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Posts posted by Whisper

  1. Jonny, is your computer compatible with 1024x768 resolution? That's the only reason I can think of for a crash... providing you have the right specs of course.

    I got the game today, t'is awesome so far. Started with Gainsborough Trinitiy in the Conference North. Drawn 1, Lost 2 in the league so far.

    Anyway, anyone fancy an EWB network game sometime?

  2. What... the... fuck?

    I give up trying to defend this team... every time we've had a poor result I've thought, "well we'll turn it around at some point" but something needs sorting. What is the fucking point of beating Arsenal if we're gonna throw it away by losing to Portsmouth? And I know we're still only 9 behind but we're not playing well enough to put a run together. If winning last week didn't give the team a lift then nothing will.

    It seems finishing is the problem right now and Rooney's done fuck all since his debut. So for a start give him a rest and get Smith and Saha in.

    Right now, we're not playing well enough to get in the Champions League places, let alone win the bloody title.

  3. Disgraceful? That's laughable. Sure it was a poor challenge but consider it without bias for 1 second. Ruud clearly wasn't looking to hurt Ashley Cole. It looked to me more like a forward's tackle than anything. And now it's been blown out of all proportion by Wenger and co who just can't lose gracefully it seems.

    I find it even funnier that they've managed to charge Ruud a day after the incident and it took them how long to charge the Arsenal players after last years fun and games?

  4. Get in!

    Goodbye unbeaten record. Let's get something straight though. It wasn't a dive.... nor was it a penalty. In my opinion Rooney was off the floor before the challenge because he was trying to hurdle it. There was contact, but not enough for it to be a penalty. Still... Ashley Cole's foul on Ronaldo definately should have been a penalty.

    As for the game... wasn't the best really. I thought Arsenal played poorly, but then I don't think we allowed them enough time to play. Rio kept Henry quiet and Viera didn't look fit tbh. Scholes, Rooney, Ruud and Giggs were all poor and I hope Fergie noticed that the only reason Rooney scored was thanks to Alan Smith who should be starting anyway. Credit to Ruud though, even though he didn't play well, must've taken some guts to take the penalty after last year. I thought Ronaldo played pretty well, was our main outlet and it's always good watching him vs. Ashley Cole. At the back, Rio was awesome but Heinze was even better. He's a pretty good find and I only wish, like Smith, that he got more credit (As much as players like Rio, Rooney and Ruud do). I was also dissapointed in Sol Campbell after the game, he refused to shake Rooney's hand which is a bit petty. No matter what you think you're still supposed to leave it all on the pitch. But then again, Arsenal have never been the best at taking defeat, as can be seen by Viera's constant attempts to get United players booked by hassling the ref every 30 seconds.

    Overall though i'm delighted. Still gonna be tough for us to catch Arsenal and Chelsea but at least we have a fighting chance now.

  5. Thanks for the opinions you guys.

    I played the game a little today and so far it looks good, albeit very different, but good nonetheless. I'm definately looking forward to playing it more. And I have to say, although the graphics are 2D when you meet other characters, they are very nice to look at.

    Oh, and Matzat, Ico is one of the greatest games ever made.

  6. So I picked this game up today, haven't had chance to play it yet though since I left it at my mates :pinch:

    Anyway, I'm quite a big RPG fan but i've never played any of the Saga series so I was wondering who here has played this game and whether you like it. I know two guys who have played it, one says it's awesome the other says it sucks, and most reviews on the internet seem bad.

    Yeah...so any help is appreciated

  7. Diego speaks the truth. The demo is awesome... if not a little easy it seems..(I beat Spain on 5*) But it's more realistic than PES3, games are much tighter and its seems alot harder to score... and the new passing system is perfect btw.

  8. - Poor Alan Smith. Goodbye to his United career, with Rooney, RVN and Saha all ahead of him he'll have a tough time.

    - Where are all Man Utd's homegrown talent? Is Fletcher it? There seems to be no space for a British youngster to come through - which is a shame for a team who once had Beckham, the Nevilles, Butt, Scholes and Giggs emerging.

    AHEAD of Smith? i don't think so really... Saha definately is not and the other 3 will rotate. For one, the fans already love Smith and there's no way Fergie would get away with leaving him constantly on the bench. Don't forget when we did the treble we had Sheringham, Cole, Yorke and Solskjaer and Fergie managed to keep them all involved.

    We have plenty of homegrown talent, just that they weren't invovled tonight. Giggs, Scholes, G. Neville, P. Neville, Fletcher, Brown, Richardson, O'Shea.... plus there's some others who will come through in the next 2 years like Spector and Eagles.

    And as for British players


    G. Neville



    P. Neville







    There's a full XI of British players and that's without including Miller, Richardson and O'Shea.

    In fact, not only is that a British team, it's a GOOD british team... imo we still have the best homegrown/british contingent.

    Djemba-Djemba was an absolute joke. That was one of the worst outfield performances I have ever seen from a Man U player.

    Get rid of Djemba-Djemba now. If he's still playing in the knockout stages it WILL cost Man U.

    Barring Giggs' goal the 'Kleber' was poor as well.

    With everyone back Man U are going to be an awesome side. Thats the first time in years I've been able to say that. Still need more quality defenders, and maybe a superkepper (Not just an OK-Good one)

    Correct. I'm someone who has always tried to stick up for Djemba-Djemba but he was absolutely awful last night. Kleberson did ok I thought.

    But there's no way we need any more defenders or keepers. Howard and Carroll are both young but just because Howard's made a couple of mistakes recently he isn't a good keeper any more? Hell, Schmeichel (best keeper EVER imo) made mistakes... quite often sometimes... Howard had a couple of bad games so Fergie took him out and put in Carroll who is just as good... and pretty unlucky to only be number 2.

    As for defenders we have plenty. Rio, Brown, the Neville's, Silvestre, O'Shea and Heinze are plenty... plus most of them are young stilll. Along with John Spector they could be around for a long time.

  9. 4-2 now, I don't think they should have brough Fletcher on. He's getting the through balls, sure they're not all great but he's about 5 steps behind the defenders each time and not going for it.

    Sloppy defending on the fenerbahce goals too.

    That's crap. The passes were awful... he can't be expected to play a pass and then gallop Darren Campbell-speed to get to a poor return ball played way to far ahead of him.

    As for the game, poor defensively at times, but I blame that on the midfielders not tracking back since the defence seemed overrun at times during the 2nd half.

    Rooney looked as good as i've ever seen him.... all 3 goals were brilliantly taken and while i know he's gonna have an awesome season I just hope Smith doesn't get forgotten about sat on the bench because he's still been the most impressive Utd player this season.

    Oh, and in other news, Gabriel Heinze is still awesome...

  10. Another thing, you guys who have the demo... do you get informed when one of your players gets called up for international duty... I never do with the seniors... only with the U21's and U19's.

    EDIT ~ Never mind, they've started telling me now.

  11. Meh, in case anyone cares... my start with Utd.

    Friendly vs. Kobenhaven (A) D 1-1

    Friendly vs. Maniz (A) W 4-0

    Charity Shield vs. Arsenal L 5-1

    CL Qual. vs. Trabzonspor (A) W 3-1

    League vs. Man City (A) W 3-1

    League vs. Middlesborough (A) W 1-0

    CL Qual. vs. Trabzonspor (H) W 4-0 (AGG: 7-1)

    League vs. Blackburn (A) D 1-1

    League vs. West Brom (H) W 5-1

    League vs. Tottenham (H) D 1-1

    I signed Van Der Vaart from Ajax for 15 million and sold Quinton Fortune to Newcastle for 2.5... Newcastle are bottom of the league without a win and Arsenal are top with a 100% record and about a +20 goal difference. My champs league group sucks (Inter, Ajax and Bayern) and so far I've praised Wenger, revealed my dislike for Jose Mourinho and informed Terry Venables that his West Brom side are on the way down.

    Oh yeah... Thomas Hitzlsperger got the first Goal of the month with a screamer from 25 yards after beating about 4 players.

    Anyhoo... how you guys doing on the demo?

    EDIT ~ The only thing I find annoying about the game is sometimes it takes a while to process matches, you can change the speed though and although it still isn't all that fast you can carry on looking through your squad and such while it loads. Also I noticed that for some games it actually spends ages processing them whereas for others it takes less than a few seconds and the results are up... I wondered why this was since it was slower processing the u21 matches (It showed the scores as they came up) than it was for the World Cup quals. (Which just flashed up without processing)

  12. The game is awesome, not the speediest but fast enough. I'm impressed by all the media interaction and also the 2d view, when I first saw the FM version I didn't think it looked too good but it works brilliantly. Goal of the Month is an awesome touch as well by the way.

    The level of realism is amazing too, like for me past CM games haven't always been totally realistic (Chelsea getting relegated in the first season for one example) They weren't unrealistic but just sometimes a little farfetched but FM seems perfect. Arsenal are stuffing everyone, I'm Man Utd and doing pretty well but am not creative enough (Same as real Utd) and Chelsea are winning games 1-0, 2-1 like in real life. THe main thing that impressed me was that in the chairty shield I played too attacking and arsenal just continually exploited the space with Henry and Reyes as they would IRL. Needless to say I was slaughtered 5-1.

    EDIT ~ Another nice touch I forgot to mention, after a set of games in the Premiership, when then results are displayed you can select view goals to view every goal of the day, MOTD style. Similarly you can click on a single game (such as an England or West Brom one) and see the goals from that game only.

    I did have some questions for you guys who have the demo though....

    I've noticed that my game has no sound or pics (maybe because the sound/pic files aren't included, i haven't checked)

    My Manager Information doesn't seem to be updating (biggest win, highest transfer fee, manager points etc.)

    The player history also only seems to include league games and I was wondering why this was.

    Yeah, so can anyone shed some light on these issues, not that they really are issues at all just things I was wondering about. The only reason I ask is in case anything needs reporting as a bug.

  13. Shouldhave been more last night, Liverpool hardly threatened and we created countless chances, especially first half. Also caught twopoint up on both Arsenal and Chelsea. Not a bad weekend considering we're already "out of it".

    Ronaldo, Rio and Keano were awesome last night, Heinze played well too. I just don't understand why Smith is on the bench when John O'Shea starts in centre mid. I mean, what the fuck is with fergie and that crap one up front system? We play way better with a straight 4-4-2 and the sooner we go back to that, the better.

  14. I generaly try and release films in the summer months, so if a film gets finished in say Sept 04, then i'll put the release date as July 2005. That usually helps me always have something in production.

    On a sidenote I have the top 9 highest grossing films ever (Including about 5 Final Fantasy films). The best being Final Fantasy: Sephiroth's Return (FF7 Sequel) which made a total of around $4 billion.

    Anyone else have some great successes?

  15. All I have to say about that is....bollocks.

    Heinze > Silvestre

    And for that matter so is Wes Brown. Ah well, Rio's back next week, we badly need to beat Liverpool to kickstart our season. Ruud looked rusty as well, I dunno why he started when Ronaldo, albeit slightly injured, was on the bench.

  16. cheers for the help guys.

    On a sidenote, what a bastard this game is sometimes. When I was doing my diary, I couldn't make a good film at all, everything bombed. Now, in my new non-diary game, i've made 3 billion profit and don't think I could make a bad film if I tried.

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