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Guest JayLethal

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Guest JayLethal

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'Project Mayhem' presents 'Don't like Tag Matches? Don't Come'

Offical Card

First Round

Jack Evans and Jerrelle Clark v. Deranged and Delirous

- Two great teams in this one.  All men are innovative and have nothing to lose and everything to gain so expect them to pull out all the stops.

Fast Eddie and Spanky v. Rat Pack(Izzy and Dixie)

- Last show the team of Eddie and Spanky came out of nowhere and pulled out an impressive win.  The Rat Pack defantly have the experience advantage in this one but none the less both teams want the tag titles.

Homicide and B-Boy v. Ruckus and Sonjay Dutt

- Homicide is the Project Mayhem champion and B-Boy is his right hand man and they've been doing nothnig but using each other to win matches but now there a team and they are allowed to use each other.  Homicide and B-Boy think the first round will be a breeze but expect the team of Ruckus and Sonjay Dutt to give them a fight for there money.

Amazing Red and Petey Williams v. Super Dragon and Excaluber

- Amazing Red and Petey Williams have a big challenge ahead of them.  Dragon and Excaluiber have been teaming for awhile now and this is only the second of third time Red and Petey have been teaming.  The experience factor is liable to come into play in this one.

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Guest JayLethal

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Injury forces Replacement

- Sonjay Dutt has suffered a injury at another Indy show after a dive over the ropes.  He will not be able to compete in the Tag Team tournament so his partner Ruckus has chosen Sabian from Chikara and CZW to be his partner for the show.

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Guest JayLethal

Don't Like Tag Matches? Don't Come

First round:

Jack Evans and Jerrelle Clark

Fast Eddie and Spanky

Homicide and B-Boy

Amazing Red and Petey Williams


Fast Eddie and Spanky

Homicide and B-Boy


Fast Eddie and Spanky

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Guest JayLethal

Although I'm not too sure on Super Dragon challenging Homicide, he doesn't talk. =P

Hey, according to EWR he does. Plus, if you want a wrestler as a color commentator, he'll come up in the list. Just do what I do and make Excalibur his mouthpiece.

But I'm digging the diary. Nice assortment of wrestlers. I'm surprised you haven't gotten flack for short results. I like them short myself. Reading about people going at it hold for hold is boring, it's better to see it. Blame my ADD. Plus saying this will give me an excuse to write short results if I have time to do a diary for my CZW game. :P

Definately keep this one going.

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Guest JayLethal

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'Project Mayhem' Presents 'Don't like Tag Matches? Don't Come'

March 19, 2005

First Round

Jack Evans and Jerrelle Clark v. Deranged and Delirous

An insane battle to start off the tournament.  Every man brought something different to the table in this one and it turned out to be a hard fough contest to kick off the tournament.  Evans hit and insane Mooncent from the ring to the floor and into the crowd.  Deranged looked to have the match won after he hit a Code Red off the top rope on Evans but Clark broke it up and nailed a gory bomb and followed it up with a 630 and got the three count as Delirious layed on the floor after being backdropped on it.

First Round

Fast Eddie and Spanky v. Rat Pack(Izzy and Dixie)

The team of Fast Eddie and Spanky came out to a huge pop, as did the Rat Pack.  Spanky and Dixie started off the match with some nice chaining.  Tags were made and moves were executed. The Rat Pack looked to have the match one after Spanky was knocked down on the floor after a devastating enzugri from Dixie, and Eddie lay in the ring alone and both Izzy and Dixie doubled teamed hm and hit a huge spiked piledriver but some how Eddie kicked out.  Izzy hit a huge 450 onto Spanky but the pin was broken up by Eddie.  The finish came after Eddie nailed a moonsault to the floor onto Dixie and Izzy was nailed with the Sliced Bread Number 2 for the win.

First Round

Homicide and B-Boy v. Ruckus and Sabian

The team of Ruckus and Sabain really showed up the champ and B-Boy with there tag team experience but The 'Notorious One' and 'The New Age Punisher' brought there A game and were able to defeat them after a long match with huge turning points.  Homicide tried to kill Sabian with stiff forearms and a sick looking running knee in the corner making Sabian fall out of the ring.  Ruckus tried to win the match with Sabain basically unconsioucs but fell short after being hit with a Shining Wizard and a Cop Killa.

First Round

Amazing Red and Petey Williams v. Super Dragon and Excaluber

MOTFR for this one.  Red was just brutally beaten down.  Completely split open and hurt.  Petey Williams hit an devastating Canadian Destroyer on the floor onto Excalibur that caused a huge 'Holy Shit' chant from the crowd.  Super Dragon just beat Red till he couldn't stand up.  Hitting forearms, chops, stomps, and three curbstomps, one into the turnbuckle.  Super Dragon hit the Physcho Driver onto Red for the win and adavancing into the next round.

Bobby Quance v. Matt Sydal

A great non-tournament match.  Sydal really showed he could hang and Quance pulled out his usual amazing performance.  Both men attempted Shooting Star Presses but both were un-succesful unto Quance hit Sydal with a german suplex and followed it with a Shooting Star Press for the win.

Second Round

Jack Evans and Jerrelle Clark v. Spanky and Fast Eddie

Both these teams have been very successful over the past couple weeks they have been teaming and this one was a phenomal bout.  Evans pulled out everything he had and so did Clark.  Clark hit a standing backflip into a german onto Spanky and Evans nailed an amazing standing 540 Moonsault onto Eddie.  But Eddie and Spanky got there revenge with hitting stereo flips over the top rope onto Evans and Clark.  The finish was insane with Eddie hitting a scoopslam moonsault off the second rop on Clark but Evans broke up the pin with a Phoniez 630.  Eddie rolled over and Spanky pulled up Evans for a Sliced Bread Number Two but Evans pushed him over the ropes to the floor but Spanky dragged Evans over the ropes as well.  Clark nailed a huge sitout DVD onto Eddie to get a 1..2...3 and advancing his team to the finals.

Second Round

Homicide and B-Boy v. Super Dragon and Excalibur

Without a doubt the most intense and heated match of the entire tourny.  Excalibur started the match off and stayed in for awhile.  The team of Homicide and B-Boy kept him in there corner and gave him the beating of his life.  Both men hitting trademark moves on him and Homicide actually nailed Excalibur with a Curb Stomp to taunt Dragon.  Finally out of nowhere Excalibur mananged to superkick B-Boy allowing him enough time to tag in Super Dragon.  Dragon gave one hell of a beat down onto B-Boy using all of Homicides moves and hitting a Cop Killa.  After that Homicide stepped into the ring and the two men met face to mask.  They exchanged stiff blows and Dragon goes off on him, they fall out to the floor and start battling into the crowd.  Back in the ring B-Boy goes for a shining wizard but misses and Excalibur hits a double underhook piledriver and pins him, the ref counts it 1..2..3! Super Dragon and Excalibur are in the finals!


Grudge Match

Izzy v. Dixie

In a special challenge match, the tag team of Izzy and Dixie who wrestled together earlier in this night have decided to go at it to see how the captian of the team will be.  The two men got in going quickly hitting high impact moves early and spilling to the outside and into the crowd brawling.  At one point Izzy put a trash can over Dixie and started hitting him with a chair while he was inside it. The spot of the match came with Izzy hitting a Shooting Star Press off of the balacony onto Dixie.  The finish came with Dzie being busted open and knocked out after a sick chair shot to the head and Izzy pinned him after a huge 450 splash.  Both men got a standing ovation after the match for there efforts.

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Guest JayLethal

I just realized I have over 1,000 views, so i figured i'd say thanks to the readers, even though many dont reply, apperantly there is many people reading. I little reply saying "Good Job man" would also be quite appreciated.

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Guest acacia

I fucken LOVE short results. This is the perfect diary for me because I just found this diary and read it without losing to much of my life. Plus you aren't selling out the hardcore style.

Rock it hardcore, dude. Rock it hardcore.

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Guest JayLethal

I fucken LOVE short results.  This is the perfect diary for me because I just found this diary and read it without losing to much of my life.  Plus you aren't selling out the hardcore style.

Rock it hardcore, dude.  Rock it hardcore.

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Guest JayLethal

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Huge 'Project Mayhem' News

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- 'Project Mayhem' superstar, Roderick Strong, has issused a challege to the 'PM' champion, Homicide, for the next show April 9th.  Strong also said "If your man enough you accept the no interference rule."

- In other huge news the next show taking place on April 9th has become a double event weekend and there will also be an event on April 10th.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest JayLethal

I'm back again. School is finalyl over for me so I can go back to writing this, hopefully I still have some people intrested. Next card should be up soon.

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badass. Ya know I'll be checking this motherfucka out.

Edited by Hellfire
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Guest JayLethal

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'Project Mayhem' Presents "Ain't It Fun" Night One Card

April 9th, 2005

Project Mayhem World Title

'No Interference'

Homicide © v. Roderick Strong

- 'PM' Officals have annouced that if anyone interfere's on the behalf of Homicide, Strong will be awared the title belt on the spot.  Homicide has a lot on his plate for this one, it could be intresting in seeing how Homicide deals without having his boys able to help him.

Project Mayhem Tag Team Titles

Finals of the Tournament Cage Match

Jack Evans & Jerrelle Clark v. Super Dragon & Excalibur

- Finals of the Tag Team Title Tournament.  This match should be insane with Evans and Clark's highflying abilitys and Dragon and Excalibur's huge offense.  Many fans are very hyped about this one.

Danny Maff v. "Any Canadian Bitch"

-  Maff is challenging anyone from the country of Canada to come and fight him to prove that everyone from Canada are bitches.  Maff also has dedicated this match to Kevin Steen.  Steen is still busy in Canada.

Number One Contender

Alex Shelley v. Jay Lethal

- Shelley has been given his last chance to get near the title.  Lethal is a great competitor and Shelley can't take Lethal easily because he's ready for a fight and he wants his chance.

SAT(Jose Maximo and Joel Maximo) v. Ruckus and Sabian v. Ring Crew Express

-  A lot of young talent thrown into the match and all these guys are biting at the bit to get a chance.  Expect this to get insane quick.

Spanky and Fast Eddie v. Amazing Red & Brian XL

-  Spanky and Eddie just missed there chance at the belts last show so they are ready and wanna fight for there chance to get to the title.

Six Man Mayhem

Dixie v. Deranged v. Izzy v. Trent Acid v. Amazing Red v. Bobby Quance

- Another match full of youth talent trying to prove themselves as big names stars and maybe excelling towards the title belt.

Re-Match By Lee's Demand

Johnny Lee v. 'Dre Nelson

- Lee is pissed off about being humilatied at the hands of Nelson and wants to get his revenge in another match.  Lee has told us that he's not gonna hold back anything and expect to see a side we've never seen from him.

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Guest JayLethal

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Izzy injured!

- 'Project Mayhem' offices have been notified that 'PM' wrestler Izzy has been injured after doing a dive over the top rope at a Indy show.  He can not compete at the next show due to this leg injury.  It shouldnt affect further bookings but he can not compete.  Azariel is scheduled to become his replacement.

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'Project Mayhem' Presents "Ain't It Fun" Night One Card

April 9th, 2005

Project Mayhem World Title

'No Interference'

Homicide © v. Roderick Strong

- 'PM' Officals have annouced that if anyone interfere's on the behalf of Homicide, Strong will be awared the title belt on the spot.  Homicide has a lot on his plate for this one, it could be intresting in seeing how Homicide deals without having his boys able to help him.

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Guest JayLethal

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'Project Mayhem' Presents

"Ain't It Fun" Night One

April 9th, 2005

Re-Match By Lee's Demand

Johnny Lee v. 'Dre Nelson

A huge surprise to a lot of people.  Over the past few weeks both Lee has been training his ass of will Nelson has been slacking off and it truly came out to show.  Johnny Lee went for a huge Phoniex Splash but missied and smashed into the apron and looked like he was hurt.  Nelson quickly capotulizied with hitting a Brainbuster Falcon Arrow for the 1...2...3.  After the match Lee grabbed the mic and said Nelson had gained his respect and he wanted to shake his hand to prove it.  Dre accepted it and then quickly spit in his face and knocked him down with a huge forearm.  Dre walked away smerking and laughing as the crowd booed.

Six Man Mayhem

Dixie v. Deranged v. Azariel v. Trent Acid v. Amazing Red v. Bobby Quance

An insane amount of talent in this match.  Red doing double duty tonight, was the most calm in the whole match but the other five men just put their lives on the line.  Quance hit a huge SSP onto everyone on the outside.  Dixie and Deranged hit stereo Corkscrew moonsaults onto the floor crashing into everyone else.  The end came with Azariel hitting a huge stomp to the head on Dixie, Trent coming out of nowhere and Yakuza kicking Azraiel and Quance nailing a huge Shooting Star Press onto Azrail while Red by accidently took out Trent.

SAT(Jose Maximo and Joel Maximo) v. Ruckus and Sabian v. Ring Crew ExpressThe SAT's earned their last match in 'Project Mayhem' in this match.  The Maximos but a terrible showing in this match and almost killed Sabian with a whiplash type manuever.  Ruckus started brawling with them on the outside while Dunn quickly hit a Gory Bomb on Sabian for the win.  SAT earned a "Dont Come Back Chant."

Spanky and Fast Eddie v. Amazing Red & Brian XL

Red doing his double duty put up a good performance hitting a huge flip over the ropes onto Eddie and Spanky.  XL followed that up with a huge spinning moonsault.  Amazing Red hit a Code Red onto Spanky which looked to have the match won but Eddie broke it up.  The finish came after Spanky hit a huge Superkick on Red hitting him onto the floor and Eddie nailed a Moonsent for the win.


During the intermission, Spanky and Eddie cut a promo talking about they want a show at who ever wins the cage match they want a shot for the belts.

Number One Contender

Alex Shelley v. Jay Lethal

In a ultra-tech match Shelley pulled out everything he had trying to stop Lethal but he just couldn't.  Lethal was coming back after everything.  Shelley looked to had the match won after he hit a Shellshock but Lethal kicked out to everyones surprise.  The finish came after Lethal missed a headbut off the top rope, Shelley quickly locked in a STF and Lethal was forced to tap out.

Danny Maff v. "Any Canadian Bitch"

Danny Maff came out and stood in the ring and just said 'Come on bitch.'  Out from the back came little Arsenal.  Maff just beat the shit out of Arsenal but he still wouldnt give up.  Maff hit three straight Burning Hammers and finally pinned him.  Maff got back on the mic "If this is Canadians best.. pff you guys are a joke.  Now is there anyone else from Canada who wants to prove to me Canada is better the U.S.A." Kevin Steen walks out from the back and grabs Arsenal and helps him to the back as Maff gets all ready to fight.  Maff gets extremely heated and starts throwing stuff and runs to the back.

Project Mayhem World Title

'No Interference'

Homicide © v. Roderick Strong

Homicide kept this match slow as possible, ducking out to the floor and avoiding contact with Strong.  The match finally picked up after Strong hit a huge backbreaker.  Homicide hit a huge Tope Can Hilo to the outside crashing into Roderick.  Strong had the match one until Homicide ducked and Strong nailed the ref with a huge clothesline.  Cide hits a exploder and grabs the title from the outside and nails Strong with it and rolls over him and the ref slowly counts 1....2.....3.  Homicide sneaks away again with his title belt.

Project Mayhem Tag Team Titles

Finals of the Tournament Cage Match

Jack Evans & Jerrelle Clark v. Super Dragon & Excalibur

A match with insane spots and the killing of Clark and Evans.  Excalibur nailed a Double Underhook Piledriver on Evans off the cage onto Super Dragon and Clark.  Dragon beat the crap out off Evans with huge Phsyco Drivers.  Dragon curbstomped Clark onto a chair and busted his whole eyebrow opened, pouring blood everywhere.  Clark hit a huge 630 off the cage onto Excalibur and it looked to have the match won and Dragon broke it up.  Dragon chopped Evans making his chest bleed.  The end came after Excalibur got knocked off the top of the cage and smashed into the ground and didnt move.  Evans finished Dragon with a huge Phoniex 630 off the top rope and both Clark and Evans covered him for the three count.  After the match the bloodied Clark and the beat up Evans stood in the ring with the tag titles.  The crowd clapped like crazy for the match.

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