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Olive the other Jiberdeer

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Posts posted by Olive the other Jiberdeer

  1. Fuck the IGN thread. Address the midgets.

    We have all kinds of wrestlers in the game. Midgets wrestlers too. 25 of them I think. So that you can create your own mico wrestling company if you want to.

    So, you, the lead designer of this game and whatever other title you hold in this company are calling people 'midgets'?

    Good PR move there.

    I'm sorry I don't know the political correct term for midgets and I didn't realise it was in any way offensive. Considering you can hire a midget from http://www.hireamidget.com/

    and Midget Wrestling has it's own wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midget_professional_wrestling and the god damn BBC reported a store about midget wrestlers getting eaten by lions http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8162991.stm - Tell me again why it's not cool to call midgets, midgets?

    The word nigger also has a wiki entry. Guess that makes it legitimate to use in every day language, right guys?

    Blaze said I can say nigger so i'm fine.

    Ah, see, he and I aren't all that tight. He's in the It Crowd of the It Crowd.

  2. Fuck the IGN thread. Address the midgets.

    We have all kinds of wrestlers in the game. Midgets wrestlers too. 25 of them I think. So that you can create your own mico wrestling company if you want to.

    So, you, the lead designer of this game and whatever other title you hold in this company are calling people 'midgets'?

    Good PR move there.

    I'm sorry I don't know the political correct term for midgets and I didn't realise it was in any way offensive. Considering you can hire a midget from http://www.hireamidget.com/

    and Midget Wrestling has it's own wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midget_professional_wrestling and the god damn BBC reported a store about midget wrestlers getting eaten by lions http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8162991.stm - Tell me again why it's not cool to call midgets, midgets?

    The word nigger also has a wiki entry. Guess that makes it legitimate to use in every day language, right guys?

  3. You are a liar, though.

    Point me to a single lie.

    And I'm not talking about one where you think somethings not true, I'm talking about an actual time where I lied.

    That everything in the game is 100% original and fictional.

    That and your IGN thread.

    Show me a wrestler named Able that looks like Able in any wrestling company in the world.

    And I didn't lie in the IGN thread I said "What gave me away the signature or the icon" If you look they are Wrestling Manager logos and links.

    Fuck off. You're being ridiculously obtuse and fighting a losing battle.

  4. I don't know if it's just me but Batman is a massive dick in this game.

    Film Critic Hulk did a take on the sexism in the game, and I tend to agree; it's one thing to have the thugs being sexist (because they're baddies and all), but...

    when Batman got physical with a mostly helpless Harley Quinn (shoving her to the ground), I cringed.

  5. I can't imagine HBK not being DLC.

    And yeah, more excited for faux-LOD than Lesnar, but it's a nice bonus.

    Yeah, replace that with Anderson and you've got me.

    Playing as Lesnar will be fun though. Wonder if the Stretch Muffler'll be in the game?

  6. Except it's a non-issue with parody being fair use and all. First everybody was whining about how this game won't see the light of day, then they whined about the screenshots, then they whined about "legal issues". Cry some more, please.

    In any event, I went back to the start of the thread and started +1-ing Serious Parody's posts. Didn't know there was a limit on how many +1s you could give out a day, so I'll be back tomorrow to finish that up. Nitpicking just because is for losers. He has proven that work is being done on the game and I, for one, look forward to it.

    Oh shit, you plus one'd his posts? I guess that shuts up everyone raising legitimate concerns.

    I just +1'd you, Sham-Sham, so it's legit to raise concerns again.

    • Like 4
  7. Anyone with actual questions about the game feel free to ask. Anyone with ridiculous questions like the guy above, feel free to keep wasting your time typing but know that you'll be ignored and that I appreciate the bump to the thread. :)

    Your friendly neighbourhood developer.


    Granted, it wasn't a question about gameplay or...I don't know...soundtracks, (largely in part because I don't anticipate this game will ever, y'know, see the light of day, but that's a different argument for a different time) but it was a legitimate question.

    You keep on mentioning the "legal team" - do you actually have one, and if so, why haven't they warned you about the potential ramifications of your (pretty flagrant) misunderstanding of what constitutes a parody? If such a legal team exists, why haven't you gotten them to this thread to answer the questions that we're all posing? If you feel that you're honestly ready to face any legal challenges on the matter, why can't you explain, in plain terms, what argument you have against claims that you're breaching copyright? Why haven't you cracked open a dictionary, let alone a legal text, and figured out what the term parody means?

    Like I said, I'm not going to ever give a shit about the game unless I believe that it's ever bound to get out of the starting blocks. You're not doing a great job proving that it will, and that's without dealing with any of the actual gameplay or programming. If you have a legal team (or, hell, a friend going to law school), I'd like to hear from them.

    • Like 2
  8. EDIT- I don't have a clue how copyrighting works. Did EWR and TEW need to get permission to use all of the names and likenesses?

    EWR didn't because it wasn't sold - broadly speaking, it's not really relevant if it's not a commercial product. It's a grey area, but as Ryland wasn't actively profiting from it, the law would generally be in his favour, I assume.

    TEW didn't use any copyrighted likenesses etc. for that reason - it's a commercial product.

    Even if copyright law isn't on his side, FIFA never sued PES over the exact same issue (as far as I am aware), and they were direct competitors.

    I'm not a football fan, so I don't know a whole lot about this, but at some point during the series didn't the unlicensed names change to become less obvious? "Aragon" and things like that, instead of the more obvious "Manchester Red"? I'd assumed that was after some kind of legal pressure but, as I say, I don't know enough about the specifics.

    As I said, we'll let the legal team focus on that. If anyone has actual questions about the game I'd be happy to answer them.

    Two questions, then:

    1. Is said legal team fictional?

    2. If the answer to number 1 is no, then why haven't you hired a better legal team?

    • Like 1
  9. Maybe it's wanting something different from the Doctor, or having different standards of what constitutes good acting, but I hated Eccleston's performance taunting the Dalek, it was completely at odds with anything I would expect from the Doctor in any incarnation, and, like I said, made himlook a complete idiot for continuing to taunt it when the Dalek said that they were essentially the same. I thought the whole scene was cringeworthy.

    The Dalek "developing human emotions" is no better a plot point than if the Dalek had spontaneously developed emotion all by itself - I know it's fantasy, and that because of that you can invent new magical powers for your characters whenever the plot calls for it, but it still left a bad taste in my mouth that the Dalek could absorb human DNA yet none of them had ever thought to do this in the past. See also; the Dalek randomly "committing suicide" at the end via yet another hitherto unseen magical power.

    chiding a character in a story for not understanding the theme of the work is retarded, and the Doctor wasn't even there when people who had never seen a Dalek before thought it couldn't climb stairs.

    This seems like two contradictory points to me. Yes, the Doctor wasn't there, but the people who were there instantly "knew" that Daleks, something they had never seen before, couldn't climb stairs. They just jumped to that conclusion, and were shocked when it turned out they were wrong. It was there to play on a pop culture perception of Daleks, and made little sense in the context of the story itself.

    New Who didn't get good until Tennant's run, and even then it was horribly patchy. I don't recall a single episode with Eccleston that I'd want to watch again, and there's not a single other Doctor that I'd give that distinction. Doesn't help that I find Rose unbearable.

    The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, surely.

    That was the bright spot of 9th's run.

  10. I voted 9.

    Quentin Tarantino creates a certain kind of film, there's no doubt. He has a certain formula - well, maybe not even a formula...I'd suggest a set of ingredients, if you'll allow the awful metaphor - that he sticks to for his films. Obviously, he relies on homage, pithy, profanity-laden dialogue and violence in order to make his films, but for me it's always worked. Furthermore, the number of references to Pulp Fiction and Resevoir Dogs in every-day pop culture is staggering, and I think that level of resonance proves a good director.

    Pulp Fiction was my favourite, but like others, I've not seen a Tarrantino flick that I didn't, at the very least, like. I think I enjoyed the Kill Bill films more than others here. Jackie Brown grew on me over time, and I even managed to like Death Proof, which was probably the reason he got a 9 rather than a 10.

    I honestly only recently saw Reservoir Dogs for the first time, and I loved it, but it'll never take Pulp Fiction's place in my mind. That movie was, and still is, the ultimate in cool.

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