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Sir Alan LCSugar

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Everything posted by Sir Alan LCSugar

  1. That's what the others thought. Poor Glynn, but I still want him to win.
  2. Having watched last nights episode this morning, I now have a BB hate list of: Lisa Grace Lea Suzie Nikki GLYNN 2 WIN!!
  3. I hate the new one so much, she bores the hell out of me. Nikki can be goddamn annoying. I now want Glynn to win, he's awesome.
  4. I might put a fiver on Brazil/France/Korea draw tomorrow, see if i can double my money at least. Great game, if this world cup keeps going at this pace it will be a fantastic spectacle.
  5. I want to see Italy come second and face Brazil in the second round, that would be a good game. I also think the Czechs look good and will win the group anyway. However without Kollar (if serious injury), it may be a tough task.
  6. I'm slightly surprised as to how well Ghana have played, they really should have scored though. Pirlo's goal was pure brilliance, just like alot of goals thus far. This has been a great half of football.
  7. THREE, what a comeback. DAMN THEM, I had 2-1 in the Prediction League. Fucking Aloisi.
  9. Who are these players, what happened to John Aloisi, surely he's a good enough player?
  10. The guys in England are pretty uncertain about whether it was a foul or not. Although Ruud Gullit said he thought it was Schwarzers fault. I'm on the fence about it all. That said Aus are unlucky to be behind, hopefully they can get a goal back.
  11. #1 = The Who - Pinball Wizard #2 = Oasis - The importance of Being Idle #3 = Johnny Cash - Hurt #4 = Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody #5 = The Eagles - Hotel California #6 = The Who - My Genaration #7 = Blur - Beetlebum #8 = Marvin Gaye - I heard it through the Grapevine #9 = The Beatles - Yesterday #10 = Ocean Colour Scene - The Riverboat Song Against : 1. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit 2. Guns and Roses - Sweet Child O Mine 3. Coldplay - Clocks 4. Linkin Park - Numb 5. 2Pac - Changes
  12. Ghana to pull off a shock. USA to lose. Aus to be beaten by a strong Japan side.
  13. I'm hoping for Lea vs Grace, battle of the bitches. Grace would go, but it would be mighty close.
  14. Clearly to take on four guys and then chip the keeper. Fair, it wasn't his best game but Eriksson is to blame for leaving him up front alone. Give Crouch a chance I say.
  15. Whens Argies vs Ivory Coast, I really want to see that one, I'm a fan of the Elephants, want to see them do well.
  16. I think T&T are going to give Sweden one hell of a shock tonight, I'm not saying they will win, but I think they are going to worry them.
  17. Why is Carrick not playing, but Hargreaves is, ludicrus. I fear that when Sven goes, his right hand man will take over and do the same things.
  18. We were poor in the 2nd half, but 3 points is 3 points.
  19. I don't think A.Cole and Neville are fit, theres just something about them. As Lawro just said, Crouch needs someone up there with him, it's pointless having him if theres no one to play off him. OOOO, great save.
  20. I'm really hoping that this was a tactical substitution and that he's not injured. And if it is a tactical sub, then I don't like it, too defensive.
  21. C'MON ENGLAND YOU CAN DO IT. Crouch one, Owen one, Beckham free kick.
  22. I have a feeling she will put Grace up, as she's had a chance to see what she is doing from the outside. She heard the chants too, she'll see it as something that will make her popular with the outside world. I have a feeling she will also put up someone like Imogen or Nikki.
  23. Wow, a stand-in from series Five gets in on the 'Random' draw. Fix, anyone?
  24. I know Pete will win, but i'd love Glynn to come second, he makes me laugh, with his stupid songs. Sam to go tonight, she/he bores me.
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