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WWE in 2003


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I've been reading this for some time, and all i can say is this is how for the most part i wished WWE would've gone. I pray we don't see #2,999,729,891 jobbing of kane to trips over the title. Though it wasn't exactly current kane like on the last RAW it was as close as you could really get to his character back in that era when he was in RL with hurricane, ect. Since all he seemed to talk about then was how he was a freak and how he realized it was cool to be a freak, ect, ect. The only thing i didn't care for so far is this jericho/jacky thing on the last RAW.

But eh maybe it'll turn out better then it's start. And i'm curious how you'll set-up the RAW's ME for WM. Also can't wait for SD! , hope benoit gets another shot at the title at NWO. Though the fact Haas and Benjamin have gold makes me quite happy. Continue on good sir.

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The Jericho/Jackie's not my own doing. I ran a competition at another forum where the winner of the RR predictions chose a NWO match. Jayden, another EWBite, decided to choose Jericho vs. Jacqueline. God... love him.

So now I have to build up that angle. I'm so looking forward to it. :shifty:

Thanks for the feedback though guys. SmackDown will be up soon despite a small problem, involving my laptop crashing and me losing the whole game. I've re-booked all the shows though, so I'm up to date :)

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23rd January 2003

Hosted by Michael Cole and Tazz

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The show kicks off with Brock Lesnar’s music playing, however it is WWE Champion Kurt Angle and his associate Paul Heyman that come to the ring, with Angle beginning the speech.

Angle: Last Sunday night, your Olympic Hero was involved in not only the match of the night, but quite possibly the match of the decade so far. Kurt Angle. Chris Benoit. Two of the greatest wrestlers in the history of this business, went at it tooth and nail, and as I say, provided the fans with one of the greatest matches the WWE has ever seen. But more importantly, when people look back and say “wow, that was a great match”, they will also say “and Kurt Angle won it”. And I did win it, and I won it convincingly. I walked into the Royal Rumble a champion, and I walked out of it with my title around my waist. But I’m not here to celebrate my achievements, oh no, there are plenty of other times to do that, I’m here because I have some business to take care of. It’s not wrestling, oh hell no, I’m a match-of-the-decade wrestler, I don’t have to waste my talents in Albany. Oh it’s true. No I’m here to talk about the man who won the Royal Rumble last night, Brock Lesnar. But for that particular announcement, I will hand over to my business partner Paul Heyman.

Heyman: Thank you very much Mr. Angle, and may I be the first to congratulate you on your success last night. Now Brock Lesnar, you achieved something spectacular last night, you won the Royal Rumble match. And I congratulate you, you did very well. HOWEVER. I am under the belief that you think that winning that match gets you a shot at Kurt Angle’s WWE Championship at WrestleMania XIX. But Brock, allow me to refer back to the contract. The contract that states you can NEVER receive a title shot whilst Kurt Angle is the champion, regardless of whether you win the Royal Rumble. So I’m soooooo sooooorry to have to break the news to you, but I’m afraid you won’t be getting a title shot after all!

As if on cue, Brock Lesnar comes out with a smile on his face, and a microphone of his own. He climbs into the ring, and goes eye-to-eye with Kurt Angle.

Lesnar: If you don’t mind, I decided that tonight I’d have a bit of representation of my own…

And without a pause, SmackDown! General Manager Stephanie McMahon makes her way out with another microphone, and joins the three men in the ring.

Steph: Paul, Kurt, before we get into this, allow me to remind you that I am the general manager of SmackDown!, and as far as power is concerned, none of your contracts can stand up to the power I have. But as my father would say, there is an interest of fairness involved here. Instead of doing what I was going to do, I’m gonna give you and Kurt a choice. Either you give Brock his title shot at WrestleMania, or Kurt will be IMMEDIATELY stripped of his title, and I will crown Brock the new champion right now!

Heyman and Angle discuss the options for a few seconds.

Heyman: Fine. Fine. Brock, you get your title shot at WrestleMania, but if you lose, you will NEVER get near Kurt Angle’s WWE Title again!

Rating: 83%

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Steph: Well now that’s sorted, you three can leave the ring and head backstage.

They do. Honestly.

Steph: Now recently the Cruiserweight Title and its champion Billy Kidman have been overlooked, and I wish to rectify that as soon as possible. However, there is no number one contender currently decided, so to get one, a tournament has been decided. Tonight, Matt Hardy will take on Brian Kendrick, and Scotty 2 Hotty will take on Jamie Noble. Next week, Tajiri will take on Nunzio, and Shannon Moore will take on Funaki. The winners will meet each other the week after, then we will have a final on the next week’s show to decide who will face Billy Kidman at No Way Out!

Rating: 92%

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Match #1

Cruiserweight Title #1 Contender Tournament

Matt Hardy vs. Brian Kendrick

The tournament kicks off with Hardy and Kendrick going at it, both hoping to advance to the semi-final stage. However, it’s Matt that dominates the match, getting close falls after a Side Effect, and again after a Leg Drop. Kendrick tries to hit the Sliced Bread #2 to take the match, but Matt reverses out of it, and hits the Twist of Fate on Kendrick to take the win, and move forward in the tournament.

Winner by Pinfall: Matt Hardy

Crowd: 69%

Match: 86%

Overall: 77%

Stars: ***1/4

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In a pre-taped promo, we see The Big Show standing in a room on his own.

Show: The Royal Rumble was my time. It was my destiny to win it. I took the number thirty slot, the best time to enter the match.

[Highlights of Show defeating Edge one week ago]

Show: Nobody was supposed to deny me. This was my chance, my opportunity to go to WrestleMania. But Benoit did it. Benoit interfered in the Rumble, and sent me over the top rope.

[Highlights of Benoit bringing the top rope down]

Show: So when I come back to the WWE next week, I’m gonna come and find you Benoit. I’m gonna hunt you down, and when I find you, you’re gonna know what I felt like when you eliminated me. Hurt. Sorrow. Embarrassment. And despair.

Rating: 77%

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Match #2

Cruiserweight Title #1 Contender Tournament

Jamie Noble vs. Scotty 2 Hotty

The second match of the tournament kicked off with the returning Scotty 2 Hotty taking on Jamie Noble, but seems to be suffering from ring-rust, and spends most of the contest under Noble’s thumb. However, Scotty shows his spirit by kicking out a number of times, and not tapping out when Noble locks in the trailer hitch. Scotty eventually manages to hit a facebuster, and sets up for the W.O.R.M. Scotty hits it, but Noble kicks out at one! Shocked, Scotty reverts to Plan B, and lifts Noble up in a suplex position, before dropping him face-first on the mat, which gets the three count!

Winner by Pinfall: Scotty 2 Hotty

Crowd: 64%

Match: 95%

Overall: 79%

Stars: ***3/4

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We cut from the show to see a vignette. It starts with the outside of a mansion, and we zoom in to see an old man standing there in a suit.

Servant: This way please.

The camera speeds up as it moves through numerous rooms of the mansion, and finally settles on a youngish man with a half-beard, wearing what looks like an expensive suit.

Man: Oh there you are. About time too. You see, I’ve been waiting for a chance to come to the WWE and show just how good I am. Sure, I have money… ok, I have a hell of a lot of money, more than you commoners will ever see in your life, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t wrestle! So get ready ladies and gentlemen, because when I arrive, I’m gonna make wrestling look the way I made my money; Easy.

[EZ Money: Coming Soon to SmackDown!]

Rating: 81%

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Match #3

WWE Tag Team Title Match

Team Angle vs. ???

Team Angle come out not knowing who their opponents will be, but they soon find out as some familiar music plays, and the APA come out!

The match starts off as a four man brawl, which Bradshaw and Faarooq understandably win, knocking both Haas and Benjamin over the top rope with clotheslines. The new Tag Team champions head back in, and try to double team Faarooq, only to get double clotheslined. The match finally settles into a one on one format, with Shelton going against Faarooq. Shelton tries to use his technical skills to overcome Faarooq, but the former-WCW Champion just pummels him to the mat, and tags in Bradshaw. Bradshaw goes for one of his trademark clotheslines, but Shelton ducks and hits a dropkick. Haas tags in, but runs straight into a sidewalk slam from Bradshaw. Shelton comes in to try and attack Bradshaw, but an attempted crossbody gets turned into the Last Call Fallaway Slam. Faarooq comes in to take Shelton out of the ring, as Bradshaw gets ready to hit the Clothesline from Hell, but Charlie ducks and Faarooq takes the clothesline instead! Haas then rolls Bradshaw up, and from the outside, Shelton holds down Bradshaw’s legs to make sure that Haas gets the pinfall.

Winners, and still WWE Tag Team Champions: Team Angle

Crowd: 79%

Match: 92%

Overall: 85%

Stars: ***3/4

After the match, Los Guerreros come out to the top of the stage. They and Team Angle do a quick “I want the belts/well come get them” sequence, before both Team Angle turn around, and Shelton gets a Clothesline from Hell and Haas gets Spinebustered by Faarooq. Los Guerreros walk off laughing, as the APA celebrate in the ring.

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Backstage, we arrive in Stephanie McMahon’s office, when someone knocks on the door, and enters.

Steph: Hi. I think I know what you want.

The camera pans around to see The Undertaker standing there.

Taker: And what’s that?

Steph: To get your hands on the Big Show?

Taker: That’s right.

Steph: Well he’s not here this week, but I can make a match between you and him for next week’s show.

Taker: You do that.

And with that, The Undertaker leaves…

Rating: 87%

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Backstage, Rey Mysterio Jr. is with everyone’s favourite announcer called Josh Matthews, Josh Matthews.

Josh: Rey Mysterio Jr., bad luck at the Royal Rumble last night, despite being the number one entrant you did a hell of a job…

Rey: Yeah Josh, I was the number one entrant. Maybe I wouldn’t have been if John Cena hadn’t punked me out like he did. You know, I’m sick of that Vanilla Ice rip-off thinking that he’s better than small people like me, better than Latino people like me, and when he can’t back up his words, he cheats his way to success. But I’m gonna make sure that he doesn’t get his own way for much longer.

Josh: Well how are you gonna do that?

Rey: You’ll see Josh. You’ll see.

Rating: 93%

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Match #4


Chris Benoit vs. John Cena

Chris Benoit, hoping to make his way back to the top of the WWE Championship race soon, goes up against a confident John Cena, who is currently unbeaten in the month of January. Cena tries to take control early on, but he cannot match the intensity and drive of Benoit, who keeps reversing any attempted move from Cena into a move of his own. Cena eventually takes control after a rake to the eyes, and hits a suplex for a two count. Cena takes things aerial with a high crossbody that also gets two, but an attempted Fireman Carry Slam gets reversed into a German Suplex from Benoit, which in turn provides a second. After a third German Suplex is hit, Benoit signals that he is going to the top rope, but an attempted Swandive Headbutt misses, and both men are left down on the mat. At this time Rey Mysterio Jr. wanders out to ringside, but doesn’t get involved in the match. However, his presence is enough to distract Cena, who starts getting into a war of words with Rey. Cena goes over to get the chain he so often uses, but he can’t find it… until he sees Rey waving it in the air as he makes his way up the ramp. Cena angrily turns around, and gets locked straight in the Crippler Crossface! Cena fights it for a bit, but soon taps out to the devastating submission hold! Rey swings the chain around his head as he walks up the ramp as SmackDown! goes off the air!

Winner by Submission: Chris Benoit

Crowd: 82%

Match: 88%

Overall: 85%

Stars: ***3/4

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OVERALL SHOW: 82% (+2%)

TV RATING: 5.37 (-0.48)

Attendance: 8,024

Takings: $320,960 (-something)

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Match of the Night: Scotty vs. Noble

Worst Match of the Night: Hardy vs. Kendrick

Best Segment: Rey interview

Worst Segment: Big Show interview

Show MVP: Stephanie McMahon

Show Idiot: Brian Kendrick

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Was it me, or did that show suck write-up wise?

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They Lie, They Cheat, They Steal...

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Velocity welcomes Los Guerreros to this week's show, as they go into a tag team match against two members of the Full Blooded Italians, Nunzio and Chuck Palumbo.

Another FBI member is in action when Johnny Stamboli takes on 'The One' Billy Gunn, and Chris Kanyon resumes his WWE career!

Catch Velocity at 11/10 p.m. CT on TNN!

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25th January 2004

Hosted by Josh Matthews and Ernest Miller

Match #1

Chris Kanyon vs. Ricky Marvin

Kanyon gets a nice pop for his return, but apart from that the crowd really couldn’t be less interested. Kanyon busts out some of his usual unique moves, nearly taking the match with a flipping neckbreaker. It is Kanyon that wins however, after hitting the Flatliner on Marvin to take the pinfall.

Winner by Pinfall: Chris Kanyon

Crowd: 51%

Match: 77%

Overall: 57%

Stars: *3/4

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Recap #1

Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle

Royal Rumble 2003

Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit

Angle heads over and crotches Benoit on the top rope. Angle then sets him up, and delivers an Angle Slam from the top rope! Angle covers, and retains his title in this incredible match!

And later…

Royal Rumble Match

The Rock charges at Brock, but Brock sidesteps him, and Rock goes between the second and third ropes. Brock thinks he’s won, and begins celebrating, but The Rock gets back in, and goes to eliminate Brock. Brock lands on the apron, and The Rock charges at him, hoping to knock him off, but Brock manages to backdrop him over the top to the floor to win the 2003 Royal Rumble!

SmackDown! – 23rd January

Brock Lesnar’s music is playing, however it is WWE Champion Kurt Angle and his associate Paul Heyman that come to the ring, with Angle beginning the speech.

Angle: Last Sunday night, your Olympic Hero was involved in not only the match of the night, but quite possibly the match of the decade so far. Kurt Angle. Chris Benoit. Two of the greatest wrestlers in the history of this business, went at it tooth and nail, and as I say, provided the fans with one of the greatest matches the WWE has ever seen. But more importantly, when people look back and say “wow, that was a great match”, they will also say “and Kurt Angle won it”. And I did win it, and I won it convincingly. I walked into the Royal Rumble a champion, and I walked out of it with my title around my waist. But I’m not here to celebrate my achievements, oh no, there are plenty of other times to do that, I’m here because I have some business to take care of. It’s not wrestling, oh hell no, I’m a match-of-the-decade wrestler, I don’t have to waste my talents in Albany. Oh it’s true. No I’m here to talk about the man who won the Royal Rumble last night, Brock Lesnar. But for that particular announcement, I will hand over to my business partner Paul Heyman.

Heyman: Thank you very much Mr. Angle, and may I be the first to congratulate you on your success last night. Now Brock Lesnar, you achieved something spectacular last night, you won the Royal Rumble match. And I congratulate you, you did very well. HOWEVER. I am under the belief that you think that winning that match gets you a shot at Kurt Angle’s WWE Championship at WrestleMania XIX. But Brock, allow me to refer back to the contract. The contract that states you can NEVER receive a title shot whilst Kurt Angle is the champion, regardless of whether you win the Royal Rumble. So I’m soooooo sooooorry to have to break the news to you, but I’m afraid you won’t be getting a title shot after all!

As if on cue, Brock Lesnar comes out with a smile on his face, and a microphone of his own. He climbs into the ring, and goes eye-to-eye with Kurt Angle.

Lesnar: If you don’t mind, I decided that tonight I’d have a bit of representation of my own…

And without a pause, SmackDown! General Manager Stephanie McMahon makes her way out with another microphone, and joins the three men in the ring.

Steph: Paul, Kurt, before we get into this, allow me to remind you that I am the general manager of SmackDown!, and as far as power is concerned, none of your contracts can stand up to the power I have. But as my father would say, there is an interest of fairness involved here. Instead of doing what I was going to do, I’m gonna give you and Kurt a choice. Either you give Brock his title shot at WrestleMania, or Kurt will be IMMEDIATELY stripped of his title, and I will crown Brock the new champion right now!

Heyman and Angle discuss the options for a few seconds.

Heyman: Fine. Fine. Brock, you get your title shot at WrestleMania, but if you lose, you will NEVER get near Kurt Angle’s WWE Title again!

Rating: 86%

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Match #2

Johnny Stamboli vs. Billy Gunn

Stamboli’s current form is superb, and after the commentators show a replay of him press-slamming Rikishi out of the Royal Rumble, this match begins. The match is a fairly close contest throughout, and it is only in the latter stages that Stamboli takes control after hitting a huge Spinebuster. Stamboli then lifts Gunn up and hits the Fuhget-about-it, before taking the pinfall victory.

Winner by Pinfall: Johnny Stamboli

Crowd: 66%

Match: 76%

Overall: 63%

Stars: **

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Recap #2

John Cena and Rey Mysterio Jr.

Royal Rumble 2003

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. John Cena

Loser enters Royal Rumble at #1

He swings it at Rey, but the referee catches his arm to stop him using it. Rey then dropkicks Cena, and he lands on the second rope. Rey comes off the other side of the ring and looks for the 619, but Cena hits him with the chain as he swings round. Rey stumbles back, and Cena nails a Fireman’s Carry Slam! Cena covers Rey, and takes the victory! Rey Mysterio Jr. will be number one in the Royal Rumble!

SmackDown! – 23rd January

Backstage, Rey Mysterio Jr. is with everyone’s favourite announcer called Josh Matthews, Josh Matthews.

Josh: Rey Mysterio Jr., bad luck at the Royal Rumble last night, despite being the number one entrant you did a hell of a job…

Rey: Yeah Josh, I was the number one entrant. Maybe I wouldn’t have been if John Cena hadn’t punked me out like he did. You know, I’m sick of that Vanilla Ice rip-off thinking that he’s better than small people like me, better than Latino people like me, and when he can’t back up his words, he cheats his way to success. But I’m gonna make sure that he doesn’t get his own way for much longer.

Josh: Well how are you gonna do that?

Rey: You’ll see Josh. You’ll see.

And later..

John Cena vs. Chris Benoit

At this time Rey Mysterio Jr. wanders out to ringside, but doesn’t get involved in the match. However, his presence is enough to distract Cena, who starts getting into a war of words with Rey. Cena goes over to get the chain he so often uses, but he can’t find it… until he sees Rey waving it in the air as he makes his way up the ramp. Cena angrily turns around, and gets locked straight in the Crippler Crossface! Cena fights it for a bit, but soon taps out to the devastating submission hold! Rey swings the chain around his head as he walks up the ramp as SmackDown! goes off the air!

Rating: 84%

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Recap #3

Los Guerreros and Team Angle

Royal Rumble 2003

Los Guerreros vs. Team Angle

Shelton charges at Eddie and gets back body dropped for his trouble, and Eddie heads to the top rope again. Frog Splash meets knees, and Shelton then heads to the top rope looking for a Splash, but Eddie rolls out of the way. Eddie heads outside to get a chair, and he throws it in the ring, but the referee removes it. Eddie then comes in with a title belt, but gets kicked in the gut, and then DDTed by Benjamin on to it. Benjamin pins Eddie with his feet on the ropes, and takes the win and the titles!

SmackDown! – 23rd January

Team Angle vs. The APA

Faarooq comes in to take Shelton out of the ring, as Bradshaw gets ready to hit the Clothesline from Hell, but Charlie ducks and Faarooq takes the clothesline instead! Haas then rolls Bradshaw up, and from the outside, Shelton holds down Bradshaw’s legs to make sure that Haas gets the pinfall. After the match, Los Guerreros come out to the top of the stage. They and Team Angle do a quick “I want the belts/well come get them” sequence, before both Team Angle turn around, and Shelton gets a Clothesline from Hell and Haas gets Spinebustered by Faarooq. Los Guerreros walk off laughing, as the APA celebrate in the ring.

Rating: 69%

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Match #3


Los Guerreros vs. Nunzio and Chuck Palumbo

The former-WWE Tag Team Champions have a point to prove, and they go out all guns blazing, taking control of the match right away. In fact, Chavo nearly takes the match early on with a Brainbuster on Nunzio, only Palumbo interfering stops the three count. Palumbo tags himself in, and after a double suplex on Chavo, the FBI begin to take control. Palumbo comes off the ropes with a big elbow drop for a two count, and soon Chavo is very isolated. However, he reverses an attempted Jungle Kick into a clothesline, and gets over to his corner to tag in Eddie. Eddie comes in and knocks both Chuck and Nunzio down, before dropkicking Nunzio over the top rope. Chuck runs at Eddie but gets a Belly to Belly throw for his trouble, and soon Palumbo is also thrown over the top rope. Nunzio comes in and tries to attack Eddie from behind, but Chavo stops him, and hits a Brainbuster. Eddie the ascends to the top rope, and hits the Frog Splash! The referee makes the count, and Los Guerreros take away the win!

Winners by Pinfall: Los Guerreros

Crowd: 76%

Match: 99%

Overall: 78%

Stars: ****1/2

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Overall Show: 67% (-4%)

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Best Match: Los Guerreros vs. Palumbo/Nunzio

Worst Match: Johnny Stamboli vs. Billy Gunn

Best Recap: Angle/Lesnar

Worst Recap: Los Guerreros/Team Angle

Show MVP: Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Show Idiot: Billy Gunn

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The trainer and pupil unite…

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The Tough Enough trainer Al Snow and his prize pupil Maven will team up against 3 Minute Warning on this week’s Heat, after two weeks ago we saw Maven save his teacher from a beatdown by Rico and Rosey. Rico has enlisted the help of Jamal to form the 3 Minute Warning line-up, and this match will be tonight’s main event.

However, Rico does not get the night off, as he goes up against the ever-unpredictable Goldust! And also on the show, Tommy Dreamer takes on Christopher Nowinski, and Christian goes against Spike Dudley.

All on Heat, Sunday evening, at 7/6 CT on TNN!

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  • 8 months later...

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26th January 2003

Hosted by Jonathan Coachman and Lita

Match #1

Christian vs. Spike Dudley

The smallest of the Dudley litter went up against Christian, and despite the significant difference in height and power, Spike almost took the match a few times with surprise pinning combinations. However, when Spike attempted a Backslide, Christian simply overpowered him and reversed it into the Unprettier to get the three count.

Winner: Christian

Overall: 67%

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Recap #1

Triple H and Kane

Royal Rumble

Steiner follows HHH outside and throws the World Heavyweight Champion into the steel steps, but his attempt at throwing HHH into the ringpost is reversed, and Steiner’s head meets the steel. HHH rolls Steiner back into the ring, and sets him up for the Pedigree… and hits it! HHH is about to cover when…

The lights go out, and a barrage of red pyro goes off on the top of the stage, and Kane comes running down! Kane slides into the ring, and immediately starts attacking HHH with right hands, before setting him up for, and then delivering a mighty Chokeslam to the World Champion! Steiner stumbles back to his feet, and HE gets a huge Chokeslam as well! The referee calls the match to a halt, deciding a no contest due to the interference, as Kane stands over the two fallen men and lights the ringposts up!

Later that night…

The twenty-fifth entry is Edge, and he gets straight into the fight, stomping away at a fallen Undertaker. He then goes over to Kane, and tries to eliminate the big red machine. All of a sudden Triple H comes out despite not being in the Rumble, grabs the chair left behind by RVD, and smashes it over the skull of Kane! The Big Red Machine tumbles to the mat, and is eliminated! Triple H runs for his life before Kane can get back to his feet, whilst Edge looks on in both shock and happiness at eliminating Kane.

RAW – 20th January

The show starts off in the same way that the World Title match last night finished, with Kane coming to the ring. The BRM lights the ringposts, before speaking into a microphone he brought with him.

Kane: Last night… last night was the moment I have been waiting for. For three months, I’ve been ignored, I’ve been mis-used, and all that time people have been laughing at me, sniggering at me, reminding me constantly that I’m a joke. And last October when HHH and Flair tried to label me as a necrophiliac was the lowest point in my life. I knew I was innocent, but HHH continued to mock me, continued to get into my brain and convince me that I was a bad person. And for a time it worked, for a time I believed I wasn’t good enough to be among the big stars in World Wrestling Entertainment because I was a freak. But people convinced me I wasn’t. But they were WRONG. I AM a freak, and what’s more, I’m a damn good one! And last night, was when I proved to HHH, to myself and to the world that I will NOT be laughed at any more, because I know I’m a vicious son of a b***h, and when I Chokeslammed Triple H and Scott Steiner last night, it made me proud to remember the days when I was unstoppable…

Coming out to offer a rebuttal is Triple H accompanied to the top of the ramp by Ric Flair.

HHH: Oh boo-hoo-hoo, you’re being picked on, you’re being laughed at. Well guess what Kane, this isn’t a school playground, this isn’t a social club, this is the WWE, and that kinda stuff happens. I don’t care about that, what I care about is the fact that you cost me the chance to defeat Scott Steiner and get him out of my way..

Kane: Oh look, if it’s not our World Champion. What an honour it is to have such a virtuous and courageous man here, the kind of man that interferes with someone’s opportunity to win the Royal Rumble and go to WrestleMania.

HHH: What you think you were gonna get away with Chokeslamming me? You think I’d let you get away with ruining my match? I thought you knew me better than that Kane, and I thought you would have been expecting me to come back and get my revenge. So you sob all you want, but you know one person who won’t be sobbing? Randy Orton, the guy, the INNOCENT guy that you assaulted last night. Orton had nothing to do with any of this except the fact that he looked up to, and respected Ric Flair and myself.

Kane: Maybe he should look up to and respect someone with some class?

HHH: What like you? The murderer? The necrophiliac? The freak? Kane, you have no place being in this industry, and you have no place involving yourself in my affairs. The only thing you deserve is to be locked away again, only this time, someone should throw away the damn key!

Kane is irate at this, and heads out of the ring after HHH, but gets Flair instead. Flair doesn’t last long, getting knocked down with one Kane punch, as security and road agents come out to separate Kane and HHH. Soon after, RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff comes out.

Bischoff: You know, last night was an embarrassment for me. Not only did a SmackDown! competitor win the Royal Rumble, but even the World Title match that was our Main Event ended prematurely! So you guys are not in my best books! But I have made a decision, and it’s one that effects not only you three, but the other man effected by last night’s events, Scott Steiner. Tonight, in this very ring, it’s gonna be Triple H and Ric Flair taking on Kane and Scott Steiner!

Later that night…

Flair can’t believe it, and starts ranting and raving, but he runs straight into a Reverse DDT from Steiner! Steiner makes the cover, and gets the victory!

But before Steiner can celebrate, Randy Orton and Batista run in, and begin assaulting him! Orton hits what looks like a modified version of a Diamond Cutter, and then Batista comes in and hits the Demon Bomb! Kane comes back in to take them out, and succeeds for a while, clotheslining both Orton and Batista to the mat. Kane gets ready to hit a Chokeslam on Flair, but HHH attacks him from behind. Flair gives Kane a low blow, and HHH hits the Pedigree to complete the beatdown! RAW goes off the air with Batista, Orton, Flair and HHH standing over a fallen Steiner and Kane!

Rating: 78%

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Match #2

Goldust vs. Rico

After being unsuccessful in his attempt to retain the World Tag Team Titles he lost at the Royal Rumble on RAW, Goldust makes a brief return to singles action to take on Rico. Despite the homo-eroticism factor in this match being enough to cause the ring to implode, the two put on a decent encounter, with Goldust ending victorious after a Curtain Call.

Winner: Goldust

Overall: 68%

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Recap #2

RVD and Christian

Royal Rumble

Back inside, RVD takes the steel chair he obtained earlier, and hands it to Christian, and nails a Van Daminator that sends Christian flying out of the ring! However, Batista comes over and tries to eliminate RVD, and Christian comes over and pulls RVD over the top rope with him!

RAW – 20th January

This battle comprising four of the beaten Royal Rumble competitors gets off to a quick start, with Jeff and RVD using their speedy high risk moves to take control, but Jeff eventually crashes and burns after trying a railrunner on Batista, but gets caught and viciously slammed on the rampway. Jeff remains on the outside for the majority of the match, with RVD suffering from being in what is effectively now a handicap match. He does however manage to get some shots in on Christian, but his brief spell of offense is broken by a thunderous clothesline from Batista. Batista then lifts RVD up, and gives him the demon bomb, before walking off, allowing Christian to get the cover and the win.

Rating: 76%

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Match #3

Tommy Dreamer vs. Christopher Nowinski

After a brief speech from Nowinski where he disparages Dreamer as a “stick wielding lunatic”, Dreamer shows what he can do without a variety of weapons by taking the match to Nowinski, who’s in-ring inexperience begins to show through, as he cannot keep up with the veteran Dreamer. Dreamer then ends the match with the Dreamer Driver for the victory.

Winner: Tommy Dreamer

Overall: 61%

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Recap #3

Booker T and Goldust against The UnAmericans

Royal Rumble

A tag to Storm brings more punishment to Goldust, and soon the plan of the UnAmericans is revealed, as Storm locks in the Canadian Mapleleaf submission hold. Goldust is left in the centre of the ring, desperately trying to reach the ropes so the hold can be broken, and after a long struggle, he finally gets there. Goldust gets back to his feet, and he and Storm hit a double clothesline, meaning both men are left down on the mat. Goldust crawls to his corner to try and tag in Booker, but Regal manages to distract the referee at the perfect moment, and he doesn’t see the tag. Booker runs into the ring, but the referee stops him as he didn’t see the tag being made. This allows Regal to put on his brass knuckles, and nail Goldust right between the eyes with them. Storm crawls over after the referee turns around, and counts the three, making Regal and Storm the new World Tag Team Champions!

RAW – 20th January

The former-champions exercise their rematch clause straight away, hoping to make Regal and Storm’s reign as champions as short as possible. Booker and Goldust actually dominate the match for quite some time, concentrating mainly on wearing down Lance Storm. However, a cheap shot from William Regal allows the UnAmericans back into the match, and for the second night in a row they try to wear down Goldust’s lower back. Storm goes for the Canadian MapleLeaf, but Goldust manages to roll him up for a two count, and gets the tag to Booker T. Booker starts to dominate Storm, and gets ready to hit the Scissors Kick. However, as he runs back to hit the Kick, Regal nails him in the back of the head with some brass knuckles, and Storm grabs him in a small package to retain the titles!

Rating: 81%

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Match #4


Al Snow & Maven vs. 3 Minute Warning

3 Minute Warning, another team that lost out to The UnAmericans at the Royal Rumble, go up against someone else who struggled at that event; Maven, the man who Batista eliminated after just seven seconds in the ring. Despite being a relatively new team, Al Snow and Maven managed to show some good teamwork and tag team continuity, until a cheap shot from Rico turned the tide in Rosey and Jamal’s favour. Maven became the isolated member of the team, with Snow desperate to tag in and help his pupil from Tough Enough. After a missed charge into the corner from Jamal, Maven nailed him with a picture-perfect dropkick, and finally managed to tag in Snow. After cleaning house, and even taking out Rico from the apron, Snow looked to be in control. However a knee to the back from Jamal set him up to be given a Samoan Drop from Rosey, but Maven broke the count before it got to three. Rosey came over to attack Maven, but Maven dropkicked him once more, giving Snow the time to get to his feet. They then both kick Rosey in the gut, and deliver a Double DDT! Maven goes over and takes out both Rico and Jamal with a plancha, allowing Snow to cover Rosey and get the three count!

Winners: Al Snow and Maven

Overall: 73%

Al Snow and Maven celebrate in the ring as HeAT goes off the air.

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Overall Show: 69% (=)

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Best Match: Al Snow & Maven vs. 3 Minute Warning

Worst Match: Christian vs. Spike Dudley

Best Recap: Booker/Goldust vs. UnAmericans

Worst Recap: RVD/Christian

Show MVP: Al Snow

Show Idiot: Spike Dudley

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For those wondering, I wanted something to do, and as this is my favourite diary I've done (mainly because of it having my two best matches, Angle vs. Benoit and the Rumble) I decided to continue it.

And, of course, feedback is appreciated.

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Just been going through the pages and reading all the shows and so far a great diary.

The Royal Rumble was a good read. Didn't think Chief Morley would last as long as he did, also I'm surprised Test didn't last longer.

Looking foward ot Raw.

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January 27th 2003


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Kane was on a rampage, and it seemed that nobody would be able to stop him, not even World Heavyweight Champion Triple H. But 7 days ago that all changed, when Triple H, Ric Flair, Batista and Randy Orton combined to give Kane a fierce beatdown, leaving the Big Red Machine a crumpled mess on the canvas. What will Kane have to say about what happened last week?

Elsewhere the Un-Americans appear to have made a successful coup of the Tag Team Titles, beating Booker T and Goldust twice in two days. What will Booker T and Goldust do to get revenge for being cheated twice?

Also, will Jacqueline get retribution for being disrespected by Chris Jericho via a steel chair? We can tell you that General Manager Eric Bischoff has signed a straight match between the two for this week's RAW!

Catch all this, and more, on RAW! (9/8 CT on TNN)

Edited by Chris2K
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January 27th 2003

Hosts: Jim Ross and Jerry 'The King' Lawler

The Highlight Reel

Raw kicks off with Chris Jericho in the ring with the usual Highlight Reel set.

Jericho: Welcome everyone, to RAW is Jericho! And welcome, to the Highlight Reeeeeel!

A few pyros explode from the corners of the ring.

Jericho: Last time we had the Highlight Reel we had controversy, and I'm sure many people were upset with seeing your favourite Rob Van Dam getting the crap kicked out of him by me and Christian! And I'm sure that you were all upset with your other favourite Chris Jericho smashing a chair over Jacqueline's head! It was self defense! She attacked me first! Anyway, you will all get to see who the better person is tonight, when Chris Jericho and Jacqueline go ONE ON ONE!

Jericho laughs as the audience boo him.

Jericho: But that's later in the show, and we should concentrate on the Highlight Reel. Y2J always wants to address controversial situations, and so in the interests of fairness, my guest tonight will be given the chance to give his side of the story. May I introduce to you the man who has been labelled with endless amounts of criticism regarding his recent behaviour, a friend of yours and mine, Christian!

Christian's music hits and he comes out to a chorus of boos, before joining Jericho in the ring.

Jericho: Christian, it's great to have you here...

Christian: Thank you for letting me be here Chris, it's an honour.

Jericho: Thank you Christian. Before we go any further, let's just remind the assclowns among our viewing oublic just what happened the last time you were on The Highlight Reel, everyone, divert your eyes to the OBSCENELY EXPENSIVE Jeritron 5000!

RAW - January 6th 2003

Jericho: RVD, it’s nice to see you here. So, let’s get straight to it, why did you want to team up with Kane?

RVD: Well Kan…

Jericho: Or maybe I should say, what “benefits” were there to teaming with Kane?

RVD: Um… well…

Jericho: I mean, was it a mutual relationship, or was Kane the dominant partner?

RVD: What the hell are you talking about?

Jericho: Oooh, looks like I’ve hit a nerve! Well you and Kane were kinda close, maybe you were very close?!

RVD: Well you and Christian are “kinda close”, maybe YOU and him are “very close”?!

Jericho: Heh, you know that’s funny, because Christian himself should make an answer!

From out of nowhere, Christian hits the ring behind RVD, and nails him from behind. He then picks RVD up, and drops him throat first on the back of his chair, before hitting the Unprettier on Mr. Monday Night. Jericho and Christian laugh at the pain of RVD, whilst Kane is nowhere to be seen…

The scene cuts back to see Jericho and Christian laughing in the ring as the two friends mock the shots of RVD fallen.

Christian: That's right Chris, I made my answer, and I made it even clearer when I eliminated RVD from the Royal Rumble, and I think he got the message.

Jericho: You sure did, personally I believe that both of us were screwed out of winning the Royal Rumble match, but that's in the past, and hey, there's always next year right?

Christian: Right.

Jericho: So with the RVD situation over, what are your plans for the future?

Christian: Well obviously world domination is in the pipeline, but I'll settle for...

Christian is interrupted by the sound of Breaking Point's "One of a Kind" hitting the arena, as Rob Van Dam charges out to the ring with a purpose in mind. He goes straight after Christian and unloads a series of forearms to the face, before taking him down with a Spinning Heel Kick. Jericho tries to save his partner and friend, but he gets kicked in the gut, and RVD delivers a Swinging Neckbreaker to the talk show host. Christian and Y2J stumble to their feet by the ropes, and RVD clotheslines both of them over the top rope to the floor below. RVD then heads back to the centre of the ring, and picks up one of the mics left behind.

RVD: Hey, Christian! You must feel really big huh, coming out here trashing me and saying how great you are! Well man, you must be great, cos you like attacked me from behind, then you pulled me out of the Royal Rumble when I eliminated you, wow, you are SO awesome! Maybe you could prove how awesome you really are... maybe you could face me one-on-one, maybe at No Way Out? How's that sound?

The crowd cheer their approval as Christian and Y2J back up the ramp, whilst RVD poses in the ring.

Overall: 80%

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Match #1

Test vs. Hurricane

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Match Background:

The re-match the WORLD demanded occurs, as Test looks for retribution against The Hurricane who eliminated him from the Royal Rumble, and then got an upset victory over the big Canadian last week on RAW.

Test has control from the opening bell, making sure that Hurricane cannot do his usual high-flying offence. Test eventually hits a Pumphandle Slam, a move that would finish for him normally after dominating a match, but instead Test heads up to the top rope to attempt to hit a Flying Elbow Drop, but Hurricane rolls out of the way. Hurricane then takes the advantage by hitting a Shining Wizard, and gets a close nearfall. Hurricane himself then dons his cape and climbs to the top rope, attempting to hit a flying bodypress, but Test is able to get his big right leg up, nailing Hurricane with a Big Boot in mid-air. The cover and victory for Test is academic.

Winner: Test

Crowd: 72%

Match: 86%

Overall: 71%

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We head backstage where RAW General Manager Eric Bischoff is addressing the camera.

Bischoff: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're enjoying the show so far. I know I am after seeing Test annihilate that little superhero wannabe Hurricane. Anyway, your General Manager has a problem. You see, for the last few weeks, Triple H and his bunch of cronies, Ric Flair, Batista and Randy Orton, have been going around thinking that they are in charge around here. And meanwhile, Kane seems to be on some kind of rampage about being badly treated, which is proposterous, as Eric Bischoff has never mistreated anybody. EVER! So you see, I have to find a way to punish both of these teams, and I think I've found a way to do it. Tonight, one on one, it's gonna be the Big Red Machine Kane, against the biggest member of Triple H's group, Batista!

The crowd has mixed reactions about the announcement.

Bischoff: And remember, if you enjoy the show, thank me, Eric Bischoff!

Rating: 82%

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Back in the ring the familiar sound of "Can you dig it? Sucka!" hits the arena, signifying the entrance of Booker T, who comes out to the ring with his partner Goldust. Once in the ring, Booker demands a microphone from the ring announcer Lillian Garcia.

Booker: Hey! You UnAmerican punks! You listen up and you listen good! Royal Rumble, you stole our titles from us, and then last week on RAW, you cheated to retain them, and cheated us out of our rematch! So right now, you punks are gonna bring down OUR tag team titles, and you're gonna give us a re-match, right now!

The crowd wait expectantly for the UnAmericans to come out, but nobody appears.

Booker: Oh that's just great, that's it, hide in the back! I tell you what, we're gonna come find you!

But before Booker can leave the ring, the Titantron flashes up showing Lance Storm and William Regal standing backstage with suits on, and the World Tag Team Titles over their shoulders.

Storm: If I can be serious for a minute, without the A-Team rejects interrupting me, I'd like to point out that not only did you lose these World Tag Team Titles to us, but you also lost your re-match.

Regal: And how ironic is it, that you Booker T are defining yourself as the architypal American. Want want want, such selfish behaviour. You've had your chance sunshine, and now it's only fair and proper that another team gets a chance at the titles.

Storm: You see, there are things called rankings when it comes to WWE titles, and after losing your re-match last week, you two went straight to the bottom. And unless you can make your way to the top of the rankings again, you will not be the team that gets a shot at these titles at No Way Out.

Regal: Now as Canadian and British citizens, we believe in fair play, so you can start climbing the rankings right now. Allow me to introduce your opponents, they may not seem much, but they are still ahead of you in the rankings... Tony Kozina and Ricky Martane!

Storm: Marvin.

Regal: Oh, Ricky Marvin!

Rating: 73%

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Match #2

Booker T and Goldust vs. Tony Kozina & Ricky Marvin

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Match Background:

See above. Or if you can't be bothered, Booker T and Goldust have to make their way up the tag division ranks to get another title shot against The UnAmericans.

Obviously this match wasn't too much of a challenge to Booker T and Goldust, who thoroughly obliterated their opposition. Luckily for the match rating, Kozina and Marvin knew how to sell, as Booker and Goldust took out their frustrations at being at the bottom rung of the ladder on them. Booker eventually finished off the slaughter with the Axe Kick, before doing the Spin-a-roonie to please the fans.

Winners: Booker T and Goldust

Crowd: 58%

Match: 82%

Overall: 63%

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Backstage we are privelidged enough to catch up with Jonathan Coachman.

Coach: I am joined now by Triple H and his associate, the Nature Boy, Ric Flair.

Flair: WOOOO!

HHH: Ric, this isn't time for horseplay.

Flair: Sorry champ.

HHH: Last week, we showed Kane what trying to take on Triple H means, and it means taking on not just one of us, but all of us. You see, we're the evolution of this business, and me and Ric have seen people like Kane time and time again. They talk the game, but they can't beat The Game.

Flair: Kane may be seven foot tall! Kane may be 326 pounds! But Kane doesn't have the important things that makes a true champion! And that's guts! Courage! A never-say-die attitude! And most importantly, a Plan B! 'Cos if you've not got someone to back you, WOOOOO! then you're gonna lose!

HHH: And I've got more people to back me than people you even know. So choose your next move carefully Kane, because if you don't drop your one man crusade, then your game will be over. Permanently.

Overall: 90%

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Match #3

Chris Jericho def. Jacqueline

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Match Background:

Last week Jacqueline called out anyone so she could prove how tough she was, and Chris Jericho answered her. After disrespecting women everywhere, Jericho received a low blow from Jacqueline. In retribution, Jericho knocked Jacqueline out with a steel chair later in the show.

The crowd is heavily on Jacqueline's side, as they seriously hope she can undermine and humiliate the arrogant and egotistical Jericho. Jericho wins the initial lock-ups with his power advantage, and cockily walks around the ring, only to walk into a stiff clothesline from Jackie. Jackie stomps away at Jericho, forcing the Canadian to roll out of the ring to regroup. Jericho re-enters the ring, and gets a series of forearm shots from Jackie, which he counters with a thumb to the eye. Jericho then turns Jackie around and delivers a back suplex. The ever-cocky Jericho gets up, and waits in the corner for Jacqueline to get back to her feet. When she does, he knocks her straight back down again with a hard clothesline, as the crowd get even more worked up. Jericho grabs hold of Jackie's legs, and tries to lock in the Walls of Jericho, but Jackie reverses it into an inside cradle, which gets an incredibly close near fall, with Jericho just managing to break the pinning combination before the count of three. Incensed, Jericho gets to his feet and charges at Jackie, who dodges him, sending Jericho into the top turnbuckle. Jackie then grabs the rebounding Jericho and hits a bulldog, before going to the top rope. Jackie tries to fly off and hit a missile dropkick on Jericho, but Jericho catches her legs in mid-air, and this time manages to get the Walls of Jericho locked in, and it isn't long before Jackie taps out.

Jericho keeps the hold locked in as long as possible, with the referee powerless to stop it except for saying "Come on Chris, break the hold!" and the timekeeper meaninglessly hitting the ringbell doesn't seem to have much effect. However, the sound of "Oh, oh, Shawn!" hitting the PA system does get through, and Jericho breaks the hold and stares at the ramp. However, HBK has chosen to come through the crowd, and he slides into the ring behind Jericho as the fans go crazy. Jericho however looks up on the Titantron and sees HBK behind him, and steps out of the ring to avoid any conflict to the fans disgust. Jericho walks up the ramp whilst tapping his head in the "I'm clever" gesture, whilst HBK tends to Jacqueline in the ring.

Winner: Chris Jericho

Crowd: 77%

Match: 69%

Overall: 66%

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Backstage, the always reliable and main-man Jonathan Coachman has now caught up with Kane.

Coach: Kane, seven days ago you were beaten down by the combined forces of Triple H, Randy Orton, Ric Flair, and your opponent for tonight, Batista. How does it feel going into the main event tonight against Batista with the knowledge that you probably won't be fighting against just one man?

Kane: Yeah, last week I was beaten down, but there's something about me that Triple H doesn't understand, that Ric Flair doesn't understand, that Eric Bischoff doesn't understand, and that Batista certainly doesn't understand. Whenever someone beats me down and makes me hurt, that doesn't make me want to give up and go home. Oh no, it just makes me even more determined, even more determined to get revenge on the people that have wronged me. Triple H normally manages to get the upper hand on his adversaries through pyschological warfare, but that won't wash with me. Triple H is going to have to prove to me that he is The Game, and one of these days he won't have his lackeys to do his dirty work for him.

Coach: That being said, do you have a plan for your match with Batista tonight?

Kane: Oh I don't have a plan as such, but sometimes you've just gotta let what happens... happen.

Rating: 81%

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Match #4

Al Snow and Maven vs. 3 Minute Warning

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Match Background:

3MW are on a losing streak as of late, including last night on Sunday Night Heat when they lost out to Al Snow and Maven. Eric Bischoff has given 3MW the chance to get redemption, but does not seem best pleased with 3MW's efforts as of late.

As with the match on Heat last night, it is 3MW that take control of the match early on, after some bending of the rules from Rico allows both Rosey and Jamal to team up on Al Snow, with the two Samoans hitting Snow with a double clothesline, followed up by a legdrop/elbow drop combination. Maven tries to come in to help his partner, but he suffers a double headbutt at the hands (or heads) of 3MW. Jamal takes on the responsibility of beating Snow down further, hitting a powerslam and then driving his knee into the ribs of the fallen Snow. A tag to Rosey brings more punishment for the Tough Enough trainer, as he gets whipped into the corner, with Rosey following up with a body avalanche in the corner. Rosey tries to do it again, but this time meets the boot of Snow, who then clotheslines Rosey to the mat. After a long crawl both men are able to get to their corners and make the tag, and Maven comes in like UNA CASA EN FUEGO~! and takes out both Jamal and Rosey with a dropkick, before hot-shotting Rico on the apron, sending him head first on to the security barrier. Maven then ducks an attempted clothesline from Jamal, and hits back with a flying clothesline of his own to knock the big man down. Maven tries to do the same to Rosey, but gets caught, and the Samoan tries to hit a Samoan Drop. However, Snow comes back and hits a chop block to weaken the leg of Rosey, and allows Maven to climb down from his precarious position. Maven and Snow then both throw Rosey over the top rope, and both then kick Jamal in the gut, before delivering a Double DDT. Maven covers, and gets the second victory over 3MW in two days!

Winners: Al Snow and Maven

Crowd: 71%

Match: 87%

Overall: 71%

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Almost immediately after the end bell has rung, "I'm Back" hits the PA system signifying the entrance of General Manager Eric Bischoff who storms down to the ring looking angry.

Bischoff: Cut the music! You two! (pointing at Snow and Maven) You get backstage now or you're both suspended! Go on! Go!

Snow and Maven do as they're told.

Bischoff: And as for you two... you two DISGUST ME! When I brought you into this company to help me out you did what I told you to and you did your jobs well! But since then you've been nothing short of an embarrassment to wrestling, an embarassment to your heritage, and an embarrassment to me, Eric Bischoff!

Rosey and Jamal turn away from Bischoff and begin walking.

Bischoff: Hey! Don't you turn your backs on me, I brought you into this company and I can damn well find a way out for you as well!

3 Minute Warning keep on walking, and are almost at the end of the ring.

Bischoff: You fat losers, look at me when I'm talking to you!

Rosey and Jamal stop in their tracks, and both look round at Bischoff mouthing the word "fat?". Bischoff suddenly doesn't look as confident, with a look on his face of shock and horror.

Bischoff: Um.. guys... there seems to have been a... a... um... mis-understanding! Yeah! I meant "phat", with a "ph"! I hear it means you're cool!

But Rosey and Jamal can't be talked round, and they double clothesline Bischoff to the mat to quite a big pop. The two Samoans then appeal to the crowd, who cheer for the destruction of their hated authority figure. Rosey lifts Bischoff up and delivers a Samoan Drop, before Jamal climbs to the top rope and delivers a Flying Splash. Rosey and Jamal leave the ring, with the crowd more impressed with them than they were when they arrived.

Rating: 70%

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Match #5


Kane vs. Batista (w/ Ric Flair)

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Match Background:

Booked by Eric Bischoff earlier tonight as a result of the end of last week's RAW where Triple H, Randy Orton, Ric Flair and Batista all beat down Kane following a tag team contest. Kane has made it clear that he wants a shot at Triple H's World Title, and despite words being exchanged between the two men, the two have yet to meet in the ring. This match is also a re-match of Armageddon 2002, where Batista was victorious, and of a famous OVW match where Batista, fighting as Leviathan, upset the WWE superstar Kane.

With two big powerhouses such as Kane and Batista in the ring, a test of strength was inevitable, but surprisingly it is Batista that gains the advantage, and begins unloading a series of vicious right hands to the masked head of Kane. Batista whips Kane into the corner and follows up with an avalanche, before unleashing a series of hard shoulder thrusts to the abdomen of Kane, each one seemingly getting more and more intense. Batista drags Kane out of the corner and gives him a hard bodyslam to get a two count. With Ric Flair cheering him on from the outside, Batista tries to take it to Kane even more, but an attempted right hand is blocked, and Kane begins to pound away at Batista, finishing with a throat thrust to force Batista on to the ropes. Ric Flair gets up on the apron to distract Kane, and when Kane moves over to try and get him, Batista hits a shot to the back to retake control. Batista attempts to whip Kane into the turnbuckle again, but Kane reverses, and when Batista comes stumbling out of the corner he hits a Sidewalk Slam. Kane signals to the top rope, but before he can dive at Batista, he sees Flair distracting the referee from the outside. Instead of attacking Batista, the Big Red Machine dives off the top rope at Flair, and connects with an impressive flying clothesline to knock Flair down. Kane manages to get back to his feet, and back up to the top rope, but Batista comes over and intercepts, pressing Kane off the top rope and into the air into a gorilla press position. Batista then drops Kane to the mat with ease, before a light cover gets him two.

Batista drags Kane back up to a vertical base, and whips him against the ropes. However, Kane is able to telegraph an attempted Spinebuster, and kicks Batista square in the face. Batista charges at Kane, but just runs straight into a big boot. Kane signals for the Chokeslam, but once again Ric Flair interferes by climbing on the apron. Kane has had enough, and drags Flair into the ring making anything he does legal. Kane goozles Flair, but the Nature Boy kicks Kane square in the nether regions, allowing Batista to nail a Spinebuster. Flair tells Batista it's time to hit the Demon Bomb, but suddenly a siren goes off around the arena, and Scott Steiner makes his way out to the ring! Steiner chases Flair out of the ring, and backstage, whilst Kane has time to recover in the ring. Batista brings Kane up to his knees and sets him up for the Demon Bomb, but Kane manages to hit a back drop to get out of it. Batista gets back to his feet, but runs straight into a choke hold from Kane, before the Big Red Machine hits a devastating Chokeslam! Kane covers Batista, and gets the victory!

Winner: Kane

Crowd: 73%

Match: 75%

Overall: 66%

His joy is short-lived however, as Triple H and Randy Orton make their way out to the ring as well, and immediately set upon double teaming Kane with a series of right hands and stomps. Scott Steiner makes his way back out to lend a hand, but when Ric Flair comes back out as well, the four on two numbers are too much. However, help arrives when the bombs drop, as The Dudley Boyz rush out to lend a hand, taking out Randy Orton with a 3D, before chasing the other three members of Evolution out of the ring. Orton is thrown out of the ring to join them, as an unlikely alliance celebrates in the ring as RAW goes off the air!

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

Overall Show: 73% (-3%))

Attendance: 8,018

Takings: $320,720

TV Rating: 5.27

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

Best Match: Test vs. Hurricane

Worst Match: Booker T and Goldust vs. Tony Kozina and Ricky Marvin

Best Other: Flair/HHH interview

Worst Other: Rosey/Jamal turn heel

Show MVP: Chris Jericho

Show Idiot: Ricky Marvin

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~


ArnAnderson@4Horsemen.com: Chris Jericho and Jacqueline didn't click in their match. And why the hell are they wrestling anyway?

FitFinlay@Guinness.com: Rosey and Jamal both gained popularity from turning on Eric Bischoff, mainly from smarks who still think Bischoff is the devil of professional wrestling.

Sophie@WWE.com: Goldust, Maven and Ricky Marvin all want to be moved up the card. I'd do it just to shut them up and keep them happy.

Goldust@S&M.com: Thanks for moving me up the card.

Maven@Keepyourheadshiny.com: Thanks for moving me up the card.

Sophie@WWE.com: Told you so.

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~

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The Undertaker made his return at the Royal Rumble, and he is scheduled for his first singles contest on this week's SmackDown! when he goes one-on-one with the man who put him on the shelf in the first place, the Big Show.

Also, the Cruiserweight #1 Contender Tournament continues, with two more first round matches taking place. Last week we saw Scotty 2 Hotty defeat Jamie Noble, and Matt Hardy defeat Brian Kendrick, and this week Tajiri, Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero and Nunzio have the chance to book their places in the second round.

Stephanie McMahon is also scheduled to be around, so expect big announcements to be made!

All this and MORE on WWE SmackDown! 7-8CT on UPN!

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