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Survivor: Palau


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I think that this latest "Survivor" has been one of the best yet. The drama is intense, and it's good to see the more interesting characters getting through instead of ganged up on and voted out right away like Vanuatu. Ian and Tom made probably their only mistakes in the game so far last night, but otherwise they're some of the best to play in the show's history. At this point I'm picking Ian to win this Sunday, but really outside of Jen, any one of the final four would be alright winners. Thoughts?

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I totally disagree, all of the interesting characters are gone. Ian, Tom and Katie have zero personality, they are just there as friends on the island. Up until last night, there was no depth added to the three characters, with Ian and Katie's fight about absolutely NOTHING. When they "merged" I had hoped that everyone would come to their senses and vote out these 3.

Really, any 3 of the people already voted out just had to align themselves with Janu and Coby, hardly fan-favorites on their tribe to take themselves further in the game. But alas, they all just let themselves predicitably get voted out.

Man was this season ever frustrating. It was just total domination both in tribe vs. tribe and in the individual game.

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In my opinion, the only interesting characters in this game were Coby and Stephanie. Everyone else just came across as totally blah. I just didn't care about any of the other characters the game.

Tom and Ian did mastermind a tribal coup but personally I saw that coming a mile away. I saw this final 4 within the first episodes and it has been frustrating since I really don't like any of the characters, minus Jen because she doesn't say anything or do anything of any importance. Although, the only thing you can say is that it is refreshing to have Tom and Ian in there, two people who have worked to be in the final 4 as opposed to players like Katie and Jen who do absolutely nothing to deserve their spot.

My prediction for the win is Ian.

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It all comes down to who wins the opening immunity. If it's one guy, then the other is going home. If neither win, it'll probably be Tom. Either way, I figure the dude who makes it to the final three will win, unless Caryn's talked enough trash behind the scenes to skewer a few jury votes away from them.

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Tom gets the million dollars, but Ian gets the class vote, and probably ensures himself a spot if they ever do an All Stars 2. "Survivor Guatemala" looks extremely cool and perhaps necessary, because at this point they need to mix the game up a bit, and putting the castaways in Mayan ruins will probably do that. Here's to an equally compelling cast next time.

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