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Posts posted by Whisper

  1. PES 2016 was much more enjoyable to play than FIFA 16. Only issue for me was it was far too easy.

    Will bo doubt do my usual thing this year of alternating between the two at various points in the year.

  2. I don't tend to get overly affected by 'celebrity' deaths, but Ali has always been one of my heroes, despite being way before my time. As horrible as this news is, it was awful to see him in such poor health these last few years.

    He had a fascinating life outside the ring and was truly the greatest in it. Probably one of the most influential people in modern history, and not just within sport.

    Rest in peace, champ.


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  3. 59 minutes ago, Arjen Robben said:

    Delph and Townsend out make sense, would have preferred Drinkwater over Wilshere. Ridiculous he's even in. If Hodgson doesn't include Walcott cause he hasn't played enough, how does Wilshere get in off the back of what, one start in a year?

    Walcott is utter garbage, so there's that.

    Wilshere is a quality player (when fit), so his inclusion shouldn't be that surprising. He also brings something different to Drinkwater I think.

    I still think Drinkwater ahould have gone, just not in place of Wilshere.

  4. Whilst I agree Drinkwater should be in the squad, he hasn't done himself any favours with his performances when he has played for England.

    Barkley in is the biggest travesty - he's been woeful lately, but every manager has players they trust I guess.

    On the five forwards thing, a few days ago I would have said that Rooney was there as a midfielder. But then Roy goes and brings him on up top against Turkey, so who knows?

  5. 22 minutes ago, Jasonmufc said:

    Play four-four-fucking-two!

    I don't have the strikers for it :(

    playing 4-3-3, or 4-1-2-2-1 with inside forwards. First 3 games were awful, but I've gone more defensive and it's working - just not converting chances. Was 2-1 up at Anfield with 20 minutes to go until Jack Colback got himself sent off. Made the mistake of going 'Contain' (seriously, has it ever worked in FM, ever?) and conceded 2 in the last 5 minutes.

    It's a real struggle. Already 4 points off safety and that won't get any better with the Chelsea game. Need a win, fast.

  6. Don't know about that story but there's been numerous reports from people close to the club saying there is no discipline there whatsoever. Further backed up by Lingard being a prat with that video at West Ham. Strange, considering LVG was supposed to be a bit of a task master.

    Don't know if Jose will instill much more by the way of discipline mind. Always enjoyed having Mourinho around the Premier League anyway (always hilarious to watch him lose) and you can't really doubt his record. Will be a fun summer at least.

    Seeing yet more comments about LVG's youth policy. On Saturday, this extended to Marcus Rashford, with Lingard on the bench. No sign of the wealth of talent he has supposedly brought through. All forgotten about as soon as the senior players got fit.

  7. Just achieved something I've never managed before in any FM game - a playoff victory!

    Lost out with Coventry in the playoff semis last season (2016/17) after finishing 4th. All this season we have been so patchy, (17 draws - most of which from winning positions), that it's felt like a worse season. Struggled with tactics and finally settled on one with 11 games to go, when it looked as though the playoffs were slipping away. Ended up needing to win my last 2 games to make the playoffs, which we did and even ended up 5th. I had very little hope of doing any worthwhile, but somehow we took it upon ourselves to go on our best winning streak of the season to get promotion.

    Beat Burnley 3-1 and 1-0 in the semis, and absolutely dominated Derby in the final, winning 3-1. It should have been more but we missed so many chances and didn't seal the win until the 87th minute. Jack Barmby :wub:.

    Premier League here I come! My budget has gone from 180k wages and £1.5m transfer funds, to 500k wages and £17.5m - that's mental, even by "promoted to Premier Leagues" standards.

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  8. It's a bit shit that it's lesked today, but that's unfortunately what happens within big companies. It's just a shame you never find out exactly who leaked it.

    I'm pleased for LVG that he gets to go out on a high - he's strangely likeable in his own way - but we just haven't been good enough these past two seasons.

    I get the reservations about Jose but it's  a risk worth taking in my book. If nothing else, we now have Jose, Pep, Conte and Klopp in the Premier League together. Should be entertaining at least.

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