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Wrestler Picture Requests


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Can I just point out that when I say numbered I mean the files that ONLY have numbers for names which was the first 10, the main reason the others didn’t have names on main page was I just had enough time to upload them last night not name them all so anything pre Amasis (11) I didn’t know.

41: Roxie Cotton (I'm pretty sure that's her)

Nope that’s Jessie McKay of the Pink Ladies

23: Zack Ryder (I think it's him)

Not to make you look stupid but that the exact same pic is right at the top of this topic with “Curt Hawkins” over it?

And on the La Chiva pic, I thought it was one of them I just didn’t know which one specifically that is if you can tell them apart or are they kind of like the whole Concisadors in WWF/E where they basically look the same.

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80: Tiger Mask pretty sure, not sure what number

Oh and you have Jack Swagger as Jake Swagger

As I previously said I only need/needed them from 1-10 not to 80, if you noted on Tiger Mask his file name is down as Tiger Mask, but because I don’t know which version he stays there and I haven’t fully named him.

And since I don’t watch WWE I tend not to pay much attention to their stupid name changes

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And on the La Chiva pic, I thought it was one of them I just didn’t know which one specifically that is if you can tell them apart or are they kind of like the whole Concisadors in WWF/E where they basically look the same.

They basically look the same. Especially from just a pic of their head, if it was a full body shot, I might be able to tell you which it was.

8=Derek Sabato?

And yeah that Tiger Mask is of the first (Sayama)

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