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Posts posted by Whisper

  1. Fellaini :)

    It begins.

    3 minutes ago, David Marrio said:

    That's not what Nerf is saying. There has always been idiotic chants by a minority on but side. However the vast majority of the away fans last week were clearly chanting The Sun was right you're murderers. It was clearly audible on TV. 

    No one is denying they did that? I read Nerf's comment that he hoped Liverpool fans wouldn't retaliate as if he was saying they needed that excuse, when they've been doing it forever anyway.

    Not excusing either side. It's pitiful for anything like that to come into football.

  2. 1 hour ago, Social Justice Nerf said:

    Unfortunately it was the majority of the away end singing it last week. I just pray we don't retaliate with Munich chants tonight.

    Liverpool away fans have been chanting about Munich for years to be fair, lets not pretend that all clubs don't have fans that are utter cunts.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, David Marrio said:

    You've got De Gea so you've always got a chance of winning against us. 

    Can't remember him ever having a bad game against us. 

    I am curious as to how you'll approach this game. One away goal and we are sorted imo. 

    We should just go absolutely all out and win 4-3 or something. Sure, we'll still lose the tie but that's happening regardless.

    I'd rather go out that way than draw 1-1 in another posession-fest.

    Saying that, the pressure is on LVG again, so no doubt we will win tonight and beat City on Sunday, just to ease it a bit, before losing 3 on the bounce again. Seems to be the way of things under LVG.

    Proper tempted to stick a fiver on united and spurs to both win the ties though, just for a laugh.

  4. Would love to see a new Golden Axe, Cannon Fodder or Populous game. Lost hours of my youth to all of those.

    I know we have had plenty of them (and pretty recently too) but I would also say Silent Hill - more of a 'revival' in terms of quality. I would kill for a game that matched the first 2. Hell, I'd kill for an SH2 remake alone.

    • Like 2
  5. The more I play this, the more I really enjoy it. Considering I knew next to nothing about it before release day, it's been one of my better gaming purchases in recent times.

    Only level 12, but just ventured into the Dark Zone for the first time. Pretty fun stuff. Accidentally went Rogue twice when people walked across my fire and once deliberately to try and steal someone's loot as they were extracting (I failed - killed them but got immediately gunned down). It makes for some cool scenarios when you aren't sure if the guy who you were just helping to kill elites is going to go merrily on his way, or turn around, blow your head off and steal your loot.

    The penalties for dying as a rogue are super harsh though, which I guess is kind of the point.

  6. 19 hours ago, Gazz said:

    Me, @Lars Mulder and @ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster have it on Xbox.

    I like that sometimes you have to unload a full clip into an onrushing enemy. This game is a challenge and that is what is great about it. FPS where you single handedly wade through wave after wave of cannon fodder enemies is boring.

    Speaking of challenging, I did the first Tech wing mission on hard last night. Joined a group of randoms and all was going well (I bloody love how difficult it is), until we reached the final phase.

    Bascially, you climb up and drop down into a new area. Once you drop down, there's no way of getting back up, but staying up top is a sure fire way to die as there's no cover.

    So I drop down ready to engage and my entire team just sit up top, backing up out of line of sight whenever they get shot at. This leads to a quick death for me, whilst literally nothing else happens since the enemies can't reach my team.

    Went on for about 15 minutes until a couple left and I got leader. I was able to kick the other guy and finish by myself. Thankfully, the enemies scale down once people leave.

  7. 14 hours ago, TGWL said:

    I picked it up yesterday.  Haven't made it to the dark zone yet, jut pretty much a few things done in Manhattan (2nd Map).  Played the precinct siege in Brooklyn a few times, including on hard, and let me just say unloading almost a full clip into somebody's head while they run at you with a bat, and still nearly hit you can be a little frustrating, The more people you have the easier it is because the AI helping you blows.  While easier playing with friends, watching them collect the good loot while you get the shitty loot is pretty frustrating as well. 

    Game was glitching a little last night.  There's an issue when you start and try to activate your player, you have to restart the game and try again.   Leaving Brooklyn had some issues with the door opening for nearly an hour. 



    Seen a few similar complaints on forums and on reddit. I think you just have to bear in mind that this game is very much an rpg first and a shooter second.

    It would ne kind of a dull mmo if headshots were an instant kill. I think a lot of people (not saying you) were expecting more of a CoD/Gears of War type game, when really it's Destiny or Elder Scrolls Online with guns.

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