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Posts posted by TheSqauredCircleMessiah

  1. Another thing...Widow and Hawkeye are literally the only two humans on a team full of beings with super powers and she routinely defeats aliens with "super powers" of being really good at fighting.

    But she falls in love or has a few moments of vulnerability and suddenly she's one step away from being a Stepford Wife.

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  2. Good lord is this "Joss Whedon is sexist" stuff is the biggest load of horseshit I have ever read.

    This tweet from Patton Oswalt sums it up perfectly

    Yep. There is a "Tea Party" equivalent of progressivism/liberalism. And they just chased Joss Whedon off Twitter. Good job, guys. Ugh.
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  3. It just boils down to doing the right thing for the wrong reasons for me. I feel like she wouldn't be doing this if she hadn't been personally slighted by Mayweather as she was fully participating in promoting the event beforehand. Olbermann boycotting the event a week beforehand I can respect. Beadle saying it after she gets denied entry and dragging others into it I can't.

    I agree we should probably just move on.

    My issue is that she's making herself the story and journalists aren't supposed to do that.

    • Like 1
  4. It was good, not great. Avengers 1 and GotG were better both those are both great films that are hard to top.

    I don't read the comics so I don't care about them continuing the concept of "The Avengers" with a new lineup or anything like that. I know Disney likes the money printing machine they have in the MCU but if they start trying to stretch this out and start making new "Avengers" movies with a different team it will really devalue the special thing they created. To me, what has made this whole concept so special over the past decade or so are the actors, not the characters. Robert Downey Jr., ScarJo, Chris Hemsworth, Renner, Ruffalo...they all are great and Chris Evans has just enough of that wholesome American boy in him to make you forget what a douchebag he was as Johnny Storm.

    But if Marvel keeps trying to expand the universe and trying to keep on mass producing this with original players gone, it will just feel flat and a money grab to me. I liked this movie on it's own but nothing plot-wise felt super important that was necessary. How many times do we need an argument between Steve Rodgers and Tony Stark about what's the best way to protect the world? Given what happened in the first Avengers and in Captain America 2, that's enough to lay the groundwork for the Civil War storyline and Avengers 3. How many more of these movies are we going to be following MacGuffins around the galaxy and then get a sinister shot of Thanos at the end?

    Also, I'm sad we didn't see Coulson. Maybe that's the ultimate end game, they all officially retire and find out Coulson was alive all along.

  5. Season 1, Ep 10

    Oh man, the end of this was crazy and so dramatic, poor Kima. That whole bit was so well done. It was only a matter of time until something like this happened.

    On a side note, absolutely love Pryzbylewski's slow change throughout the first season to half decent analyst, or whatever.

    Overall, I'm so happy I'm finally watching this. The characters are so well-defined already, and it helps that no one is exactly super good, or ridiculously evil. I'm just loving the combination of the acting and the writing. I can't stop watching.

    What made it so good to me is that the actors were complete unknowns so you can just accept who they were. I started watching after the show ended and only knew of Idris Elba from his arc on "The Office," Lance Reddick from "Lost" and Wood Harris from "Remember the Titans. So it was weird for me to see a middle manager at a paper company and Julius the football players as drug kingpins. Everybody else, had a clean slate. Now, no matter what he does Michael K. Williams is going to be playing some version of Omar. Heck, even most of the roles Wood Harris has had (Justified comes to mind), he's now playing a gangster.

    In hindsight, that's what I think was genius about Elba doing that run on "The Office" because that character has nothing in common with Stringer Bell.

  6. No one is talking bout the Astros they prob won't continue. But they are leading their division and that's drastic improvement

    If all of their "prospects" pan out they could be pretty good but the rest of the AL West has been a dumpster fire. I bet they're still kicking themselves for just cutting JD Martinez

  7. So about Grey's Anatomy.

    I have just realized that Shonda Rhimes may be the black female equivalent to George R.R. Martin. If you watch

    Scandal, this is more apparent since the deaths happen more often, but on Grey's, Rhimes has a habit of killing people whom we love the most, or just getting rid of characters. Somebody compiled a list–26 people in only 11 seasons who died after we had become attached to them. Many were only on three or four episodes, but still, she kills characters.

    Dead Doctors:

    George O'Malley

    Charles Percy

    That other female resident that was originally from Mercy West who was friends with April

    Mark Sloane

    Lexie Grey

    That intern who got herself electrocuted

    Doctors Who Otherwise Left:

    Dr. Burke

    Izzie Stevens

    Teddy (Burke's replacement)

    Whoever that useless pediatric surgeon was who took over Arizona's job when she went to Africa

    Cristina Yang


    And now she's gone and killed Derek Shepherd in order to show that Seattle Grace's Seattle Grace Mercy West's Grey Sloane Memorial's amazing medical prowess is not guaranteed everywhere. The man had a huge head laceration, and yet they decided to forego a CT, which led to Shepherd's death. Rhimes just likes having Meredith miserable, and it's starting to grate on my nerves.

    Oh, also, don't use your cell phone while driving, because it can get you killed. Because they haven't already provided that message often enough.

    Rant over.

    I just don't get why now. After everything they've gone through for 11 seasons and that's how he dies. Like there's no point in continuing the show at this point.

    I really wish she would get fired and have somebody come in and hit the reset button and pull a Dallas at the point where George died. That's the Grey's Anatomy I miss.

  8. Barry Bonds' 2011 conviction for making false statements has been overturned by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The government has two remaining options, that can ask for a total en banc hearing (all 29 judges) or appeal to the Supreme Court

  9. I fucking love that Mad Men's version of California is like this weird fantasy world where the characters who suck at life go and suddenly start gaining traction. Danny Siegel becomes a producer, Pete Campbell genuinely seems happy with his life (and then goes back to New York and is miserable again), and Lou fucking Avery is making headway on his comic strip. I bet Paul Kinsey is thriving somewhere.

    I actually really liked that episode. Matt Weiner's son is seriously awful but the story surrounding it was good and made sense.

    There's this whole symbolism in California with the show. In the 60's New York was decaying and there was this total optimism with people about going out to California, the new American dream. Weiner has loved driving that point home, that the Mad Men are stuck in the past and lying in their own filth that now with the end of the 1960's is visible to even themselves. But they go out west and suddenly they have a totally new perspective on life and everything feels just right.

    The Mets pennant I always thought signaled this desperate clinging to the old ideals of the New York, east coast American dream. Born out of the ashes of the Giants and Dodgers bolting for the Pacific.

    It makes sense in a historical context and I've really liked it in the show despite California seeming almost dreamlike.

    I think it's just Don's tribute to Lane. When Don came back to the agency, the only office that was available was Lane's old one and the Mets pennant was still in there.

  10. I fucking love that Mad Men's version of California is like this weird fantasy world where the characters who suck at life go and suddenly start gaining traction. Danny Siegel becomes a producer, Pete Campbell genuinely seems happy with his life (and then goes back to New York and is miserable again), and Lou fucking Avery is making headway on his comic strip. I bet Paul Kinsey is thriving somewhere.I actually really liked that episode. Matt Weiner's son is seriously awful but the story surrounding it was good and made sense.

    It's also where Don fell in love with Megan because she didn't have a mental breakdown when Bobby spilled a milkshake

    • Like 2
  11. There's no way an actor could ever play that a character as convincingly as Felicia Pearson did. That's why this show was so good because instead of trying to get actors to be like these people, David Simon just hired the people.

  12. Fuller House, the sequel to Full House, has been picked up for 13 episodes on Netflix. This DJ is a widow, trying to raise her boys on her own and gets help from Stephanie and Kimmy Gibbler. Because the Tanner family is haunted by tragedy, apparently.

    Steve died? No... please god no! STEEEVE!

    I don't think he and DJ made it. He was too busy flying around on carpets.

    Can't wait for the "very special episode" where they visit Michelle in rehab and find that Joey has lost his mind and now thinks that Mr. Woodchuck is really talking back to him.

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  13. Ugh, fuck off Glen Bishop.

    He makes me root for the Viet Cong

    I texted my friend the minute that scene ended and just said "Hope he dies in 'Nam."

    Someone really should have told Matthew Weiner his son can't act. Especially since all his scenes have been with talented, believable actresses in January Jones and Kiernan Shipka (even if her future is in voice acting). And meanwhile here's this kid just messing everything up and sounding nervous as all hell at having a camera in his face.

    I said literally just about the same thing on Alan Sepinwall's blog last night. Judd Apatow is starting to get a tad offended by the nepotism displayed by the Weiner family.

    But putting Bob Benson in teaser montage and not delivering Bob Benson should be a felony and quite possibly a death penalty offense.

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