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Everything posted by Mongrel

  1. Kamran has shown nothing to me to justify putting Moin aside. I can understand they want Kamran to be ready for the '07 World Cup.....but Moin's leadership is more valuable to this team right now then what Kamran is providing.
  2. I wasn't just saying you.....but I'm talking Cricket analysis in general. Given the right captain (i.e Moin Khan or Younis Khan) those two would be just fine. ←
  3. I wonder when her bloody vision will start working again, but I suppose it doesn't matter how he looks when he's 23 and has 15 million dollars already.
  4. Got to hand it to Pakistan, a very good win there. Although, with Younis Khan going home, Kamran Akmal has to come in right? Younis was hopeless with the gloves, and Kamran is more then handy with the bat. Haydos has to go, and his form is downright awful. Give him a couple of games with QLD, and give JL a go in the ODI arena. God knows he is a different players since his last one dayer.
  5. Fuck...Fuck...Fuck. Congrats Marat, really dominated the last three sets, his speech was good aswell.
  6. I don't know. I think Lleyton has more of a chance of beating Safin then he would have against Federer. You don't know which Safin you play. The solid hard serving Safin. Or the angry, inconsistant Safin. And the hype on Hewitt has always been on him in Australia. He is seeded Number 3, so why wouldn't it?
  7. I get an error of it being moved to Archives. Que? Any help?
  8. C2004 is good in some respects. Gameplay has improved and the confidence meter is great. But since cricket is such a long game, tests become to be pretty pointless. I'd love a game to implement a Career Mode as you play as just one batsman, being dropped for lack of performing etc.
  9. LLEYTON! LLEYTON! Carn mate, do it for the country. And, I hope Davenport kills the ape.
  10. With the food thing, I'd like them to make use of the drive throughs next to them. Saves you from walking inside, and you can just drive past when needing a fix. Or can you already do that?
  11. I didn't think much of Cricket 2004. Can't wait till BLC comes out, hopefully will be as good as the first.
  12. Not sure if its obscure, but I really liked Big Fish. Was a good flick, and while it was slow for most it, the ending was great and very fitting.
  13. Christ, I can't believe I just said 'alas...'
  14. Sounds exactly like that to me. Fine reporting to the media, but alas, not the police. Hayden's innings the other day was brutal, something you don't want to watch all that often. Very selfish. Have to hand it to Clarke, he kept the scoreboard ticking over. Afridi has found his spot there, the last ten or so overs. He is useless in tests.
  15. Fucking hell that Sharapova is a annoying. She is a root and a half, but that bloody grunting. Was great when she was playing and some bloke shouts out 'Shut up!' When the ump said quiet please, he goes 'Works both ways!'
  16. Hewitt and Molik. Bloody stars!
  17. For me, the black smudge ruins it for me. Would look good without it IMO, but it just seems out of place and takes all the attention from the rest of the graphic.
  18. When I was real young Bambi and Lassie had me going. Since then, not much. Big Fish's ending actually had me crying a bit.
  19. Henman won't win, neither will Drugzetkzy (I know he is cleared, I just like that name). I hope Hewitt wins, but I like Federer aswell.
  20. I don't think Lleyton will win. His Aussie Open form is horrendous.
  21. Christ, I can't do it. I always blow up when that truck jumps over the top of you, and my aim is so bad.
  22. After that, I feel bad about thinking I had it bad by now having to find three tags out of the whole 100. Do half sprayed tags reset themselves, or do they still look done, but really aren't?
  23. Now that is what you call and absolute ripper. Looks fucking brilliant to me.
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