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Posts posted by PkmnTrainerJ

  1. Myself and actionpad just battled. For those that wish to know the winner - actionpad.

    I was gonna post a long battle report but couldn't recall it all (there was a lot of switching in/out) here's the Pokémon we used:

    Geeky J

    - Piplup

    - Togekiss

    - Leafeon

    - Combee


    - Bronzor

    - Snover

    - Riolu

    - Gible

  2. Skate I might enjoy, I haven't played a Tony Hawk's since THUG2 as I think the series started going downhill after that. Ultimate Alliance we have on PS2, so not much point in another one, but I did enjoy it. What about Eye Of Judgement, the small Yu-Gi-Oh fanboy (old YGO no GX shite) thought it looked good and was a good idea.

    GTAIV, still not majorly impressed by. It's all very meh to me, perhaps I've not seen enough trailers (I've seen 2 since they started).

  3. actionpad, all pending I should be able to battle you tomorrow around 2PM GMT

    If the time is okay with you, please do send me your friend code and we can get started.

    Never mind, am about ready now. One more level needed

  4. Assasin's Creed is perhaps the only one I'm intrigued by.

    I really, really can't get in to shooters or racers either. Any other recommendations?

    Actually Uncharted looked decent too, but I'm not sure how long it'd hold my attention for.

  5. Yeah, so came home today and there was a PS3 that my three younger brothers had bought, but they only bought Call Of Duty and Rainbow Six something and as I've no interest in FPS's but might want to play the PS3 then I want some decent games recommending to me.

  6. Not that I like pimping my own Lost blog out...Okay I do. Here is an apparent leaked script from the finalé - http://rescuethelosties.blogspot.com/2008/...ipt-leaked.html

    That's a whole lot of trouble to go through for an April Fool's Joke.

    Despite the fact it was posted the day after, and the original poster posted on the 29th March?

    It's probably fake, but at the moment, I'll take what I can without Lost being here.

  7. Battle Royale

    Hmmm...It might bring the film to a wider audience, but if there's not young asian schoolgirls running around killing one another speaking asian languages, in what sense is it Battle Royale?


    Fuck. Off. This has to be the best remake ever, otherwise I'll be pissed. A sequel would also annoy me.

    The Warriors

    After thinking about this, it relies a lot on the casting for the remake to be anywhere near decent.

    The Witches

    That was a mildly creeping film, again it could be okay with the right actors.

  8. Benj says no rules on Items.

    Gonna have to redo some of my Piplup's moves now though...

    Five more levels with most and I should be done.

    EDIT: Also, how about moves such as Magical Leaf on Mr. Mime/Togetic for example as they do learn the moves, but at level 0 (i.e. It needs to be Heart Scaled in)

  9. Got my squad almost prepared, just need to level each one up five more levels. I have quite a nice blend of Pokémon and moves too, and as I like to consider myself a good to great breeder on Pokémon you should be ready for some unexpected moves.

  10. Dan Abnett's Gaunt's Ghosts series, particularly Necropolis. But only if they cast Christian Bale as Gaunt, Jeremy Irons as Elim Rawne, and Jason Statham as Lijah Cuu, otherwise it'll be ruined, sure as sure. :shifty:

    They should make Eragon into a film too. An actual film this time, not a pile of shit.

    Also, Re: Belgariad, no book store ever has the first one :( I read the Ruby Knight before I realised it was part of a series, and really enjoyed it (once I'd gotten over Sparhawk having a silly name, and apparently only one of them), but I can't find the first book anywhere :(

    Check with Waterstone's. Every store I've been in to has at least one copy of Pawn Of Prophecy

  11. The Wii Virtual Console now has Commodore 64 games, well two at the moment, but more will come and they're only 500 Wii Points. I was born as the next generation was being ushered in, so played few games on the Commodore we had.

    So besides Trap Door and TMNTII (though I'd take a NES one of that too) what other titles should I be awaiting on the Virtual Console?

  12. Surely there's got to be books that you've read where you think it'd be great if it were transferred to the big screen.

    For me, I think the Belgariad series by David & Leigh Eddings would make a good transition so long as good actors were chosen for all the roles and we had five separate films. (i.e. one for each book)

  13. JONES

    Amy Jones & Marche Jones

    Played my last few days here and Marche grew up in to a child, which is nice. Just got to make sure I graduate his father before he goes to college otherwise it's a bit wierd...


    Cassandra Dreamer

    Cassandra was a bit lonely so got Don Lothario to move in, and he brought Nina Caliente with him, and then Don died for (I promise) the final time. Cassandra became an old woman and was shipped off went willingly along to the Retirement Home and Nina now owns the house. Nina also becomes an old woman in a few days, so unless I rush Eko Dreamer through college then no-one gets the house after Nina moves out.


    Bender Dreamer, Darren Dreamer, Cassandra Dreamer & Dina Caliente

    Just moving Cassandra in properly really. Darren's gonna die soon, so that'll tear up Cassandra.

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