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Posts posted by Visionary

  1. IPB Image

    WWF Smackdown Preview

    February 8th 2001

    Coliseum – Charleston, South Carolina

    Smackdown comes live from the Coliseum and what a show we have in store!

    Following Monday nights attack on Matt Hardy there’s one burning question on everybody’s lips, who attacked our Intercontinental Champion? Internet sites have been reporting Jeff Hardy as the assailant but could Jeff assault his own flesh and blood?

    Matt Hardy wasn’t the only man to suffer Monday night as Triple H violently assaulted Test for the second week in a row and throughout the week he and Kurt Angle have been seen in talks with WWF owner Vince McMahon. With Test seemingly out the way and Austin a common foe, what do this trio have in store for the Rattlesnake?

    Also, we’ll find out what The Rock has in store for Big Show as the 500 pounder continues to try and earn a last man standing match against the People’s Champion at No Way Out but first Show must take on Grand Master Sexay.

    Rikishi and Undertaker will go one on one in a rematch from Monday night Raw after Rikishi stole a victory from the Deadman. Will lighting strike twice for the Phat Man?

    Ken Shamrock gets his chance at revenge as he takes on the man who cost him a match on Monday night, Eddie Guerrero. Will Shamrock be able to make the Radical tap out?

    Chris Jericho will also be in Charleston as he looks for answers and he is determined to get them following Raven’s recent path of deceit and trickery. Will Y2J be able to get some answers from his foe?

    Following his shock attack on Chyna Monday night, Billy Gunn will also go one on one with Road Dogg and perhaps will learn why Billy turned on his former friend to join the RTC.

    Confirmed Matches

    Big Show Vs Grand Master Sexay

    Rikishi Vs The Undertaker

    Eddie Guerrero Vs Ken Shamrock

    Billy Gunn Vs Chyna

  2. IPB Image

    WWF Raw

    February 5th 2001

    Georgiadome (8,401) – Atlanta, Georgia

    Cue female screams as Raw hits the air and Jeff Hardy makes his way down to ringside, Jeff does his usual dancing before playing to the crowd and finally takes a microphone as his music dies down.

    Jeff Hardy “First things first and I’m out here to make an apology to my brother, Matt! You see I’m a big enough man to know when I’ve been in the wrong and Matt, I know you ain’t been speaking to me since last Thursday night but I’m sorry! I should have had your back but I didn’t, I’m sorry!”

    Jeff Hardy “But with that being said, I refuse to be held responsible for what happened with Lita and the fact she came to the ring with me against Austin. She offered to help me Matt, something you don’t seem to want to do and even though I didn’t have her back either, she forgave me! Now I know you’ve been giving her a hard time since last Thursday night too so I’m asking you on behalf of Lita to forgive her as well!”

    NO CHANCE IN HELL! Much to everyone surprise, Vince McMahon interrupts Jeff and comes power walking to the ring! Vince enters the ring and is handed a microphone.

    Vince McMahon “What in the hell is this crap? You came to me and begged for this time so you could but some things straight! I gave it to you because I’m going to be honest here Jeff, last week you impressed me! You impressed Mr McMahon a lot! You stood toe to toe with Austin and you didn’t back down! Hell, you asked for the match Jeff! And if I can be frank with you Jeff I think you would of beaten Austin last week if it wasn’t for your brother Matt! I think that you had the match won until Matt came down and distracted you and let Austin hit you with the Stunner! In fact I would go as far to say that rather than you and Kurt Angle being on the same page, it was actually Austin and your very own brother that conspired to screw you out of the biggest match in your whole damn career!”

    The crowd don’t seem to like McMahon’s manipulation and let him know it.

    Jeff Hardy “No! No! Why would he want to do that? It doesn’t make sense!”

    Vince McMahon “Why? You want to know why Jeff? I’ll tell you why! Matt is obsessed with being the more successful of you both! I’ve heard him talking to others in the back about how he is and always will be the bigger star of you both! But deep down in his black heart Matt knows you’re the more talented brother but he’ll do anything to stop the world finding out!”

    Jeff Hardy “With all due respect Mr McMahon, you must be mistaken! There’s no way my brother would do that to me! There’s no way he’d intentionally hold me back!”

    The crowd cheer Jeff’s dismissal of McMahon’s claims.

    Vince McMahon “Alright, lets assume that and you must understand that I’m only assuming here, but lets assume I am wrong. Lets assume your brother is backing you one hundred percent and wants to see you as a big success. If that’s the case Jeff, then why hasn’t he gave you a shot at his Intercontinental Championship?”

    Jeff looks somewhat taken aback and seems to have no response.

    Vince McMahon “Lucky for you Jeff I’ve seen through the smokescreen your brother has created and I know you have the potential to be the biggest superstar in the history of this business! When you’ve finally seen the light Jeff, come and find me and I’ll put you where you belong!”

    NO CHANCE! Vince McMahon’s music starts up and he exits to the back leaving Jeff Hardy a lot to ponder.

    Jim Ross “Mr McMahon is trying to poison the brain of this young kid!”

    Jerry Lawler “No he’s not JR! Everything Mr McMahon said is the truth, Jeff is being held back by his brother and if Jeff doesn’t take Mr McMahon up on his offer then he doesn’t deserve to be in this business!”

    Jim Ross “That’s not true at all King! Mr McMahon is playing games with Jeff and the only one who’s obsessed is Mr McMahon! Obsessed with gaining allies for his fight against Austin and in having complete control over the minds of his superstars!”

    Jerry Lawler “Whatever JR!”

    Commercial Break

    Chyna Vs Steven Richards

    Richards looks to lock up early on but Chyna kicks him in the gut and takes control. Chyna’s whip is reversed and she comes off the ropes, she looks for a clothesline but Richards ducks and nails a powerslam on Chyna’s way back. Richards has control now and immediately works over the neck with various holds and manoeuvres. Richards is in the corner and Chyna nails the handspring elbow! Chyna has it in the bag but Richards cronies, Bull Buchanan and Goodfather come rushing down and attack Chyna, Val Venis follows shortly behind with Ivory and all five put the boots to Chyna until Billy comes rushing down. The RTC exit sharply and stand around the outside as Billy helps Chyna up, CENSOR DROP! Billy nails Chyna! Suddenly RTC flood the ring again and Buchanan and Goodfather hoist Billy up on their shoulders as Ivory, Richards and Val cheer and the crowd are in disbelief!

    Winner: Chyna

    Commercial Break

    We come back to Raw and Lillan Garcia is with The Rock! The crowd goes wild!

    Lillan Garcia “Rock, tonight you have set Big Show his first task in order to gain a last man standing match with you at No Way Out! What task must Big Show fulfil tonight?”

    The Rock “The Rock says that in order for Big Show to earn his rematch with the Great One, that Big Show should give something back to the community! So The Rock spent a couple of hours of thinking how that giant jabroni could give back to The Rock’s public! Then it came to me like a pie to Big Show’s mouth! The Rock found a way to ensure Big Show fulfilled a valuable customer service and even how that rolly polly jabroni could have all the popcorn he can eat! Atlanta say hello to your special video store clerk, for one night only, THE BIG SHOW!

    We cut to Big Show in a local video store dressed as a clerk behind the counter while a few customers browse around. The crowd give a loud cheer!

    The Rock “Now The Rock notices that Big Show isn’t totally thrilled with his new job but don’t you worry because The Rock has made sure Big Show is paid his own weight in popcorn! That’s a hell of a lot of popcorn Lillan but The Rock knows that even 500 pounds of popcorn isn’t enough to last Big Show through his favourite movie Titanic! *The crowd cheer* IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!

    Rock raises the eyebrow as the crowd goes crazy. The mood soon changes as we see Matt Hardy walking down a hallway with his Intercontinental Title over his shoulder. From nowhere a masked man in plain clothes attacks Matt from behind. The man throws Hardy into the wall and lays the boots in; finally after repeated boots and wall slams, the mystery man lifts the Intercontinental Title in his right arm before throwing it on Matt’s chest.

    Commercial Break

    As we come back to Raw Jeff Hardy and Lita are with Matt as he’s being helped to an ambulance and as Matt is helped in he manages to spit some words out.

    Matt Hardy “Will you come with me, Jeff?”

    Jeff looks a little solemn before replying.

    Jeff Hardy “I can’t Matt, I have a huge match. Mr McMahon just told me that I’m teaming with Kurt Angle to face Austin and you in a tag team match later tonight!”

    The ambulance men look to rush off but Lita stops them while she shouts at Jeff.

    Lita “You’re putting a match before your own brother! What the hell is wrong with you?”

    Finally the ambulance men lose patience and they rush off as Jeff is left looking somewhat depressed.

    Jim Ross “What in the hell is wrong with Jeff Hardy! He should be by his brothers bedside but instead he’s putting his career first!”

    Jerry Lawler “Well Matt may be abandoning his partner but Jeff isn’t going to do the same JR!”

    Jim Ross “How can you say that? That’s rubbish King! But never-the-less it does seem we will be having a huge handicap match later on tonight and how convenient that before the match is even announced, Austin’s partner is taken out of the game!”

    WWF Hardcore Championship

    Al Snow Vs Crash Holly © Vs Hardcore Holly Vs Steve Blackman

    A wild hardcore match here with weapon shots aplenty. Highlights include Blackman on the outside when Al Snow literally throws the stairs and dropkicks them into his face! And Crash Holly seemingly bursting his cousin’s eardrums with a double dustbin can shot! Al picks up the win when nails the Snowplow onto a steal chair and pins champion Crash Holly!

    Winner: Al Snow

    Commercial Break

    THE YEAR OF JERICHO! Fireworks erupt and the crowd begin to cheer as Y2J makes his way down to ringside. He does his usual playing to the crowd before being handed a microphone.

    Chris Jericho “WELCOME TO RAW IS JERICHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    The crowd erupt and Y2J waits for them to calm down before continuing.

    Chris Jericho “Lameven! I challenged you to put up or shut up last Thursday night on Smackdown, so what’s it gonna be junior?”

    Raven doesn’t seem to want to put up as Jericho waits for a response.

    Chris Jericho “Come on bird boy! Cat got ya beak?”

    Still nothing happens until Y2J is ready to speak again but then it begins! Darkness fills the arena and all that can be seen is the flickering titantron. Scrambled voices can be heard and children’s laughter until all sound abruptly ends and the words “Your fate has been chosen” appears on the titantron. Lighting resumes to normal and Y2J who has had enough of hanging about dashes to the back to find his foe.

    Jerry Lawler “This is really freaky JR!”

    Jim Ross “It’s all mind games King, I think.”

    Commercial Break

    Ken Shamrock Vs Perry Saturn

    Both men lock up to begin a somewhat disappointing match. Shamrock takes control early on and keeps Saturn under control with a slow methodical pace. Shamrock comes off the ropes and Saturn retaliates with a dropkick. Saturn goes through the motions until, BELLY TO BELLY! Shamrock explodes from nowhere! This brings out a returning Eddie Guerrero however who distracts Shamrock and allows Saturn to roll him up for the three! Saturn and Guerrero quickly escape to the back while Shamrock goes nuts in the ring.

    Winner: Perry Saturn

    Commercial Break

    We come back to Raw and Big Show in the local video store once more. A teenage lad in a hooded top and jeans approaches the desk with a tape. He is listening to his headphones and simply points to the tape and motions Show away to go and get it.

    Big Show “Have you got an ID sir?”

    The kid can’t hear Show over his music and simply shouts back.

    Customer “Yes, that one! Go!”

    Big Show “This is an 18 film, do you have any ID to prove you are over 18 sir?”

    Customer “That film, yes! Chop chop!”

    Show who is getting increasingly infuriated yanks the kid by his jacket and rips his earphones out.

    Big Show “Have you got any ID…………… sir?”

    Customer “Get off me you fat ****!”

    With that Show throws the kid into a nearby video display and chucks him outside.

    Rikishi Vs The Undertaker

    Big power battle here as both men try to dominate the other, Undertaker gains the upper hand with a fistfight and takes control. Taker charges at Kish in the corner but Kish moves! Rikishi follows up some vicious headbutts with some hard slams, Taker is whipped off the ropes and rebounds with a flying lariat that misses Rikishi and nails poor referee Brian Hebner! Regal comes running down to ringside but is cut off by a sprinting Kane from backstage too! Both men duke it out as Taker is distracted in the ring with Rikishi down on the mat from a vicious big boot. Kish rolls outside and brings a chair inside the ring and as Taker turns around he gets nailed! Kane throws Regal into the steel steps and steps on the top rope but is met with a steel chair shot of his own! Kane drops out the ring and Kish nails another shot to a groggy Taker and this time Taker is busted open! Brian Hebner recovers in time to count the three!

    Winner: Rikishi

    Commercial Break

    A frail old dear enters the shop and approaches the desk.

    Customer “Coulddd youuu lookkk in the back for a copyyy of Titanic pleaseee? There doesn’t seemmm to bee any on the shelfff.”

    Show checks the computer instead.

    Big Show “All the copies of Titanic are out.”

    Customer “Ohhh, I know that computer mayyy say thatt but sometimesss thereee is a copy righttt at theee backkk of theee stock rooomm, Greg, the usuallll boyyy looksss for meeee.”

    Big Show breath’s out heavily and goes out of sight while the dear shouts “thank you” after him. While Show is gone the old lady starts filling her shopping trolley with all the sweets on the counter! She quickly leaves the store and as Show returns unsuccessful he notices the sweet stand is empty and in a rage kicks the desk, unfortunately his foot goes straight through! Action switches to Mr McMahon’s office and Austin enters to a huge cheer.

    Vince McMahon “Don’t you know how to knock?”

    Steve Austin knocks on the desk sarcastically, which gets a cheer.

    Steve Austin “KNOCK! KNOCK!”

    McMahon looks pissed of to have his authority questioned.

    Vince McMahon “Look Austin! I called you here because as you know your partner Matt Hardy is other wised engaged……………………..”

    Steve Austin “Getting ya ass attacked from behind and the shit kicked outta ya is hardly being otherwise engaged! Now I can’t stand to be in the same room as ya so why don’t ya tell me what the hell ya want!”

    McMahon looks close to losing his temper but manages to keep it.

    Vince McMahon “You see Austin, I thought in the interest of fairness that I’d better ask around and see if I could find you another partner but guess what? No one wants to team with a redneck hick like you! So tonight it’s going to be “Stone Cold” Steve Austin Vs Jeff Hardy and Kurt Angle in handicap match!”

    Steve Austin “Ya can stick me in as many handicap matches as ya want and God knows you’re looking for the record but it’ll still be the same result, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin opening a big old can of whoop ass in that middle of that ring, AND THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE ‘CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!"

    After joining in with Austin the crowd give a huge cheer as we switch to ringside.

    APA Vs The Dudley Boyz

    Bradshaw takes early control and the APA dominate with power, D-Von soon comes back with a flying shoulder and the Dudley’s isolate Bradshaw. Bradshaw comes off the ropes with a double clothesline and tag in Farooq. Some more balanced brawling passes before the Dudley’s put both of their adversaries away with the 3-D!

    Winner: The Dudley Boyz

    We come back to Raw and Big Show’s supervisor enters the store to check up on him. He notices the smashed video display, hole in the counter and lack of sweet display.

    Supervisor “I’ve had stacks of complaints about your attitude! And where the hell are all the sweets? Why didn’t you replace the ones you sold? That damage to the counter is coming out of your wages fat boy!”

    Show finally snaps and grabs the supervisor around the neck and chokeslams him through the desk.

    Big Show “I quit!”

    Commercial Break

    TIME TO PLAY THE GAME! The crowd boo as Triple H’s music rips through the arena and The Game comes out from the back, sledgehammer and microphone in hand. He makes his way down the aisle and smacks the ring steps with the sledgehammer before entering the ring to say his piece.

    Triple H “Test! Test! Last week you found out that you don’t screw with The Game! You don’t screw around with Triple H! Let this be a lesson to you and all those others in the back, don’t cross me!”

    Triple H pauses as the crowd chant “asshole”.

    Triple H “But it’s not over yet for you Test! The suffering has just begun and tonight I’m going to show you just why the hell they call me the Cerebral Assassin! Get your ass out here Test! It’s game over for you!”

    Triple H drops the microphone and after a few seconds Test music hits to a chorus of cheers and Test appears from the back, heavily bandaged up! Test runs down to the ring and looks to attack Triple H but The Game quickly escapes to the outside.

    Triple H “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Calm down! I didn’t say I was going to fight you tonight! No! I’m gonna leave that to him!”

    Triple H points at the titantron and Albert’s music starts up. But once again Albert comes through the crowd and this time Test is nailed in the back of the head with a bicycle kick! Albert continues the assault on the floor as Triple H laughs on the outside. After finally seeing enough Triple H enters the ring and puts the exclamation point on the beating with a thunderous Pedigree! Triple H’s music starts up again as he poses to the booing crowd.

    Jim Ross “How can The Game be proud of what he just did? He took a badly injured man and had someone beat the hell out of him! What in the hell is there to be proud of?”

    Jerry Lawler “Well Triple H was the one who put Test in that condition JR and quite frankly I think it’s great! Test deserves everything he gets!”

    Jim Ross “What? How can you say that? Good God!”

    Commercial Break

    Jeff Hardy & Kurt Angle Vs Steve Austin

    Jeff and Austin start us off and Austin gains the upper hand, as one would expect in the fistfight. Austin whips Jeff off the ropes but Jeff comes back with a twisting body attack. Austin reverses a whip and as Jeff comes back Austin nails him with a Lou Thresh Press and punches. Austin keeps control with some brawling. Jeff reverses a whip and Austin gets nailed with a spin kick. Hardy looks for the tag but Angle refuses to tag in and Jeff stays in. Jeff slams Austin down and goes to the high rent district and looks for the Swanton bomb. Austin moves! Jeff crashes and burns! Austin has control now and stomps a mudhole in Jeff and walks it dry! Angle looks to sneak attack Austin and nails him from behind Angle turns Austin around but eats the STUNNER! STONE COLD STUNNER! Jeff takes advantage and drops Austin onto the top turnbuckle! Jeff charges and nails Austin in the corner with a high kick Jeff has a whip reversed and as he comes off the ropes, STUNNER! STUNNER! Austin covers and Earl Hebner counts the three! Austin celebrates with some beers and toasts the crowd.

    Winner: Steve Austin

    Jim Ross “Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Stone Cold! Austin did it! Bah God, Austin did it!”

    Jerry Lawler “Clam down JR, you’ll rupture something!”

    Jim Ross “Good God! What a night! Join for Smackdown on Thursday!”

  3. Even as a bluenose i would have to admit that Luc Nilis and Villa was a harsh end to his career.

    One person who needs a mention is Marco Van Bastern, despite a decent career i think he could of done so much more if he could of gone on just a few years longer.

  4. IPB Image

    WWF Raw Preview

    February 5th 2001

    Georgiadome – Atlanta, Georgia

    Raw comes live from the Georgiadome and tonight is a night of questions!

    The first of those questions can be traced back to Smackdown last Thursday and is aimed at Jeff Hardy, was Jeff working with Kurt Angle in order to aid the Olympic gold medallist in his assault on the WWF Champion?

    Another question needs to be answered as Mr McMahon has allowed Triple H to book Test against any opponent The Game sees fit! Following the vicious assault on Test on Smackdown by The Game, Test is in no shape to compete but has no choice tonight. Who will Triple H chose as Test’s opponent?

    Also, Chris Jericho laid down a challenge to Raven last week, put up or shut up! Will Raven show up tonight?

    We will also find out what The Rock’s first task will be for The Big Show as the five hundred pound monster looks to earn his last man standing match against the Great One!

    Last week William Regal and Rikishi looked to rekindle their alliance against Kane and The Undertaker when Rikishi super kicked the Big Red Machine during is match with the man from England. This week Undertaker will take on Rikishi and it’s anybody’s guess as to what will happen when these two big bulls collide!

    Also, following “Good Boy” Billy’s failure to take on Chyna last week, Steven Richards has been granted the opportunity to do the job himself. Will Chyna be able to hold herself against her male opponent?

    Plus, we’ll have a Hardcore Fatal Four Way when Crash Holly defends his Hardcore Title against Steve Blackman, Hardcore Holly and Al Snow, Ken Shamrock will take on Perry Saturn and the Dudley Boyz will take on the APA! Don’t miss Raw this week!

    Confirmed Matches

    Test Vs An Opponent Of Triple H’s choosing

    Rikishi Vs The Undertaker

    Chyna Vs Steven Richards

    Hardcore Championship: Al Snow Vs Crash Holly © Vs Hardcore Holly Vs Steve Blackman

  5. IPB Image

    WWF Smackdown

    February 1st 2001

    Nationwide Arena (8,829) – Columbus, Ohio

    GLASS SHATTERS! The crowd go nuts as the Texas Rattlesnake comes down to ringside, walking with a purpose. Austin enters the ring and is immediately handed a microphone. The WWF Title sits perfectly on his shoulder.

    Steve Austin “Now I ain’t out here cause I like the sound of my own voice and I ain’t out here cause I’ve got nothing better to do. On Raw Jeff Hardy, that son of a bitch got himself pinned one, two three! Now usually I really wouldn’t give a rat’s ass but the fact that Olympic Jackass Kurt Angle technically holds a win over me, somewhat pisses me off. The fact that I’ve had to endure that smug ******** smile for three days pisses me off! But what really pisses old Stone Cold off is the fact that you Jeff haven’t even held your hands up and admitted that you screwed up. Now I’m giving you the chance to stop pissing me off, all you have to do is walk you skinny ass out here, apologise and then take your scrawny legs and use them to stay the hell outta Stone Colds way!”

    Austin pauses.

    Steve Austin “So what you waiting for Jeff? Finishing painting ya stupid little nails and get ya ass out here!”

    Austin pauses some more but there is no response from the back.

    Steve Austin “I ain’t leaving this damn ring until………………………………….”

    Finally the Hardy Boyz music hits and Austin awaits Hardy in the middle of the ring. Hardy makes his way through a barrage of female screams and gets himself a microphone.

    Jeff Hardy “What the hell do you want Austin?”

    Steve Austin “Are ya deaf? Hard of hearing? Stupid? I said I want an apology.”

    Jeff Hardy “For what? Carrying my brother and your ass through the entire match last week? For having being the only guy in that ring who wasn’t intimidated by the tag team champions and an Olympic gold medallist? I carried you both last week and if anyone should be apologising, it’s my brother and you!”

    The crowd anticipate an Austin attack.

    Steve Austin “Obviously ya blind as well, or perhaps ya forgot that it was you laying on the mat while Edge pinned ya ass one, two three!”

    Jeff looks somewhat pissed off to hear the truth.

    Jeff Hardy “Maybe I was the one who was pinned but only because my two team mates were standing around doing nothing while I took on three other men! I can’t believe you’re the WWF Champion! I mean you’re a disgrace to this business and quite frankly, I think you should go back to the inbred trailer park you came from!”

    Austin starts to stroke his beard thoughtfully before nailing the expected Stone Cold Stunner! The crowd go nuts and Austin hits all four turnbuckles.

    Michael Cole “Jeff Hardy just found out what happens when you get the wrong side of the Rattlesnake!”

    Jerry Lawler “Ah! I hope Jeff’s got a strong anti venom!”

    Commercial Break

    We come back to Smackdown and William Regal is scheduled to face Kane but the man from Britain has some sentiments he wants to get off his chest.

    William Regal “Well how bloody rude you are all being! *The crowd boo* Here I am prepared to share my words of wisdom with you common folk and all you can do is heckle me! Is it any bloody surprise that my flight out of here leaves right after the show? Not flipping likely! Unlike you people I’m not forced to live in this cesspool of filth and a good job it is too!”

    The crowd boo Regal as he pauses.

    William Regal “Someone else who needs a good hiding is that rapscallion Kane and his thug of a brother! Going around bullying people just because there’s two of them and they know nobody will fight back! Well I’m sick and tired of them besmirching this companies fine name and have promised Mr McMahon that I’d bloody well put a stop to it! So tonight Kane I’m going to teach you……………………..”

    BANG! Kane’s loud fireworks interrupt Regal and he has no words, only action!

    Kane Vs William Regal

    Despite Regals tough words Kane still dominates Regal with his pure size and strength but things change when Kane misses a boot to the face and is straddled on the top rope. Regal uses the advantage and kicks the ropes to really push it. Regal uses some nice technical moves before backing Kane into the corner with left hands but that proves to be a mistake as the Big Red Machine fights back with right hands and finally a thrust to the throat that floors Regal. Kane clearly has control now and after Regal runs into Kane’s huge boot it’s time to finish it as Kane motions for the Chokeslam. Kane grabs Regal but from seemingly nowhere Rikishi jumps in the ring and as Kane turns with Regal he gets a super kick right to the chops! Referee Teddy Long has no choice but to call the DQ. Rikishi has dropped Kane and he and Regal leave together looking pleased with their work but Kane sits up much to their shock!

    Winner: Kane

    Commercial Break

    Billy Vs Chyna

    We come back to Smackdown and Chyna is in the ring awaiting her opponent, Billy. Billy’s music plays but after a good two-minute wait nobody seems to be coming out. The actions switches backstage where we see Billy leaving the arena in a taxi with RTC leader Richards yelling after him. Chyna is left looking rather bemused in the middle of the ring.

    No Contest

    We go backstage again and this time Vince McMahon is in his office when he hears a knock on the door.

    Vince McMahon “Come in!”

    The camera shows Jeff Hardy coming in.

    Vince McMahon “And what can I do for you?”

    Jeff Hardy “Mr McMahon I have a request.”

    Vince McMahon “Then spit it out, I don’t have all day!”

    Jeff Hardy “I want Austin and I want him tonight!”

    Vince starts to laugh to himself.

    Vince McMahon “You want to face “Stone Cold” Steve Austin tonight? Are you stupid or do you just have a death wish?”

    Jeff Hardy “Look I can handle Austin! Just give me him tonight and I guarantee I’ll kick his ass!”

    Vince laughs some more.

    Vince McMahon “Your gonna kick Austin’s ass? You, Jeff Hardy? Well I haven’t laughed this much in a damn long time so here’s what I’m gonna do, tonight I’m gonna give you your match Jeff! Tonight it’s going to be Jeff Hardy Vs “Stone Cold” Steve Austin!”

    Jeff Hardy “Thank you Mr McMahon, you won’t regret it!”

    Jeff leaves as McMahon continues to laugh.

    Commercial Break

    We come back and Jeff has just re-entered the Hardy’s locker room where Matt and Lita are cuddling. Jeff sits opposite and there’s a silence until Matt sits up.

    Matt Hardy “Hey Jeff! I was thinking, this little feud that seems to be going on between us two, it’s pretty stupid don’t ya think? I mean we’re brothers yeah! We’re the Hardy Boyz! So I was wondering if you’d be in my corner tonight when I face Edge, you know like a sign of solidarity.”

    Jeff Hardy “I’d really love to Matt but I’ve got get ready for my own match.”

    Matt looks somewhat surprised and Lita asks the burning question.

    Lita “What match? You’re not scheduled to fight anyone tonight, we just checked.”

    Jeff Hardy “You see that’s were your wrong because I’ve just this second been to Mr McMahon’s office and got a match with the WWF Champion Steve Austin!”

    Matt Hardy “Are you crazy? After what you did on Raw you asked for a match against Austin? What the hell is the matter with you?”

    Jeff Hardy “Hey! Nobody disrespects Jeff Hardy like Austin did earlier! Now if you’ll excuse me I have a match to prepare for!”

    Jeff walks out the room leaving a speechless Matt and Lita.

    WWF Hardcore Championship

    Crash Holly © Vs Raven

    Crash Holly awaits Raven in the ring but Raven clearly isn’t going to come out. We still get some action though when Steve Blackman nails Holly from behind with a Kendo Stick and covers and claims the Hardcore Title under the twenty four seven rule!

    No Contest

    Commercial Break

    We are in the McMahon-Helmsley lounge and Stephanie and Hunter are discussing plans for later in the night.

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “I worried about tonight Hunter, this match between you and Test, I’m worried Hunter!”

    Triple H “Look Steph, you know me better than that, you think I’m just gonna go out there and beat Test in a match? No Steph! I’m gonna destroy that son of a bitch! That ******* is gonna pay!”

    Michael Cole “I don’t like the sounds of that King!”

    Jerry Lawler “Right! If I was Test ‘d stay as far a way for The Game as possible!”

    Commercial Break

    IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! The crowd erupt as The Rock appears from the back. He soaks up the electricity on his way down and on the turnbuckle before being handed a microphone.

    The Rock “Finally The Rock has come back to Colum-bus!”

    The crowd erupt before Rock continues.

    The Rock “Now The Rock hears the Big Show has made a challenge, the Big Show wants a rematch with the great one! Well if you want a rematch against The Rock then you have to earn it! So if your monkey ass can still fit down the aisle then stop your donut chomping and get your out here and let The Rock tell you what he wants you to do!”

    WELLLLLLL IT’S THE BIG SHOW!!!!!!!!!!! Big Show comes down to the ring straight away and steps over the top, he is handed a microphone.

    Big Show “What you want me to do? Can’t you see what stands before you? I’m seven feet tall and five hundred pounds! Nobody tells me what to do!”

    The Rock “You may be as big as a bear and smell like it too but I still whooped your candy ass one, two, three! *The crowd cheer* And if you want a rematch you’ll shut your pie munching ass and do what The Rock says!”

    Big Show “I could just break you in half right now!”

    The Rock “You really think you could break The Rock in half?”

    Big Show “Yeh I………………………….”


    The crowd go nuts as and Rock continues.

    The Rock “The Rock says it doesn’t matter if you break him in half! It doesn’t matter if you threaten the great one, it doesn’t even matter if you knock him out with your halitosis! *The crowd cheer* The Rock knows your moany jabroni ass has already been to Vince McMahon and you didn’t get your rematch! The Rock says that the only way you will get ever face The Rock again is by doing what The Rock says!”

    The crowd cheer, as Big Show has no comeback.


    Rock cocks his eyebrow in Show’s face before leaving to the back as Show fumes.

    Michael Cole “The Rock laying down the law to the Big Show!”

    Jerry Lawler “Rock is playing with fire Cole! You don’t want to mess with a man the size of the Big Show!”

    Commercial Break

    We come back to Smackdown and Steve Blackman walking gingerly in the back, looking behind every corner for enemies. He opens a door and is met with an iron to the face! The camera pans out to show Crash Holly with referee Jack Doan and a successful three count later Crash regains the Hardcore Title!

    Edge w Christian Vs Matt Hardy w Lita

    Excellent match between the two here! Matt starts off the aggressor in a fast paced start. Matt comes off the top rope with an axe handle smash but Edge counters with a fist to the gut! Edge quickens the pace further as he uses his arsenal of highflying moves to keep Matt off balance. Edge is looking for the spear but Matt dodges and Edge spears the Ringpost! Matt has the advantage now and rams Edge back into the post before delivering a scoop slam and second rope leg drop! Matt is looking for the Twist Of Fate but a Christian distraction allows Edge to recover and when Matt turns his attention back Edge nails the spear! Edge covers and referee Brian Hebner counts but Matt has his foot on the rope! Lita put it there! Edge is fuming and grabs Lita up by the hair and brings her in. Lita counters with a low blow that sends Edge to the mat! Brian Hebner is forced to call for the bell and the DQ. Things aren’t over yet though as Christian sneaks in and nails Lita with the Unprettier! Christian and Edge both escape smugly while a recovered Matt Hardy tends to his unconscious girlfriend.

    Winner: Edge

    Commercial Break

    Lillan Garcia is standing by with Chris Jericho to the crowd’s delight.

    Lillan Garcia “Chris, Monday night on Raw a very cryptic video played and was aimed at you by Raven. Are you worried at all as to what it might actually mean?”

    Chris Jericho “I really couldn’t give a crap about Raven or what he things he thinks has in store for me. His crypt keeper act is getting really old now so I’m going to make my message as simple as possible. If you’re gonna start something Raven then I’ll be in the ring on Raw next week, waiting for you!”

    Test Vs Triple H

    Test is down to ringside first and he gets a good pop. He warms up waiting for Triple H and doesn’t have to wait long before the music begins. Triple H doesn’t come through the crowd though and instead comes from the crowd and nails Test in the back with a sledgehammer! Hunter viciously hits repeated blows and sledgehammer elbow drops before steadying Test against the ropes and nailing right on the forehead! Test is busted wide open! The Game hammers away with vicious right hands to his foe before going under the ring for handcuffs and cuffing a defenceless Test to the top rope. Hunter nails away some more before going back to sledgehammer blows until finally officials and referee’s come running from the back to stop the onslaught! Hunter is ushered outside with the blood of Test on his chest and his sledgehammer proudly raised in his right hand as the crowd boo.

    No Contest

    Commercial Break

    Smackdown comes back to Jeff Hardy who is on the way to his match when Lita catches up with him, we can’t hear what is said but clearly she will accompany him against Austin.

    Jeff Hardy Vs Steve Austin

    Interesting mix of styles here and Hardy actually starts off strong with his extra speed but Austin gains control and slows things down with a Lou Thresh Press. Austin does his usual brawling to wear down Jeff, Austin comes off the second rope with a forearm but Jeff moves out the way! Hardy picks the pace up again and keeps control for a few minutes. Hardy comes off the ropes, STUNNER! Austin with the stunner! He covers but Lita has Earl Hebner distracted! Austin goes over and shouts at Lita to get down and when he turns his attention back, TWIST OF FATE! Lita motions Jeff to the top rope and Jeff jumps off but Austin moves out the way of the Swanton Bomb! With that Matt comes out and drags Lita to the back shouting at her and STUNNER! This time there no distractions and Austin gets the three. Austin starts to celebrate and is tossed some beers and toasts the crowd, as he steps down he bumps into Jeff in the centre of the ring. Austin motions for more beers and offers Hardy one. Hardy throws the beer away and Austin looks pissed, before anything can happen though Kurt Angle appears from nowhere and nails the Olympic Slam on Austin! Kurt does his celebratory twirl as the crowd boo and suddenly he and Hardy’s eyes meet. Both men staredown as Smackdown leaves the air.

    Winner: Steve Austin

    Michael Cole “Was this all a set up? Was Jeff Hardy in on this all along? See ya Monday!”

  6. Really? It's not like you have to eat regularly or anything just if you want to replenish downed health. Also I found that once you max out you gym stats all you have to do is keep a tiny bit of fat on yourself to stop losing muscle mass and stamina doesn't seem to go down anyway.

  7. I think the victim’s families refers to the people he killed rather than the guy given the lethal injection.

    I hate twats like this who either can't draw the line between reality and fantasy or simply use the video game to try and get out of shit they did. Glad the guy is getting the lethal injection.

    Interestingly, if he was too young when he brought the game then surely only the shop that sold it to him could be sued? Although he may of brought it when he was of age a couple of years after release I guess.

    It’s idiots like him who might end up getting great games like San Andreas band and it really pisses me off.

    EDIT: I've been playing Final Fantasy 10 recently, does this mean i have to run around killing people with my mighty sword and casting magic, perhaps i should level myself up too?

  8. IPB Image

    WWF Smackdown Preview

    February 1st 2001

    Nationwide Arena – Columbus, Ohio

    Smackdown comes to Columbus and we have a rocket buster show in store!

    Following his team’s lost on Raw, Steve Austin is here tonight and is still pissed off; whoa betide anybody who gets in the rattlesnakes way tonight!

    Triple H will finally get his hands on the man who’s been making his life hell recently when he goes one on one with Test! This should prove to be a heated brawl and neither man will go down without a fight!

    Also, on Raw Big Show lay down a challenge The Rock and The Rock is on Smackdown to answer the challenge in person! Will The Rock accept the challenge and face Big Show in a Last Man Standing match?

    With the tag team titles on the line at No Way Out, the Hardy Boyz get an early taste of their opponents as Matt Hardy takes on Edge! Can the Hardy’s put their personal differences aside?

    “Good Boy” Billy is set to face a crisis of conscious when he takes on Chyna, the match was made by Right To Censor leader Steven Richards but Billy we can tell you is not happy about facing his former female friend. Will Billy turn up for the match?

    With all this plus William Regal Vs Kane and Raven’s rematch for the Hardcore Title against Crash Holly, you can’t afford to miss Smackdown this week!

    Confirmed Matches

    Test Vs Triple H

    Edge Vs Matt Hardy

    Chyna Vs “Good Boy” Billy

    Kane Vs William Regal

    Hardcore Championship: Crash Holly © Vs Raven

  9. Monthly Round Up Of January 2001

    IPB Image


    Television Viewing Figures


    January 1st 2001 – 1,000,159

    January 8th 2001 – 1,050,164

    January 15th 2001 – 1,018,620

    January 22nd 2001 – 1,050,164

    January 29th 2001 – 1,000,159


    January 4th 2001 – 1,051,984

    January 11th 2001 – 1,011,522

    January 18th 2001 – 651,495

    January 25th 2001 – 1,073,200

    Pay Per View Buys

    Royal Rumble – 580,976


    IPB Image


    Television Viewing Figures


    January 1st 2001 – 580,915

    January 8th 2001 – 647,974

    January 15th 2001 – 657,261

    January 22nd 2001 – 647,974

    January 29th 2001 – 580,915


    January 4th 2001 – 613,472

    January 11th 2001 – 621,245

    January 18th 2001 – 1,018,647

    January 25th 2001 – 646,060

    Pay Per View Buys

    Sin – 438,482


    IPB Image


    Television Viewing Figures

    Ring Warriors

    January 13th 2001 – 88,385

    January 20th 2001 – 88,300

    January 27th 2001 – 92,592

    Pay Pew View Buys

    Guilty As Charged – 12,048

  10. IPB Image


    ECW Release Divas

    ECW has made another bold move today by releasing three valets from its books! Elektra, Dawn Marie and Francine have all been released as ECW continues to shake up its roster.

    Test On TRL

    Test was the second WWF superstar in a month to appear on TRL last night, Test was a guest host for the show and his appearance went down well.

  11. IPB Image

    WWF Raw

    January 29th 2001

    Mellon Arena (6,666) – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    As soon as Raw hits the air we are taken to ringside where we have Jim Ross waiting to address the capacity crowd.

    Jim Ross “Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you tonight to interview one of the top young studs in the WWF today. A man who has been making quite a name for himself in the past few weeks, so without any further ado, ladies and gentlemen please welcome Test!”

    Test, this is a Test, Test, Test, this is a Test! Test comes through the curtain to a big ovation and makes his way to the ring where he is handed a microphone.

    Jim Ross “First of all Test thank you for joining me here tonight and I guess the burning question on everyone’s lips is, why did you attack Kurt Angle last week during his match with Triple H?”

    Test stares through JR before answering.

    Test “It’s very simple JR and has nothing to do with Kurt Angle. You see, if you cast your mind back to the Royal Rumble you might recall that I eliminated Triple H, in fact instead of me telling you why don’t I show you? Roll the footage!”

    The titantron comes on and shows the events of the Royal Rumble, to be more precise it shows Test eliminating Triple H and then The Game low bridging the ropes to eliminate Test. Both men then brawled to the back.

    Test “So what did you expect JR? Did you want me to forgive and forget? Well I don’t forgive and I sure as hell don’t forget! *The crowd cheer* So since Triple H screwed me out of my chance to go to WrestleMania, I thought I’d screw him out of his chance! What goes around comes around JR! It’s as simple as that!”

    The cheers of the crowd are soon broken by Triple H’s music but Hunter isn’t here to chat! Triple H comes charging down to the ring and JR high tails it out the way. Hunter spears Test down and both men trade blows on the floor until Mr McMahon comes down with security to drag both men off each other. Test escapes his captors and starts round two with The Game but eventually both men are detained.

    Jerry Lawler “You can’t blame JR for getting out of there, who would want to get in the way of these two? They’re tearing each other apart!”

    Commercial Break

    As we come back to Raw Test is being thrown out of the arena by security with Triple H being held back inside.

    David Young Vs Ken Shamrock

    Young gets to job again but this time to Shamrock. Shamrock has complete control and wears down Young before slapping on the Ankle Lock for the submission victory.

    Winner: Ken Shamrock

    Commercial Break

    Raw comes back and Austin is shown arriving at the Mellon Arena, the crowd go nuts for him. This turns to a mixed reaction as Lillan Garcia is standing by with Pittsburgh’s own Kurt Angle!

    Lillan Garcia “Tonight Kurt you team up with Edge and Christian to take on “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and the Hardy Boyz. What are you thought ahead of this match?”

    Kurt Angle “Well first of all Lillan you could point out that I’m in my hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! *The crowd cheer* I mean after all, these blue collar idiots *The crowd boo* don’t have much to celebrate, so when Kurt Angle’s in town it’s like Christmas freakin Day!”

    The crowd’s boo’s finally quieten down before Kurt continues.

    Kurt Angle “Second of all, you didn’t even mention the huge win I had last week over Triple H! All in all Lillan I’d say you’ve done a pretty crappy job! But since you asked so nicely I will answer your question, later tonight I team up with the tag team champions to take on two inbreeds and a redneck idiot! The WWF Tag Team Champions and an Olympic gold medallist all on one team! I think it’s pretty obvious where the smart money is. Oh it’s true, it’s damn true!”

    Jim Ross “Kurt Angle will team up with Edge and Christian to take on the Hardy’s and Austin later tonight!”

    Commercial Break

    Chris Jericho Vs Dean Malenko

    Great match between the two here, we start with some nice chain wrestling until Jericho gains the upper hand. That is until Malenko pegs him back with a backbreaker. Malenko looks to wear Y2J down now. Irish whip is reversed and Dean comes off the ropes, dropkick! A nice variation of moves here as the match continues at a fast pace and we have some back and forth action. Y2J off the ropes this time and Malenko looks for the dropkick but Jericho holds back on the ropes, quick as a cat Y2J locks in the Walls of Jericho! Malenko taps out! Great match! After the match the arena goes black and the titantron flickers on, Raven appears in a satanic room and looks straight down the camera, he utters the words “Your time has come” and the arena goes back to normal leaving Y2J looking bemused in the middle of the ring.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    Commercial Break

    Raw comes back on air and we see Kurt Angle walking down the hall, Edge and Christian coming running behind him to catch him up.

    Edge “Kurt! Kurt! Buddy how ya doing?”

    Kurt Angle “Me? I’m just swell, no thanks to you two!”

    Christian “Hey Kurt! What’s with the hostility?”

    Kurt Angle “Hostility? Maybe it has something to do with you two abandoning me last week!”

    Edge “Ouch Kurt! That hurts! We knew you didn’t need us last week because we have full faith in your abilities! I mean you’re an Olympic gold medallist! You done everything there is to do in the WWF in one year Kurt! Us two, *Edge points to himself and Christian* we admire you!”

    Kurt smiles as Christian tells him he’s the man.

    Kurt Angle “Well I guess you guys are right! And tonight Steve Austin is going to get a little taste of what’s to come, at No Way Out!”

    All three men smile before we go ringside.

    Jerry Lawler “This is great! What chance do Austin and the Hardy’s stand now JR?”

    Jim Ross “I’d say a very good one King!”

    Jerry Lawler “Yeh right!”

    Brothers Of Destruction Vs Right To Censor (Bull Buchanan & Goodfather)

    The crowd were all over Bull in this one and not in a good way. Kane and Taker have control until a cheap shot by Buchanan from behind. RTC isolate Taker now with double team offence but it doesn’t last long. Taker off the ropes and rebounds with a double clothesline! Hot tag made! Kane is on fire and takers both men down by himself. Taker is back and both brothers drill the RTC with Chokeslams! Kane covers and it’s over.

    Winners: Brothers Of Destruction

    Commercial Break

    The Hardy’s are in their locker room sitting in silence for once but not for long.

    Matt Hardy “So, you got an explanation for last week Jeff?”

    Lita “Hey! I thought we weren’t gonna talk about this?”

    Jeff Hardy “No! No! It’s ok! Obviously my brother has something to say, so spit it out Matt! Come on!”

    Matt Hardy “Alright! What you did last week was out of order Jeff! You deliberately threw Edge into me! What the hell were you doing?”

    Jeff Hardy “What was I doing? I was winning the damn match Matt, or didn’t you realise your hand being raised at the end?”

    Matt Hardy “But at what cost Jeff?”

    Jeff Hardy “You do whatever it takes to win Matt and the sooner you learn that the better!”

    Matt gets up and leaves but not before some parting words.

    Matt Hardy “Funny how I’m the only champion around here.”

    Matt leaves a seething Jeff.

    Jerry Lawler “Oh! That was below the belt JR!”

    Jim Ross “Can the Hardy’s sort out there problems before later tonight King?”

    Jerry Lawler “It’s like I said JR, it’s obvious which team is going to walk out victorious tonight!”

    Big Show Vs The Haas Brothers

    Charlie and Russ make their WWF debut but sadly it’s just to job to the big man. Despite both men being allowed in the ring at the same time Show thwarts them like flies. The Haas Brothers do get some offence in though when Charlie nails a chop block from behind but both men still can’t get Show off his feet. The tag team come off the ropes but Show catches both and drills them with chokeslams before covering both. Jack Doan counts the three.

    Winner: The Big Show

    Show has a microphone.

    Big Show “Rock! Rock! Last week you got lucky! But next time there’ll be no luck involved because Rock, I challenge you to a LAST MAN STANDING MATCH!"

    Show throws the mic down and taunts his usual chokeslam as JR goes crazy on commentary.

    Jim Ross “Good God! Big Show just lay down a challenge to The Rock!”

    Jerry Lawler “If Rock has any sense JR he’ll say no!”

    Jim Ross “Rock will be here on Smackdown King and I have a feeling we’ll get his answer then!”

    Commercial Break

    We are in Vince McMahon’s office and Triple H is still fuming from earlier! The Game is intensity personified.

    Triple H “Damn it Vince! I want Test tonight! I want that son of a bitch right now!”

    Vince McMahon “Look I understand that you’re upset but………………………”

    Triple H “Upset! Damn right I’m upset and I want to make that ******* pay! I want him to pay with his blood!”

    Vince McMahon “Look! I can’t give you Test tonight but I can give him to you on Smackdown.”

    Triple H “I want him now!”

    Vince McMahon “I threw him out, he’s not even here! But since you’re so riled up why don’t you get ready because I have a warm up match for you and it’s next!”

    Triple H continues to pour of intensity as he leaves to get ready for his match.

    Jerry Lawler “I wouldn’t want to be Triple H opponent tonight JR!”

    Jim Ross “For once King I’d have to agree!”

    Jerry Lawler “Right!”

    Commercial Break

    D-Von Dudley Vs Triple H

    D-Von is the unlucky man waiting in the ring as Triple H makes his way down to ringside. Both men lock up and Hunter out powers D-Von impressively and takes him to the corner. Hunter keeps on top of D-Von and looks damn vicious in the process before finally ending things with the Pedigree. The crowd pop though as Test comes running down to ringside! Both men trade blows wildly once more and the crowd love it until security once again pulls both men apart and this time Vince comes down with police and orders Test to be arrested. Test is taken away in handcuffs smiling.

    Winner: Triple H

    Commercial Break

    Edge, Christian & Kurt Angle Vs Steve Austin & The Hardy Boyz

    Jeff and Edge start us off and Jeff has the upper hand at the faster tempo and his team have control. Matt has been tagged in and comes off the ropes but Kurt low bridges and while referee Earl Hebner is distracted Christian and Kurt boot Matt on the outside. The heels keep control now with great triple team wrestling; Austin and Matt have had enough and take down all three members before Austin drags Jeff across and tags himself in! Austin and Angle go at it now and Austin whips Angle off the ropes but Angle smartly stops himself to tag in Edge! Austin has full control of Edge with typical brawling until Jeff makes a blind tag. Jeff comes in and Austin is forced out much to his annoyance and confusion. Jeff though is Angle Slammed by illegal man Kurt Angle during the distraction and Edge rolls over and gets the three! Austin comes charging in as our winners high tail it to the back and Austin is spitting blood.

    Winners: Edge, Christian & Kurt Angle

    Jim Ross “That idiot Jeff Hardy and his ego just cost his team the match!”

    Jerry Lawler “Now come on JR, if Austin hadn’t distracted the referee then they wouldn’t have lost. It’s Austin fault JR!”

    Jim Ross “That’s rubbish King and you know it! See you Thursday!”

  12. IPB Image

    WWF Raw Preview

    January 29th 2001

    Mellon Arena – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    Raw comes to you live from the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh and what a night it’s going to be!

    In huge six-man tag action, The Hardy Boyz will team up with Steve Austin to take on Pittsburgh’s own Kurt Angle and his partners Edge and Christian! With the WWF Tag Team Champions, Intercontinental Champion and WWF Champion all in one ring at the same time, this should prove to be an explosive main event!

    We will also be hearing from Test following his recent actions as good old JR interviews him in the middle of the ring! Why has Test been going after The Game recently and where will it end?

    Undertaker has recently been trying to evoke the monster in Kane and tonight he teams up with his brother when they take on Right To Censors own Bull Buchanan and Goodfather. Can the RTC members stop the Brothers Of Destruction?

    Chris Jericho and Dean Malenko will also go one on one and both Big Show and Ken Shamrock will be in action in what will be an amazing night, live from the Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh!

    Confirmed Matches

    Edge, Christian & Kurt Angle Vs Steve Austin & The Hardy Boyz

    Right To Censor (Bull Buchanan & Goodfather) Vs The Brothers Of Destruction

    Chris Jericho Vs Dean Malenko

  13. IPB Image


    Macho Man Snubs WrestleMania For ECW!

    “Macho Man” Randy Savage is the latest huge name to join the ECW Revolution much to the shock and dismay of Vince McMahon. Savage was contacted about a possible WrestleMania appearance and it is believed he was to work a match against old enemy Hulk Hogan, however Savage snubbed McMahon’s offer for a written contract with ECW! New plans will have to be made for Hogan and some sources are claiming a program with Shawn Michaels is on the cards but it is unknown if HBK is medically cleared to wrestle at this point in time.

    Sid Vicious Returns

    Sid Vicious is set for his WCW comeback following a brief leave of absence with a shoulder injury.

  14. IPB Image

    WWF Smackdown

    January 25th 2001

    Civic Center (6,213) – Mobile, Alabama

    IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! The crowd erupt as The Rock kicks off Smackdown! Rock comes out to a huge ovation and does his customary pose, smelling the electric atmosphere before grabbing a mic and waiting for the fans to quieten down.


    The crowd go wild and Rock waits for them to quieten down again.

    The Rock “Tonight Triple H and Kurt Angle go one on one in a match that will determine the number one contender at No Way Out! At No Way Out “Stone Cold” Steve Austin will defend his title against either an Olympic gold medallist or a cerebral assassin! Now The Rock has come out here for one reason and one reason only Austin, to wish you good luck!”

    Rock pauses, as the crowd look somewhat surprised by his remark.

    The Rock “You see Austin, no matter what happens tonight or what happens at No Way Out, The Rock will be in the main event of WrestleMania. It doesn’t matter if you’re the WWF champion! It doesn’t matter if Kurt Angle the WWF champion! It doesn’t matter if Triple H is the WWF Champion! Hell, it doesn’t matter if our new president himself is the WWF Champion, because come WrestleMania, The Rock will be standing opposite whoever it is and they will suffer one fate! Being booked into the Smackdown Hotel in Know Your Role Boulevard in Jabroni Drive! The Rock……………………………………”

    GLASS SHATTERS! The crowd go nuts as our WWF Champion Steve Austin comes down to interrupt The Great One. Austin hits all four corners before getting a microphone of his own. The Alabaman crowd are hot!

    Steve Austin “So you’re saying you came out here to wish me luck? Well I was listening from the back and I didn’t hear that, all I heard was some jumped up measly bastard running his damn mouth!”

    The crowd cheer as Rock starts to get agitated.

    Steve Austin “But since ya so keen on kicking my ass why don’t you shut ya mouth and try, right here, right now?”

    Austin starts to take his jacket off and throws down the microphone and Rock is ready too. The crowd is hot but soon Rikishi’s music interrupts and he comes down to the ring. Austin and Rock ready for his arrival but before he enters, WELLLLLLLLLL, IT’S THE BIG SHOW! The 500-pound behemoth is the backup and both men come to the ring. Rock and Austin work together and they superior speed sees their adversaries off. Show and Rikishi retreat to the back and Austin and Rock continue their uneasy peace.

    Michael Cole “Rock and Austin working together as a team, but it’s defiantly not out of choice.”

    Jerry Lawler “There’s no love loss between these two Cole.”

    Commercial Break

    WWF European Championship

    Al Snow Vs William Regal ©

    A real bore of a match. Regal started the aggressor with some technical moves but Al soon came back with a clothesline. Al ducks his head too soon, neckbreaker! Regal locks in the Regal Stretch and Al taps out. Poor match and a dead crowd.

    Winner: William Regal

    Commercial Break

    We come back from the break and the Hardy Boyz are still arguing about last week, Lita doesn’t look impressed. They still get a nice pop though.

    Jeff Hardy “What the hell was you doing last week Matt?”

    Matt Hardy “I’ve been telling you all week, you looked hurt and we needed the win!”

    Jeff Hardy “No! You stole the spotlight Matt, just like when you won the Intercontinental Title! You had to go off on your own and prove you were better than me, you’re nothing but a selfish piece of crap Matt!”

    Matt Hardy “Oh! I get it; this is what it’s all about. It’s because you’re jealous!”

    Jeff Hardy “What? No it’s not!”

    Matt Hardy “Yes it is! You can’t stand that I’ve gone and off and done something by myself and for once I’m the one everyone is talking about. I’m the one people are interested in and not you!”

    Jeff Hardy “That’s bull crap Matt and you know it!”

    Lita “Will you two just shut up!”

    Both brothers look somewhat taken aback as the crowd cheer.

    Lita “Look you’re both talking crap! Now what you two have to concentrate on is Edge and Christian and making sure you get your title shot at No Way Out!”

    There’s a silence before we switch to the Right To Censor locker room. Billy is warming up for his match, as Richards’s address’s him.

    Steven Richards “You did us proud last week Billy. You beat that punk Road Dogg, soon you’ll be clean just like the rest of us.”

    Billy stops warming up.

    Billy “I’ll never be like you jackass’s! I will never believe what you believe in and I will never respect you, so why don’t you just shut up and let me do what I do best, win matches.”

    Steven Richards “Oh, don’t worry we have a new opponent for you this week and it’s another person from your past. We want you to make sure it’s an unhappy return for that punk, X Pac!”

    Billy looks a bit dazed as we go ringside.

    Michael Cole “Oh my God, Billy Gunn and X Pac next!”

    Jerry Lawler “I didn’t even know he was back Cole!”

    Billy Vs X Pac

    X Pac and Billy tie up and Pac’s superior speed sees him take early control off the match. Pac has Billy set in the corner but Billy moves and Pac has a painful encounter with the turnbuckle. Billy slows the pace down and keeps control of the match with some nice looking moves, Pac whipped off the ropes, Spin kick connects! Both men struggle up and nails an athletic back suplex to take control once more. Pac comes off the ropes but Billy hangs him up with a Hot Shot on the top rope! Censor Drop! Billy covers and gets the three!

    Winner: Billy Gunn

    Commercial Break

    We come back to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley who seem to have reconciled and are chilling out in their lounge.

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “Are you ready for tonight Hunter? Can I do anything to make sure things go according to plan?”

    Triple H “I need to know that I don’t have to look over my shoulder while fighting Angle. I need you to sort out this Test situation and make sure he doesn’t cost me my title shot.”

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “I’ve already sorted it, if Test lays a hand on you tonight then by orders of my father, he’ll be fired!"

    Triple H sports a cocky smile.

    Triple H “That’s why I married you Steph, you know how to get things done!”

    The devils couple smile.

    Jerry Lawler “Triple H is a lucky man!”

    Michael Cole “You’re right King, marrying the boss daughter doesn’t come without it’s advantages.”

    Edge & Christian Vs The Hardy Boyz w Lita

    The Hardy get a big pop and our tag champions get big heat too. Matt and Edge start us off and some fast paced back and forth action finally sees Matt tag in Jeff as the Hardyz isolate Edge. Edge reverses a whip and Jeff comes off the ropes, dropkick! Edge regains control and makes the tag. Christian and Edge now double team Jeff and keep him isolated with the usual heel tactics. Edge is on the top rope, but he misses the missile dropkick! Jeff ducked! Jeff is crawling to his corner but Christian comes across to knock Matt off the apron! Jeff makes it to his corner but there’s no one to tag! Edge makes the tag and Christian drags Jeff to the middle again but gets hit with an Enziguiri! Now Matt has referee Mike Chioda distracted and Edge comes in illegally as both Edge and Christian hit a double dropkick to Jeff. Christian leaves the ring as Chioda returns to the action and Edge is in the corner waiting for the Spear! Edge comes off the ropes, but Jeff dodges and throws Edge into Matt on the apron! Christian sneaks in and is hit with a clothesline to the outside and Jeff then nails Edge with a spin kick! Jeff is on the top, Swanton Bomb! Jeff covers and Chioda counts the three. Jeff exits to the back while Lita tends to Matt on the outside. Great tag team action!

    Winners: The Hardy Boyz

    Commercial Break

    IT’S THE YEAR OF JERICHO! The crowd erupt as Y2J appears from the back in his usual way and cockily makes his way down to ringside. The crowd quieten down before Y2J speaks.


    The crowd erupt as Y2J pauses.

    Chris Jericho “We’ve just come off the back of a huge Royal Rumble but quite frankly I’m a little disappointed with how things went. You see everything was going great, I came in quite late and I was kicking some serious ass, *The crowd cheer* yeh, things were going great but then that pyromaniac Kane and his Hell’s Angels wannabe brother threw me out. I mean lets face it they may not be the Mario Brothers but they’ll still damn unstoppable together!”

    Jericho pauses.

    Chris Jericho “But still this is the year of Jericho and Y2J has always been the kinda guy who likes to look forward, not backward so I’ve come out here to issue a challenge. I’m challenging you Lameven! To a match for that Hardcore Title! You see I’m sick off seeing your crypt keeper ass walking around with that title and I want it to give it a good home! So if you drag yourself away from the little children you keep in you basement, why don’t you gets your ass out here and settle this!”

    Jericho waits for a response but gets nothing.

    Chris Jericho “Come on Lameven! I know you usually communicate in crows but I know you can hear me back there!”

    Finally the titantron flashes up of Raven in the lobby. Raven just shakes his head and mouths “no”. Suddenly though Crash Holly comes from behind and attacks Raven! He throws him through a glass window and makes a cover while referee Jack Doan counts the three! Crash Holly is the new Hardcore Champion and he isn’t hanging around to celebrate! Jericho is left laughing in the ring!

    Chris Jericho “You see Raven I second guessed ya this time! I knew you wouldn’t have the balls to come out here and face Y2J face to face so like the mastermind I am I set up this little event. You see Raven; I’m not just a sexy beast! I’m also someone you don’t **** with!”

    The crowd give a loud cheer and Jericho makes his way to the back as we hit a break.

    Commercial Break

    Rikishi Vs Steve Austin

    Austin gets a big pop and starts off the aggressor with the quicker brawling skills. Austin keeps Kish on the ropes until the Big Man comes back with a knee to the gut. Kish controls the pace now, Austin reverses off the ropes, Lou Thresh Press! Austin with those pistons to Rikishi! Austin with the whip to the corner and mudhole stomps. Austin finally finishes Rikishi off with the Stunner before hitting all four buckles and having himself a beer celebration.

    Winner: Steve Austin

    Commercial Break

    As Smackdown comes back from the break, Lillan Garcia is standing by with The Undertaker.

    Lillan Garcia “Undertaker, recently you see to be taking an almost mentor role with your brother Kane and the question of everyone’s lips is why?”

    The Undertaker “At the Royal Rumble, my brother showed his true potential. He eliminated no less than 12 other men. He was in that ring for over 60 minutes and not one of the 29 superstars could keep him down. You see my brother despite all his failings is a monster. He is a one man wrecking machine and it’s about time that the locker room felt the full fury of his anger. We’re taking back our yard.”

    Michael Cole “Undertaker sending out a powerful message to the locker room King.”

    Jerry Lawler “Yeh, I’m just glad I’m not on the active wrestling roster!”

    Big Show Vs The Rock

    Rock’s quickness sees him take an early advantage but Rock cannot take the 500 pounder down. Rock even goes to the top but Show catches him like a small child. Show uses his awesome size to really punish Rocky here. Rock is thrown to the corner and Show almost stops his heart with a huge slap to the chest! Show throws Rock off the ropes and catches him by the throat. Rock escapes though and hits the Rock Bottom! Rock covers and takes the win!

    Winner: The Rock

    Commercial Break

    We come back to Smackdown and Kurt Angle is walking towards the ring entrance when he passes a fleeting Edge and Christian.

    Kurt Angle “Where are you guys going?”

    Edge “We’re leaving, we can’t stand the smell in Mobile anymore.”

    The crowd boo, as Kurt looks shocked.

    Kurt Angle “But guys my match against Triple H is next! I need you both here!”

    Christian “You’ve got to be kidding?”

    Kurt Angle “What? Why?”

    Edge “Do you really think we’re gonna go against the bosses son in law? Do you think we’re crazy?”

    Kurt Angle “But……………”

    Christian “Hey don’t worry Kurt, you don’t need us. You’re an Olympic gold medallist and former WWF Champion!”

    Christian slaps Kurt on the back before leaving a worried looking Olympic Hero.

    Kurt Angle Vs Triple H

    Angle and Hunter lock up and Triple H wench’s the arm of Angle and works it over. Hunter gets thrown off the ropes and Kurt comes back with a hiptoss and follows up with some well-placed stomps. Action switches back and forth until Hunter has the legs of Angle on the outside and looks to drive him into the ringpost. Kurt pulls his legs up and Hunter hits the steel! Kurt now keeps control with high intensity brawling and even manages a near fall with a trifecta of German Suplexs. Angle whips The Game but Triple H comes back with a face buster and a running knee. Triple H tries to hook up the Pedigree but Kurt counters into a catapult. Kurt charges at the corner but Hunter gets his boot up before whipping Kurt off the ropes, both men have the same idea though and double clothesline! Triple H rolls to the outside. Test! Test is here! He comes running down to the ring and King reminds us all that he’s fired if he lays a hand on Triple H tonight! Test enters the ring and nails Angle with the Big Boot! Earl Hebner is forced to call for the bell and Angle wins the match! Test leaves the ring looking pleased with himself but Triple H is still unaware on the outside. Triple H finally comes round and see’s an unconscious Kurt Angle’s hand being raised on the floor by Earl Hebner. PEDIGREE! Hebner feels the Pedigree! Triple H is going berserk as Smackdown goes off the air!

    Winner: Kurt Angle

    Michael Cole “Test just cost The Game a chance at the WWF Championship!”

    Jerry Lawler “Oh no! This is terrible! This isn’t right Cole!”

    Michael Cole “I’m Michael Cole alongside Jerry “The King” Lawler, goodnight!”

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