottom as Hardcore stomps away at him. Saturn and Goodfather both have Kane up in the corner and almost over but Kane battles back and blasts both men back down to the mat. Kane bounces Saturn’s head off the corner buckle and works him over as Hardcore has a whip reversed and Hunter nails the face buster. Hunter sets up Hardcore for the Pedigree but its counter with a catapult to the corner, which takes out a just recovered Goodfather. Holly charges at the corner but Hunter moves and Goodfather is hit with a double whammy and Triple H goes over to nail Kane who counters as the clock counts down.

    Entrant Twelve: K Kwik

    The tiny K Kwik comes running down to the ring full of energy but jumps straight into the claws of Kane who takes him to the corner and sits him on the top rope before punching him to the outside.

    Elimination Seven: K Kwik by Kane

    Triple H and Kane trade blows, as do Hardcore and Goodfather before Saturn comes across and nails Goodfather, Hardcore and Saturn double team Goodfather and try to elevate him over the ropes in the corner but he manages to escape. Meanwhile Triple H comes off the ropes but Kane catches him and lifts him in a choke before throwing him to the mat. Kane picks Triple H up with the idea of elimination in mind but Triple H scurries down and tips Kane over the rope and the crowd get excited but its short lived as Kane grasps the bottom rope and slides under despite constant boots from The Game. Perry Saturn comes across and nails Hunter from behind and comes back off the ropes but Hunter smartly dodges and helps Saturn over the top and into elimination. Meanwhile on the other side of the ring Hardcore Holly has also eliminated Goodfather! The action doesn’t stop at the Rumble though and are ready for the next entrant!

    Elimination Eight: Perry Saturn by Triple H

    Elimination Nine: The Goodfather by Hardcore Holly

    Entrant Thirteen: Ken Shamrock

    The World’s Most Dangerous Man! Ken Shamrock! He gets a huge ovation as he comes charging down to ringside with the intensity dripping from his entire body. Shamrock takes advantage off his fresh legs and hammers away at Hardcore Holly before whipping him off the ropes and nailing a nice Hurricanarana. Shamrock picks up Hardcore and dumps him over the top as Kane and Triple H continue to duke it out in the corner.

    Elimination Ten: Hardcore Holly by Ken Shamrock

    Shamrock decides to join in and nails Hunter from behind before throwing him off the ropes and hitting a perfectly executed Belly To Belly. Kane comes a charging but Shamrock shows his shoot background with a nice drop toehold and in an instant he has Kane’s injured right leg in the Ankle Lock, Kane is clearly in agony! Triple H slumps in the corner for a well-earned rest as Kane is in agony and Shamrock refuses to break the hold, that is until Kane gets to his feet and shows great agility with an enziguiri kick! Kane is down on the mat! Triple H is the corner slumped and Shamrock is recovering from a blow to the head! What a war! We get some signs of life as Triple H takes advantage and keeps both men on the mat with some well-placed stomps. Shamrock is on his feet And Triple H comes off the ropes but Shamrock takes him down with a clothesline! The countdown begins for the next entrant.

    Entrant Fourteen: Raven

    Raven comes down incredibly slowly as Shamrock works over Hunter in the corner. Finally Raven is up and Kane catches him with a right hand and they trade blows around the ring. Shamrock is hammering away at Hunter and has he dangling over the rope and the crowd seem excited, as one more shot will send him over. Shamrock comes back and looks for a big clothesline but Hunter shows great extinct with a kick to the gut, he’s hooked up and Pedigree! Shamrock got drilled! Hunter takes a few seconds before scooping up Shamrock and looking to toss him outside but Ken puts on the breaks and with a knee to the gut takes control. Shamrock chucks Hunter over the top rope! But despite a foot in his throat, he holds on! As the action becomes harder to follow Kane is destroying Raven in the corner before being whipping him off the ropes, Raven ducks a clothesline but is met with a huge Chokeslam that shakes the ring. We are ready for number Fifteen!

    Entrant Fifteen: Tazz

    Tazz comes charging down but much like K Kwik falls straight into the hands off Kane who delivers a huge Chokeslam before dumping him over the top, he can compare notes with Kwik for shortest time in the Rumble.

    Elimination Eleven: Tazz by Kane

    Shamrock is dangling over the top! Hunter has him up but Shamrock escapes this time! Raven is in trouble as Kane turns his attentions to him and Hunter has Shamrock on the mat with a choke. Raven reverses a whip and comes back with some offence to the Big Red Machine with a clothesline before dropping a succession of fists onto his face. Shamrock has turned the tide in the corner and nails Hunter with a succession of knees to the gut before taking him out the corner with a snap suplex. Shamrock takes Hunter over to and chokes him upon the second rope as Kane comes back against Raven with a reversed suplex. Kane comes off the ropes and nails a clothesline to keep Raven grounded, as we get ready for our next entrant.

    Entrant Sixteen: Grandmaster Sexay

    Sexay comes dancing down to ringside and nails Shamrock from behind, He whips him off the ropes and nails him with a dropkick before climbing to the top. Going to the top rope is always risky in the Rumble and Kane launches him off the buckle and onto the railing on the outside. Kane wants to beat every man single handily and he’s not doing a bad job of it so far!

    Elimination Twelve: Grandmaster Sexay by Kane

    Raven nails Kane in the gut and hits the Evenflow DDT before turning his attention to Shamrock and Triple H. He battles away with both before he and Hunter both take out Shamrock. Hunter turns on Raven now and throws him off the ropes before hitting a huge spinebuster! Triple H puts the boots into Kane and lifts him to the corner where he works him over before choking him with his boot. We are ready for Seventeen.

    Entrant Seventeen: Rikishi

    He’s a bad bad man! And all 400 pounds of Rikishi takes its time in coming down to the ring! Kish hammers away at Shamrock and takes Raven out the game with a headbutt. Shamrock is whipped off the ropes and gets blasted with a sweet superkick. Triple H comes out the corner to met Kish but gets blasted with a clothesline. Kish gets a sick look in his eye as he sees Kane slumped in the corner and raises him to his feet. Kish pummels the monster in the corner before taking him to the middle of the ring and taking him down with a headbutt. Raven blasts Kish from behind but has a whipped reversed and is drilled to the mat with a hard-hitting Samoan Drop. Kish has every man on the mat! Shamrock comes to the bad man but is thrown to the corner and dealt more punishment until Triple H attacks from behind, Shamrock places Kish in the corner and an uneasy look between the former foes turns to an uneasy alliance as they punish Kish in the corner. Kane has Raven on the mat and choking him before lifting him up and throwing him in the corner, Kane is over zealous though and charges and hits nothing but steel. Raven rams him back into the steel for some insult to injury, as we get ready for number eighteen.

    Entrant Eighteen: Chris Jericho

    The fans give a huge roar as Jericho’s music plays and he and Raven lock eyes. Jericho gets in the ring and Raven gets some shots in but Jericho gets the better of the exchange and whips Raven off the ropes. Dropkick off the ropes by Jericho and he shows great athleticism with a nicely executed Lionsault. Raven is scooped up and thrown over the top as Jericho gets some sweet revenge.

    Elimination Thirteen: Raven by Chris Jericho

    Shamrock and Jericho pair off as Rikishi hammers away at The Game and Jericho nails a knee to the gut and an under hook backbreaker. Jericho waits for Shamrock to shows some signs of recovery before delivering a running kick to the gut to keep control. Kane is back and hammering away at Rikishi in the corner. Rikishi battles back and both men trade wild blows in the middle of the ring before Rikishi wins out with a knee to the gut and a scoop slam. Kish drags Kane to the corner and goes to the second rope, Banzai! Kish dries the air out of the monster! Shamrock comes off the ropes and nails Y2J with a running knee lift before Triple H takes him down with a clothesline. The crowd are counting down!

    Entrant Nineteen: Albert

    Here comes the big stud Albert! He charges down to ringside and straight away takes out Triple H with a stiff clothesline. Rikishi throws him to the corner but Albert comes back out with a nice Scissors Kick that impressively takes the 400 pounder down! Shamrock comes a charging but is planted with a seated powerbomb but Triple H proves too much as he hits a knee to the gut. Albert reverses a whip but Hunter counters with a swinging neckbreaker. Hunter whips Albert off the ropes and nails a face buster before hooking up a Pedigree and hitting it! Kane sits up but Hunter keeps him down with a low clothesline and rests on the ropes as the clock reaches zero!

    Entrant Twenty: Test

    Test Test, This is a Test! It’s gonna be one heck of a test for an exhausted Triple H as Test looks to take out some frustration on his ex’s husband. Test and Hunter have a wild brawl before Hunter eats the boot of Test. Albert sees an opportunity to get some revenge of his ex partner and nails him from behind. Albert is thrown to the corner by Test and rebounds with a Scissors Kick but Test moves out the way. Albert is up on the shoulders of Test and yes! Testdrive! Test swings Albert around into a wicked backbreaker! Albert is easy picking as Test gets a sweet elimination over the top.

    Elimination Fourteen: Albert by Test

    Test turns his attentions to Jericho and Hunter now as Rikishi drags Kane over to the corner looking for another Banzai Drop! Kish gets to the second rope but Kane has sat up and throws Kish over the top! Rikishi put himself in no mans land! The countdown begins!

    Elimination Fifteen: Rikishi by Kane

    Entrant Twenty One: Al Snow

    Al goes straight for Kane now, who overpowers him with a right hand. It seems everyone has wised up a little as Jericho goes for Kane but is met with a clothesline and Al jumps on his back before being thrown off. Hunter nails Kane in the kidneys and Snow locks in the sleeper and Shamrock tries to take the leg and Test nails Kane from the front with Jericho. It’s five on one but Kane throws Snow away like a piece of garbage and nails Test and Jericho down before taking out Hunter with a thrust to the throat. Shamrock comes off the ropes and eats a boot for his trouble! Al charges at Kane but gets caught around the throat as does Jericho and Test eats a boot but even Kane can’t keep five men at bay forever and Triple H and Shamrock both nail a chop block to both legs that take Kane down. All five now stomp away at the monster before lifting him up and taking him to the corner where they all take turns in working him over. Hunter takes a leaders role now as he orders Snow to thrown Kane off the ropes and hits Kane with a wicked spinebuster. Hunter gets Kane to the ropes and all five men now try to eliminate him and Kane desperately tries to fight them off. The countdown begins.

    Entrant Twenty Two: D’lo Brown

    Kane has managed to thwart all five men and take them down to the mat before nailing throwing D’lo off the ropes and hitting him with a powerslam. Kane is met from all sides with attacks but thwarts them until Triple H nails a knee to the gut and ironically Test double-teams with a DDT. All six now stomp away at Kane who looks to be on borrowed time before he is raised to his feet. All six men take it turns to nail their finishers, finishing with the Pedigree as Kane is out for the count. The dead weight is brought to his feet and towards the top rope as the countdown begins.

    Entrant Twenty Three: The Undertaker

    Taker does a lap of the ring in his bike as the crowd explode and his brother desperately holds on. Will Taker help his brother? Yes! Taker takes Jericho and takes him out with a soup bone! Now Shamrock! And Hunter! And Kane deals with D’lo, Snow and Test! The brothers pummel away at all six and there goes D’lo! Jericho! And Al Snow! Shamrock is caught around the throat, Double Chokeslam and he is quickly thrown over the top, as the brothers stand tall!

    Elimination Sixteen: D’lo Brown by Undertaker

    Elimination Seventeen: Chris Jericho by Kane

    Elimination Eighteen: Al Snow by Undertaker

    Elimination Nineteen: Ken Shamrock by Kane & The Undertaker

    Hunter and Test are slumped in the corners and the brothers stand in the middle of the ring with JR shouting “and now what!” That question doesn’t have to be answered though as the brother’s catch a sneaky Test attack with a double throat thrust before throwing him to the corner and pummelling away. Here comes the next entrant!

    Entrant Twenty Four: Crash Holly

    Crash Holly and the crowd give a nice pop as he appears from the back with a shopping cart full of goodies. He throws stop signs, trashcan lids and trashcans into the ring before attacking Kane from behind with one of those lids! It doesn’t seem to affect Kane though who turns around but a shot to the face has him reeling. Triple H takes a trashcan and nails Taker in the head before pummelling him on the floor. Test see’s an opportunity as takes it as Triple H gets up by throwing him over the top! The crowd go nuts, as Hunter can’t believe it! The referee’s outside try to calm him down as Test goes to work on Undertaker but Taker reverses a whip Hunter low bridges the ropes and Test is eliminated! Hunter and Test trade blows to the back as the action continues in the ring.

    Elimination Twenty: Triple H by Test

    Elimination Twenty One: Test by Undertaker

    Kane is hammering away at Crash in the corner as Taker clears the weapons from the ring; Kane drags the defenceless Crash to the middle where he gets planted with a Double Chokeslam before being thrown over the top. Kane and Taker stare off in the middle as JR gets excited but it’s short lived as the countdown makes them look at the entrance way.

    Elimination Twenty Two: Crash Holly by Kane & The Undertaker

    Entrant Twenty Five: The Rock

  6. That fact that Man Utd are seeded first and Chelsea aren't is ridiculous in my opinion. I mean Chelsea came second in the prem above Utd two years ago and won it last year while reaching the semis two years in a row too. Man Utd I believe have won one FA Cup in that time period?

  7. Prediction Competition

    Prize: None thus far but will add onto future competitions leading to WrestleMania for a big prize there!


    Thirty Man Royal Rumble


    WWF Championship

    Kurt Angle © Vs Steve Austin

    Intercontinental Championship

    Chris Benoit © Vs Matt Hardy

    WWF Tag Team Championship

    Edge & Christian © Vs The Dudley Boyz

    Billy Gunn Vs Steven Richards

    One point pre correct answer with title matches counting double and the Rumble worth four points. Bold your predictions!

    Bonus Questions

    What will be the first match of the night?

    Who will get the pinfall/submission in the Tag Team Title match and against whom? (If you believe there will not be a pinfall or submission then stat match ending)

    Which match will gain the highest match rating?

    Which match will gain the highest crowd reaction?

    Which match will gain the highest overall rating?

    Who will be the number one entry in the Rumble?

    Who will be the first elimination in the Rumble?

    Who will be in the final four of the Rumble?

    Who will be the last elimination in the Rumble?

    Who will be in the Rumble for the longest amount of time?

    One point per correct answer with double points for questions relating to the Royal Rumble.

  8. user posted image

    WWF Royal Rumble 2001 Preview

    January 21st 2001

    New Orleans Arena – New Orleans, Los Angeles

    Thirty Man Royal Rumble

    The most exciting match of the year and this year should be no exception! Featuring superstars such as The Rock, Undertaker, Kane and Chris Jericho, this years Royal Rumble should be the best yet! With so many guys who can win it including our number thirty entrant William Regal, who knows what will happen in this years Rumble but with Mr McMahon promising some surprise it’s sure to be the best Rumble yet. And as we head to New Orleans only one question remains, which man out of the thirty will step up and take their chance to go to the biggest stage of all, WrestleMania?

    WWF Championship

    Kurt Angle © Vs Steve Austin

    WWF Champion Kurt Angle will put his coveted title on the line as Steve Austin gets his rematch from a couple of weeks ago! Last time these two went at it, Vince McMahon screwed Austin out the title and Austin has been a mad man ever since. Austin has caused criminal damage to Mr McMahon’s property, crushed his limousine and even assaulted his daughter Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, all in an attempt to get his rematch and finally at the Rumble, Austin will get it! Will Vince be a factor again, can Angle do it alone or will crown a new WWF Champion in New Orleans?

    Intercontinental Championship

    Chris Benoit © Vs Matt Hardy

    Chris Benoit and Matt Hardy will lock horns for the Intercontinental Title in the New Orleans Arena but this is about so much more. Chris Benoit made this personal with his unwanted advances towards Matt’s girlfriend Lita and assaults on both Matt and his brother Jeff. In recent weeks Matt has fought back against Benoit and he hopes to end it by taking Benoit’s title at the Rumble!

    WWF Tag Team Championship

    Edge & Christian © Vs The Dudley Boyz

    Ever since learning they would have to defend their titles against the Dudley’s, Edge and Christian has been on a mission to make sure Buh Buh and D-Von don’t make it to The Big Easy. They determination has been apparent with their minds game and physical assaults too! Well this Sunday Buh Buh and D-Von will finally get their hands on our tag team champions but can they take home the gold?

    Billy Gunn Vs Steven Richards

    Ever since losing a match to Richards last year, Billy Gunn had been made to drop his Bad Ass persona and become more clean cut. But when the New Year came in Billy decided it was time for a fresh start and much to the disgust of Richards and the Right To Censor, started to use his Bad Ass tag once more. Well Richards would not stand for this and issued a challenge to Gunn for the Rumble. The stipulation is simple, if Gunn wins he can keep his Bad Ass attitude but if he loses he has to join the RTC. With so much on the line and Chyna and Ivory on the outside this could prove to be an explosive match!

  9. user posted image


    Curt Henning & British Bulldog In ECW!

    As expected British Bulldog made his ECW debut this Saturday against none other than Curt Henning! Bulldog looked in good ring shape and as did Henning as both men put on a decent match for the main event of the night. With a debuting Vader last week it seems ECW have found a new investor of some sorts although it is unknown whom. One theory is that Fuse are actually funding the company in order to help them challenge the big two, however it is unlikely Fuse could afford such a large investment. Another theory is that Vince McMahon is funding the big signings in a hope to run the two companies side by side in the future. More on this story as we get it!

    Smackdown Censor Trouble

    It seems the failure to censor Test in his interview this week on Smackdown was due to a mix up between the WWF and UPN. UPN wanted the segment to be dropped altogether but Vince refused insisting it was too important not to be aired. Reports show that UPN only agreed to air the segment five minutes before the show started and as a result a censor was not placed on the f word or the s word. UPN are said to be furious with the WWF and have demanded that they tone the language down in future.

  10. user posted image

    WWF Smackdown

    January 18th 2001

    Allstate Arena (8,246) – Chicago, Illinois

    Smackdown hits the air with a returning Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley making her way down to the ring looking extremely chessed off. Steph enters the ring and snatches a microphone.

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “Let me make one thing perfectly clear to all of you, nobody lays their hands on Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley! Nobody lays their hands on daddy’s little girl! And that’s why after Austin hit me with the Stone Cold Stunner last week, *The crowd cheer* he made the worst mistake of his life! I promise you Austin that you’re going to pay and it starts tonight. Tonight we’re going to see Steve Austin verses Rikishi in a No Disqualification match!”

    The crowd give a little cheer as Stephanie pauses.

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “You’re going to pay Austin, you’re going to…………….”

    Stephanie is cut off by the sound of Trish Stratus’s music much to her annoyance. Trish calmly makes her way down to the ring and is handed a microphone.

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “What the hell do you want?”

    Trish Stratus “Now I’m sorry I interrupted you’re little erm, PMT session out here *The crowd cheer* but I thought I’d better inform you of who your opponent will be tonight.”

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “My opponent? I think that last bottle of blonde went to your head Trish, I don’t wrestle here, I’m Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. You know? The daughter of the owner and wife of the greatest wrestler in the business today!”

    Trish Stratus “Oh Stephanie, I don’t dye my hair darling. No, some of us are just lucky enough to be blonde naturally. Not all of us have frizzy, dull, lifeless hair like you, I mean seriously if I was you toots, I’d get an hair appointment asap.”

    Trish gives a mock laugh as Stephanie just starts to scowl.”

    Trish Stratus “And speaking of your husband, I ain’t seen him around for a while, in fact I only ever see you with Kurt Angle nowadays and I think we all know you two have got quite a past. Have you decided to dump an ex champion for the current one Steph?”

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “You watch what you’re saying slut!”

    The crowd give out a cheer and Trish now looks ticked off.

    Trish Stratus “That’s cute sweetie, you know just for that, I think I’m going to bring your opponent out now and make your match next, So come on out, Test!”

    The crowd initially cheer until NO CHANCE THAT’S WHAT ‘CHA GOT! Those cheers soon turn to boo’s, as here comes Vince McMahon much to the crowd’s contempt. Vince power walks into the ring looking pissed off and demands a mic from ringside.

    Vince McMahon “What in the hell do you think you’re doing? Booking my daughter in a match with a WWF superstar, have you lost your mind?”

    Trish Stratus “You send I could make a match on Smackdown, any match I wanted and I’ve decided on what I wanted Vince. You promised me Vince.”

    Stephanie starts to yell at her father asking him what’s going on as Vince starts to look worried.

    Vince McMahon “Look I know what I said but you can’t seriously think I’m going to let you book this Trish? I mean come on.”

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “You said she could book a match? What the hell did you do that for?”

    Vince gulps and takes a few seconds to think.

    Vince McMahon “I erm, wanted to give somebody new a chance. I have it on good authority that Trish is a very business orientated person.”

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “Business orientated? The only think she’s orientated around is screwing money out of old men who should know better! I can’t believe you Dad! I guess all the rumours are true!”

    Stephanie looks like she’s about to cry as Vince is loss for words.

    Trish Stratus “Don't worry sweetie, your Dad just needed some company and I’m very good at being company.”

    As Trish smiles Stephanie just glares at her before launching herself at her. Steph and Trish start cat fighting on the floor with hair being pulled everywhere and the crowd love it. Vince splits them up and drags Steph off but Trish jumps back at her and they begin fighting again. Vince finally gets some help and WWF officials help to separate the two vixens that are still spitting venom at each other.

    Jerry Lawler “This is terrible! This is not good for appearances Cole!”

    Michael Cole “That’s what happens when you play away, you get burnt!”

    Commercial Break

    Jeff Hardy w Matt Hardy Vs Perry Saturn w Chris Benoit

    Michael Cole explains that Lita is not here tonight, as Matt feared for her safety. Jeff controls early on with his highflying manoeuvres until Benoit nails Jeff behind referee Jack Doan’s back. Matt tries to even the score but Doan keeps him out the ring and Saturn uses this distraction to choke Jeff and only breaks the hold when Doan turns back around. From here Saturn keeps control with some reasonable technical wrestling although there’s no real flow to the action. Jeff is thrown off the ropes and ducks a clothesline before coming back with one of his own! Jeff scoop slams Saturn and goes to the top looking for the Swanton Bomb but Benoit pushes him off! Referee Jack Doan calls for the bell and Saturn is disqualified. Matt enters the ring but Benoit drags Saturn out and they both make their way to the back while Jeff and Matt scream at them to come back in the ring.

    Winner: Jeff Hardy

    Commercial Break

    Lillan Garcia is standing by with a serious looking Chris Jericho as we return to Smackdown. The crowd give Y2J a nice pop.

    Lillan Garcia “Tonight Chris you have a huge match that will determine the number thirty entrant into the Royal Rumble. My question is, how important is this match tonight Chris?”

    Chris Jericho “How important is this match? How important? You said it yourself Lillan, it’s huge! Being number thirty in the Royal Rumble means that you have the best chance out of everybody to win the whole damn thing and when you give that spot to somebody like Chris Jericho, it guarantees that it’s going to be Y2J in front of all his Jerichoholics, *The crowd cheer* in the main event of WrestleMania!”

    Lillan Garcia “My second question Chris is how confidant are you of walking out number thirty tonight?”

    Chris Jericho “I’m not here to have fun tonight Lillan, I’m not here to joke around and come out second best. No, I’m here to win! I’m here to beat the living hell out of three top superstars and walk out number thirty in the Rumble. It’s as simple as that!”

    Y2J walks off as we cut to Trish Stratus leaving the arena with Vince running after her shouting at her to stop. Trish stops and turns around to hear Vince out.

    Vince McMahon “Look Trish, will you please just come to my office so we can sort this out?”

    Trish Stratus “Is your slut of a daughter still here?”

    Vince looks very pissed off at this comment but calms himself down.

    Vince McMahon “Of course Stephanie’s still here but…………………..”

    Trish Stratus “Then I’m not interested in anything you have to say.”

    Trish just turns her back and jumps into a waiting cab leaving a fuming Vince.

    Jerry Lawler “I guess Trish doesn’t want to be friends anymore!”

    Michael Cole “Imagine that!”

    WWF Women’s Championship

    Chyna w Billy Gunn Vs Ivory © w Steven Richards

    Oh! Stinky Match! A real bad advert for Women’s wrestling. Chyna had early control with some forearm shots until she missed a handspring to the corner; Ivory immediately nailed a weak neckbreaker and covered for a near fall. Ivory looked for a piledriver but Chyna reversed and nailed Ivory with a DDT for the win. After the match Chyna was holding her neck and after nailing Steven Richards with a Fameasser, Billy helped her to the back.

    Winner: Chyna

    Action switches backstage and to Stone Cold arriving from the car park to a loud ovation. Jonathan Coachman is there to cut him off and grab a quick word.

    Jonathan Coachman “Steve! Steve!”

    Austin stops and stares at Coach.

    Jonathan Coachman “Steve, I don’t know if you’ve heard but tonight you will be facing Rikishi in a No Disqualification match. With only three days until you challenge for the WWF Title at the Royal Rumble, you must be worried this could affect your chances of walking out champion?”

    Steve Austin “Are you asking me a question or are you saying I can’t beat Kurt Angle? ‘Cause if you’re saying I can’t beat Kurt Angle then I might just have to whoop your ass!”

    Jonathan Coachman “No, I’m not saying……………………………………..”

    Steve Austin “Shut up!”

    The crowd cheer and Coach quickly shuts up.

    Steve Austin “I heard Stephanie McMahon’s little bitching session and I’m well aware that I’m taking on Rikishi later tonight but frankly I couldn’t give a rats ass. I’ll walk in that ring tonight and open a can of whoop ass on that jackass. And as far as the Royal Rumble goes, anybody who gets in the way of me and the WWF Title is in for an ass whooping and now I want you to piss off because I’m getting tired of ya.”

    The crowd give a cheer as we go to commercials.

    Michael Cole “Austin and Rikishi, later tonight!”

    Commercial Break

    Right To Censor (Bull Buchanan & The Goodfather) Vs Too Cool

    RTC start off the stronger when Bull Buchanan dominates Scotty with raw power. Scotty turns the tables though with a clothesline and right hands. Scotty makes a tag and he and Sexay double team Bull. Too Cool makes some well-timed tags to keep control off Buchanan until he runs through both with a double clothesline. He tags in Goodfather who takes illegal man Sexay over the top rope and he and Bull nail a double clothesline on Hotty. Sexay jumps back on the apron only for Bull to knock him back off and Goodfather and Bull then hit a double powerbomb on poor Hotty for the win.

    Winners: Right To Censor

    Commercial Break

    Edge and Christians music starts up and in cue the booing starts too as Edge makes his way to the ring but not with Christian. Edge enters the ring and is handed a microphone.

    Edge “First of all I’d like to apologise because I’m afraid my fellow Tag Team Champion cannot be here tonight! *The crowd cheer* Now I know how devastated you all must be but you must understand that not everyone can stand the disgusting smell that surrounds Chicago. *The crowd boo* I mean me and Christian reek of awesomeness but you people just reek!”

    The crowd don’t like Edge’s comments and let him know it before he continues

    Edge “Hey come on, I mean you people obviously know it’s true, I mean you do call yourselves the Windy City! I mean somebody even tried to burn the smell away it that huge fire you had, I mean come on!”

    The crowd turn incredibly hostile to Edge following this comment but he continues regardless.

    Edge “But despite the crapiness of this town, I’ve still decide to bring you all a surprise. An awesome surprise! Because tonight for all you people, I’ve managed to track down a long lost Dudley family member! So would you please welcome, Moron Dudley!”

    No music plays as Christian comes from the back sporting Dudley clothes, huge thick glasses and a terrible ginger wig. He scratches his ear and goes to eat it before changing his mind and finally enters the ring after working out it’s up the steps. Edge goes to shake his hand before quickly changing his mind and then hands him a microphone and grabs another for himself.

    Edge “Thank you Moron for coming here tonight, and I would just like to say out of all the Dudley’s, I think your by far the best looking!”

    Christian or Moron as Edge calls him decides to just stand there looking gormless before scratching his chin.

    Edge “What’s the matter Moron? You look a little confused?”

    Christian still just stands there looking gormless before Edge speaks again.

    Edge “Don’t be shy, please say what’s on your mind.”

    Christian still just stands there before finally blurts out some words.

    Christian “OH TESTIFY! OH TESTIFY! You hurt brothers last week, now me hurt you! OH TESTIFY BROTHER!”

    Christian mocks D-Von with his trademark taunt before getting out a measuring tape and getting Edge’ inside leg measurements along with various other measurements.

    Edge “What are you doing?”

    Christian “OH TESTIFY! I’m taking your measurements and making you a suit but damn it, it’s gonna be so tight around the crotch, OH TESTIFY, TESTIFY, GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY TESTIFY!”

    Edge “Wait a second, you’re telling me that when your brother D-Von does that all his doing is measuring me up for a suit?”

    Christian “TESTIFY! No! D-Von has had a fascination with measuring up men since he was a child. TESTIFY! TESTI-FREAKIN-FI!”

    Edge “You mean D-Von “testifies” for the other team?”

    Christian “OH TESTIFY!”

    Edge “So……………………………..”

    Get up! Get up! Get up! Drop the bombshell! The Dudley Boyz music rings through the arena as Buh Buh and D-Von rush towards the ring. Unfortunately for them Edge and Christian managed to escape just in time and leg it to the back while the Dudley’s scream at them to get back in the ring.

    Michael Cole “Thank God for the Dudley Boyz!”

    Jerry Lawler “What are you talking about Cole? I was enjoying meeting Moron Dudley.”

    Michael Cole “You’re kidding me King?”

    Jerry Lawler “Those damn Dudley’s ruined all the fun!”

    Commercial Break

    Kane Vs Val Venis

    Squash! Val was feed as canon fodder to Kane and Kane made him suffer for it. Kane dominated early on with sheer power and didn’t look back before nailing a chokeslam for the win.

    Winner: Kane

    Smackdown returns to a family feud between Stephanie and Vince in the McMahon-Helmsley lounge.

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “I can’t believe you dad! How could you even touch that, that, slut?”

    Vince McMahon “Look Steph I’ve told you, me and Trish are just good friends.”

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “A friend that wanted to book me in a match with Test! Are you going to let her get away with that?”

    Vince McMahon “No of course not and that’s why tonight Test is going to face our Tag Team Champions, Edge and Christian in a handicap match! In fact i'm gonna make that next!”

    Stephanie McMahon-Hemsley “And what about Trish?”

    Vince McMahon “Don’t worry, I’ll deal with Trish.”

    McMahon gives a little smile as Stephanie looks a little bemused as to what he actually means.

    Michael Cole “And what does Mr McMahon mean by that?”

    Jerry Lawler “I don’t know Cole but I’m sure we’ll find out.”

    Commercial Break

    Edge & Christian Vs Test

    Test starts the aggressor as he takes down both men with clothesline, right hands, the works. The numbers game finally catches up though when Edge nails him from behind and this allows some double team moves. Referee Earl Hebner finally settles the match down and gets Edge on the apron while Christian works over Test with some fast paced action. Some frequent tags help wear down Test, Edge throws Test off the ropes but Test rebound with a clothesline! Test comes off the ropes again, BIG BOOT! Test covers but Christian interrupts the count! Test thwarts Christian by throwing him over the top but gets nailed with a field kick right to the balls giving Earl Hebner no choice but to call for the bell. Edge and Christian work over Test with boots and right hands and finally decide to go outside and grab some artillery, some nice steel chairs! They both stand in position for the Concerto until from nowhere the Dudley Boyz coming running down to ringside. They beat the hell out of their opponents for this Sunday. Edge is thrown off the ropes, 3-D! Buh Buh pushes D-Von and tells him to GET THE TABLES! D-Von goes outside to grab the table and sets it up in the ring. Edge is thrown off the ropes but Christian grabs his leg and drags him to safety. Edge and Christian escape with their tail between their legs as the Dudley’s taunt to the Chicago crowd.

    Winner: Test

    Commercial Break

    Test is walking the back looking badly shaken up from the beating he just took when Lillan Garcia approaches him for a quick interview.

    Lillan Garcia “Test are you ok?”

    Test “No I’m not ok! I just had the shit kicked out of me by two assholes! I’m sick and tired of shit like this happening to me ever since I’ve been in the WWF! First I have all the crap with Shane McMahon about dating his sister and when he finally lets up I have that bitch going off with another man! And now just to makes things worse she’s trying to ruin my damn life! So, at the Royal Rumble I’ve made myself a promise, I’m gonna take no shit from anyone and throw all anyone in my way over the top rope and I mean anyone! ‘Cause I’m sick and tired of this Lillan, sick and fucking tired!”

    Test storms off leaving Lillan with a blank expression.

    Michael Cole “Test seems to have had the last straw!”

    Jerry Lawler “Pa! Test is all talk Cole.”

    Michael Cole “Well I’m not so sure but I guess we’ll find out at the Royal Rumble when Test along with thirty other men fight it out, for the right to go to WrestleMania!”

    Jerry Lawler “And we’re going to find out the number thirty entrant right now!”

    Chris Jericho Vs The Rock Vs The Undertaker Vs William Regal

    Entertaining stuff that kept the fans interest throughout. A three on one started us off as all the babyfaces decided to besmirch Regal and take him out early, much to the fans delight and King’s disgust on commentary. Jericho soon turned on both men though when he nailed both with right hands until both Rock and Taker took him out too. This left Rock and Taker to go at it for a while and Jericho and Regal on the outside. Taker throws Rock off the ropes but he rebounds with a flying forearm! Rock has control in the ring until Jericho who has just dispatched of Regal into the steel steps nails him from behind and follows with a suplex. Jericho looks to lock in the Walls Of Jericho but Rock pushes him off and slaps him over the top rope. Taker then grabs Rock by the throat, CHOKESLAM! Taker covers but Regal breaks up the cover! Regal starts to work over Taker with some south paw shots until Taker fights back with those soup bones of his own and throws him off the ropes to nail a Big Boot! Out of sight though Jericho has climbed the top turnbuckle and nails Taker with a missile dropkick and gets a very near fall! Regal is up but Rock pairs off with him as Jericho and Taker continue to trade blows. Taker’s looking for the Old School and walks across the ropes but Jericho crashes against them and Taker lands on the family jewels and falls to the outside! Jericho goes over to help Regal in the corner until Regal tries to cheap shot him but Jericho blocks and throws Regal through the ropes and Regal inadvertently takes out Undertaker! Jericho lifts Rock up but the Peoples Champion fights back with right hands. He throws Jericho off the ropes and nails a Samoan Drop! He covers but Jericho kicks out at the last second! Undertaker re-enters the ring now and Rock cuts him off quickly and takes him over the top but Taker lands on his feet and drags Rock with him! As we come back from commercials we are show both men trading punches up the rampway and throwing each other into everything available to try and gain an upper hand during the break. Meanwhile in the ring, Regal see’s an opportunity and picks up Jericho put Jericho quick as a cat picks Regal legs and locks in the Walls! Regal is screaming in agony as the intensity pours off Y2J! Meanwhile Rock and Taker are through the stage curtain and still going at it! Regal is about to tap when Raven comes walking down the aisle, he stops outside the ring and Jericho breaks the hold Jericho is shouting at Raven to get in the ring but finally turns his attention back to Regal, but Regal traps him in a inside cradle, one, two, three! Regal wins! Regal is number thirty in the Royal Rumble! Regal has his hand raised and Jericho goes in pursuit of a now absent Raven.

    Winner: William Regal

    After a hellacious battle we focus on Michael Cole and The King.

    Michael Cole “What a match we just had, it’s just a damn shame it had to end the way it did!”

    Jerry Lawler “It Doesn’t matter how it ended, William Regal is the number thirty entrant and now a favourite in the Royal Rumble!”

    Michael Cole “He has to be a favourite but speaking of the Royal Rumble, it’s gonna be one hell of a event King!”

    A caption for the Rumble PPV flashes up before Billy Gunn Vs Steven Richards flashes up.

    Jerry Lawler “Yeh and first off we’re gonna have Billy Gunn taking on Right To Censor leader Steven Richards and if Billy loses he has to join RTC!”

    Michael Cole “The last thing we need is another RTC member but if Billy Gunn wins he can start using his Bad Ass persona again!”

    Jerry Lawler “Yeh and we’re hearing Chyna should be ok to appear in Billy’s corner so lets hope he can once and for all shut the Right To Censor up!”

    A caption for the Tag Team Title match flashes on screen.

    Michael Cole “The tag titles are on the line as the Dudley’s look to finally get their hands on our champions!”

    Jerry Lawler “The Dudley’s are gonna regret trying to do a number on our awesome champions tonight! I guarantee it!”

    A caption for the Intercontinental Title match flashes on screen.

    Michael Cole “The Intercontinental Title is on the line but this is about so much more as Matt Hardy looks to get some revenge for the hell Chris Benoit has been putting his girlfriend Lita through!”

    Jerry Lawler “If I was Matt Hardy I’d tread very carefully, we already seen Benoit make his brother tap out and I’m afraid we’re gonna see the same this Sunday!”

    A caption for the WWF Title match flashes on screen.

    Michael Cole “And the WWF Title is on the line in what should be a awesome match King! Steve Austin and Kurt Angle simply hate each other!”

    Jerry Lawler “Austin is jealous of Kurt Cole, it’s as simple as that and with Mr McMahon in his corner, Kurt can’t lose!”

    And finally the Royal Rumble caption flashes on screen!

    Michael Cole “And the big one! The Royal Rumble! Thirty men and only one can go to WrestleMania!”

    Jerry Lawler “The biggest match off the year and I’ve been told personally be Mr McMahon there’s going to be some surprises in store for sure, but the big question is are Kane and The Undertaker working together? If they are then we’re all in trouble!”

    We focus back on Cole and King on commentary.

    Michael Cole “I don’t know the answer to that but I do know that the Royal Rumble is set to be the greatest one yet and I can’t wait King!”

    Jerry Lawler “Neither can I Cole! This Sunday, it’s gonna be huge!”

    Commercial Break

    As we come back to Smackdown Rock and Taker are still going at it backstage but Rock seems to have the upper hand until from nowhere Kane nails him from behind. Kane and Taker hammer away at a helpless Rock until they finally throw him through a glass window in the back! They both just stand and stare at Rock’s fallen carcass.

    Michael Cole “Oh my god! What in the hell was that?”

    Jerry Lawler “I guess that answer’s everyone’s question, the brothers are working together at the Royal Rumble and that’s bad news for the other 28 guys who are gonna have to face them!”

    No Disqualification

    Rikishi Vs Steve Austin

    And so we come to our main event! Not a great match but was still enjoyed by the crowd. Both men trade blows to begin with and Austin gains the upper hand and takes the Bad Man to the corner where he stomps a mudhole in him. Austin keeps control until Rikishi nails a knee to the gut and a big samoan drop off the ropes. Kish decides to get some weaponry and grabs a steel chair from ringside. He slides back in but Austin nails him with a kick to make him drop it and then looks for the Stunner but Kish throws him into the buckle, sloppy looking counter though. Kish keeps control until Austin reverses a whip. Kish rebounds off the ropes and is met with A LOU THRESH PRESS! Austin is hammering away at Rikishi; he grabs the steel chair, CRACK! RIGHT OFF THE BAD MAN’S SKULL! Austin covers but from nowhere Angle appears and drags referee Earl Hebner out and nails him! Austin slides out the ring and nails Angle with right hands; he throws him into the steel barrier and then the steel steps. Austin is beating the crap outta Angle! Austin throws Angle in the ring but Angle rolls back out as Rikishi nails Austin with a superkick! Angle smiles and re-enters the ring and starts to stomp away at Austin with Rikishi. They both pick up Austin and throw him off the ropes but Austin comes back with a double clothesline! STUNNER ON RIKISHI! Angle is up and staggering, kick to the gut, STUNNER! STUNNER! STUNNER! Austin throws Angle over the top and grabs the chair, he waits for Rikishi to stagger up and WHACK! This time Kish is busted wide open! Austin covers and referee Jack Doan runs down to count the three! Austin celebrates by toasting the cheering crowd as Angle staggers to the back and Rikishi lies unconscious!

    Winner: Steve Austin

    Michael Cole “Stone Cold just sent a message to our WWF Champion! There’s gonna be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide this Sunday! See you at the Royal Rumble!”

  11. Superstar voice overs? Crap! That probably means limited season mode. Seriously just give us that nice stamina system, a non linear season mode with replay value and a CAW mode where you can actually make realistic looking wrestling and i'll be happy. Seriously last years CAW mode was terrible because all the patterns where flowers and stuff, great if i want to create a hippy but i don't i want to create a bad ass wrestler!

  12. Football Manager is the best current one as it's made from the guys who did the legenday Championship Manager Series (Eidos own the rights and Championship Manager 5 is made by another company and from what i've read is terrible.)

    Football Manager 2006 is due out September to December this year sometime.

  13. user posted image

    WWF Smackdown Preview

    January 18th 2001

    Allstate Arena – Chicago, Illinois

    It’s the last show before the Royal Rumble and it promises to be a night of excitement and drama as we come to you live from the Allstate Arena!

    This past Monday night during their contract signing, Kurt Angle did a real number on Steve Austin after WWF owner Vince McMahon nailed Austin from behind with a steel briefcase. You can bet Austin won’t forgive and forget and with Austin in the house tonight, anything could happen before the Rumble!

    Speaking of the Rumble, tonight will we name a number thirty entrant! Being drawn last is a huge advantage and you can beat all four-finalist Jericho, Rock, Regal and Undertaker will do anything to secure that converted spot!

    Chris Benoit and Matt Hardy will also be going one on one this Sunday and both men will accompany their allies as Jeff Hardy takes on Perry Saturn. Can Benoit and Matt keep their red-hot feud out of the match?

    In a bizarre set of events Trish Stratus has also managed to convince Mr McMahon to let her make a match for Smackdown this week! What match will the Canadian beauty make?

    There will also be a huge title match in Chicago when Chyna takes on Ivory for the Women’s Title. With both their men slugging it out in three days time at the Royal Rumble with huge stipulations on the line, both women will want to make sure they get the win!

    With all this and Kane Vs Val Venis, Too Cool Vs Right To Censor’s Bull Buchanan and Goodfather and we’re expecting to hear from Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian, You don’t want to miss Smackdown on UPN!

    Confirmed Matches

    Chris Jericho Vs The Rock Vs The Undertaker Vs William Regal

    Jeff Hardy Vs Perry Saturn

    Women’s Title: Chyna Vs Ivory ©

    Kane Vs Val Venis

    Too Cool Vs Right To Censor (Bull Buchanan & Goodfather)

  14. user posted image


    Austin On The Tonight Show. Rock host TRL.

    Steve Austin appeared on the Tonight Show last night, he talked about the Royal Rumble and how he was gonna kick Kurt Angle’s ass. He also mentioned that the Rumble is the most exciting match of the year and the atmosphere was always hot and he didn’t expect it to be any different this time. When asked about whom he thought would win he said he didn’t care and would whoop anybody’s ass at WrestleMania, whether it be Rikishi, Kane, Undertaker or even The Rock. The appearance seemed to go down well and more WWF superstars are expected to feature in the future. The Rock was also on hype duty this week as he helped host TRL, once again his appearance seemed to go down very well with the audience.

  15. user posted image

    WWF Raw

    January 15th 2001

    Bradley Center (6,758) – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    Number Thirty Entrant Tournament

    ??? Vs ???

    IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a way to kick off Raw! Not only a match but also The Rock! Our announce team Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler give us a brief explanation of the tournament, they explain that there will be four matches tonight between eight top unknown superstars followed by a fatal four way on Smackdown and the winner will be given number thirty in the Royal Rumble! Phew! With that out the way our next entrant is Test who stills gets a decent pop. Test actually dominates early on with some good power offence until Rock hits back with some right hands. Rock off the ropes, CLOTHESLINE! Rock has control and keeps a ground and pound attack on Test. Rock hooks up the Rock Bottom but Test elbows his way out, Test comes off the ropes and tries for the Big Boot but he Rock ducks! Referee Earl Hebner is in dreamland! Test shows some concern until he turns around and Rock comes off the ropes but Test catches him in a samoan drop position! Test doesn’t drop though and instead swings him viciously to his side and nails a big time modified backbreaker! The announcers put it over hugely. Test has the cover and the three but there’s no referee! Test tries to stir the official but eventually goes back to Rock and throws him off the ropes, Rock under one clothesline and back with one of his own! Rock keeps control while Earl is still in dreamland and finally hits the Rock Bottom. Off the ropes, PEOPLE’S ELBOW! Rock has the cover and down comes another referee, One! Two! Three! Jack Doan counts the three! Good match and much better stuff from Test in recent matches.

    Winner: The Rock

    Commercial Break

    Raw comes back from commercials and The Coach is standing by with The Rock who gets a huge ovation.

    Jonathan Coachman “Rock, you just pulled off a victory in a tight match and will go on to Smackdown to face three other superstars in a match that will determine the number thirty entrant in the Royal Rumble. First, how confident are you off winning on Thursday and second, who do you think you’ll be facing?”

    The Rock “Coach! Coach! Coach! You know better than to ask The Rock stupid questions. In fact Coach, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you let The Rock ask you the questions for a change?”

    Coach shakes his head and mouths “alright”.

    The Rock “First of all Coach, where in the blue hell did you get that cheap ass suit? Your local shop n save? I mean seriously Coach, you could make more of an effort for The Rock!”

    The crowd give a cheer as Coach takes a look at his suit.

    The Rock “Coach, let The Rock ask you, do you think The Rock can win on Smackdown?”

    Jonathan Coachman “Well I………………………………………………..”


    The crowd go nuts as Rock grabs the mic off Coach and the camera focus’s on him.

    The Rock “This Thursday it could be The Rock verses Kane, Undertaker and Rikishi and it doesn’t matter. This Thursday it could be The Rock verses Crash Holly, Steven Richards and Scotty Too Hotty and it doesn’t matter! Hell it could be The Rock verses the teenage moms of America and it doesn’t matter! All that matters is that on Thursday night three candy ass jabronis are gonna get there ass whooped by The Rock, IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!

    Rock raises the eyebrow as the crowd go nuts and we go back to ringside and the Right To Censor’s annoying theme music sends the crowd from a high into a chorus of boo’s. The whole group make their way down to the ring before Steven Richards is handed a microphone.

    Steven Richards “Would you people please be quiet while I speak?”

    The crowd continue to get louder in ignorance of Richards request.

    Steven Richards “I guess I ask too much when I ask for manners and decency in the cesspool of America! *The crowd boo* I mean after all what other state in America is beer so cheap? *The crowd cheer* And you people think that’s something to be cheered? You’re state encourages you to drink filth and that filth encourages you to commit crimes and sin against the moral fabric of this society!”

    Suddenly Billy Gunn’s music starts up much to the delight of the crowd who are glad to see someone shut Richards up. Gunn comes onto the rampway with Chyna in toe and microphone in hand.

    Billy Gunn “Would you show us some manners and please shut up?”

    The crowd give a cheer in support of Gunn’s statement.

    Billy Gunn “Because if you idiots actually drank some beer once in a while and loosened up a little, perhaps you wouldn’t all be about as popular as herpes. *The crowd cheer* And perhaps if you were a little more popular you would stop your bitching and complaining and the rest of us could drink our beers instead of throwing it at you!”

    The crowd cheer Gunn again as Richards starts to grin.

    Steven Richards “You know something Billy? I’m glad you came out here because you saved me a job. You see, since the New Year has started I’ve noticed you seem to be using your “Bad Ass” persona once more. Perhaps all that New Years drinking has killed a few brains cells and you forgot about a certain match last year that you lost!

    Richards gives a pause as the crowd boo and Bad Ass looks worried.

    Steven Richards “You remember now Billy? You lose to me last year and as a result you can no longer use that filthy disgusting name! *The crowd boo* But I do have a proposal for you, you see I’ve been to Mr McMahon and he has granted me a match against you at the Royal Rumble Billy. But I want to make it a little more interesting; I want to up the stakes as it were. If you win the match then *Richards points to all the RTC members* we will let you use thattt name. But if you lose Billy, if you lose, you have to join Right To Censor!”

    The crowd boo as Gunn takes a while to think over the stipulation.

    Billy Gunn “Alright, You’re on! *The crowd cheer* And as far as joining the Right To Censor goes, I’ve got two words for ya, SUCK IT!

    After telling Richards to “suck it” the Bradley Center give out a loud cheer in support of Bad Ass.

    Jerry Lawler “I hope Billy Gunn can shut up Steven Richards once and for all at the Royal Rumble!”

    Jim Ross “You and me both King!”

    Commercial Break

    Number Thirty Entrant Tournament

    ??? Vs ???

    Raven is the next entrant in the tournament and he makes his way to the ring to some boo’s. It’s The Year of Jericho! Chris Jericho is predictably the next entrant and the crowd go nuts as Jericho bypasses his usual entrance and makes a beeline straight for Raven. Raven slips out the ring before Jericho can get his hands on him and referee Teddy Long forces Jericho to stay in the ring. Raven uses this time to walk to the back and a confused Jericho just stands in the middle of the ring while Long counts Raven out. Raven is counted out and Teddy Long raises Chris Jericho’s hand in victory.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    Action switches backstage and to Lita walking down a corridor alone, until she bumps into the Rabid Wolverine Chris Benoit! Lita looks worried as Benoit begins to stroke her hair.

    Chris Benoit “What’s the matter Lita, scared I might make you tap out?”

    Benoit laughs evil before Lita plucks up the courage to push Benoit away.

    Lita “Get your hands off me!”

    Chris Benoit “So you’re playing hard to get? Well that’s ok Lita, cause Dean told me that once you get going, you can’t stop!”

    Benoit laughs evilly again and Lita slaps the taste right out of his mouth! Benoit looks intense and gets right in a terrified Lita’s face.

    Chris Benoit “That wasn’t smart and your boyfriend will pay for that when I make him scream for his life!”

    Benoit walks off, as Lita looks terrified. Action now switches to Lillan Garcia who is running after Raven.

    Lillan Garcia “Raven! Raven! Can I ask you some questions?”

    Raven stops and stares at Lillan.

    Lillan Garcia “Why did you just walk out of your match with Chris Jericho?”

    Raven “Because the Raven flies the path he chooses and not that laid before him, true glory comes when knowing the battles to fight.”

    Raven just walks off leaving an even more confused Lillan Garcia.

    Jim Ross “What the hell?”

    Commercial Break

    APA Vs The Dudley Boyz

    Edge and Christian are on commentary when we come back and they have some choice words to say about Buh Buh and D-Von, or Dur Dur and Moron as they chose to call them. The match itself was just a glorified brawl with little wrestling involved, however it was still enjoyable. Bradshaw and Buh Buh started off and Buh Buh got the upper hand with a clothesline and he and D-Von kept control with some nice double team action. D-Von whips Bradshaw off the ropes, CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! Bradshaw needs the tag and he makes it! Farooq is on fire taking down both Dudley’s until D-Von lands a knee to the gut. Buh Buh clothesline Farooq over the top and Bradshaw comes off the ropes, 3-D! D-von gets the three! It’s not over yet though as Edge and Christian have already left their commentary positions and attack the Dudley’s from behind. Edge and Christian stomp away at their adversaries until they slip outside for some steel chairs! CONCERTO TO D-VON! CONCERTO TO BUH BUH! The Dudley’s won the match but they sure don’t look like winners. Edge and Christian pose to the disgusted crowd.

    Winners: The Dudley Boyz

    We go backstage to William Regal and Rikishi making a deal.

    William Regal “So you understand our deal Rikishi my lad?”

    Rikishi “Just don’t screw up your part of the deal.”

    William Regal “Rikishi my boy, don’t worry. I don’t “screw” anything.”

    Rikishi looks Regal up and down before replying.

    Rikishi “Now that I can believe.”

    Rikishi walks off leaving a somewhat bemused William Regal.

    Jerry Lawler “Haha, poor Regal.”

    Commercial Break

    Number Thirty Entrant Tournament

    ??? Vs ???

    We already knew Rikishi would be a part of the tournament and we knew his opponent wasn’t to be William Regal as he was accompanying him, so who was it? Undertaker! And the crowd go nuts! Taker and Rikishi lock up and Taker throws Rikishi to the ground and controls the match at a slow pace. Rikishi fights back with some brawling and throws Taker off the ropes, Flying Lariat! The fight back didn’t last long! But on cue Regal jumps on the apron to distract Undertaker. Taker finally turns attention back to Rikishi only to be met with a superkick! Rikishi covers, one, two, thre-no! No! Taker kicks out much to the crowd’s delight! Rikishi comes off the ropes but Taker dodges and Rikishi takes out referee Brian Hebner. Taker knocks Rikishi down with a soup bone but Regal nails Taker from behind. Rikishi and Regal put the boots in. BANG! It’s Kane! Kane is here and the crowd go absolutely bonkers! Kane comes in the ring and takes down both Regal and Rikishi, Regal nails Kane with a steel chair on the back but Kane shakes it off and chokeslams him to hell! Taker recovers and he and Kane double chokeslam Rikishi, Brian Hebner recovers and Taker advances to the finals on Smackdown! Kane stares at Undertaker and Taker nods his head approvingly before both men leave as a team.

    Winner: The Undertaker

    We go backstage to Vince’s office and he gets some loud jeers. That is until Trish enters the room.

    Vince McMahon “Well Trish, what a pleasanttttt… surprise. Now what can I do for you?”

    Trish sits on Vince’s desk and starts to run her fingers seductively through his hair before running them up and down his chest.

    Trish Stratus “Well you know what you can do for me…………. but I was more interested in what I could do for you because you know I always like to give that little bit extra.”

    Vince McMahon “Well I can’t disagree with that, so what was you thinking?”

    Trish gives Vince a little kiss before staring deep into his eyes.

    Trish Stratus “Well since Stephanie isn’t here because of last weeks terrible events, I was wondering if perhaps I could take on some of her duties, perhaps starting with making a match?”

    Vince sits back in his chair and no longer looks so thrilled with Trish.

    Vince McMahon “I don’t think that’s such a good idea I mean no offence Trish but you have no experie… well not in that area anyway,”

    Trish gets some temper in her voice as she ups the anti.

    Trish Stratus “So what are you trying to say? That I’m only good for one thing?”

    Vince McMahon “No! No! Not at all, it’s just……………………”

    Trish goes back to her seductive charms and pulls Vince by his tie towards her and kisses him.

    Vince McMahon “Ok, you can make a match for Smackdown, ok?”

    Trish smiles and gets off the desk and walks back out the office with a big grin on her face.

    Jim Ross “Trish seems to have Mr McMahon wrapped around her little finger.”

    Jerry Lawler “I wouldn’t mind having her wrapped around me.”

    Jim Ross “Will you stop?”

    Commercial Break

    The Hardy Boyz w Lita Vs The Radicalz (Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko)

    Matt starts off and as a result Benoit sends Malenko in first. Matt gains the upper hand on Malenko with some good technical moves before bringing in Jeff to up the pace. Jeff uses he wide variety of moves to keep Malenko on the back foot until Malenko takes down Jeff with a knee to the gut and a back body drop. Benoit demands the tag now that his team have the advantage and he viciously assaults Jeff with a variety of stiff technical offence. He goads Matt into the ring at various points in order to utilise the double team and along with frequent tags this helps ensure the Radicalz keep complete control of the match. Dean Malenko comes off the ropes, spin kick! Hardy nails the spin kick! He needs to make the tag. He does! Matt is on fire and takes out both Radicalz members with right hands. Matt has Malenko in the corner and Jeff jumps off his back, Poetry In Motion! Now Benoit is set up for the same fate but he dodges! Benoit takes down Matt with a clothesline as referee Mike Chioda is distracted by antics on the outside between Malenko and Jeff. Lita enters the ring behind Benoit’s back, LOW BLOW! Lita gets some revenge! TWIST OF FATE! Lita has left the ring and Chioda none-the-wiser counts the three! Matt just pinned Benoit!

    Winners: The Hardy Boyz

    Number Thirty Entrant Tournament

    ??? Vs ???

    Entertaining match, the crowd seem to be really behind Kane. Regal, noticeably without Rikishi look scared to death when he saw his opponent coming down the ramp. He also took an early beating as Kane’s power proved to be too much, that is until Kane missed a top rope clothesline. Regal utilised the error and expertly kept control with some good technical offence. Kane reverse a whip to the buckle, Sidewalk Slam! Regal comes off the ropes and eats Kane’s boot. Regal is grabbed by the throat but cleverly takes out Kane’s leg to escape. Regal starts to work the legs until Rikishi comes down. He has a steel chair and Regal wants him to leave the ring, instead Rikishi nails Regal with the chair, which forces referee Jack Doan to call for the bell. Rikishi goes to the back pleased with himself as Kane recovers to realise what’s happened. Kane grabs Jack Doan and nails him with a Chokeslam and the crowd give a nice pop.

    Winner: William Regal

    Commercial Break

    Raw comes back with a red carpet in the ring and table with a chair either side ready for the contract signing between Kurt Angle and Steve Austin. The crowd seem excited. No Chance In Hell hits the pa system and the Vincent Kennedy McMahon makes his way down to the ring to a chorus of boo’s and carrying a metal brief case. McMahon enters the ring and demands a microphone.

    Vince McMahon “Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you tonight to oversee the contract signing between Kurt Angle and Steve Austin. Despite the inexcusable actions of one Steve Austin last week, I am not here for any kind of revenge and am simply here in a professional capacity. So with out any further ado, let me introduce to you the champion, *The crowd boo* He is an Olympic Gold Medallist and American hero! He is KURTTTT ANGLEEEEE!

    The crowd begin to boo as Kurt appears from the back to a round of applause from Mr McMahon. Kurt enters the ring and lays his title on the table before saluting the disgruntled crowd and shaking Mr McMahon’s hand. Angle takes a seat.

    Vince McMahon “And he’s opponent, the challenger. Steve Austin.”

    Despite Mr McMahon’s poor introduction Austin still gets a huge pop and comes down to the ring with a cocky stride. He grabs the microphone off the table and offers Vince a handshake.

    Steve Austin “What? Ain’t I good enough to shake your hand?”

    McMahon looks at Austin with some contempt before offering his hand, Austin pulls away and gives Vince the finger much to McMahon’s annoyance. The crowd love it. Austin goes to all four corners and salutes his adoring fans before finally taking a seat opposite Angle. Both men have microphones and Mr McMahon opens the briefcase and lays the contract on the table.

    Vince McMahon “As WWF Champion you have the right to sign first Kurt.”

    Vince hands a pen and the contract to Kurt but Kurt picks up the microphone first.

    Kurt Angle “Before I sign, I just want to make sure you understand what you did last week Austin. Your disgusting actions have traumatised Stephanie and that’s why she can’t be here tonight. You assaulted a beautiful young women Austin and you sit there look pleased with yourself? What kind of example it that to set?”

    Steve Austin “You know I think it’s great how you put on this big act like you give a damn about America but I think it’s time somebody told you Kurt, America thinks you’re a asshole!”

    A huge “asshole” chant rings around the Bradley Center in support of Austin’s claim.

    Kurt Angle “Oh that’s really clever Austin, look at me I can say a bad word! Well at the Rumble you can as many bad words as you want, you can do whatever you want and it won’t matter because it won’t change the fact, that at the end of our match I’ll still be WWF Champion. Oh it’s true, it’s damn true!

    Steve Austin “So you’ve finally reached down and found some balls? Hell you’ll be shaving before too long *The crowd cheer* but you are right about one thing. This Sunday it won’t be about anyone else but me and the WWF Title, hell if anyone and I mean anyone tries to get in the way of me and that WWF Title I’ll whoop their ass. I don’t care if it’s Stephanie McMahon, I don’t care if it’s Vince McMahon, hell it could be be anyone, I really don’t give a rats ass but I do know that I’m gonna whoop your ass one, two, three and walk out of New Orleans the WWF Champion and that’s the bottom line ‘cause Stone Cold said so!"

    The crowd give another loud cheer in support of Austin as Kurt decides to pass the contract over to Austin to sign first. Austin takes a pen and signs the contract aggressively and hands it back to Angle while staring a hole through him with his piercing blue eyes. Angle goes to sign but instead pushes the contract away and starts to walk around the table, as Austin gets more agitated. Finally Austin gets up and Angle bumps into Austin who refuses to budge. Both men go nose to nose until Angle backs away. Suddenly from nowhere Vince nails Austin in the back of the head with the metal briefcase! McMahon and Angle put the boots to Austin until they drag him up and throw him into the metal ringpost. Angle continues the assault when he drags Austin outside and throws him with velocity into the steel steps! Angle stomps away some more at Austin before finally throwing him back into the ring and nailing an Angle Slam! Austin is out cold as Vince holds Kurt’s hand aloft with the WWF Championship in Kurt’s free hand.

    Jim Ross “This is disgusting! That’s our champion the owner of this damn company assaulting a defenceless man! This is despicable!”

    Jerry Lawler “After what Austin did to poor Stephanie last week as far as I’m concerned he deserves everything he gets!”

    Jim Ross “How can you say that? This is disgusting! There’s gonna be hell to pay this Thursday!”

  16. user posted image

    WWF Raw Preview

    January 15th 2001

    Bradley Center – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    We are just six days from the Royal Rumble and we come to you live from the Bradley Center for a massive edition of Raw!

    Last week on Smackdown, Steve Austin finally got his WWF Title rematch against Kurt Angle at the Royal Rumble. This week we will have the contract signing and Vince McMahon himself will oversee it! With these three in the ring and the actions of Austin last week, it’s unlikely things will go off without a hitch!

    We will also have a tournament to decide the number thirty entrance in the Royal Rumble! Eight top superstars with face off in quarter final matches and the four winners will advance to the finals on Smackdown where a fatal four way match will decide the number thirty entrant. Which eight superstars will we see competing for this huge prize?

    We will also have tag team action as Matt Hardy teams with his brother Jeff to take on his opponent at the Royal Rumble Chris Benoit and his partner, Dean Malenko. Also in tag team action will be the Dudley’s who have a rematch from last week’s Raw against the APA. Last week Edge and Christian cost them the match; will the same happen this week?

    Confirmed Matches

    Four Quarter Finals Of The Number Thirty Entrant Tournament

    The Hardy Boyz Vs The Radicalz (Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko)

    APA Vs The Dudley Boyz

  17. user posted image


    Vader And ECW!

    Ex WWF and WCW superstar Vader made a surprise appearance for ECW last night, although a big name was expected to debut on new show Ring Warriors, Vader wasn’t the name expected. Vader defeated Masato Tanaka in an excellent match. It is believed Vader will be wrestling with ECW for the foreseeable future.

  18. user posted image


    ECW Bags TV Deal! Big Name Superstars To Join?

    ECW took major steps to recovery today when they bagged a TV Deal on the FUSE network. ECW Ring Warriors will run every week on Saturday nights at 9:30 PM for two and a half hours. It is believed part of the deal was completed on the condition that ECW agreed to sign certain superstars who FUSE thought would bring ratings to the network. Rumours of superstars of such star power as the British Bulldog have been mentioned and it is believed one huge name will debut this Saturday. This is a big risk for a debt-ridden company and it is perhaps their last roll of the dice.

    Sergeant A-WALL Injured On Nitro

    The second injury of the week for WCW occurred at the Saturday Night Main Event taping this Tuesday when Sergeant A-WALL injured his calf while wrestling Jaime Noble. A-Wall will be out for around a month.

  19. user posted image

    WWF Smackdown

    January 11th 2001

    Oakland Arena (2,942) – Oakland, California

    Smackdown hits the air and the camera focus is straight to the ring and more importantly the fifteen-foot high steel cage that is ominously hanging above. Cole and King speculate as to who may step inside before, NO CHANCE THAT’S WHAT ‘CHA GOT! Vince McMahon makes his way to the ring with his daughter Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and WWF Champion Kurt Angle closely behind. No security this week and the crowd let all three know what they think of them before the trio enter the ring. Kurt grabs a microphone, whips it off and hands it to Vince.

    Vince McMahon “Now I bet you’re wondering why I have no security here tonight. Well let me clear up that mystery for you because last week Austin *The crowd cheers* last week Steve Austin showed his true colours, last week Austin showed what down right bottom feeding scum he is! *The crowd boo* Last week Austin preformed criminal acts against myself and my family and this week that son of a bitch is where he belongs, JAIL! *The crowd boo* You can boo all you want but it doesn’t change the fact that Austin is rotting in a prison cell and lets face it, who in their right mind is gonna bail him? As far as I’m concerned Austin is as good as, FIRED!"

    The crowd continue to boo Vince as he hands the microphone over to a gracious Olympic gold medallist.

    Kurt Angle “Thank you Mr McMahon, now do you people see what a disgusting role model Steve Austin is? Do you people finally realise the example that this man sets to our kids and next generation of Americans is wrong? How can you condone criminal damage to Mr McMahon’s property?”

    The crowd cheers, as Angle looks disgusted.

    Kurt Angle “I knew Oakland had gone down the crapper! *The crowd boo* But I didn’t realise it was this far down! But then I only have to look at the Golden State Warriors, to show what a bunch of losers the people from this city are! *The crowd boo* I mean seriously, if I lost 63 matches in one year, I want to shoot myself in the freakin head!”

    The crowd boo loudly as Angle calms down.

    Kurt Angle “Austin, when you final get to hear this, when you final get your redneck ass out of jail, turn up the volume and listen for once in your life. You will never get another shot *Kurt points to the WWF Title around his waist* at my WWF Championship! You aren’t championship material Austin and frankly you make me sick!”

    Kurt hands the microphone over to Stephanie who also has something to announce.

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “With that business out of the way, I’m sure you may have noticed the 15 foot high steel cage hanging above the ring! We all know how brutal a steel cage match can be and how unforgiving the steel is to the human body and rest assured tonight, two men well beat the living hell out of each other in that very steel cage! *The crowd cheer* Or perhaps once man in particular will be anyway because tonight inside a steel cage it’s going to be Test verses KANE!"

    The crowd get a little excited as Kurt applauds Stephanie. Steph hands the microphone back to her father.

    Vince McMahon “Now perhaps you people haven’t quite got it yet because lets face it, inbreeding is common in these parts *The crowd boo* and in case you haven’t let me spell it out for you. *Vince points to himself, Stephanie and Kurt* WE RUN THIS DAMN PLACE!

    Vince throws the microphone down as the crowd boo and the trio then make their way to the back.

    Michael Cole “Vince sounds out a powerful message King.”

    Jerry Lawler “Yeh! You don’t cross the boss!”

    Commercial Break

    Smackdown returns with Undertaker entering Kane’s dressing room. Kane looks up from his seated position.

    Undertaker “Now I know you have a big match tonight inside a steel cage and I know you don’t need me to motivate you but I’m gonna say one thing to you Kane.”

    Taker gets right in Kane’s face and neither man shows intimidation.

    Undertaker “Show me I’m right.”

    Kane and the Deadman stand face to face.

    Michael Cole “Show me I’m right? What does that mean?”

    Jerry Lawler “I don’t know Cole but Undertaker has some agenda with Kane, I just wish I knew what it was!”

    Christian w Edge Vs D-Von Dudley w Buh Buh Ray Dudley

    Both men show they can wrestle outside of a tag team with a thoroughly entertaining match. D-Von starts off the aggressor with a number of stiff knockdowns. Edge is the first to try and get involved when he provides a distraction for Christian to club D-Von from behind. Referee Jack Doan has to hop outside to keep Buh Buh in his corner while Christian chokes D-Von in the middle of the ring. Christian finally breaks the hold and wastes no time with some fast and furious offence. Christian off the ropes, but D-Von counters with a powerslam! D-Von covers but only gets two! Edge is on the apron and D-Von knocks him down. D-Von turns around and small package! One! Two! Three! Christian steals it! Buh Buh runs into the ring but Christian scarpers and he and Edge make their way to the back delighted with their work and The Dudley’s are left seething.

    Winner: Christian

    Commercial Break

    Vince is in a backstage corridor and on his mobile phone, looking rather agitated.

    Vince McMahon “What do you mean he’s been released? *The crowd cheer* Who in the hell posted bail? Some blonde women?”

    Vince suddenly realises what has happened and shuts his phone aggressively. Vince storms down the corridor and into Debra’s dressing room.


    Debra “I, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

    Vince McMahon “Don’t play dumb with me you stupid bitch! You posted Austin bail didn’t you? *The crowd cheer and Debra just looks down hoping the ground will swallow her up* What in the hell is wrong with you?”

    Debra just looks down at the ground as McMahon pauses

    Vince McMahon “You know what? I don’t care! Because YOU’RE FIRED!

    Debra suddenly kicks into gear.

    Debra “No Vince I quit, I’m sick of being treated like dirt around her, especially since Mick left. You can stick you’re job and as far as my husband goes, yeah I did post his bail and he’s coming here, tonight!

    The crowd erupt as Mr McMahon gulps and walks off looking worried.

    Michael Cole “Austin’s going to be here tonight!”

    Jerry Lawler “Oh no! Security! Oh no.”

    Billy Gunn Vs Steven Richards w Ivory

    Billy Gunn takes early control with some straight brawling until Richards catches him with a foot in the corner. Richards has control and uses a slow deliberate pace to slowly wear down Gunn. Richards throws Gunn off the ropes and ducks his head. Neckbreaker! Gunn hits back! Gunn comes off the ropes with a clothesline, and another and another. Bad Ass is building momentum now! Gunn off the ropes but Ivory has his leg. Richards jumps on Gunn with a clubbing blow and starts to pound away at Gunn. Gunn fights back with right hands and seems to be in control until Ivory jumps on the apron. Suddenly Chyna comes through the crowd! Chyna takes away Ivory’s legs and Ivory hits the apron hard! Chyna throws Ivory into the steel steps and Bad Ass turns back to the action only to be pounded away at again. Gunn fights back with a knee to the gut, off the ropes. FAMEASSER! Gunn hits the Fameasser! One! Two! Three! Chyna has returned and gets some revenge! Chyna and Billy celebrate in the ring together as the crowd cheer.

    Winner: Billy Gunn

    Commercial Break

    We come back to Raw and Rikishi entering the McMahon private lounge where Stephanie is waiting.

    Rikishi “You wanted to talk to me?”

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “Rikishi sit down, please sit down.”

    Rikishi takes a seat as Steph begins to speak.

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “Let me get straight to the point, tonight Test is facing Kane inside a steel cage and I want to make sure he gets what’s coming to him.”

    Rikishi sits forward and learns towards Stephanie.

    Rikishi “So what do you want from me?”

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “All I want to do is make sure things go according to plan.”

    Rikishi “I see what you’re getting at Steph and I’ll do it, only there’s one problem.”

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “Oh don’t worry, you’ll get your reward for helping the McMahon’s. We don’t forget those who help us Rikishi.”

    Rikishi “No it’s not that, if I go into that ring I’m gonna kick both Test’s and Kane’s ass!”

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “I don’t care what you do, just make sure Test doesn’t walk out of this arena!”

    Rikishi nods his head before getting up and leaving a very happy billion-dollar princess.

    Michael Cole “As if Test didn’t have the deck stacked against him before, now the billion dollar princess has gone and got Rikishi to step in!”

    Jerry Lawler “It’s just a little insurance Cole.”

    Michael Cole “Well in my opinion it’s simply, not right.”

    Chris Benoit Vs Jeff Hardy

    Excellent match between the two, Benoit started off stronger with some stiff chops and a series of take downs until Jeff picked up the pace. Jeff is on the top rope but Benoit has caught him up top. SUPERPLEX from the top! Benoit sacrifices himself in order to punish his opponent! Benoit starts to wear down the quicker Hardy now with a succession of crisp moves. Benoit whips Hardy but Hardy rebounds with a head scissors throwing Benoit outside! SUICIDE DIVE! This time Hardy puts his body on the line to punish Benoit! The crowd love it! Jeff throws Benoit inside and covers but only gets the two. Jeff has picked up the pace again with a second wind and Benoit is in trouble. Hardy comes off the ropes, CROSSFACE! CROSSFACE! Benoit traps Hardy in the Crossface! Hardy is screaming in pain! Hardy taps out! Referee Earl Hebner calls for the break after the bell but Benoit gives Hardy just a few more seconds of agony before releasing. Benoit sends a message to Matt Hardy ahead of the Royal Rumble!

    Winner: Chris Benoit

    Commercial Break

    We come back to Smackdown and a frantic Vince searching the corridors. He finally enters Kurt Angles locker room to find Stephanie and Kurt.

    Vince McMahon “Stephanie! Stephanie! I need to…………………………….”

    Vince pauses and looks at Kurt and Stephanie with some surprise.

    Vince McMahon “Wait. What are you doing in here?”

    Kurt Angle “That would be my fault Mr McMahon, you see we’re just talking over tonight’s main even and making sure everything goes to plan.”

    Vince McMahon “And that’s all?”

    Kurt looks a little puzzled before Stephanie angrily rebuffs Vince.

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “Of course that’s all Dad!”

    Vince reaffirms himself.

    Vince McMahon “Ok. Anyway I have more pressing business to attend to. Thattttt bimbo Debra has posted bail for Austin and he could be here any minute so we all need to leave the arena.”

    Vince and Kurt start to walk but Stephanie refuses to budge.

    Vince McMahon “Come on Stephanie!”

    Stephanie still refuses to budge.

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “No Dad! You two may have nothing to stay for but I made myself special guest referee in the main event and I’ll be damned if some redneck is going to ruin my plans!”

    Vince gives a chessed off look before finally relenting.

    Vince McMahon “Fine we’ll stay but I’m having full security around us at all times and I want a guard in that ring with you.”

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “But Dad!”

    Vince McMahon “No buts! You’re having security in the ring!”

    Steph relents as Kurt begins to talk.

    Kurt Angle “Well I’ll just be getting off then.”

    Vince McMahonWHA? What? Where do you think you’re going?”

    Kurt Angle “I’ve got to get off Vince, see ya around.”

    Vince is clearly getting more and more agitated with Kurt and puts his hand out to stop him.

    Vince McMahon “Wha? What’s so important that you have to leave?”

    Kurt Angle “There’s……….. something…………….. on…………… TV…………. that I have to watch.”


    Kurt Angle “Yehhhhh, myyy brother, Eric, is on Jeopardy tonight.”

    Kurt quickly rushes off as Vince drops his hand and he and Steph look at each other dumb founded.

    Vince McMahon “Jeopardy?”

    Michael Cole “Jeopardy? I think Kurt Angle’s a little scared personally.”

    Jerry Lawler “No! No he’s not and Eric really is on jeopardy, I’m taping it at home, if he asked I would of lent it him though.”

    Michael Cole “Sure he is King. Sure he is.”

    Action switches to Lillan Garcia and Chris Jericho. The crowd give a loud cheer for Y2J.

    Lillan Garcia “Tonight Chris you face William Regal, what are you thoughts ahead of your match?”

    Chris Jericho “I think you forgot something Lilly-Ann.”

    Lillan looks a little puzzled before Jericho fills her in.

    Chris Jericho “You forgot to mention that this IS the year of JERICHOOOOOOO!

    The crowd give a loud cheer supporting Y2J’s statement.

    Chris Jericho “But you were right about one think Lillan, tonight Y2J is going one on one with that tea sipping jackass but lets face it, it’s not going to be much competition. I mean in one corner you have the ayatollah of rock and rolla, Chris Jericho! And in the other you have a big, filthy, disgusting, assclown! *The crowd cheer* Now I know you’re a big fan of royalty Regal and that’s perfect because tonight I’m going to royally kick you’reeee ass!”

    Jericho walks off as the crowd cheer.

    Michael Cole “It’s Jericho, Regal, Next!”

    Chris Jericho Vs William Regal

    Another superb match! Regal starts us off with some southpaw punches and some chops in the corner. Both put on an impressive series of chain wrestling until Jericho takes Regal down with a clothesline. Jericho maintains the edge until Regal nails a knee to the gut and folds Jericho up with a sweet back suplex that drops Jericho right on his head! When we come back from a commercial break Regal has control and keeps it with some sweet technical moves. Regal hooks Y2J up for a suplex but Jericho slips out! Jericho pushes Regal into the ropes and rolls him up for a near fall! Jericho ducks a right hand and nails a back body drop on Regal. Jericho climbs up top and waits for Regal to stand, MISSILE DROPKICK! Suddenly Raven appears from the back and walks towards the ring. Jericho is distracted and Regal takes the advantage and rolls him up. Referee Mike Chioda counts the three. Regal slips out the ring quickly and Raven walks to the back leaving a fuming Jericho.

    Winner: William Regal

    Commercial Break

    We come back to Smackdown with security walking towards Vince’s desk in his office.

    Vince McMahon “What is it?”

    Security Guard “There’s a Miss Stratus to see you sir.”

    Vince McMahon “Is there anyone with her?”

    Security Guard “No it’s just her.”

    Vince McMahon “Send her in and stand outside. If anyone wants me then I’m not here, ok?”

    Security Guard “But sir……………………..”

    McMahon cuts him off angrily.

    Vince McMahon “Don’t question a McMahon dammit!”

    The guard lets a skimpily dressed Trish in and completes the rest of Vince’s orders. Trish walks towards Vince and sits on his desk, seductively showing some leg.

    Vince McMahon “And how may I help you Miss Stratus?”

    Trish Stratus “Well I was just terribly lonely and needed someone to talk to.”

    Vince McMahon “You needed someone…………………………….”

    Trish cuts Vince off with some tonsil hockey to some cheers as Smackdown hits a break.

    Jerry Lawler “No don’t go now! They were just getting to the good bit!

    Commercial Break

    We come back to Lillan Garcia again, this time with Test who gets some cheers.

    Lillan Garcia “Tonight Test you have a huge match against Kane inside a steel cage. Are you worried what Kane might do to you?”

    Test “Am I worried? No, I’m not worried about Kane or what he is gonna do to me because what ever it is I’ll survive it. He can do what ever the hell he likes because I’ll survive it and pay it back with interest!

    Test walks off looking motivated.

    Commercial Break

    Steel Cage Match

    Kane Vs Test

    Stephanie referee’s the match with a sole security guard outside. Referees outside lock the cage and then Stephanie ushers them to the back. Both men were in their element here and any weaknesses they may have were well hidden by the stipulation. Kane starts off dominating the powerful Test with even more power. Kane throws Test into the steel, into the buckle, into his boot, into his fist, whatever it takes to get the job done, much to Stephanie’s delight. Test does mount some offence when he dodges a top rope clothesline and hits the Big Boot, much to Stephanie’s chagrin. Test doesn’t try to escape or pin and instead starts to mount his power offence onto Kane and throws him various times into the steel. Test comes off the ropes, BIG BOOT! Kane sticks his foot right down Test’s throat! Kane picks up Test and throws him HARD into the steel. TEST IS BUSTED WIDE OPEN! Stephanie is smiling! Kane picks up Test and CHOKESLAM! Kane covers but Stephanie refuses to count, she tells Kane she wants him to hurt Test more. Kane advances on Stephanie who backs into the corner. He grabs Stephanie by the throat! Rikishi now comes running down and Kane see’s him and releases Stephanie who drops to the floor as we go to an ad break. We come back to Smackdown and we are shown during in the break footage of Rikishi using wire cutters to get into the cage! Rikishi and Kane trade blows. Rikishi goes down low with a low blow on Kane and Kane drops. Test see’s this and nails the Big Boot on Rikishi! Kane gets up, BIG BOOT TO KANE! Test can escape! TEST WINS! TEST ESCAPES THE CAGE THROUGH THE DOOR! Kane is irate and picks up and chokeslams Rikishi! Kane isn’t done! The Big Red Machine wants revenge and takes Rikishi outside, TOMBSTONE ON THE OUTSIDE! Rikishi is out and Kane is done!

    Winner: Test

    Stephanie is irate, in the middle of the cage as the guard goes across and locks the door with a new chain. Stephanie looks confused. The guard enters the ring and Stephanie starts shouting at him. Suddenly the guard flips the bird! The crowd go nuts as the guard takes of a disguise to reveal AUSTIN! STEPHANIE IS LOCKED INSIDE THE CAGE WITH AUSTIN! Austin motions that Vince better get his ass out here and quickly a worried Vince comes onto the rampway with a microphone.

    Vince McMahon “Austin! Austin! Don’t do anything stupid! We can sort this out. You want Angle at the Royal Rumble? Fine! Ya got him!

    Austin smiles and flips McMahon the bird! STUNNER ON STEPHANIE! The crowd go wild! Austin goes to each corner and salutes the adoring crowd through the steel!

    Michael Cole “It’s going to be Austin and Angle for the WWF Title at the Royal Rumble!”

    Jerry Lawler “Austin going to have hell to pay!”

    Michael Cole “I’ve been Michael Cole alongside Jerry “The King” Lawler! See you on Monday for Raw!”

  20. user posted image

    WWF Smackdown Preview

    January 11th 2001

    Oakland Arena – Oakland, California

    The WWF comes to the Oakland Arena for Smackdown and it’s set to be an explosive night!

    On Raw, Steve Austin stepped up his campaign against the McMahon family by driving over their limo and smashing up their private lounge! How far will Austin go to get his title shot and will Mr McMahon bow under the pressure?

    Also on Raw, Matt Hardy earned an Intercontinental Title shot against Chris Benoit for the Royal Rumble. Well this rivalry has been personal from day one and it’s set to get even more so as Matt’s brother Jeff takes on Benoit hoping to get his brother a physiological edge.

    The Dudley Boyz will also have revenge on their mind after their opponents at the Rumble, Edge and Christian cost them a match against the APA. They will have their chance when D-Von takes on Christian in singles competition.

    With all this and Chris Jericho set to take on William Regal, Billy Gunn against Steven Richards and Bradshaw against The Goodfather you can’t afford to miss any of the action from Oakland, CA!

    Confirmed Matches

    Chris Benoit Vs Jeff Hardy

    Christian Vs D-Von Dudley

    Chris Jericho Vs William Regal

    Billy Gunn Vs Steven Richards

    Bradshaw Vs The Goodfather

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