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Posts posted by Whisper

  1. The reason for this topic is that I was talking to a friend earlier about horror films and I came to the conclusion that there's no such thing as a scary film. Not that I have seen anyway.

    I've seen all the big name "horror" type films (Scream, The Shining, Texas Chainsaw Massacre etc etc.) And I've seen some of the lesser known ones as well (Wicker man is the only one which springs to mind right now.) Basically all these films have one thing in common, they've never scared me. Sure some scenes made cringe at the gore, some made me jump.... but that's more shock than anything. I don't remember a time when I film has ever truly "scared" me... and i'm not someone who doesn't get scared... for example I hate walking up stairs in the dark, it scares me...

    It's like the Resident Evil series... it was always more about shock tactics than true horror. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the games alot, but all they did was make me jump... I was never "scared", if that makes sense.

    I think that's why I enjoy Silent Hill so much... it's probably the only game/film that has ever scared me (SIlent Hill 2 especially). Not "OMG... I'm gonna have nightmares! I gotta turn this off!" Not that type of scary. But it was more psychological. Fearing what you can't see and all that... it really appeals to me. I would so love if they made an SH movie... but if it turned into an action film like Resident Evil did, then it would immediately lose it's appeal to me.

    So I guess the main thing for me, with regards to horror, is that less is more almost... you don't always need the "action" as in blood and guts, but what appeals to me is when things are left psychological.... where you are actually left to think about what's happened. It makes it far scarier, and ultimately more enjoyable, in my opinion.

    Anyhoo, my question to you guys is what makes a good horror film/game for you? And what films/games actually scare you?

  2. Absolutely correct sam, people always look on the neville's as a joke when in fact they've been solid performers for United and England for years. Gary especially, has improved alot in recent years and has turned into one of england's best defenders IMO.

  3. Does anybody think Manchester United can win the title this year? Realistically.

    I don't think they can, they don't have the squad. They needed to spend big money on a creative central midfeilder in my opinion. I think if they would have signed Ronaldinho a couple seasons ago, Man Utd wouldn't be in the situation they are now.

    And what 'situation' is that? The one where we have a 'poor' season and still finish third and win the FA Cup? The situation where we still remain one of the favourites for the title, even 11 years on from our first Premiership title?

    Yeah. I'm sure all the teams struggling at the moment would hate to be in that situation.

    If you look to last season, creating goals wasn't our problem. Stopping them was. We've tried to rectify that by signing Heinze and hopefully with Rio back soon and Wes Brown back to full fitness we should be improved defensively.

    I don't agree that we suffer greatly in the creative aspect. We have Scholes, Giggs and Louis Saha who are 3 very creative players. Add to that a greatly improved Ronaldo and an improved Darren Fletcher and it doesn't seem so bad to me. Especially when you take into account the rest.... Smith, Solskjaer, Kleberson, Ruud etc. Even Keiran Richardson (who I think might make a breakthrough this season) is a good young player. People seem to want to make too much of losing David Beckham. Look at his performances in his last season with us, at Madrid and at the Euro's. I don't think he could add anything to our squad really.

    The 'world class' players Man Utd seem to have are - Ferdinand, Keane (still!), Scholes, perhaps Ronaldo and RVN. Everyone else can perform on their day, people like Giggs are slightly inconsistent. You compare this to Arsenal (Campbell, Viera if he stays, Pires, Henry, maybe Bergkamp, Reyes and Van Persie look good) or Chelsea (Mutu, Lampard, Robben, Duff, Makelele, Kezman)

    Excuse me? Van Persie? Duff? Mutu? Reyes? Robben? Kezman?

    I'm sorry there's no doubt that all of them are, and will be for a good while, very good players. But your post makes little sense. You're comparing United's world class players to the above who are, in my opinion, no where near world class. And you're using these players to try and illustrate why they have stronger squads? You can't compare 'world class' players to 'good' players in that context, it just doesn't achieve what you want it to.

    Van Persie - Sure, he's a good prospect but he cannot be called world class. There's just no way he's even in Giggs' league at the moment. And according to you, Ryan Giggs is inconsistent and only plays well on his day.

    Duff - Massive talent. World class? Nope. Perhaps if he stays clear of injuries then he'll get the chance this season to prove himself on a bigger stage.

    Mutu - For me he's shown very little in his time at Chelsea. He had a good start but since then he's been decidedly average. I'm still waiting to be impressed by him.

    Reyes - Quality. No doubt about it. But the same as Duff and Robben. Huge talent, but haven't even come near to proving it on a big stage and so cannot be called 'world class'.

    Robben - Had a good Euro 2004 but other than that it's difficult to judge how good he's gonna be. However, if his Euro's performances are anything to go by then he WILL be a world class player. Has proved more to me than Duff and Reyes.

    Kezman - Probably the best out of the above. However, while he may have an awesome goalscoring record in Holland he's still gotta prove it over here. And i'll admit that he looks good from chelsea's pre-season matches.

    That's my take on things. Call me biased if you like, I probably am somewhat. All football supporters are. I don't believe my opinions are the be all and end all but I prefer seeing more explanation than just "Man Utd haven't got a good enough squad."

  4. Smith played pretty well against Bayern. He held the ball up really well but as said before he was on his own most of the time. Bellion wasnt crap... off the ball he did well infact, just he panicked on occasions when he did get it. I thought the team did pretty well considering how many youngsters were in. For those of you that don't know the team was...

    Carroll, McShane, Keane, Spector, Bardsley, Richardson, Djordjic, Djemba, Eagles, Bellion, Smith.

    against Bayern's first team.

    John Spector was the most impressive of the young players, Bardsley looked good too, as (in flashes) did Eagles + Djordjic, but Spector played very well throughout. He was really composed every time he got the ball at the back and looked as though he could be a good one for the future.

  5. Megadrive hands down.

    Even Kick Off 3 was better on the Megadrive than the SNES.

    Look at all the classic megadrive games:

    - Kick off 3

    - Evander Holyfield Boxing

    - European Cup Soccer

    - Beavis and Butthead

    - Sonic Series

    - Road Rash

    - Shinobi

    - Golden Axe

    - Streets of Rage

    - Street Fighter

    - Micro Machines

    Ahhhh, good times...

    Ahem.... you missed Flashback,and Cannon Fodder... and Mega-lo-mania.

    But other than that spot on :)

  6. Well we're 45 minutes away from kick off and I'm quite nervous. I'm quietly confident that we can beat them but it really matters about how Portugal play, if it's like they're group stage matches we should get the win but i know Portugal can step it up and they probably will. I'm gonna go for a 3-1 scoreline. Hopefully I'm correct.

    lol there's confidence for ya. :mellow: I wish I had that kind of confidence. I dunno why but I can just see a 1-1 draw with england winning on penalties.

    And for once I hope Ronaldo has a shocker. C'mon Gary Neville!

  7. Yeah I agree Matzat, he couldn't have got it. I just thought it was funny that it was him on the line when he proved how poor his heading was throughout the game.

  8. Very good game there. Italy were by far the better side but I wanted Sweden to get something anyway so it's all good.

    And Ibrahimovic scores the luckiest goal of the tournament and did you guys notice that it was vieri (who showed how shite he is at heading throughout the game) who failed to head it off the line.

    EDIT - do you guys realise what happens if Italy win 2-0 against Bulgaria and Denmark and Sweden draw 1-1?

    UEFA, in a stroke of genius, would decide the qualifier out of Denmark and Italy.... with a coin toss

  9. serriusly, some people in here are behaving like i never ever would have thought they could be have, like 4 year old rich snop bastards that think they are the center of the world - sorry but some of you guys are turning into fully fleged ARs in here...

    Ok, so we're arrogant and think we're the centre of the world? THen answer me this, why is it that you seem to beleieve that your opinions are the be all and end all in regards to football discussion?

    I think it's been said before about you but meh. POT. KETTLE. BLACK

  10. Are there any referees up to your standards?

    Oh well, boring match but 2-0 pots me some big points in the Tips.

    Not likely, is if were up to Matzat there would be at least 2 red cards per game.

    That game was poor, here's hoping Sweden/Italy make up for that crap.

  11. read their coaches biografy, he puled by fare bigger suprises like winning the german league with a team that just came out of second devision, that took him to hold something together for over a year. - The deal with greece is that they hated each other, he made them a team, don´t forget that this "going on forever" already includes them winning their qualification group and beating spain twice (if i remember it corectly, i am not 100% shure) - i did not predict them as winner just for lucks matter, even if i know that they are somewhat of a underdog.

    As far as beating Spain in qualifying, we are talking about Spain remember. MASSIVE underacheivers who hardly ever manage to put a consistent run together. My point was simply that Spain can produce one-off fantastic performances whereas Greece perform at a consistent level reguarly. I'd rather play Greece because you know what you're gonna get from them, whereas with Spain you can never be sure making them more dangerous in a one-off match situation such as the knockout stages. Like I said, Greece are playing above themselves and make a good unit, but they are beatable. Spain however, if they play at their very best, are maybe not.

  12. The draw is pretty much perfect for us so I hope it stays like this. 2-2 would mean France can still go out and we only need a draw with Croatia to qualify.

    Although Greece are playing well i'd still prefer them over Spain/Portugal since Greece are playing above themselves in that they probably cant play any better than they are doing. IMO theres no way they can keep that going forever. Spain/Portugal on the other hand, can both turn on world class performances in one off games which makes them potentially far more dangerous than Greece.

    As far as the win earlier goes, the performance was poor but the result was what really mattered. I personally didn't think any individual performances stood out. Rooney played well but the midfield were poor and Owen flat out sucks at the moment. I hope Sven notices that every time Vassell comes on he sparks some life into the game.

  13. His main asset is the way he works for a team and puts himself about up front, thus indirectly creating chances for other players. Plus I meant he's not a natural goalscorer like Van Nistlerooy and Henry, but he could still easily bag 20 goals a season.

  14. As a United supporter I have to say i'm delighted we've got Smith... I may hate Leeds with a passion but i've always liked Smith and I can never work out why players like Heskey make the England squad ahead of him.

    Smith has always been my favourite non-utd player and I don't think £7m is too much, so he doesn't have a great goalscoring record... he's not a "goalscorer" as such and you have to look at the team he has been playing in as part of the reason he doesn't get so many. At Old Trafford he will get far better service and hopefully wont be stuck on the right of midfield like he often was at Leeds.

    I may be biased since I've been wanting us to sign him since it first came out that he was leaving Leeds. Still, all those who are saying he isn't worth the money.... (and i'm not directing this at anyone in particular on this board)... I just wonder, had he gone to their club, or anywhere other than Man Utd would he still have been overrated? I personally think not...

  15. I bought this DVD recently and having watched through it I enjoyed all the added scenes and extras but I have yet to come across the advertsied "alternate ending".

    My guess is that this is meant to be the "requiem" scenes we get at the end, which in themselves are fine but I don't really think they qualify as an alternate ending as such, more like an addition. Anyway could someone clarify this for me?

    One other question, could someone explain to me the significance of the scene(s) involving the girl (Noriko i think?) and Kitano. This may be a dumb question but for the life of me I can't find a significane to it.

  16. Right this may sound dumb to some of you but I suck when it comes to things like this..

    basically i'm trying to buy office space and battle royale on the internet, only problem is i'm not sure what type of DVD player I have (I have a PS2 and also we have a DVD player)

    The thing is on the office space info it says

    "R2 - Will only play on European Region 2 or multi-region DVD players."

    I don't have a clue what type of dvd my ps2 is, I'm english buy the way and it was bought in england, can anyone tell me what type it is, or tell me how to check

    For Battle Royale it says

    Edition Details:

    • Region 0

    • Box set, PAL, Special Edition, Subtitled

    • Number of discs: 2

    • ASIN: B00013YQEW

    • Catalogue Number: TVD3457

    Will this work on the same type of dvd as Office Space?

    thanx in advance for any help.


  17. At least we ended the season on a high... credit to millwall though, they played well and pretty much matched us until the first goal. I think we deserved it though, the boys were very professional about it. It was actually one of the better cup finals i've seen for a while, Ronaldo was outstanding as was Darren Fletcher. Ruud played alright but was only given man of the match cos of his two goals (Two goals which did win me £80!)

    Hehe, for those that care, i put £2 on Ronaldo to score first with United winning 3-0.

  18. Nah I don't think he did, you can see his ankles clip eachother before he goes down, it probabaly wasn't a foul but also not a dive, the trouble is referees are starting to assume it has to be one or the other. Also I thought his second card was harsh, i mean how many times do you see a player put the ball in the net once the whistle has gone and get nothing for it? All the time. Still, they won't miss the cup final and them missing one or two games at the start of next season is no big deal really.

  19. I agree that Forlan is an excellent player Diego, the only problem he has is that when he gets the odd chance he isn't taking it. And no sane manager would leave a fit, in-form Van Nistelrooy out and replace him with a relatively unproven striker.

    Forlan is one of my favourite players at Utd but I think he'll go in the summer unless of course Ruud does but I don't see that happening.

    I also agree about Beckham, his last two seasons at United he didn't even put half the effort into it as he did for England. I'll never say he isn't a great player but I lost a ton of respect for him over that, and also the way he was negotiating with Madrid before we had even thought about selling him.

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