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I've become hooked on Pokémon...

Guest LilJoeyPez

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I used to collect the cards, in fact, I think I still have some of them somewhere. I sold the majority of them though.

The shows were ok-ish, I got bored of them real soon though.

The games were the shit. I remember playing them on my gameboy for hours at end.

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I'm like most, the games are great, but the tv show, cards etc. are a waste of time.

I remember the days of the Pokemon cards, where you were the most coolest person if you had a Charizard since he had 120 HP and 100 damage move.

Are you sure? Charizard was like the most common shiny card, everyone had one of him. And the ones who didn't, I made lots of money off of by selling the cards to :P

Exactly my point, whoever didn't have one would give up an arm and a leg to have a Charizard, makin you the centre off attention as they offer you a bunch of Weedle's to trade you for it, but of course things used to get a lot serious and people would shread out 20 odd quid just for a Charizard or a Blastoise.

My mate once traded his Charizard for Pokemon Blue, which is valued at 25 quid. -_-

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I collect the cards for da cash

I believe i made $500 once on a collection

Pokemon was a beg, borrow, and deal kinda sport

Never got into the show or game or playing with the cards though

Remeber this though: DTA, don't trust anyone


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As a GCSE student liking Pokemon, I was bordering on social lameness already. Having anything to do with the cards would have just pushed me over the edge. :shifty: It was always the little 12 year olds up the front of the bus playing with their massive STACKS of cards that they carried around as if they were bars of gold.

Plus, y'know, I had little money and knew better.

I did have a go at the Gameboy adaptation of the Card Game once though. It was quite fun, but I couldn't really get that into it.

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I remember really disliking Pokemon back in the day, and still being less of a hater of it than my best friend in high school (who disliked Pokemon so much that he became a racist against the Japanese because of it combined with the episode of South Park where it claimed Japanese people had small penises- don't ask.) This led to problems, as one of the people I was in art classes with who was a anime fan (and by nature, Pokemon) thought I was the same way by association (considering that I have become one of the more seriously addicted otaku on the board now, I assume she would see it as on par with Paul's conversion if she were to know me now.)

Now, having that serious anime addiction, I can safely say:

The games are good, I'll give them that. Still can't abide the series that much, though (although, I will admit to owning an old-school Pokemon VHS tape and an action figure of Misty...)

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Great RPG game. Can be a bit too easy though. It was perfect for doing a diary for, I mean, look at all of the Pokemon diaries now in the Diary Cube.

The cartoons were good too, but once you realise the pattern of Team Rocket's failure it becomes boring, no matter what's going on. It was a perfect show for SM:TV back in the day with Ant & Dec doing their own little 'Pokebattles'. It was just so retarded it was funny.


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I used to play the card game and watch the anime, almost religiously. The only problem was that I never got the games. Poor me, I never had a Gameboy. Soon I got older and realised that the anime was becoming gay, save for the battles (which are still pretty cool to watch), and tossed my cards away. Then I found out about...emulator, and really enjoyed it.

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Guest Florida Cub

I could understand if it was back in the day. I mean shit, I played Pokemon' back in the fifth grade when it came out. But if you're thirteen or older and you're still playing with vegatablesaureses on your gameboy, maybe it's time you find another hobby.

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I could understand if it was back in the day. I mean shit, I played Pokemon' back in the fifth grade when it came out. But if you're thirteen or older and you're still playing with vegatablesaureses on your gameboy, maybe it's time you find another hobby.

What if you were more than thirteen years old when it first really became big in the UK? What then? Huh? HUH?

Mock the anime if you want, ridicule those who spent hundreds on the cards, but I will NOT hear you badmouth the game. :angry:

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