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Posts posted by Visionary

  1. From what i gathered of the storyline, Sephiroth is trying to summon meteor to create the wound and therefore he would become a God like man when he took in the planet's energy.

    That is always what I gathered and that he controlled the illusions from the Northern Crater and not Jenova.

  2. Yes but why playing it, you believe you are chasing him until that point as does the party you control. Also while it is the Jenova cells that draw you it is because of Sephiroth that the major events in the game happen.

    EDIT: I'm a big Aeris fan and Barrets pretty cool. From 8 onwards Seifer is a good character as is Jecht and Yuna is ok too.

  3. Wow, I absolutely loved 8. I thought the way the story progressed and the progression of the characters was really good. To me, the whole Laguna, Squall link was pretty cool as was the romance between Squall and Rinoa was played out really well.

    And "Eye's On Me"!

    But I totally agree with what you say about 7, it was an amazing game. The only main character to be better than Cloud in a game is Squall in my opinion.

  4. Well I don't think we have a thread but I absolutely love the game and am sure I’m not the only one on here! I use to think RPG’s we stupid until my friend let me play Final Fantasy 7 and wow was I wrong.

    So I thought it be nice to get some discussion on the game going and will start off by asking, which is your favourite?

    I’ve completed 7,8 and 10 and loved them all but if I was asked to rank them I guess I’d make it 8,7,10 but I love 10 and well that shows how much I like 7 and 8 I guess. For me 8 had the best storyline and by far the best ending since it was conclusive unlike 7 and 10’s. The junction system was cool but it’s downside I guess was using magic numbers rather than material as it meant the stats went down if I used a particular spell. That aside it was a great game with a brilliant plot and frankly the best value for money game I can think of.

    So what’s your favourite and why?

  5. If they cause injuries then they should be banned I guess but wouldn't a stud pretty much do the same damage. I know the blades on my boots aren't particularly sharp and some studs in my view would be more lethal.

    Also, blades are way better for playing in, they improve you movement a lot.

  6. This is absolutly the most rediculous crap I have ever read and I can't beleive that this blatent racism and disrespectfulness (Owen Hart) is allowed in EWB. It's not even funny IN THE LEASAT! What the hell is so funny about the stupid racism and lines like "The camera pans to Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone, both of whom have just been admitted to hell, for pedophelia or some shit." I didn't realise EWB was filled with such absolut fucking morons (I don't see the need to curse much in my posts but this deserves it) who actually find this filth to be funny and I'm definitly not returning to EWB you sickos. You like rasicm so much? Maybe you wouldn't like it if you were all from counrties which had been invaded and raped of it's culture for hundreds of years you impearial British and American cunts!!! And if your not a Brit or American your sick anyway for enjoying this shit! To anyone else who critisised this, apoligies.

    i'm half black and half dominican and i am not in the least bit offended because i know this is not done to be a malicious assault on anyone, its done in good fun and if it offends you that much hit the back button in the upper left hand corner and it will all go away. you sir get a :thumbsdown:

  7. IPB Image

    WWF Smackdown Preview

    January 25th 2001

    Civic Center – Mobile, Alabama

    Smackdown comes from the Civic Center this Thursday and what a show we have in store!

    Triple H and Kurt Angle will go one on one to determine the number one contender to Steve Austin’s WWF Title at No Way Out! In what should be a classic wrestling match, who will come out victorious?

    Speaking of Austin, tensions between the Rattlesnake and The Rock reached boiling point Monday night and both men almost came to blows. With both men in the building this Thursday will they be able to keep their mind on their opponents as Austin takes on Rikishi and Rock takes on The Big Show?

    There was also tension at the end of the match between The Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz this past Monday as Matt scored the pinfall, tagging himself in after his brother hit the winning move! Will the brothers be able to sort things about before they face tag team champions Edge and Christian?

    RTC and their new member “Good Boy” Billy will also be in the house along with Y2J Chris Jericho and Raven making their first appearance since the Rumble and we believe Jericho has a challenge to issue to Raven! With all this and William Regal defending his European Title against Al Snow, you can’t afford to miss Smackdown this week!

    Confirmed Matches

    Kurt Angle Vs Triple H

    The Big Show Vs The Rock

    Rikishi Vs Steve Austin

    Edge & Christian Vs The Hardy Boyz

    European Title: Al Snow Vs William Regal ©

  8. I enjoyed the majority of the show, the commentators were gold and Hogan against the Blue Blazer was funny. The Droz reply was gold and I love the little Scott Keith ratings! Candido slipping out Triple-Arr instead of himself as the winner made me smile too. The Jesus Christ Rock impersonation was pretty cool and shocked me a little too. Only one-question remains I guess, will Jesus job to The Game?

    Great stuff so far, funny in most parts.

  9. IPB Image

    WWF Raw

    January 22nd 2001

    Cajundome (3,311) – Lafayette, Los Angeles

    We are shown highlights of last nights Royal Rumble before Raw kicks off with former WWF Champion Kurt Angle’s American theme blasting through the arena and the man himself making his way to the ring. Kurt doesn’t pose or taunt and instead makes his way straight to the ring and is handed a microphone.

    Kurt Angle “Let’s cut the crap! Last night I was screwed out of the WWF Title and every single one of you knows it! I had Austin down for the three and if it wasn’t for that idiot Earl Hebner I’d still be WWF Champion! So tonight, I’m asking, no I’m demanding a rematch for my WWF Title!”

    Time To Play The Game! Triple H’s music hits the arena as the crowd get excited and The Game makes his way down to the ring in his street clothes. He enters the ring and is handed a microphone. Hunter gives him a look up and down.

    Triple H “So you think you deserves another title shot? The man who was given all the backing in the world! The Owner! His daughter and my wife! Edge, Christian! You had all that Kurt and yet you still couldn’t get the job done! You couldn’t hang with the big boys and when it really came down to it, when it really mattered, you choked Kurt! You choked!”

    Kurt Angle “I choked? I choked? You have to be kidding me? I beat The Rock! I beat The Undertaker! I beat 5 other men including you in a Hell In A Cell! I beat Austin! I beat everyone who was a somebody and I would of beaten Austin again if Hebner had done his job! So don’t say that I choked, because that’s just a freakin’ lie!”

    Triple H “You're right Kurt you did beat all those guys but lets face it, you got lucky! You won the title in the first place because of Rikishi! You beat Undertaker because of your brother! You won the Hell In A Cell match with the biggest slice of luck I have ever seen! But the thing about luck Kurt is that it runs out! Guys like you can only stay on top for so long before their exposed for the phoneys they are. You were just keeping the belt warm for the real main eventers Kurt and congratulations you did a great job. But now it’s time for you to step aside and let the big boys take care of business.”

    Surprisingly Kurt sports a little smirk, as the crowd remain fully focused.

    Kurt Angle “It’s funny you should mention the big boys Triple H because whenever I talk to Stephanie, she certainly seems to think that I’m a bigger boy than you and I’m not talking about height, oh it’s true, it’s damn………………………………….”

    Before Angle can finish his sentence Hunter nails him in the gut and delivers a Pedigree! Hunter stands over Kurt looking incredibly intense.

    Jim Ross “Good God! Triple H just nailed Kurt Angle!”

    Jerry Lawler “Oh no! This is terrible! What is Triple H thinking?"

    Commercial Break

    Ken Shamrock Vs D’lo Brown

    Basically a squash match, D’lo tried to cheap shot Shamrock early on but The World’s Most Dangerous Man gained the upper hand and persisted to hammer away at D’lo. D’lo comes off the ropes but Shamrock drops him with a drop toehold, Ankle Lock! Shamrock has it locked in! D’lo is forced to tap out as Shamrock celebrates in the ring.

    Winner: Ken Shamrock

    We go backstage where Undertaker is talking with his brother, Kane.

    Undertaker “Tonight you know what we have to do, you can close last night to obtaining your ultimate dream but you had it snatched away from you at the last second. Tonight, let the world know the anger and pain you have inside! In our match, make our opponents know it! Let me know it!”

    Kane hyperventilates as we hit a commercial break.

    Jim Ross “Undertaker and Kane in action, later tonight!”

    Commercial Break

    As we come back to Raw, Right To Censor all in the ring with Steven Richards on the microphone.

    Steven Richards “Last night at the Royal Rumble, I carried forth the good fight and proved once again that morality will always triumph over adversity. Last night was a huge battle won for the Right To Censor and finally the WWF is starting to shape into the kind of place we’re proud to call home. Last night saw me defeat Billy Gunn and bring him to the side of the Right To Censor! No longer will he go around with a profane nickname and profane taunts that send the wrong message to America. No! Now Billy is on our side and will fight the good fight alongside the Right To Censor! Billy Gunn is one of us!”

    The crowd give a little boo as Richards pauses.

    Steven Richards “So without any further ado, let me introduce to you, the newest member of the Right To Censor, “Good Boy” Billy!”

    “Good Boy” Billy appears from the back with the RTC shirt and pants combo but looks incredibly forlorn. He enters the ring where his fellow members greet him but he fails to respond.

    Steven Richards “Now I know you’re not entirely happy with this situation Billy, but you have to understand that with time you will grow to believe in our ways and our values. Look at Val, he use to be an adult movie star until he saw the light I offered. Look at Goodfather, he use to degrade women before he saw my light! You will learn Billy that joining us is the first step of repenting your ways and you’re going to make your next step right here tonight because Billy, you’re going to face a former tag team partner of yours. You’re going to face that filthy, foul-mouthed rapper, Road Dogg. And Billy I want you to show him the true power of the light I have given you.”

    With a match set up later tonight Billy just walks to the back with the RTC left smirking in the ring.

    Jerry Lawler “This just isn’t right JR!”

    Commercial Break

    Kurt is in Vince McMahon’s office as we come back to Raw. The crowd aren’t pleased to see Angle.

    Kurt Angle “Did you just see what Triple H did to me? He insulted and assaulted me! I want him punished Mr McMahon! I want him to find out that you don’t mess with Kurt Angle!”

    Vince McMahon “I understand what you’re saying Kurt but his assault was totally unprovoked and you have to understand that Triple H is my son in law.”

    Kurt tries to butt in with a but, but Mr McMahon stops him.

    Vince McMahon “But with that being said, I agree that something has to be done about this current situation, which is why I have decided………………………..”

    Before Vince can finish, the man himself Triple H comes bursting in! He gets a good reaction.

    Triple H “Damn it Vince, I want Angle……………………………………..”

    Hunter finally clocks Angle before both come face to face.

    Triple H “What the hell are you doing here?”

    Kurt Angle “I’m here to ask that Mr McMahon punish you for you assault earlier tonight. You’ve got to learn Triple H that I’m the man in this company, not you!”

    Triple H “Is that so? Looks like I’m gonna have to beat some more sense into that head of yours and show you why they call me The Game!”

    Both men back up ready to fight but Vince manages to get in between them.

    Vince McMahon “Stop it! What in the hell do you two think you’re doing? Don’t you think I have enough trouble with Austin running around with the WWF Title?”

    Triple H addresses Kurt.

    Triple H “Thanks to you!”

    Kurt Angle “You might wanna watch what you say ‘cause I’ll put you back on the shelf Triple H! I’ll put you there for good!”

    Vince McMahon “Will you two just stop it! Now I do have a solution for our problem. This Thursday night on Smackdown you it’s going to be Kurt Angle Vs Triple H and the winner will get to face Austin for the WWF Title!”

    Both men nod but Vince isn’t finished.

    Vince McMahon “And for tonight, you better sort out your differences because tonight you’re going to be teaming up together, to face Stone Cold and The Rock!”

    The crowd give a huge roar as Hunter and Angle staredown.

    Jim Ross “My God! What a huge announcement, Angle and Triple H on Smackdown!”

    Jerry Lawler “And don’t forget about the tag team match tonight JR! That’s gonna be huge!”

    Commercial Break

    Edge & Christian Vs Too Cool

    Edge and Scotty start us off and Scotty has the upper hand with some fast paced action until Edge counters with a dropkick. Our tag team champions work over Scotty and keep him isolated. Scotty is whipped to the buckle but jumps over an advancing Christian. Edge off the ropes, Hiptoss! Scotty scoop slams Christian, Worm Time! W O R M! Scotty is in position and ready to drop but Edge catches him with a Spear! Grand Master Sexay finally gets into the ring and takes Edge over the top rope but Christian has the cover for the three. Good tag team wrestling.

    Winners: Edge & Christian

    We quickly switch backstage to the Hardy Boyz and Lita and Matt and Lita are admiring his new gold.

    Jeff Hardy “You know I think it’s great how you beat Chris Benoit last night for the Intercontinental Title but I was thinking perhaps we should get back in the hunt for some tag team gold too.”

    Matt Hardy “Yeh, I guess you’re right. I’ll go talk with Vince about giving us a match tonight.”

    Jeff Hardy “Beat you to it Matt, we’re facing the Dudley’s later on.”

    Matt looks a little taken aback.

    Matt Hardy “And you didn’t think to ask me first?”

    Jeff Hardy “Well I didn’t think you’d mind, I mean I’ve let you have some singles action and I’ve been ok with that but it think it’s about time you stopped being so selfish and realised we’re a team.”

    Jeff gets up, as Matt looks a little shell-shocked.

    Jeff Hardy “I’ll leave you to get ready, cause our match is next!”

    Jeff leaves the room as Matt and Lita just look at each other.

    Commercial Break

    The Dudley Boyz Vs The Hardy Boyz

    D-Von and Matt to start us off and Matt is dominated by the bigger man and victim of a pound attack. D-Von makes the tag and he and Buh Buh try to keep Matt isolated. Buh Buh comes off the ropes and Matt counters with a spin kick! Matt makes the tag! Jeff takes down both Dudley’s with right hands and clotheslines D-Von over the top. Buh Buh is scoop slammed down and Jeff is on the top, SWANTON BOMB CONNECTS! Jeff looks hurt though and Matt quickly makes the tag and gets the cover himself! Matt wins it off Jeff’s move! After the match Jeff and Matt have a discussion over what just took place with Jeff looking pretty pissed off.

    Winners: The Hardy Boyz

    We switch backstage to Billy Gunn in his locker room when there’s a knock on the door and Chyna enters. Billy gives a disgusted look.

    Chyna “Look Billy, I’m sorry for what happened last night but you know I wasn’t aiming for you, I was aiming for Steven! I’m sorry, ok?”

    Billy “You’re sorry? What use is that to me now? I have to go around with this bunch of idiots and preach against things I believe in! Don’t you understand how big a mistake you made last night?”

    Chyna “I do and I’m ……………………………”

    Billy “Sorry? Yeh you’re sorry but you know what I couldn’t give a crap! Just get the hell outta here!”

    With that Chyna slumps off.

    Jerry Lawler “It’s because of Chyna that Billy is in this situation!”

    Jim Ross “Well she didn’t deliberately do it King! I think she’s truly sorry!”

    Jerry Lawler “Well sorry won’t give Billy his life back will it JR?”

    Jim Ross “I guess not.”

    Commercial Break

    Chad Collyer & David Young Vs The Brothers Of Destruction

    Squash! Kane and Taker take it to the jobbers early on before we settle with Undertaker against Young. Taker dominates and actually allows Young to tag in Collyer before tagging in Kane. Collyer backs off and Kane takes full advantage and destroys Chad. We finally wrap things up when Young jumps in the ring and both men receive Chokeslams for their troubles! After the match Kane refuses to stop the onslaught and Undertaker just watches on as his brother beats on both men before delivering more Chokeslams. Taker smiles before leading Kane to the back.

    Winners: The Brothers Of Destruction

    Commercial Break

    As we come back to Raw Lillan Garcia is standing by with The Big Show.

    Lillan Garcia “Big Show, you requested some time to make a challenge for Smackdown this Thursday?”

    Big Show “I didn’t request the time, I demanded it! Give me the damn microphone!”

    Show snatches the mic and scares Lillan off.

    Big Show “Last night at the Royal Rumble, one man made a huge mistake, and that man was The Rock! Rock, when you eliminated me from the Rumble you signed your own death warrant! So on Smackdown this Thursday, I’m gonna tear you head off!”

    Jerry Lawler “I wouldn’t want to be in Rock’s shoes JR!”

    Jim Ross “Will Rock accept the challenge?”

    Billy Gunn Vs Road Dogg

    Two former tag team partners’ facing off here and Billy has the advantage early on when he wins the fistfight. Gunn comes off the ropes and Dogg takes control with a hotshot onto the top rope! Dogg keeps control until he comes off the ropes, Clothesline! Dogg off the ropes again and impressive feat of strength with a Military Press Slam! Kick to the gut, Censor Drop! (As JR tells us it’s now called) Billy covers for the three!

    Winner: Billy Gunn

    Commercial Break

    We come back to Raw and a domestic between Triple H and his wife Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley.

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “There was no need for you to do that to Kurt Angle early Hunter! That was totally out of order!”

    Triple H “Don’t start with me Steph! Did you not hear what he said about me?”

    Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley “What did you expect? You interrupted him and insulted him! Kurt’s my friend Hunter so why can’t you show him a little more respect?”

    Triple H exhales his anger before continuing.

    Triple H “You need to decide who’s side your on Steph? And you need to decide by Thursday!”

    Hunter leaves the room leaving Steph to ponder.

    We quickly switch to Rock who gets a huge cheer and Jonathan Coachman is ready to interview.

    Jonathan Coachman “Rock you’ve just come off the back of a huge victory in the Royal Rumble last night! You must be feeling confident.”

    The Rock “Let me tell you something Coach! The Rock is always confident! And why wouldn’t he be? Last night The Rock proved once again why he is the great one by throwing body after body after body over the top rope! The Rock beat twenty nine other men to go to WrestleMania!”

    The crowd cheer as Rock pauses.

    Jonathan Coachman “Before that however you have a challenge from The Big Show to answer. Will you accept his challenge for a match this Thursday night?”

    The Rock “The Rock doesn’t back down to anyone and that includes Mr I ate all the pies! *The crowd cheer* The Rock will step into that ring with you on Thursday Show and The Rock will do exactly the same as he did at the Royal Rumble! The Rock will whoop your candy-ass and book you into the Smackdown hotel! IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!"

    The Rock raises the eyebrow as the crowd go nuts.

    Jim Ross “Rock will be in action, next!”

    Commercial Break

    Kurt Angle & Triple H Vs Steve Austin & The Rock

    Rock and Austin get huge ovations and we start off with Rock and The Game. Rock has control early on with his quick brawling style and takes Hunter over the top rope with a slap. Rock tags in Austin who stomps a mudhole in Hunter before connecting with a Lou Thresh Press! Austin and Rock keep control of Triple H before, during and after the last commercial break off the night until Hunter nails Rock with a face buster in desperation. Hunter needs the tag and crawls over to his corner but just as he’s about to tag Angle jumps down and leaves. Triple H is irate as Angle laughs and Austin drags Hunter back into the action. Austin lays the smack on Hunter until he tags in Rock and holds their opponent wide open. Rock takes some shots before coming off the ropes with a big right, but Hunter ducks! Rock nails Austin! Hunter takes the opening and pounds on Rock but gets dropped with a clothesline. Austin is back on his feet and we have a staredown in the middle of the ring! Rock and Austin are about to come to blows and the Cajundome is electric! Both men staredown until Hunter knocks Rock into Austin before throwing outside and into the steel steps. Austin comes outside and gets nailed with a DDT on the outside too. Hunter rolls Rock into the ring and nails the Pedigree. He covers for the three! Hunter stands tall in the middle until Test comes running down to ringside! Test and Hunter trade blows and Test gets the upper hand when he takes Hunter outside. He follows and throws Hunter into the steps, the ringpost, everything! Test rolls him back inside and has a chair, WHACK! Test busts Hunter wide open. Test continues the assault until finally officials drag Test off The Game. The crowd love it.

    Winners: Kurt Angle & Triple H

    Jim Ross “Good God almighty! Test has just beaten the living hell out of The Game!”

    Jerry Lawler “Test is gonna pay for this JR! Test is gonna pay!”

    Jim Ross “Good God! See you Thursday!"

  10. Beckham can't tackle. And Gerrard's distribution is sometimes on par with Beckham (as shown by the way he used to link up with Owen at Liverpool). We're at our best when we're playing quick, fluid football - and when Beckham hoofs it upfield we lose that. I'd much rather have Rooney, Owen, SWP and Gerrard/Lampard bombing it up the pitch on the break than Beckham hitting it fifty yards to Owen, only for him to be isolated and lose the ball.

    Fanboy much? Did you not see some of the balls Becks was playing?

    He was able to play those balls at the expense of Lampard and Gerrard. Not to mention the fact that he wouldn't get that much time against top teams.

  11. user posted image

    WWF Raw Preview

    January 22nd 2001

    Cajundome – Lafayette, Los Angelus

    It’s just 24 hours after the Royal Rumble and we have all the fallout live from the Cajundome!

    The Rock beat 29 other men to win the Royal Rumble last night and tonight he is in LA! What will The Great One have to say about his victory last night?

    Our newly crowned WWF Champion “Stone Cold” Steve Austin will also be in the house and so will former champion Kurt Angle! Fireworks are set to fly, as Kurt is highly unlikely to give up without a fight!

    Triple H is also in the house tonight and following his dramatic comeback last night, what will The Game have in store for us tonight?

    Right To Censor’s latest member will also be in the house following his defeat last night and Billy Gunn will be initiated tonight! Will the initiation go off without a hitch?

    Also, following his shock return last night, Ken Shamrock will be making his first Raw appearance for almost one and a half years when he takes on D’lo Brown.

    Will all these and WWF Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian taking on Too Cool, plus Kane and Undertaker in action and the rest of the fallout from the Rumble, you really can’t afford to miss Raw tonight!

    Confirmed Matches

    Ken Shamrock Vs D’lo Brown

    Edge and Christian Vs Too Cool

  12. user posted image


    Hogan To Work WrestleMania?

    It has been reported that Hulk Hogan was backstage at the New Orleans Arena last night during the Royal Rumble and it is believed that he was there to discuss a WrestleMania appearance. Whether or not Hogan would be appearing in a match is unknown. More on this as we get it.

  13. The same people who rant about Beckham never getting praise, are the same people that'll fellate him even if he scored 13 own goals and raped their grandmas.

    So we are not allowed to throw our support behind a player who gets shit whatever he does, even when he plays well?

    And, at the end of the day, TRB, if you really think that the 4-5-1 was made JUST for Beckham (which I still doubt, but meh).....is it Beckhams fault? No...it's the manager who decided that he was important enough to base his formation around him.

    A holding player, as many have said before, doesn't need to be able to tackle...and saying Beckham can't tackle is beyond me....fair enough, he doesn't do loads and loads, but he makes challenges, and is an outlet for the defence...which is exactly what a holding player should be.

    And whatever you say, Gerrard and Lampard can't play good together, as they play too similar a game. You need Beckham and one of them, just to offer up some variation.

    EDIT: And after re-reading some posts, sticking Carrick in ahead of any of the three (Lampard, Gerrard, Beckham) is laughable, personally. Carrick is good, but not that good.

    SECOND EDIT: And for those who say Beckham should be stripped of captaincy, who do you replace him with as captain? He isn't the greatest captain, but there is no-one else that I believe can do it either.....you'd be able to tell if anyone could by how they act irrelevant of captaincy, yet no-one seems capable of doing it from what I see. Rooney is the only one who has the passion you need to be captain, it seems, but he's too young and ill tempered.

  14. Yes Beckham did work hard in being pulled out of position and being somewhere we didn’t want him to be and since moving to Madrid his work rate has dropped considerably. Right-sided midfielder attributes should include pace, going past people, not works hard. A lot of players can work hard and run all day but it doesn't make them a great attacking force, which is what we play Beckham for, not his defensive abilities.

    Would you play better currently in a position you were put about 5 times a year, or in a position you played 40 games a year?

    And you must have never seen a Madri game to say that. When Beckham moved to Spain was when i first found out what a hard working player he is. While for years i was one that thought Beckham was a overrated player (still think some people overrate him but most underrate him nowadays), i can't deny he works hard every game to guarantee a spot in the starting line of that team. He runs after every ball and then builds plays from behind. He's probably one of the least spectacular players with the ball in the team but he does a great job as an anchor back.

    If you think England's tactic shouldn't have a player in that position is another thing...but remember the position he usually plays doesn't require him to have pace or go past people.

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