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Posts posted by TheSqauredCircleMessiah

  1. The Edge of Tomorrow is way better than I thought it had any right to be. If Tom Cruise hadn't of been in so may crappy sic-fi movies lately, it would have done a lot better. Plus, it's the best Emily Blunt has been in anything in forever.

    Foxcatcher being so low is sad because it was such a great movie and featured just so many great performances. I just wish it had gotten a wider release.

  2. But they've existed in the same world that everyone else has and seem to be doing a lot better than Rick's group.

    Technically they have, but in reality no .... they've had food, shelter, protection, water, etc from the get go even to the point of it being isolated as it was an experimental development and the entire area was basically evacuated early on.

    That's a stark contrast to what the world has turned into in virtually every other corner.

    Plus, they have limited resources that are depleting and that's why they brought in Rick's group. They knew the longer they survived, the harder it would be to successfully find supplies and that's why brought in a group that has been surviving on their own for years in the wild.

    • Like 1
  3. I agree about Rick, but I'm pretty sure the appeal about Breaking Bad was the fact that Walter White crossed that line at one point.

    But there was an argument I remember along the lines of "If you're 'rooting' for Walt you're a horrible person and Why does everybody hate Skylar so much" when it forgets that the show was basically about Walt's journey and that's why he even when was still a murderous drug dealer, he was the show's protagonist.

    • Like 1
  4. I think people take the "main character is not a even a good guy" stuff way too far. It happened with Lost, Breaking Bad...now The Walking Dead. It was not that long ago when in very short order Rick was captured by a group of blood thirsty animals who were going to rape and murder his child in front of him and then he was captured by cannibals, where he was literally seconds away from being butchered so he could he eaten. So in this post-apocalyptic world...he's still way better than the violent drunk who beats his wife and son.

    • Like 6
  5. Assuming he is still as good as last year, Sam getting a try at the 49ers wouldn't be awful, in my view.

    If he's only as "good" as he was last year that's a problem for him. Plus, apparently he ran the 40-yard dash in concrete block shoes at the veterans combine.

    But a few news notes...

    Darren Sharper has copped a "global" plea for his gaggle of rape cases across the country and will spend 9 years in federal prison.

    Also, the NFL has voted to suspend the blackout rule for the 2015 season.

  6. Father Gabriel being the last brother standing for the time being is a violation of the Black Highlander rule in and of itself.

    Well, eventually Seth Gilliam will die and be replaced by Wood Harris, Robert Wisdom or Frankie Faison. Only one alum of "The Wire" is allowed for any extended period of time.

    Come to think of it, Bunny Colvin on "TWD" would rule.

  7. Re: those comic spoilers

    If they're starting to adhere more to the comics, then what role(s) is/are there for Noah? (aside from background/cannon fodder)

    I don't think I can think of anyone Noah corresponds to at all, so it's going to be interesting to see what they actually do with him.

    I'm not sure if I'd 100% say they're starting to adhere more to the comics so much as they've done a better job handling the balance between doing arcs from the comics and inserting stuff in between to transition in and out of them. That seems like the pattern from season 4 on; they did the outbreak of illness/disease followed by the Governor's Last Stand, they did Terminus and followed by the actual Hunters storyline from the comic, and now they've done the hospital arc followed by introducing Alexandria. It's just that with those stories there are certain plot elements that you pretty much need people to fill, so...

    Hasn't the actor playing Noah gotten another tv show that could conflict with walking dead? The same people who were right about Ty being the next character to be killed off are now speculating on Noah's long term future.


    I like the character and I kind of want him to survive or the whole Hospital arc will seem kind of a waste.

    Even more so since I've only just realised he's (Everybody Hates) Chris.

    Yeah, I think they announced it on Talking Dead last season that he has a new show.

    It's a Criminal Minds spinoff co-starring Gary Sinise

    Eventually, every CBS show will just be a spinoff of existing shows. I can't wait for The Big Bang Theory: Boston starring Neil Patrick Harris and Amanda Peet!

  8. Given just fragmented the entertainment landscape is these days, I don't see that big of a drop off from a network sitcom to basic cable. Most of the critically acclaimed shows are on cable. I would say that Jon Stewart is just about as culturally significant as anybody on network TV right now.

    I would love Poehler but that seems unlikely. I just don't think there's anybody out there that Comedy Central can get that won't be a major letdown to the brand. They should honestly just retire the format and go in a different direction, maybe revive the old Politically Incorrect format or something along the lines of what the TV version of Loveline was.

  9. Ethan Hawke, Chris Pratt and Daniel Washington have all been cast in the Magnificent Seven remake. That movie already sounds like the greatest thing ever.

    Also, what movie isn't Chris Pratt in?

    I can Hawke playing Jeff Jarrett, Pratt as Buff Bagwell but I'm just having a hard time figuring out who Denzel plays. A re-imagined Ric Flair?

  10. Scrubs is a sitcom. There's no such thing as a half-hour network drama.

    Just off the top of my head, here are my favorites in no particular order:

    Seinfeld, Scrubs, The Office (US), 30 Rock, Parks & Rec, How I Met Your Mother, Saved by the Bell

  11. I suggest watching the series finale and tonight's episode of Late Night with Seth Myers back to back. It was a fantastic episode with the entire cast. The end of Late Night was awesome, I won't spoil it just because I want everyone to go watch it if they can. Tim & Aubrey do something fantastically weird, a special cameo, and Chris Pratt sings a song to end the episode.

    I was actually expecting Li'l Sebastian

  12. Mike Schur told Alan Sepinwall that the viewer has all the information they need from that scene. I'll spoiler the details:

    It does indicate that either Ben or Leslie either is or has been President. At her speech in 2035 she indicates she served two terms as Governor of Indiana and was looking ahead to new challenges which most people seem to think means she would run for President in 2036. If she won in 2036 and was re-elected in 2040 she would be term-limited and out of office by Garry's funeral but the President gets Secret Service Protection for life.

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