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The Wrath of Tommy Cornell

Guest Rygar Frost

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Guest Rygar Frost

I thought about this rationally. I’m a man who can easily handle myself. And the only true fact I have about this whole thing is that someone in DAVE is out to get me. But who? Caulfield? I doubt it. He interfered in the match to continue our feud. It wasn’t anything personal. Lee? I mean he can be an ass at times but I don’t think he would wanna off me. The only way that I could get to the bottom of this is if I were to stay and fight. If I left, not only would I never find out the truth, but I’d be partaken as a coward. I can’t have that. I called Phil and told him I’d be there tomorrow, ready and willing to prove myself. But first, I had to rest.

Tuesday, Week 1, July

I was opening up the show with an interview and ending the show with a match. I was quickly told what the match would be before I was rushed out from backstage for the interview. I walked out to the chants of the crowd screaming “You suck” or “You lost” and a cascade of boos. I walked out to the center of the ring.

Me: I ain’t gonna stand for this shit. My title was stripped out of my hands when you all know I rightfully should have won it. And its all because of that asshole Caulfield.

The crowd cheered at his name

Me: Caulfield, if you have any guts then get the fuck out here RIGHT NOW.

Caulfield’s music came on as he walked down the ramp to the cheers of the fans. He got into the ring and got right up in my face.

Chris: So you lost the title. What you gonna do about it?

Me: This.

I took a pipe that was hidden in my shirt and clocked him over the head with it. He fell and I jumped on him and just kept pounding at his face. Then I grabbed the mic.

Me: I want you to look up. Up to the top of the ring. You may have noticed that structure there. That is a cage! And that’s what we are going to be fighting in tonight. What I like to call a “Redemption Cage Match.” What I mean by that is, when I kick your ass all over that cell until you don’t have the ability to stand anymore, then maybe I’ll feel a little redeemed. Until then…

I hit him in the face with the mic again as I got up.

Me: This’ll just have to be enough.

I started to walk backstage when I heard the fans starting to cheer. I turned around and saw that Caulfield was up and screaming at me to “bring it on.” I just smiled and went backstage to prepare for the match. When the time came I walked out. Tonight would be a cage match to remember.

Redemption Cage Match

Tommy Cornell vs. Chris Caulfield

This match started with me just laying into Caulfield. He got a few moves in but I just kept pummeling him with move after move. I threw him into the cage wall a few times and then threw him into the corner and hit a Hung Jury, followed by a Corkscrew Legdrop. After that, things started to even out a bit. We started to trade control of the match more often. After a while when he was in control, I reversed a Kneeling Jaw Breaker into a Bear Trap. Then, I picked him up and went for a Twisting Elbow Blow but he hit me with a Running Clothesline before I could. He then picked me up and went for an Implant DDT but I reversed it into another Bear Trap, which made him bleed. I then picked him up and locked in the Guilt Trip. I went to choke him but he blocked it and got up so I threw him into the cage wall again. I then waited for him to stand, hit him with a Back Kick followed by the Rough Ride. I then went for a Senton Bomb off of the turnbuckles but he moved out of the way and I landed on my neck. He started to climb the cage. I finally got up and noticed it and, as he reached the top, I dropkicked the cage, sending him back down to the ring. He rushed to his feet and tried to get a Piledriver but I reversed it into a third Bear Trap. I had decided I had done enough damage and started to climb the cage, slowly but surely. I was reaching the top and was almost up and over when I felt the cage start to shake. I looked down and saw Caulfield right behind me. I got to the top of the cage but he did too. We started to trade blows and all of the sudden he grabs me and falls down to the ring, bringing me with him. I laid in the ring for a little while before I felt myself being pulled up. I saw his fist coming at me and I got out the way quickly and grabbed him and nailed not one, not two, but THREE Rolling German Suplexs. I then started to climb the cage again but he caught me at the top again. I slipped out of an Implant DDT attempt and threw him into the corner and nailed the Tornado DDT. I then climbed the turnbuckle and hit the Senton Bomb. I then picked him up and irish whipped him into the ropes and hit a Snap Overhead Belly to Belly on the rebound. I then waited for him to stand, kicked him in the gut, and nailed a second Rough Ride. I then slowly got back up and started to climb. I was sure I’d just won. I stood on the top of the cage and looked down and my opponent and saw something I didn’t believe. He was up and running towards the cage wall! All of the sudden the cage shook and I fell face first into the ring. He picked me up and went for a Kneeling Jaw Breaker but I amazingly found the energy to break it. I quickly threw him into the ropes and nailed a Throw Down Spinebuster. I then kicked him in the gut one more time and nailed a THIRD Rough Ride. I pick him up, knowing he isn’t done yet but he amazingly fights back and nails the Impact DDT. Then he started to climb the cage.

TBC in approximately 10 min

Edited by Rygar Frost
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Guest Rygar Frost

I saw him. He was slowly going up the cage inch by inch. I couldn’t let him get away. I slowly crawled to the turnbuckle. I grabbed the lowest one and started to pull myself up. I was finally standing on the turnbuckle watching him as he climbed towards the top. Then, I took all I had, and I jumped. When I reached him, I grabbed his leg and he came tumbling down with me. I was down for at least 20 seconds before I could possibly get up. I picked him up and brought him back down with a Powerbomb. I then locked on the STF. Then I picked him up and went for another Bear Trap but he avoided it. He took control with a Kneeling Jaw Breaker. He went for an Implant DDT after a while and I reversed it into a FOURTH Bear Trap! I picked him up again but he nailed an Implant DDT out of absolutely nowhere. I fell to the ground, bleeding profusely. I looked up and saw him climbing the cage. I started climbing the cage after him. We both got to the top at the same time. We started trading punches until, out of nowhere he kicks me in the head. And that’s all I remember.

I was in an out of it for the next few days. I finally gained full consciousness on Friday and saw two pieces of paper on my nighttable. One read “Three New LRPW Signings: Floyd Goldworthy, Duane Fly, and Joshua Taylor. Sophie” and the other read “GCG wants a meeting. Call me when you fully understand this message. Roger”

GCG. They want a meeting. They wanna offer me a job. What the hell should I do? I had said I would stay with one promotion only. Well, I already broke that promise.


Should Tommy:

A.) Sign with GCG

B.) Refuse GCG’s offer.

I’m not gonna be doing any official updates for the next 48 hours. After this vote is over, I might do something pertaining to it, but I will not put up another real match until Friday.

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"The Wrath of Tommy Cornell" by Rygar Frost

I chose to start with this one because I'd actually glanced through it well before deciding to start this thread. It also has the added benefit for me at least, of allowing me to state one of my main problems with first time/newer diary writers, especially those who write from the first person perspective. Through 16 posts, we've seen a grand total of FOUR matches, and none were spectacularly executed. Granted, any character driven diary needs to have the character developed over time, but when you're using a fictional guy and a universe that 95% of readers have never been a part of (Cornellverse), you have to explain who he is, and why he's such a big star in the wrestling world. Oh yeah, and some more actual wrestling wouldn't hurt.

What happened?

Everything was going so well. I was happy. But, then again, happiness can never last. Those damn Eisens. They stole the damn company out from under my feet. I mean, who else would have. It’s theirs now. But how?

It came out of nowhere. I remember the headlines. “Corruption in the ranks of TCW!” Mafia links, secret payments. None of that shit happened. At least not to my knowledge. And now I’m nowhere. No company, just the money I’ve saved over the years, given its still a pretty penny’s worth. But no company. Bought out by the Eisens.

All the evidence pointed to me, but I didn’t do it. Who the hell knows who did. Someone fucking set me up, and I’m gonna find out who. They let go the whole company.

Everyone. I mean, I know some will find jobs. Who knows, maybe the Eisens will have a change of heart for some people. They’ll probably hire Sam and who knows else. But Rip won’t go. And I wont either. Since the breakup of the company we’ve become better friends. Best friends some might say. He hates the Eisens just as much as I do. And we’re gonna ruin them together.

Even though no one respects me anymore and I can’t start a new promotion for 10 years, I’m not just gonna sit here and take this shit like its nothing. If I cant start a company to ruin the Eisens then I can at least join a company that will. The question is: “What company can?”

Edited by naiwf
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Guest Rygar Frost

Sorry for the delay. That’s what happens when you live at two houses and are really really busy. Anyway, on to the update.


I called Roger and told him reject GCG. I already had enough on my plate. I really didn’t need any more. I rested over the next few days. I needed to be at my best for Tuesday. I could be facing anyone, even Caulfield again. But before I came to the ring I had to decide on an extra finisher. After what happened in that cage match, I realized that I need a stronger finishing move. I don’t want to be in that situation again.

After discussing it with Jon, we decided that the Tiger Danger Driver would be a gread addition to my “repertoire of moves.” I couldn’t decide on what to name it yet or what little additions to add to make it my own but I could modify all of that later. I just wanted it for my next match on Tuesday. When I got in there, I saw that it was the perfect opportunity to introduce the move. I would be in the main event against Shawn Gonzalez. But before that, I had an interview. I walked out to a crowd booing me. I walked into the ring ignoring them.

Me: Last week, an atrocity happened. I lost to Chris Caulfield. A man not even in my league. Hell, he doesn’t even play the same game as me. But yet, I lost. On a fluke. A GODDAMN FLUKE! I should have walked out of that cage match redeemed. Instead, I walked out humiliated. I don’t deserve to be humiliated.

All of the sudden, Caulfield’s music came on to the cheers of the fans. He walked out and started talking.

Chris: Awww, look at the little crybaby. Face-facts, you hasbeen, I’m the better man. Your moment in the sun is gone. Kaput. Forgotten. My star’s just risin-

Me: Do you know who you’re talking to?! I am a LIVING LEGEND! A GOD AMONG MEN! I don’t need to look up to you. I don’t need to respect you. Don’t you understand? I should have won that damn cage match! It was my time to shine. I’m better than you’ll ever be, no matter what you may think.

Chris: Well, I’m sorry to tell you but…..you’re not.

The crowd started cheering.

Me: SHUT THE FUCK UP! I don’t need your GODDAMN respect either. I am a legend. A FUCKING LEGEND! And I WON’T settle for second best. No matter what it takes.

The show cut to commercial as I stayed out in the ring revving the fans up for the next match. Basically how much they suck and that I hate them, You know, the usual. Then we came back from commercial and the match starts.

Tommy Cornell vs. Shawn Gonzalez

This was an ok match. I didn’t debut the new move because, as I went out there, I didn’t feel like it was necessary. The match was definitally in my favor. Shawn had his moments, like giving me a Single Arm DDT through a table. It could have been better, but I was throwing some stiff punches. I was supposed to be angry, what can I say? Anyway, the audience ate it up. They were booing me like I was the most evil man alive. I ended the match with a Bear Trap in the middle of the ring. As I walked out of the arena, the crowd was booing crazily. Well, my job is done here. I got up and went home.

That night, I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about what I used to have. I kept running over in my mind the fact that I had been almost given HGC and turned it into my own company. I brought it up to compete with the big guys. The Eisens. Men who wouldn’t know good wrestling if it hit them in the face. I decided to get good wrestlers for my company. To make sure that I would entertain with not only good promos and storylines but with good matches. I guess the Eisens just always held a grudge against the fact that I was right and they were wrong. People like it when there are good matches to go with the storylines. Then, when I started winning the wars, they had to frame me. They had to take it all away, whether directly or indirectly. Well, no matter what, I WILL be on top again. Even if it costs me my life.


Anyway, I’m taking suggestions for the new name of the Tiger Danger Driver and little additions I could add. Just post ‘em and I’ll decide what I like.

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Guest Rygar Frost

Well, LRPW got some new signings. They’re slowly closing in on finally finishing the rosters. They stole a Ref from DAVE named Ryan Holland, also known as “The Extreme Ref.” We also got a female worker named Connie Morris and we got Farrah Hesketh as a manager. Who knows? Soon we might be able to have our first show. But it definitely isn’t going to be this week.

I spent the nights over the next week thinking about the future of LRPW. With the right wrestlers, LRPW could be just what I need. It could do just what TCW was ment to do. To be the best product available. With Rip booking and working and Sam doing matches once in a while, it could be a big product. It still needs more. I just don’t know exactly what.

I decided on the name for the Tiger Danger Driver. I renamed it to the Hardcore Rage. I also added a spin to it as I drive the opponents head to the match. I think it looks a little better.

I went to the arena on Tuesday and found out that I didn’t have a match. I sat backstage and watched the show. Nothing amazing happened. Henry Lee defeated Nemesis to retain the Unified title. After the show was over, I went home.

Later on in the week, I found out LRPW hired another referee by the name of Ray Johnson. I really hope they start getting workers soon. Otherwise, we’re never gonna get anywhere.

I went back to the arena on the last Tuesday of July. I found out that I would be in the main event facing, who else but Chris Caulfield. And, as always, I had an interview before that. I went out to the crown boos and got into the center of the ring.

Me: Caulfield, tonight is going to be a very special night. You see, tonight, there aren’t gonna be any games. We ain’t fighting in a cage. We ain’t throwing each other through tables. No, none of that. Tonight, there ain’t no gimmicks. It’s just two men walking into a ring and one walking out. This is to prove who’s the best. This is for me to show you what wrestling’s all about. And when you walk out of that ring, maybe you’ll know a little more about wrestling because, believe me, I’m gonna show you moves you’ve never even seen before. And then, you will see who the best really is.

I dropped the mic and walked to the back to prep for my match.

Tommy Cornell vs. Chris Caulfield

This match had a really nice pace to it. It was back and forth the whole time. It started out pretty simple but built into a huge brawl as it went to the outside. There were tables broken and chairs bent; the works. It went back into the ring after a while. I hit a Bear Trap and made Caulfield bleed, but I refused to let him tap. To make sure, I held his arm back as I hit it. He was screaming in pain. After I let him go, I picked him up and went for the Hardcore Rage but he reversed it into an Implant DDT onto a chair that was left in the ring that made me bleed. After some more brawling I dodged a punch, turned him around, and connected with the Guilt Trip. He refused to submit no matter how hard I put it on. I let go and went for the Hardcore Rage but he reversed it into another Implant DDT for the win.

He walked off with a smile on his face. I couldn’t let him have the last laugh. This is not over. I promise that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Rygar Frost

That’s right bitches, I’m back. I know it’s been a while but that’s where school and little mini-vacations get you. But I’m starting up again. So here goes.


I trained the rest of the week. I couldn’t let him win this feud. I was behind now but I wouldn’t be for long. Not if things went to plan. I keep trying to kill him in the ring. Well, it’s not about that any longer. Now it’s at the point where I can’t lose my next match with him. That’s why I have my secret weapon.

I got a call from Rip on Friday. They had made some more hirings. They got Marv Earnest on Play-by-Play, which could be good. Then they got Xander Summers, another referee. And finially, they got a valet by the name of Jennifer Heat. She seems to be ok. But they still don’t have any really good wresters, other than Sam, Rip, and I. I’m starting to get worried.

Tuesday rolled around again and I went into the arena excited as usual. The news that I got when I saw the card was even more exciting. There would be no more beating around the bush. I had another shot. A chance to redeem myself. A chance to regain what was rightfully mine. A shot at the Unified title. Well not exactly. I wasn’t on the card. But Lee was making an open challenge. And I was going to accept it.

Surprisingly, I did not have an interview beforehand. Lee had an interview and then I’d face off against him. He went out and did his thing. The crowd was fairly interested in him, especially after he made an open challenge. Then I walked out, and the expression in his face changed. You see, he had been purposely avoiding having a rematch with me. After all, he truly didn’t win the title fair and square. And now, I would win it back. I ran down to the ring and the fight started.

DAVE Unified Title

Henry Lee© vs Tommy Cornell

This was a very well done match. I took the advantage in the beginning, getting his stamina pretty low within the first 10 minutes. Then he started to make a comeback. Id hit a few moves here and there but he, slowly but surely, got me down to about the same level. We started to nail big moves in succession of each other. Out of absolutely nowhere, I avoided a low blow and grabbed him and nailed the Hardcore Rage onto a chair. I pinned him but he kicked out! He got up and avoided a Bear Trap and started to pummel me. I knew I couldn’t let him win. After he knocked me down one time and decided to wait for me to get up, I reached into my pants and pulled out the secret weapon I had in store for Caulfield. As I was getting up, I swung my fist and connected with Lee’s head. Lee fell to the floor and grabbed his head in pain. I quickly got up and locked in the Bear Trap which he submitted to.

I had done it. I was champion again. So I had to use some…..less than legal tactics. Whatever. I still won. And, it was no DQ so really, it doesn’t weigh on my soul at all. Not that it would if there were DQ’s. I was on top of the mountain again and no one could bring me down. At least that’s what I thought at that moment. I grabbed the belt and went to raise it above my head. At that moment, the gun went off.

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Guest Rygar Frost

I flew back threw the ropes. The force of the blow had pushed me. I didn’t feel much pain though. It felt more as if I had been hat by a baseball bat in the chest. I looked to see how bad the wound was but, to my surprise, there was no wound. I had heard the shot. No one pushed me out of the way. Then what pushed me back. I then realized it. The title belt had something protruding from it. A bullet.

Chaos started to break in the arena. Mobs of people started to scream and run out of the arena. DAVE Security officers searched for the gunman but to no avail. The shooter had left with the crowd.

I was rushed out by paramedics to be checked on. As they were looking over me, Phil Vibert walked into the room.

Me: What the fuck happened out there?!

Phil: Calm down, Tommy.

Me: I ain’t gonna calm down. I want a fucking explanation.

Phil: Well, a lot of people don’t like you.

Me: Bullshit, Phil. No one would bring in a gun and start shooting me without a personal grudge and you know it.

Phil: Yea, I guess.

Me: You guess? Fuck your guesses, Phil. I want answers. How’d that guy slip by?

Phil: Security missed him. What do you want me to say?

Me: I’m not quite sure right now. I’m not feeling very safe here. I see no reason why I shouldn’t just leave the company and throw the title belt in the trash as I walked out the door.

Phil: You’re overreacting, Tom-

Me: I AM NOT FUCKING OVERREACTING! I was shot at today. Do you understand that?!

Phil: Yes.

Me: And that bullet was not supposed to just scare me like it did. It was supposed to kill. If I hadn’t been going to raise my belt up, it would had gone straight into my chest.

Phil: I know that.

Me: Well, how the hell am I supposed to know that it won’t happen again?

Phil: Don’t worry. I won’t let it.

Me: I wanna know how!

Phil: I’ll up the security procedures, OK.

Me: OK. But understand that if this ever happens again, I leave on the spot.

Phil: Fine. It won’t happen.

Me: Good.

Phil: Listen, don’t bother coming in tommmorow. We gotta cover for this somehow. You going out and wrestling right after you had been shot could raise some questions.

Me: OK. Whatever

Phil left the room. Something seemed suspicious. How the hell did the shooter get in the building. And who was it. I had to know. I had to find out. Otherwise, whose to say it wouldn’t happen again.


So, I ask of you, my faithful readers, do you have any predictions on who the shooter was? I leave you one hint. He has been at the least mentioned if not featured in this diary so far. I will not tell you until the time is right. But I guarentee, it's gonna be a shocker.

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