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Posts posted by abundant

  1. Aside from that, if Ghostbusters is dropped, God damnit...

    It has been dropped. It's not canceled, yet. One of five things will happen with the game.

    1) Activision opts to publish it later after further negotiations.

    2) Activision pseudo-publishes the title through its value label.

    3) Activision sells off the Sierra brand or otherwise spins off a new label or company to handle this stuff.

    4) Activision shops individual games to individual publishers or finishes its contractual requirement with devs and allows them to do it.

    5) The games are canned.

    Seeing how Ghostbusters is near completion, it's doubtful that it will be canned, it's too costly to out right cancel it right now. We may not be seeing it until next year though.

  2. The latest release schedule from Activision Blizzard has just been submitted and there are two glaring absences: Ghostbusters and Brutal Legend. Gamesindustry.biz is reporting that they've been canceled, but let's all just take a deep breath for a moment.

    Our sources have received word that Ghostbusters is still in production, so that's some good news. There's still no firm confirmation regarding Brutal Legend, but it had a pretty reasonable amount of hype going and it's hard for me to imagine it has been canned. Doesn't mean it hasn't, but I'd take this all with a very large grain of salt.

    If I were forced to speculate (and I am) I'd suspect that this is just something that's been overlooked due to the complexities of the merger between Activision and Blizzard. I've heard stories of an entire studio being forgotten about in the shuffle of paper that's been going on, so failing to mention a couple of projects isn't all that surprising.

    Still, I'm going to sleep a whole lot better once we hear that Brutal Legend is still in the works. I'd hate to see Tim Schafer sad.


    We have a quote from the Sierra PR team regarding Ghostbusters: "It is not cancelled and will not be cancelled."


  3. Brutal Legend, Ghostbusters, more dropped by Activision

    Publisher passes on a slew of Vivendi Games' in-development titles; 50 Cent, World in Conflict: Soviet Assault, Wet also affected.

    By Brendan Sinclair, GameSpot

    Posted Jul 28, 2008 7:42 pm PT

    Earlier today, Activision Publishing announced a streamlining of its Vivendi Games operations, saying it would be bringing into the fold five of that company's franchises: Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Ice Age, Prototype, and one unannounced game.

    An Activision representative later confirmed for GameSpot that those would be the only Vivendi Games franchises coming out of the publisher. That leaves a number of high-profile projects in limbo, including Double Fine Productions' Brutal Legend, as well as Wet, Ghostbusters, Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, World at Conflict: Soviet Assault, 50 Cent Blood on the Sand, Zombie Wranglers, Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust, as well as several Xbox Live Arcade titles.

    "The only franchises that Activision Publishing will release are based on Crash Bandicoot, Ice Age and Spyro, as well as Prototype and one other game that has not yet been announced," the representative said. "We are reviewing our options regarding those titles that we will not be publishing."

    Activision Blizzard has other publishing arms like Blizzard Entertainment and Activision Value that were not covered by the press release and could be among the options being reviewed. As of press time, representatives from those companies did not return requests for comment.

    A scheduled Comic Con International panel on the Ghostbusters game was abruptly cancelled last week, with no explanation given to attendees. However, the game was on the show floor in playable form.


    Something big had to happen for them to drop Ghostbusters. We were going to get a demo in September, and the game was supposed to ship in October. Thank god they didn't drop Prototype too.

  4. Here's some new release dates for several big XBLA games:

    * July 30: “Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2” – The latest version of the wildly popular retro shooter offers screen-melting intensity and insane new features, including six action-packed gameplay modes, new enemies, scoring strategies and a diverse list of exciting Achievements. “Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2” is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB and will be available at 800 Microsoft Points.

    * August 6: “Braid” – From acclaimed developer Jonathan Blow, “Braid” is a mind-bending and artistic puzzle-platformer where the player manipulates the flow of time in strange and unusual ways. “Braid”is rated E10+ for Everyone 10+ by the ESRB.

    * August 13: “Bionic Commando: Rearmed” – The classic 8-bit side-scroller reports back for duty in a stunning remake, complete with all-new HD graphics and features that put 2D gaming back on the map! “Bionic Commando: Rearmed” is rated M for Mature by the ESRB

    * August 20: “Galaga Legions” – The legend lives on with “Galaga Legions,” a reimagining of the classic arcade shooter. Featuring table-turning game dynamics and updated graphics, the game was created by the team behind the bestselling “PAC-MAN Championship Edition” from Namco Bandai Games. “Galaga Legions” is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB.

    * August 27: “Castle Crashers” – Award-winning studio The Behemoth brings red hot arcade adventure to Xbox LIVE Arcade with “Castle Crashers,” featuring hand-drawn characters and an array of weapons to choose from as you defend your kingdom and save the princess. “Castle Crashers” is rated T for Teen by the ESRB.

  5. :P

    Being good in BC is worthless when your teammates die constantly, depleting the spawn count to 0 (and one more idiotic decision, when it reaches 0, you lose, even if you're still alive). If it was a time limit, like in Team Fortress 2, the game would be better, until you lose connection/can't connect to EA's servers. :angry:

  6. I'm not complaining about spawn campers, I'm complaining about the unfair win conditions the Attackers have vs. the Defenders. Even if your team captured all but one crate and had a higher kill count then the Defenders, the Defenders still win. It's like playing Conquest, where one team must capture every capture point to win, where as the other team wins if they drain your spawn pool.

    The game would be so much better and balanced if there was a time limit instead of a kill limit or if the Defenders had a spawn pool, that when depleted, made the Attackers the victor.

  7. My interest in GTA IV is kept alive by the fun I've had in online Free Mode. That's the only reason so far.

    I hate Battlefield: Bad Company.

    Why is that? It's probably my favorite multiplayer game of 08 so far.

    I hated it too. First of all, I spent more time trying to connect to EA's god awful servers than I played online. And when I did manage to get online, I quickly found out that the game favored the Defenders way too much (I played about 20 games, defenders won every game).

  8. http://xboxlive.ign.com/articles/891/891275p2.html

    The Party system, another new feature of the upcoming Dashboard overhaul lets you join up with up to eight friends online and hop from game from game or even movie to movie. If you're halfway through a Netflix movie and notice one of your friends pop online, you can invite them into your Party. If she is also a Netflix member and accepts your request, she will come into the film at the exact point you are watching it, and you can chat and watch the second half together.

    Speaking of which, all the themes and gamerpics you have already purchased will work in the new interface. Each channel will display the images that previously were housed on the blades, but on the upper half of the screen only rather than the full screen (see image below). Gamerpics will also still work alongside your avatar.


    Whitten said the main channels of the new interface won't be cluttered with ads. Instead there will be a new section – the Spotlight Channel -- dedicated solely to marketing and advertising from Microsoft and its corporate partners. You might see info about an upcoming online event or a pitch for an upcoming third-party game in this section.

    One of the coolest changes to the Dashboard is a major behind-the-scenes shift. Currently, if you're playing, say, Assault Heroes 2 with a friend online and want to switch to Carcassonne, you have to exit the game, go to the dashboard, start up the new game and re-invite your friend. With the new Party system you can bring up the guide in Assault Heroes 2, choose Carcassonne and take your whole party to the new game right from there. It's a huge change that should make playing games online with friends much more streamlined.

    Major Nelson confirmed on his podcast that Avatars aren't required and that the party system works for every game with Live capabilities. He also confirmed that game installs will work for every game and would never be mandatory.

  9. It seems that the big reveal of the new Halo from Bungie was delayed because MS had to trim their conference down to 90 minutes, so instead of shoehorning the big Halo reveal or have it revealed outside of a conference, MS wants to do the game more justice and give it a proper debut. So I guess MS isn't an unethical, uncaring, evil corporation after all. :rolleyes:

  10. The format for E3 is the same as it's always been. Press conferences on the first and second day, game convention for the second, third, and fourth day.

    You all need to watch G4, IGN Livewire, and Gamespot. They're doing live shows on the convention floor, featuring lengthy live demos of all the big games. Personally, PoP, Mirror's Edge, and Far Cry 2 have been my Games of the Show so far.

  11. Nintendo's conference sucked (outside of AC and WiiSpeak), and Sony's was underwhelming. The games I was hyped to see in action were either shown in a trailer (InFamous) or not shown at all (Killzone 2). Insomniac's games were easily the highlight from that press conference.

  12. It looks like the jumps are semi-automatic, like in Assassin's Creed. The stuff you can interact with are highlighted in Red, so if you see a red pipe on another building, just run and tap up on the D pad when you come to the edge of the building and you'll automatically land on the pipe. The longer jumps are made clear by the red platforms.

  13. Because of your feedback, we started rethinking the entire Xbox experience. What we discovered was that we could not only provide a better experience for you, but also something that reaches out to new audiences.

    What John Schappert unveiled for the world on stage at E3 was just a sneak preview, so I wanted to share some deeper details on some of the new features in the new Xbox experience.

    Here is a look at some additional features you will find interesting:

    · Play from hard drive. Copy your games from the game disc and play directly from the hard drive. Not only will the drive not spin, but load times are quicker, as well. Of course, you will still need the disc in the tray to prove you own the game.

    · Access Xbox LIVE Marketplace on the Web. Browse and purchase Marketplace content whenever you want from Xbox.com and it downloads automatically to your console. Purchase that new map, television episode, the latest Xbox LIVE Arcade game or set up a movie to watch when you get home from work.

    · Dashboard built into the new Xbox Guide. For everyone who loves the blades interface, it’s not going away; they are now built directly in to the new Xbox guide. Every feature and option is available right from the guide. You can even access your full games library at all times. No matter where you are (in dash or in game), immediately call up your games played list and directly launch a game.

    · LIVE Party system. Create a party of up to eight friends, and stay with them from one game to another, or watch a Netflix movie together, or share a slideshow of your personal photos. It works with all Xbox 360 titles, not just upcoming games. LIVE Party allows up to eight people to chat in the dashboard, so you can meet up before playing.

    · Xbox LIVE Primetime. This whole new category of games is going to give you more reasons to get online with your friends. Games will support everything you’d expect, like Achievements and leader boards, but many of these games will include real prizes. You can invite your friends, and even set a reminder for an upcoming show. Each game is broadcast simultaneously, so everyone is answering the same questions. Many events will have a live host, calling the shots as they happen.

    · Avatars. Your online identity started as a Gamertag - it then grew into a personalized Gamercard. Now, it has evolved even further into avatars. You can express your style, check out new outfits and share this with the community. Avatars will also be integrated into Xbox LIVE Arcade games, LIVE Party, as well as retail games.

    · New display support. Because you asked for it, we are adding 16X10 over VGA or HDMI, and support for 1440x900 or 1680x1050.

    This is only the beginning. Over the next few months, we will share more details on the upcoming changes.

    See you online,

    Marc Whitten

    Gamertag- Notwen


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