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Posts posted by TheSqauredCircleMessiah

  1. Season 3 of "Orange is the New Black" just completely fell off the rails at the end. There's still good stuff in there but they are just trying to do too much with too many people. We are also just about at "the meaning of Jack's tattoos" with the flashbacks.

  2. Bloodline spoilers:


    Hidden Content


    I just hope when don't get Danny haunting John like Sara was haunting Danny. That was the worst part of the show, especially the one point where Sheriff Coach Taylor said 'What's she doing here?'

    Also, I'm six episodes into "Review" and it's freaking amazing. It also has some of the worst cringe humor this side of "Scott's Tots." 

    • Like 1
  3. Chris Pratt's appearance on The Nerdist cements he may be the coolest movie star ever. Though way too much of the episode involved Chris Hardwick talking about how Pratt transformed from his Andy Dwyer body into his Starlord body and Hardwick used that as a stepping stone to talk about how he used to be fat.

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  4. That's how I felt about it. Paul Rudd is a charming guy and Michael Douglas was really good, but honestly you are not missing anything if you don't see this.  The most consequential part of the plot and the greater MCU was the after-credits scene (the second one). Corey Stoll is a really good actor but I have a hard time buying him as the Big Bad in super hero movie. At most, he should be playing the role of assistant to the evil megalomaniac, i.e. Hamish Linklater's role in "The Fantastic Four."

    But Rudd said a line that makes the most sense out of anything ever said in a Marvel movie, given the scope of what we know the MCU is.

    "Why don't we just call 'The Avengers'?" 

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  5. The conversation Avon & String have works on so many levels. They both know their relationship  will never be the same and they're having this conversation knowing they have betrayed their best friend and want just one more good night for old times sakes.

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  6. I just feel like The Wire totally utilised the medium of TV to explore this whole other side to their story, building new and interesting characters while staying true to the overall story they seem to be telling, and without sacrificing much for our existing character (bar maybe Bubs, who definitely got lost in the shuffle.)

    Bubs' usefulness could only extend so far. He's a great street informant to put names to faces in all the major drug crews, but the point of the later seasons of The Wire was going beyond doing hand-to-hand drug buys. Even eventually Kima tells him he's no good to her anymore because she wasn't working drugs and he was no good as a CI in homicide. I'm very surprised he made it as far as he did.

  7. Season 2 might has well have been a spinoff, it was that different. Upon my initial watch, I despised most of the characters in the docks but Season 2 is the best for a rematch because it just expands the universe so much and shows "the game" from a completely different angle.

    I have always wondered where the Greeks went to smuggle their shit in after basically their whole network not only on the docks but the people who distributed the shit went away. Maybe they had somebody else in the ports?

  8. Season 2, Episode 6


    :o Had actually seen that clip before when my housemate watched it, but I'd forgotten it was him. That was kind of unexpected, but I honestly didn't know what they were going to do with his story seeing as he was to be imprisoned for such a long time.

    Also, Omar's the shit.

    That is truly when I think it was proved that nobody was safe. They wanted everybody to think that he would eventually flip on Avon and Stringer, but instead he gets taken out in a sham suicide. Brilliant TV.

  9. Julia Louis-Dreyfuss was the funniest part of the whole show, if only for Jerry Seinfeld's reaction. That Taco Bell bit, from almost 20 years ago crazily enough, is one of the most enduring things he's ever done.

    JLD's joke and Seinfeld's reaction was priceless. I also loved Dave constantly comparing himself to Peyton Manning.

  10. I got it DVRed. I started watching him around high school and was in love in for years. I fell out when I moved away to college and there became just too much to watch on TV. I quote him so many times without even intending to. He's the greatest ever.

    I hope you gave it extra time. Pretty sure it was supposed to end 10 minutes ago and its still going

    I did. Thanks to Twitter the news came out as the show was taping.

    But that Taco Bell bit was so fucking funny


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