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Everything posted by Kyle_

  1. That's pretty lame, just take the loss
  2. 5 starts, really Slogger?
  3. You can, just start from a private free roam and go from there
  4. http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d818d5992&template=with-video-with-comments&confirm=true Hopefully he doesn't get in trouble for this, would suck to see that after coming back from all the past stuff
  5. I thought we were jut asking for video games? I think Bonesaw was on the Spiderman game though
  6. No we didn't in mine, I'm thinking we played each other on Madden 09 for some reason
  7. Beat the Eagles pretty easily 31-10. rookie DE had 3 sacks. Also me and Eddie play next week which I believe will be the first time we've ever payed each other?
  8. That shouldn't be hard as we all have CPU games and I'm playing now and I believe Texans are also
  9. They eventually did update rosters when the last roster update come out, but too late though of course
  10. They have said that they plan on changing franchise mode and superstar mode around for next years game so that might be what it was about.
  11. http://www.ewbattleground.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=79506
  12. I got in, played 3 of them, gonna play the others in a bit waiting on a friend to get on. Pretty cool so far though
  13. DLC out today, can't get into multiplayer though
  14. Kyle_

    Jonah Hex

    I went and seen it last night and thought it was pretty good. Camera work was pretty bad during some of the fight scenes though, Thought I was watching a WWE film at first Also the beginning he explains his backstory a little, and they show it it comic book graphics instead of actually acting it out, which I thought it was dumb because you could have fit all he talked about into about 10 minutes or so. Even Megan Fox wasn't as horrible as she usually is, besides the butchering of that accent
  15. I think Dragsy meant next Wed
  16. Rosters need to be cut down to 46, I will switch teams when the servers are back up
  17. This game ain't half bad, but the lack of a god damn lobby to join up with friends is retarded
  18. More info on the new 360 http://kotaku.com/5562412/so-whats-inside-the-new-xbox-360
  19. I had planned on switching teams at the start of the season, I didn't really do much to build my team up and I just get bored easily with a team
  20. Did they change them all? Because I recall that a couple of them you got a shit ton of points and the others you didn't so it makes sense to make them all around the same amount of points
  21. Glover should just do this only opposite of course
  22. With women winning a lot of seats in recent elections, someone on the news said "the women are cleaning house"

  23. The only notable superhero character more comedy-inclined than Spider-Man is Deadpool. One of my biggest complaints about the Maguire/Raimi Spider-Man is that none of that trademark wit was there in the first two movies. I guess you are right, Raimi has made me forget about the original Spider-man
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