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The music plays and the pryos go off for the last Instigation before Retribution on Sunday. 7034 people are in attendance tonight to see what developments take place tonight.

Sting –vs- Buff Bagwell

To start tonight’s show off Sting came out first to a good pop from the crowd, he was swiftly followed by Bagwell who got some heel heat. Sting was in control for most of this match, using it as a warm-up for his match against Raven at Retribution. Sting had whipped Bagwell into the ropes and was following it up with a stinger splash, Bagwell though didn’t plan on getting hit by it and pulled the ref in front of him. Sting was going too fast to stop and went flying into the ref who then went down to the mat lifeless. Sting checked on the ref and he didn’t see Raven running down the ramp. Raven slid into the ring and turned Sting around; he kicked him in the gut and gave him a Raven effect. He then grabbed a chair and brought it down onto Sting’s body. Raven then saw that the ref was slowly starting to move and got out of the ring and crouched down where the ref couldn’t see him.

Bagwell had been standing in the corner of the ring watching everything and watched everything that had transpired. He went over and covered Sting as the ref turned around, who not knowing about Raven’s interference started the count. Sting was in no state to kick out and the three count was completed giving Bagwell the win.

Raven then got back into the ring with the chair in hand, he brought it back down onto the body of Sting before laying it in the middle of the ring, he then pulled Sting’s body right over the chair and then nailed him with another Raven effect. Raven just stared down at Sting as referees, road agents and paramedics came running down to the ring. They all looked too scared to enter as Raven was still standing over the body of Sting and didn’t seem to want to leave.

Bret Hart then came out with security and police officers, he ordered them to enter the ring and to handcuff Raven. They too looked a little reluctant to enter the ring and surrounded Raven before moving closer. Raven seemed oblivious to what was happening around him and didn’t resist when the handcuffs were put on him. They walked Raven up the ramp and when he came face to face with Bret Hart he stared right into his eyes, Raven was then dragged away by the police officers as Bret Hart ran down to the ring to check on Sting.

Winner – Buff Bagwell

CR – 77 MQ – 55 OR – 70

Buff Bagwell gained overness from this segment. Sting lost overness from this segment.

Backstage Randy Savage was shown on the phone talking to someone.

Savage: “Listen let me tell you this. Tonight Hogan is going to get what’s coming to him and after I get through with Hogan tonight there’ll be absolutely no way that he make it to Retribution and I’ll be crowned the new GPW Champion via a forfeit.”

Savage then hung up his phone before laughing and walking away.

OR – 66

Mark Jindrak –vs- Johnny Stamboli

This was the shortest match of the night and the crowd didn’t really get into it. Stamboli controlled most of the match but Jindrak battle back and hit Stamboli with a superkick for the pinfall victory.

Winner – Mark Jindrak

CR – 60 MQ – 69 OR – 64

Johnny Stamboli lost overness from this segment. Mark Jindrak gained overness from this segment.

Christian York –vs- Sylvan Grenier

These two will be facing each other at Retribution as a part of the tag team championship match. Both Joey Matthews and Rene Dupree have been banned from ringside to ensure that there is no interference during the course of the match. The match was evenly fought throughout it and saw a number of near falls. Sylvan Grenier managed to walk away from the match with a win after using the ropes to help him pin York.

After the match had ended Rene Dupree came running down the aisle and got into the ring where both the heels proceeded to beat down York. They nailed the La Crepe and went to deliver another one before Joey Matthews came running down to the ring with a chair to chase the team of La Resistance off.

Winner – Sylvan Grenier

CR – 67 MQ – 87 OR – 76

Backstage Hulk Hogan is standing with our interviewer Josh Matthews

Josh: “Earlier tonight Randy Savage was shown talking on his phone telling someone that he would make sure that you wouldn’t make it to Retribution, what are your feelings on this threat?”

Hogan: “Let me tell you something brother, nothing is going to stop me from getting to Retribution this Sunday. Nothing or no-one can stop me from getting there and if Randy Savage wants to try then it’ll be him that won’t make it to Retribution and not me!”

Josh:But what about the rule that Bret Hart made last week in saying that you two couldn’t lay a hand on each other before Retribution, if you do come to blows tonight then you could be stripped of the belt.”

Hogan: “Josh there’s a saying that you have to remember, rules are made to be broken!

OR – 100

Ron Killings –vs- Justin Credible

We cut back to the ring where Justin Credible is already standing in the ring. Killings then made his entrance to a good face pop from the crowd. Killings started the match off by dropkicking Credible down to the mat and from that point on he was in complete control of the match. Killings hit the true conviction on Credible before covering him to get the three count.

Winner – Ron Killings

CR – 66 MQ – 77 OR – 71

Seven –vs- Rodney Mack

This match went back and forth between the two competitors. Seven had even managed to nail Mack with the sinner shot but Mack had kicked out at the two count. Mack then fought back bravely and delivered the underhook powerbomb and covered Seven but he kicked out before the three. Mack got agitated by this and locked in his blackout submission finisher; Seven had no choice but to tap giving the match to Mack.

Winner – Rodney Mack

CR – 56 MQ – 71 OR - 63

Backstage Randy Savage us with our interviewer Josh Matthews

Josh: “Earlier tonight you were shown speaking on a phone speaking to someone about how Hulk Hogan was going to get what’s coming to him, what did you mean by that?”

Savage: “All I meant by that was Hogan was going to get this,” Savage showed a card with good luck on the front, “ I’m going to give Hogan this good luck card because you and I know that he’s going to need all the luck he can get because he is facing the best wrestler the world has ever known, the Macho Man Randy Savage, OOOH YEAH!”

Josh: “But you also said that Hogan isn’t going to make it to Retribution, who were you talking to and what did you mean by that statement?”

Savage: “It would be a shame Josh that what happened a couple of weeks ago by the hands of Raven to you would to, I don’t know happen again? That was a private conversation and it doesn’t matter who I was talking to it shouldn’t have been shown! I don’t like being suspected of doing something that I have no intention of doing, do you hear me boy? Interviews over”

Savage then knocks the cameraman over before walking off down the corridor.

OR - 90

Bill DeMott –vs- A-Train

A-Train challenged DeMott to a challenge here tonight saying that DeMott needs to learn his place. The two locked up in the middle of the ring and A-Train backed him into a corner. The ref then forced him to break the hold but as soon as he released it A-Train started to choke DeMott and the ref had to once again forced A-Train to release the hold. The ref started to reprimand A-Train for his actions and told him that he would be disqualified if he carried on. A-Train just shoved the ref aside and went charging at DeMott who was still standing in the corner, but before A-Train could connect with him he dodged the attack and then laid some knife edged chops onto the chest of A-Train. A-Train just shrugged off these attacks and laid a couple of knees to the gut of DeMott, he then hit his derailer on him and then covered for the three count.

Winner – A-Train

CR – 63 MQ – 75 OR - 69

As we come back from the commercial break Hulk Hogan makes his way out to ringside.

Hogan: “All night, everybody in the back has been telling me that something is going to happen to me, something is going to stop me from getting to Retribution and I’m sick of it brother. I’m sick of all the threats, I’m sick of waiting to Retribution for me to get my hands on Savage. So whatever’s going to happen to me is going to happen and I’m sick of waiting so whatever is planned let it happen now!

Randy Savage’s music plays in the arena and out comes Hogan’s challenger for Retribution.

Savage: “Hogan you are getting paranoid in your old age. Nothing’s going to happen to you tonight, at least I haven’t got anything planned. I need you in good shape for Retribution Hogan so I’ve got a challenge and if I beat you up now everyone here is going to think that I’m afraid of you, that I can’t beat a healthy Hulk Hogan so…”

Savage was cut of by Buff Bagwell attacking Hulk Hogan in the ring with a steel chair. Bagwell blasts Hogan on the head with a steel chair sending him down to the mat. Bagwell then wraps the chair around the ankle of Hogan and goes up to the tope rope. He comes flying off and stomps onto the chair that’s around Hogan’s ankle. Hogan cries in pain and starts to hold onto his ankle. Bagwell then leaves the ring and walks up the aisle where him and Savage come face to face. Savage and Bagwell then smile at each other and shake hands, Savage then sends Bagwell to the back before walking down the ramp and getting in the ring.

Savage: “Hogan you know what? I couldn’t give a damn if these people or anybody else thinks or feels. You think that just because Bret Hart said that I couldn’t touch you without loosing my shot would be a way to stop me. I can get to you anywhere and anytime Hogan. This Sunday your times up and I’m coming to get what is mine. Oh and Hogan one more thing, good luck!

Savage then gets the good luck card out and flicks it at Hogan, who is still screaming in agony.

OR – 88

Instigation goes off the air with the image of Savage standing tall over a defeated Hulk Hogan.

Best Segment – Josh Matthews interviews Hulk Hogan

Worst Segment – Seven –vs- Rodney Mack


This week’s Instigation got an overall rating of 76, which is up from last week’s rating of 74. The rating was consistent with last weeks getting a 6.41, beating Raw’s 6.02. That Savage/Hogan feud remains where it was at 90 heat and all matches from Instigation have been announced.

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We have a crowd of 7018 in attendance for the last GPW TV before Retribution. Torrie Wilson is still being held by Psychosis and Bill Alfonso will this change tonight or will Spanky finally save his manager? Also tonight’s main event is a singles match between AJ Styles and Paul London.

To start tonight’s events off Scott Hall comes out

Hall: “Hey y’ll two weeks ago I stood in this ring saying that I was going to prove to the men in the back that I deserve to be in this company and that they’ll stop laughing at me. I’m here to tell you that that didn’t happen and it’s all that CM Punk’s fault. He comes in here thinking he’s mister big shot just because he got a fluke pin over me and that’s all it was a fluke win. The men in the back are still laughing at me and it’s got even worse even the women are laughing at me! At me Scott Hall! That’s why I want a match not tonight because you people don’t deserve to see me wrestle tonight no I want a match at Retribution and since it’s all your fault CM Punk I want you! I want to destroy you and once again get back my respect.

CM Punk’s music hits and out comes the man who pinned Scott Hall to get a job here in GPW TV.

CM: “Scott Hall what is the matter with you? You come out here every week and say that you deserve respect but what have you ever done to deserve it? Every time you loose a match you throw a temper tantrum in the middle of that ring, does that make you think that you deserve respect? You’re an alcoholic does that mean you have to be respected? Scott Hall these people won’t respect you until you do something to earn it, but what I really want to know is this. Where is the Scott Hall of old? Where is the Scott Hall who was described as the best wrestler that never won a world title? Where is the Scott Hall that amazed the crowd by putting on great ladder matches? Where is the Scott Hall who people wanted to be because the Scott Hall I’m looking at right now is not the same Scott Hall who I remember! I’ll accept your challenge Scott Hall but on one condition, I don’t get the pathetic Scott Hall that’s standing before me, I get the Scott Hall of old!

Hall: “Hey Punk, you pile of crap, you want the Scott Hall of old you’ve got him but I hope you know what your in for because after it’s all said and done I will be the one left standing. I will be the one that will look down on your body and spit on it because once I beat you I will get my respect!

OR – 75

CM Punk gained overness from this segment.

Lita© –vs- Jazz Women’s Championship

In just three days Lita will face Trinity for her championship at Retribution but Jazz challenged her to a match here tonight and Don Callis made it a title match. Jazz took control in the early going of the match even getting a couple of near falls but Lita refused to stay down. The change in control when Lita reversed attempted DDT by Jazz into a twist of fate. Lita then tried to cover Jazz but she just got her foot on the bottom rope, Lita then went up to the top rope and went to hit her moonsault but Trinity came running down the aisle and threw her off, making the ref cause for an immediate disqualification.

Lita was rolled back into the ring by Trinity who then followed her in. Trinity then went to continue the beat down until Jazz attacked her for costing her the match. Jazz powerbombed Trinity and the locked her in the STF. Trinity was screaming in pain and tapping out but Jazz refused to let go of the hold. It took several refs’ to prise Jazz off of Trinity but they finally managed it and she doesn’t look happy to the fact that Trinity cost her the match.

Winner and Still GPW Women’s Champion by DQ – Lita

CR – 69 MQ – 59 OR – 58

Piper’s Pit

Piper: “Tonight my guest has a chance at becoming a champion at Retribution and has been the object of many critisms and controversy for a few weeks now due to some of his actions. My guest tonight has shown that he do anything to get what he wants and has shown just how aggressive he can be in recent weeks. Tonight my guest is Psychosis.”

Psychosis then makes his entrance but as he makes his way down the ramp Spanky comes running up behind him, knocking him down. He whips Psychosis into the guardrail and into the ring post. He is then heard shouting at him.

Spanky: “Where’s Torrie? Where is she you son of a bitch?”

As he’s screaming at him Bill Alfonso comes out on the stage dragging Torrie Wilson behind him. Torrie has her hands tied behind her back and has tape over her mouth, she tries to scream at Spanky for help but only a muffled sound comes out.

Alfonso: “You want her Spanky, come and get her!”

Spanky runs up the ramp while Alfonso stays where he is at the top of the ramp. Spanky reaches Torrie and then goes to punch Alfonso but before he can Alfonso get a spray he’s been hiding behind his back and sprays it right into Spanky’s eyes. Spanky screams and tries to get the liquid out of his eyes but he can’t manage it he makes another attempt at rescuing Torrie but it was in vain as Psychosis smacks a chair over the head of Spanky, making him fall to the floor. Psychosis and Bill Alfonso then make a quick exit dragging Torrie Wilson with them as Spanky is lain out on the floor.

OR - 73

Air Paris –vs- Kid Kash

In the shortest match of the night Kid Kash took on Air Pairs. Kid Kash controlled every aspect of this match and put Air Paris away with the money maker.

Winner – Kid Kash

CR – 73 MQ – 93 OR – 74

Backstage Scott Hall is with our interviewer Dan Wilson

Wilson: “Earlier tonight you issued an challenge to CM Punk a man who defeated you two weeks ago, which in doing so secured a job here on GPW TV. Last week you faced him again and he got the victory then too. This Sunday at Retribution he has the chance to make it a third pinfall over you…”

Hall: “That is all that it is Dan Wilson a chance, he may have two pinfall victories over me but there is no way he is going to get a third. This Sunday I am going to show CM Punk the meaning of respect and he will hat the day that he disrespected Scott Hall!

OR – 81

Scott Hall gained overness from this segment.

Shark Boy –vs- EZ Money

This match was pretty much equal throughout it. There was no clear person that had the advantage through the match. The crowd got into the match as well showing their appreciation for such a well-fought battle between the two wrestlers. The finish came when Shark Boy delivered his deep-sea drop on EZ.

Winner – Shark Boy

CR – 81 MQ – 82 OR – 72

CM Punk –vs- Sonny Siaki

In his third match here in GPW CM Punk took on Sonny Siaki. As we found out earlier in the night he will be facing Scott Hall this Sunday at Retribution. CM Punk was in control of this match from the get go, eager to show that he deserves a place on the roster and that his victories over Scott Hall was not just a fluke. CM Punk looked like he was going to win it but we’ll never know if would have done. As CM Punk came rebounding off the ropes he went to closeline Siaki down but Siaki ducked and CM Punk ended up closelining to ref down to the mat.

This was the perfect excuse for Scott Hall to run down the ramp. He slid into the ring and delivered an outsider’s edge on CM Punk. He then told Siaki to cover him as Hall exited the ring and went back up the ramp. The ref started to recover and saw a cover being made. He started the count by CM Punk was unable to kick out and Siaki won the match.

Winner – Sonny Siaki

CR – 65 MQ – 77 OR - 63

Backstage AJ Styles is shown with Don Callis in his office.

Callis: “Are you sure that you want to do this?”

Styles: “Positive!”

Callis: “Well it would make a good match.”

Styles: “Good? If you think about this it’ll be the best match of the year! And it’ll prove without a shadow of a doubt that you are the best commissioner the world has ever known.”

Callis: “You’re right again aren’t you. Why do I ever doubt you? That match will be the best match of the year and do you know why?”

Styles: “Oh I know, it’ll be the best because it will feature the phenomenal AJ Styles.

OR – 80


A video is shown hyping up the match between AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn at Retribution. It shows highlights of their matches at Global Warning I and at Freefall. It also shows some of the events that have brought us to this point starting with the awarding of the GPW World Championship to AJ Styles and it ends with the attack that sent Jerry Lynn to the hospital.


OR - 71

Paul London –vs- AJ Styles

Styles requested a warm-up match for his match against Jerry Lynn this Sunday at Retribution. Styles seemed very focused throughout the whole match and was unrelenting during the match. Styles managed to nail his Style’s clash early on in the match but London managed to kick out at the two count. Styles seemed to be a bit agitated but he went back to wearing down London and seemed to be almost enjoying the pain he was inflicting, but no matter how much pain he inflicted that Styles delivered on London he couldn’t manage to keep London down for the count of three.

Styles got more and more agitated as the match went on and the referee even had to calm him down on a number of occasions. Styles had just hit a second Styles Clash on London but again he couldn’t get the three count. Styles then had a little temper tantrum in the ring due to his inability to put London away. Eventually Styles slid out of the ring and grabbed a chair and the slid back into the ring. He waited for London to get back up and then plastered Paul London with the chair across the head. The ref had no choice but to call for the disqualification but Styles didn’t seem too bothered by the announcement.

He was just lifting the chair to bring down on Paul London for a second time but Jerry Lynn’s music hit and he came running down to the ring. He immediately kicked Styles in the gut and delivered a cradle to the grave on Styles and then made sure that Paul London was okay.

Winner by DQ – Paul London

CR – 77 MQ – 86 OR – 72

Before GPW TV went off the air Don Callis’s music hit and he came out onto the stage.

Callis: “Lynn you said a few weeks ago you wanted a match where you could be ensured that there could be no interference and no disqualification. Well I made that match but AJ Styles proposed a new stipulation that would in effect make sure that what you want doesn’t happen. I listened to that proposal and you know I liked it. That’s why the match at Retribution between Jerry Lynn –vs- AJ Styles for the GPW World Championship is now a cage match!

OR – 73

GPW TV went off the air with Jerry Lynn standing over AJ Styles

Best Segment – Interview with Scott Hall

Worst Segment – Lita© –vs- Jazz – GPW Women’s Championship


This week’s GPW TV got a TV rating of 6.62 against Smackdown’s 5.18. It also got an overall rating of 71, I really don’t know what happened as the crowd ratings and the match qualities were all quite high but the overall ratings were considerably lower, I suppose it’ll just have to be considered one of those days. Anyway going into Retribution the Styles/Lynn feud gained a point and rose to 90 while the Spanky/Psychosis feud remained consistent at 90. The Retribution preview should be up next!

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Retribution Preview

Lita© -vs- Trinity - GPW Women’s Championship

Trinity has had a problem with Lita as of late, claiming that she purposely set out to injure her in their match at Freefall last month. Trinity has interfered in all of the champion’s matches on GPW TV lately, most recently interfering in a title match between Lita and Jazz on GPW TV last week. This will be Trinity’s first match since Freefall and there is speculation over if she will really be in a fit state to wrestle this Sunday. Will the champion walk away with the gold or will Trinity walk away two time GPW Women’s Champion.

CM Punk –vs- Scott Hall

Three weeks ago on GPW TV Scott Hall made an open challenge for anyone in the back to face him in a match, the man that answered the challenge was CM Punk, who had an agreement with Don Callis stating that if he won a match then he could have a job. Later in their match CM Punk managed to pin Scott Hall, who says that it was just a “fluke.” Last week Scott Hall again made an challenge, this time for Retribution, for CM Punk. Scott Hall says that Punk has disrespected him from the moment he stepped into the company and says that he’s going to show CM Punk the meaning of respect. However CM Punk already has two pinfall victories over Scott Hall, can he make it a third?

York & Matthews© -vs- La Resistance - GPW Tag Team Championship

Sylvan ‘earned’ a shot for La Resistance at the Tag Team Championship two weeks ago on Instigation. For the last two weeks La Resistance has managed to outsmart their opponents will they be able to do so this Sunday?

Spanky© -vs- Psychosis - GPW Cruiserweight Championship

These two have faced each other at the past two PPVs and have stolen the show on both occasions. These two absolutely hate each other’s guts and don’t care who knows it but this time Psychosis has taken their rivalry to a whole new level. Three weeks ago on GPW TV Psychosis and his manager Bill Alfonso kidnapped Torrie Wilson, the manager of Spanky. For the last two weeks Spanky has tried to rescue his valet but has been unsuccessful. At Retribution will he be able to rescue her or will she remain in the grasp of Psychosis. With Spanky’s mind focused on the rescue of Torrie the question has been asked will he be entirely focused on the match or will his thoughts be elsewhere? The fact remains if he wants to walk out of Retribution with the GPW Cruiserweight Championship around his waist he will have to be focused.

Sting –vs- Raven – Retirement Match - GPW North American Championship Tournament Finals

In what stared as a tournament for the newly created North American Championship has developed into perhaps the most personal encounter on this card. Raven attacked Ron Killings and Josh Matthews to warn someone to eliminate themselves from this tournament, that person turned out to be Sting. Raven has been almost psychotic over the last few weeks and says that it’s his destiny to be crowned the first GPW North American Champion but one man stands in his way. Sting challenged Raven to make this match a retirement matchup and Raven accepted, claiming that he will be known as the man who ended the career of Sting. No-one knows what to expect from these two when they step into the ring and only one thing is certain at the end one of these two men will never step foot into a ring again. Can Raven deliver on his promises and do what many other people have tried to do and end the career of Sting or can Sting beat all the odds and walk out of this match as the new North American Champion?

Jeff Hardy –vs- Scott Steiner© - GPW Television Champion

Every time these two competitors have been in the ring there has been no way to separate them. We don’t know exactly what the issue between these two is but all we do know is that they hate each other. Every time these two have had a match Steiner has been the victor will this change at Retribution or will Steiner continue his winning ways over Jeff Hardy?

Hulk Hogan© -vs- Randy Savage - No DQ - GPW Championship

These two have had a past that spreads for decades and different promotions. These two have many battles and this is just going to be another one in their rivalry, or is it? Randy Savage has been claiming that he deserves the belt and he’s the world’s best wrestler but he has been unable to defeat Hogan without the aid of ropes or a weapon. This match will be a no disqualification match which means anything that Savage wants to do he can. The state of Hogan’s ankle, which was viscously attacked last week on Instigation by Buff Bagwell, is not yet known, will Hogan be able to participate in the match and what exactly is the relationship between Randy Savage and Buff Bagwell? Will he be a factor in this match? The only way to know is to watch Retribution this Sunday to find out!

Jerry Lynn© -vs- AJ Styles - Cage Match - GPW World Championship

We found out last week that these two will be fighting in a steel cage, the first one ever in GPW history. These two have had epic battles over the last two months but will they be able to top it. Don Callis has said that this will be the year’s best match, does he know this or does he have something up his sleeve for Jerry Lynn? This all started two months ago when Don Callis awarded the GPW World Championship to AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn took offence, saying that championships should be earned not given. Will this issue be laid to rest tonight in the confines of a steel cage or how many other chapters will this saga entail?

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Tonight is not the time for MercyImages of Sting and Raven are shown

Tonight is not the time for RestraintImages of Spanky and Psychosis are shown

Tonight is not the time for Misconceptions … Images of Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles are shown

Tonight is not the time for ForgivenessImages of Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage are shown

Tonight is the time for Retribution!

16820 people rise to their feet as the third GPW PPV comes on air with the double main event of taking on Jerry Lynn for the GPW World championship that will be decided in a steel cage and the final encounter between Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage for the GPW Championship in a no disqualification math-up.

Lita© –vs- Trinity - GPW Women’s Championship

Trinity made her way down to the ring first in this match and the crowd gave her a reasonable amount of heel heat as she made her way down. Lita’s music then started out and the crowd gave her a warm welcome. Lita didn’t wait for the bell to ring instead she dove straight for Trinity, sending her down to the mat. She then started to lay punches to the temple of Trinity as the ref tried to separate the two. Trinity eventually managed to get back to her feet and she got out of the ring to escape the beating from Lita, she then started to walk up the ramp as the ref started to count her out.

Lita got right back out of the ring though and dragged Trinity back to the ring and shoved her inside, she then kicked Trinity in the gut and delivered a twist of fate on the challenger. Lita then climbed up to the top rope and came flying off with a moonsault, she covered Trinity for the three and retained her championship.

Winner and still GPW Women’s Champion – Lita

CR – 79 MQ – 56 OR – 72

The GPW Women’s Championship has gained in image.

CM Punk –vs- Scott Hall

For the third time CM Punk took on the veteran in Scott Hall. CM Punk got a good pop on his way out to the ring, seemingly unfazed by the threats that Scott Hall has been issuing all week. Scott Hall music then plays and CM Punk faces the entrance ramp waiting for his opponent, but while he was facing that way Scott Hall jumped the guard rail and slid into the ring without CM Punk noticing. Hall had a steel chair in hand and smashes it against CM Punk’s back; he then grabs a mic from ringside.

Hall: “You see that Punk, this is exactly what you get for disrespecting me. You should’ve realised who you are dealing with and you must realise that you don’t have what it takes to make it in this business. You’re not clever enough to make it and I’m going to make an example of you. I’m going to make and example to all those pathetic wannabe’s out there that think they’ve got a chance to make it, I am going to show them exactly what happens to those sort of dreams. They get crushed. But they’re not the only ones that are going to see something Punk. All the boys sitting in the back, they’re going to see exactly what happens if they ever disrespect Scott Hall!

The bell rings signifying the start of the match and Scott Hall immediately goes for the cover 1…2…3 NO! CM Punk just managed to get his shoulder up, much to the disbelief of Scott Hall, who starts to argue with the ref. Scott Hall gets so irate that he then lays a right hand to the temple of referee John Finnegan, knocking him to the mat. Scott Hall then returns his focus onto CM Punk; he gets him onto his back and then nails the outsider’s edge. Hall then goes for another cover but there’s no referee to count the fall, Hall shouts for another ref to come down to the ring and eventually one makes his way down. Hall goes back into the cover and the ref begins the count, 1…2…CM Punk just got his shoulder up again before the three count, again Scott Hall become agitated with the ref and goes to lay him out with a right hand as well but before he could CM Punk rolls up Scott Hall and the ref goes down to count the fall. 1…2…3 CM Punk has done it; he has again got an upset victory over Scott Hall. Hall though is absolutely fuming about the loss, CM Punk and the ref take the wise decision and, slip out of the ring before Hall can retaliate and he is left in the ring with no one to fight.

Winner – CM Punk

CR – 61 MQ – 77 OR – 70

Jeff Hardy –vs- Scott Steiner© - GPW Television Championship

After Scott Hall finally exited the ring it was time for the next match to begin, Jeff Hardy came out first to quite a good pop from the crowd. The sirens blared around the arena signalling the arrival of Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner. The Television champion got quite good heel heat as well. A soon as Steiner got into the ring he made a dive for Jeff and the two went down to the mat, punching at each other. The ref had to separate them and the two squared up in the middle of the ring and another punching match ensued. Steiner got the advantage though by kicking Jeff in the gut and then suplexing the challenger.

Steiner went for a cover but he broke it and started to do push-ups claiming that he was only just warming up, Jeff then got right back onto his feet and the dropkicked Steiner down to the mat and made a cover of his own. Jeff then broke the cover just like Steiner had done, and started to do push-ups of his own, mocking Steiner. The match continued this way with each competitor going toe-to-toe and move for move throughout the match. The finish came when Steiner avoided a Swanton bomb from Jeff and then locked him in the Steiner recliner, forcing him to tap out.

Winner and still GPW Television Champion – Scott Steiner

CR – 75 MQ – 63 OR - 69

Spanky© -vs- Psychosis - GPW Cruiserweight Championship

After a brief video package showing the events leading up to the match Psychosis makes his entrance, without Bill Alfonso by his side even though he hasn’t been banned from the ringside area. Spanky’s music hits and the champion makes his way to the ring, getting a good face pop along the way. The two locked eyes and stood in the middle of the ring trading insults. Spanky was the first to strike, laying forearms into the head of Psychosis. He backed him into the ropes and whipped him to the other side of the ring. Psychosis reversed this though and sent Spanky to the ropes instead. Spanky came off them and delivered a headscissors take down on Psychosis.

Spanky then locked in a figure four leg-lock on Psychosis looking to win the match by submission. Psychosis desperately tried to make it to the ropes but they were too far away to reach. In the end Psychosis reversed the manoeuvre by rolling onto his stomach meaning that all the pressure would be put on Spanky. Having the hold reversed put Spanky in a lot of pain but he was able to grab the bottom rope to break the hold. The match continued with each participant giving it they’re all. They both had a number of near falls but were unable to put the other away for the three count. Both men had even hit their signature moves but they both kicked out of them as well. Spanky had the control for most of the match, taking all his recent frustration out on Psychosis, who was the cause of the frustration.

Spanky had just managed to nail his sliced bread #2 and was just going for the pin when Bill Alfonso appeared on the rampway, dragging Torrie Wilson behind him. Spanky immediately saw him and started shouting at Alfonso to let Torrie go. With his focus on Alfonso Spanky didn’t see Psychosis get up and sneak up behind him. Psychosis then rolled up Spanky and grabbed a handful of tights. The ref not seeing this went down to count the three. Taking Spanky by surprise Psychosis was able to pin the champion. As soon as the ref’s hand came down for the three count Psychosis rolled out of the ring and grabbed the title belt. He made his way to where Bill Alfonso was still standing, laughing at getting one over on Spanky. He then picked up Torrie and flung her over his shoulder and made his way to the exit as Spanky went in pursuit of him.

Winner and NEW GPW Cruiserweight Champion - Psychosis

CR – 85 MQ – 100 OR – 83

GPW Cruiserweight Championship has gained in image.

York & Matthews© -vs La Resistance - GPW Tag Team Championship

Christian York and Rene Dupree start this match off for their respective teams. They locked up in the middle of the ring and Dupree backs York into the turnbuckle, Dupree then delivers some knife-edge chops onto the chest of York causing a “USA” chant to start from the crowd. These chants just infuriated the heel team and started to take it out on York. Rene whipped York into the ropes and Sylvan ran from his corner and shoved his knee right into the back of York. This is how it went for the remainder of the match, the heels cheating every chance that they got and they didn’t allow York to make the tag to his partner. They had double teamed York and were setting him up for the La Crepe when Joey Matthews got into the ring and took out both of La Resistance and giving York chance to recover from the continued assault.

York started to crawl over to his corner and just as he was to make the tag Sylvan Grenier delivered a kick to the back of York’s head. Sylvan then dragged York back into La Resistance’s half of the ring to continue the assault. Again La Resistance started to double team the champion and had whipped his into the ropes, they went to deliver a flapjack on York but he had just enough strength left to nail a double closeline on the challengers.

York then crawled over to his corner and finally managed to tag in his partner into the match for the first time. Matthews was like a house on fire, hitting anything that moved, he threw Sylvan over the top rope and then York came back into the ring. The two of them then delivered a full effect on Dupree and Matthews made the cover. The ref went down and made the count, Sylvan was just too late trying to break the pin meaning that York and Matthews have retained their tag team championships.

Winner and still GPW Tag Team Champions – York & Matthews

CR – 65 MQ – 87 OR – 76

Christian York gained overness from this match. Joey Matthews gained overness from this match. Rene Dupree lost overness from this match. Sylvan Greiner lost overness from this match.

Sting –vs- Raven – Retirement Match - GPW North American Championship Tournament final

A video package airs showing the events leading up to this match. The video also shows some highlights of each wrestlers careers fading with the words, “Tonight one champion is crowned and one career ends” Raven’s music hits and the crowd starts to boo him as he makes his entrance, these soon turn to cheers though as Sting comes down the ramp to start the match. Sting slides into the ring and goes face to face with Raven in the middle of the ring, the two enemies trade insults at each other but that ends when Raven spits into the face of Sting, he strikes back with a right hand and the match starts. Sting irish whips Raven to the ropes but Raven counters it by closelineing Sting down to the mat, Raven doesn’t let Sting back to his feet and starts to deliver right hands to the head. He then lifts Sting off the mat and the suplexes him onto the top rope; Raven follows it up by kicking Sting to the outside of the ring. He then follows him out and grabs a steel chair from ringside and goes to where Sting is resting against the ring post he swings the chair aiming for his head but Sting ducked just in time to avoid the chair shot.

Raven goes again to swing the chair at his head but Sting kicks Raven in the gut, temporarily stopping Raven’s advance. Raven isn’t dazed for long though and again tries to connect with a chair shot but Sting ducks the shot again and back body drops Raven over the guardrail and into the crowd. Sting follows Raven over the guardrail and scoops him up delivering a suplex onto the concrete floor. Again Sting goes to scoop Raven up but Raven low blows Sting and the climbs over the guardrail and back to ringside.

Once Sting had recovered he climbed over the guardrail but is met by and attack by Raven. He grabs the wire of a near-by camera and starts to choke Sting with it. Sting starts to scream in pain and the ref finally gets Raven to release it but the damage isn’t done. Raven grabs another steel chair and puts it into the ring he goes back to where Sting is laying and rolls him in the ring as well. Sting starts to climb up using the aid of the ropes while Raven sets up the steel chair in the middle of the ring the goes to irish whips Sting, but knowing what was on Raven’s mind he blocked it and managed to get Raven down to the mat and lock in the scorpion death-lock. Raven started to scream in agony but refused to tap out to the pain that Sting was inflicting on him.

Eventually Sting released the hold and went for a pin but Raven just kicked, saving his career for now. With a rake to the eye Raven was back in control of the match but was limping from being in the scorpion death lock for so long he irish whipped Sting to the ropes and delivered a drop toe hold on Sting who went face first onto the steel chair. Raven covered Sting but could only get a two count for his actions; he then signalled for the Raven effect and lifted Sting of the mat. Sting was still dazed for the chair so he couldn’t block the Raven effect. Raven went for another cover but again Sting kicked out at two, much to the disbelief of Raven.

Raven, now getting frustrated, grabbed the steel chair and started to stalk Sting with it. He waited for Sting to get up and swung the chair at his head. Sting ducked it though and the chair hit the top rope and rebounded, hitting Raven on the head instead. Dazed, Raven turned around and was net by a scorpion death drop delivered by Sting. Sting covered Raven and the ref counted the three, awarding the match to Sting meaning that now Raven is now retired and Sting is the new GPW North American Champion.

Sting started to celebrate his win and climbed on all four corners raising his belt high in the air as flash bulbs went off around him. Coming down from the fourth turnbuckle he came face to face with Raven. Sting braced for another attack but Raven just held out his hands waiting for Sting to shake it. Sting seemed a little suspicious at first but finally shaked the hand of Raven, he then lifted Raven’s arm in the air and the crowd started to cheer once again. As Sting went to go out of the ring Raven spun Sting back around and delivered another Raven effect. He stood over Sting and did the crucifix symbol as the crowd booed his actions.

Winner and NEW GPW North American Champion – Sting

CR – 81 MQ – 67 OR – 76

Backstage Josh Matthews is with Hulk Hogan

Josh: “Last Monday night on Instigation Buff Bagwell, by order of Randy Savage, viciously attacked you in the ring. He specifically targeted your ankle. What I was wondering Hogan and I’m sure many people at home are wondering too is what state is your ankle in and are you going to be able to wrestle tonight?”

Hogan: “Josh I’m not going to lie to you brother, last Monday night has got to be one of the worst nights of my life, I’ve never been in as much pain in my whole life. Savage tonight me and you go one on one again on the pain I was experiencing last Monday night won’t compare with what pain you will be going through tonight and once I’ve finished with you Savage I’m coming for you Buff Bagwell. So am I going to wrestle tonight, HELL YES!

OR – 94

Jerry Lynn© -vs – AJ Styles - Cage Match - GPW World Championship

The same video that was played on Thursday night’s GPW TV shows here again after we fade back to ringside AJ Styles music hit and the phenomenal one makes his way out for his match. After posing on the turnbuckle AJ waits in the middle of the ring waiting for his opponent to arrive. Jerry Lynn’s music then plays and the champion makes his entrance to a decent pop from the crowd. Jerry gets into the ring and hands his belt to the ref; the cage starts to lower as the ring announcer states the rules for this match.

Tim Tantum: “This is the cage match for the GPW World Championship. To win the match one of the two competitors much climb over the top of the cage and be the first to place two feet onto the floor. Pinfall, submission or exiting the cage door will NOT constitute a victory.”

The cage is secured into position and the match begins. Styles immediately runs and starts to climb the cage, hoping to finish the match before it can get started. Lynn quickly grabbed Styles though and powerbombs him the down to the mat, to a good reaction from the crowd. Lynn then went to work on Styles legs, in hope that he wouldn’t be able to climb the cage. Lynn applied various leg holds and manoeuvres, which left Styles in pain in the middle of the ring with nothing he could do about it. This eventually brought Don Callis out to ringside to cheer AJ Styles on but he seemed oblivious to it. Lynn was about to apply another hold onto Styles’s legs but AJ managed to kick Lynn in the face and stomach, which meant he was able to get up. He could hardly stand though after all off the damage had been done to his legs and he held onto the ropes for balance. Lynn the came charging in but Styles drove him headfirst into the steel cage, sending Lynn down to the mat in agony. This allowed AJ to get some rest and recuperate from the beating. While Lynn was down though AJ noticed Don Callis for the first time and a big smile came across his face. Callis managed to squeeze his hand through a space in the cage and hand something to Styles without Lynn noticing.

Lynn started to come back to life and Styles started to play possum, pretending that he was still too hurt to move away from the rope. Lynn made his way towards Styles and grabbed Styles head. Just as he was dragging Styles towards the middle of the ring Styles punch him in the head and Lynn sank to the mat. Styles started to laugh and showed the crowd what Callis had given him, a pair of brass knuckles. Styles then started to climb the cage, as Lynn lay motionless in the ring. The crowd started to boo loudly as now they knew that Lynn was getting screwed.

Styles didn’t seem to care though and he still climbed the cage, Lynn was still laying in the ring when Styles and pulled himself up and standing on the top rail of the cage. Callis just started to applause Styles efforts and Styles just turned around and stared at Lynn on the mat. Callis shouted to Styles not to do anything stupid and to just make his way down the cage. Styles took no notice though and just looked around at the crowd with a big smile on his face. Styles then came flying of the top of the cage, looking to deliver his spiral tap finisher. Lynn though quickly rolled out of the way, knowing that if Styles hit it it would definitely be the end of the match. Lynn groggily got to his feet and went over to the body of Styles and scooped him up, he then hit his cradle to the grave on Styles to a huge pop from the crowd.

Lynn then slowly crawled to the cage wall and started to climb the cage, Callis was screaming at Styles to get back up but the call fell on deaf ears, Lynn reached the top of the cage and still Styles hadn’t moved, Lynn started to climb down he cage wall as Callis grabbed a chair from ringside. He swung the chair at the cage a few times, warning Jerry Lynn not to go any further but Lynn continued to climb down the cage. Knowing that Jerry Lynn now had the match won Don Callis swung the chair and it connected on the back of Lynn, causing him to let go of the cage and fall to the floor. The bell rang, signalling the end of the match and Callis just stared on in unable to do anything. Paramedics came running down the aisle to check on the two competitors as the titentron faded into a video package showing the feud between Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan.

Winner and still GPW World Champion – Jerry Lynn

CR – 85 MQ – 88 OR – 86

Jerry Lynn gained overness from this feud ending. AJ Styles gained overness from this feud ending.

Hulk Hogan© -vs- Randy Savage - NO DQ - GPW Championship

The video finishes and Randy Savage’s music hits, he makes his way down to the ring to major heat from the crowd. Hulk Hogan makes his way down to the ring, getting a massive pop from the crowd, he slides into the ring and starts to pose for the crowd but just as he stars to rip his tee-shirt off Savage attacks him from behind and the match gets started. Savage lays boots to the chest of Hogan, not letting him up from the mat. Finally the ref manages to grab him off Hogan, allowing him to get to his feet, but Savage just shoves the ref side and resumes his attack on Hogan. Savage whips him into the corner and follows him in with a closeline. Savage then scoop slams him down to the mat, he climbs up to the top rope and signals for the Savage elbow but Hogan just manages to push the ref to the ropes, making Savage loose his balance, he falls and crotches himself on the top rope. Savage then falls into a heap on the mat while Hogan catches his breath.

Eventually the two men get to their feet and a punching match starts in the match. Hogan gets the better of it and whips Savage into the ropes, he goes for the big boot but Savage ducks the attempt and pokes a thumb into the eye of Hogan. Savage starts to punch Hogan in the temple but eventually the punches start to have no effect as Hogan starts to hulk up on Savage, who starts to panic. Savage quickly gets out of the ring and grabs a steel chair; he gets back into the ring and charges at Hogan. Hogan though lifts up his boot and drives it into the chair, sending it into Savage’s head, he then rips the rest of tee shirt of and comes rebounding of the ropes and delivers the leg drop of doom on Savage. Hogan covers him for the three count retaining his championship again.

Winner and still GPW Champion – Hulk Hogan

CR – 95 MQ – 39 OR – 78

Randy Savage gained overness from this feud ending.

Retribution came to a close with Hulk Hogan celebrating his win to the cheers of the crowd.

Best Segment – Josh Matthews interviews Hulk Hogan

Worst Segment – Jeff Hardy –vs- Scott Steiner© GPW Television Championship


Retribution got an overall rating of 79, down from last month’s event Freefall. Both the AJ Styles/Jerry Lynn and the Randy Savage/Hulk Hogan feuds are now over and all workers will go onto different storylines. The Spanky/Psychosis feud will carry on for a while and has risen a point to 91. We were sad to see Raven retire tonight but he felt it was time for him to leave the business, but not entirely! We drew a buy-rate of 1.41 for this event, which is up quite considerable from last month.

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Last Night Instigation Wrestler Raven was retired after loosing a match against Sting for the GPW Intercontinental Championship. We here at GPW have offered Raven a job to help out in the backstage running of the company and we are pleased to announce that as of today Raven will now be the head booker of our development territory GPW: Development.

Credit: GPW.com



Just one day after Retribution, 7022 people are in attendance to find out what the fall out from it will be. Tonight Bret Hart has said that tonight he will name the number one contender for the GPW Championship for the up coming event The End is Near. In a rematch from last night York & Matthews will once again defend their tag team championship against La Resistance.

We didn’t have to wait long for Bret Hart, as soon as Instigation came on air he made his way down to the ring.

Bret: “Last night we say Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage fight it out for the right to be named GPW Champion. As I’m sure you already know Hulk Hogan walked away from that match still GPW Champion. Since Randy Savage has had three opportunities to beat Hogan for that championship, a new challenger is needed. Therefore…”

Before Hart could continue he was cut off by the music of Buff Bagwell, who stood on the top of the rampway. He waited for the crowd to stop booing him before beginning to speak.

Bagwell: “Hart if anyone should be named number one contender it should be me, and if you need to know why here’s the reason.”

A replay of Buff Bagwell attacking the ankle of Hulk Hogan on last week’s Instigation. After the video finishes Bagwell continues to speak.

Bagwell: “Last week I dominated Hogan to the point where he was begging for me to stop the attack. If that was a match I would have beaten Hogan right there and then. Savage promised me that if I took out Hogan that he would give me the first shot at the championship when he won it at Retribution, but he couldn’t even beat him after I weakened him up for him. The way I see it is that I took out Hogan and I deserve that title shot so just stop wasting time and name me the number one contender, and unlike that peon Savage I will get the job done and beat the immortal Hulk Hogan.

Before Hart could respond Randy Savage appeared on the tientron.

Savage: “Hart, give me one more shot at Hogan and this time I will deliver and beat him for the title.”

Hart:Like I’ve already said Randy Savage you’ve had three opportunities to become the champion. You were in the four-way match at Global Warfare to crown the first champion and you lost. You faced Hulk Hogan at Freefall and last night at Retribution for the championship, both times you lost fairly in the middle of the ring so you are not getting named the number one contender to the GPW Championship.

This caused the crowd to erupt and Buff Bagwell started to smile.

Bagwell:Congratulations, for the first time you have made the right decision by naming me the number one contender and I unlike Randy Savage will beat Hulk Hogan for the championship and that’s a promise.”

Hart: “Wait a minute I never said that you were number one contender either.”

The crowd cheered again at this announcement.

Bagwell: “What? Are you out of your mind…”

Hart: “Whoa, I never said that you were the number one contender but I never said that you wouldn’t have the opportunity to become the number one contender. Tonight Buff Bagwell you and nineteen other men will compete in a twenty man over the top battle royal. The winner of that match will go on to the End is Near to face the GPW Champion Hulk Hogan.

OR – 79

Ron Killings –vs- Johnny Stamboli

In the first match of the night Ron Killings took on Johnny Stamboli. Killings started off this match in control but he was unable to put Stamboli for the three count. The tide of the match changed when Stamboli hit Killings with a low blow behind the ref’s back, he then hit the fugettabout it and went for the cover but Kllings kicked out at the two count.Killings battled back against Stamboli, hitting him with the true conviction and got the three count.

Winner – Ron Killings

CR – 71 MQ – 71 OR – 70

Seven –vs- Justin Credible

Credible feels that he’s being treated unfairly in GPW and complained to Bret Hart. Hart made this match for Credible to prove himself. Credible attacked Seven as soon as the bell rang. He managed to back Seven into the corner and started to lay kicks to the gut of Seven. Credible then lay off Seven, letting him get his breath back, which ultimately was his downfall in this match. Credible went for a super kick but Seven ducked the attack and nailed the sinner shot getting the three and the victory.

Winner – Seven

CR – 54 MQ – 78 OR – 66

Seven gained overness from this match.

Our cameras cut backstage to show Bret Hart sitting in his office when Randy Savage came barging into his office.

Savage: “Hart, just what in the hell do you think you’re doing…”

Hart: “You can stop right there, I don’t appreciate you or anybody to come in here and talk to me like that. Now if you’re here what I think you’re here for then you can just leave. The twenty spots have already been taken and no you’re not one of them. You’ve had your shot you won’t be getting another one for a while. A long while, now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to make sure that somebody’s arrived.

Bret Hart leaves the room leaving Savage alone, before leaving though Savage tips over Hart’s desk and then barges back off, knocking over an assistant on his way out.

OR - 78

Erotica –vs- T&A

Test and A-Train completely dominated Chris Chetti and Danny Doring in this match. Erotica had no chance of getting in any offence in this match. T&A were trying to get the right to have a shot at the tag team champions and were showing that they deserved to be the champions. The finish came when Test delivered the big boot on Chetti and A-Train hit the derailer on Doring. Test covered Chetti for the win while the crowd booed the heel team.

Winner – T&A

CR – 64 MQ – 74 OR – 71

The team of La Resistance are shown in their locker room backstage getting ready for their match against York & Matthews later on tonight.

Rene: “Listen tonight we get another shot at the tag team championship and this time you better not blow it.”

Sylvan: “Me blow it? Who was the one that got pinned?”

Rene: “Yes but who was the one that was too late in breaking the pin up?”

Sylvan: “This isn’t getting us anywhere lets just put it behind us and concentrate on regaining our tag team gold, agreed?”

Rene: “Agreed, but just make sure you do your job and I’ll do mine okay.”

Sylvan: “It’s not exactly hard is you get scum number one and I’ll get scum number two.”

Rene: “No that was last night’s plan, tonight’s is this” (whispers something in Sylvan’s ear.) “Don’t worry I already know that I’m a genius so you don’t have to tell me.”

OR – 62

Mark Jindrak –vs- Rodney Mack

In the shortest match of the night Mark Jindrak took on Rodney Mack. Early on in the match Mack managed to connect with the underhook powerbomb and went for the pin. Jindrak just got his shoulder up at the count of two, much to the annoyance of Mack, who quickly started to lay boots onto Jindrak’s chest. Mack then locked him in the blackout making Jindrak quickly tap out earning him the win. Mack refused to relinquish the hold after the bell. Referees and road agents came running out of the back and managed to prise Mack off Jindrak and get him out of the ring while Jindrak lay in the ring.

Winner – Rodney Mack

CR – 58 MQ – 70 OR – 63

As we come back from the commercial break Mark Jindrak is shown in the back getting medical assistance when Randy Savage enters the room.

Savage: “Hey tough luck man.”

Jindrak: “Yeah I know, I’ll be okay for the battle royal later on though.”

Savage: “Oh, you’ve been put in that have you?”

Jindrak: “Yeah what’s it to you?”

Savage then grabs Jindrak and throws him right into the wall. He lands on the floor with a sickening thud and Savage stands over him with psychotic look in his eyes.

Savage: “Looks like you’ll be out of that battle royal, but it doesn’t matter as I’m sure that somebody will be able to take your place.

Savage leaves as road agents check on Jindrak for the second time tonight.

OR – 75

York & Matthews© –vs- La Resistance - GPW Tag Team Championship

The heel team came out first, getting a large amount of heel heat on their way down. The two got into the ring and waited for the champions to come out. The music of York & Matthews played throughout the arena, getting a good face pop but no one appeared. The music slowly died down and the ref went backstage to try and find out what was happening, up on the titentron though York & Matthews appear beaten and bloodied in their locker room. The ref comes back out and states that the champions are in no fit sate to fight and calls the match off. La Resistance just started to smile and laugh as they made there way backstage.

Winner – Not decided

OR – 77

Hulk Hogan is shown walking backstage to a huge pop from the crowd. As he’s walking along though Buff Bagwell steps out of a doorway.

Bagwell: “How’s the ankle Hogan? I hope I didn’t do too much damage old man and I hope that you’ll be able to fight at The End is Near because when I win tonight’s battle royal I will be coming for you championship, and then you’ll be screaming in pain just like you were last week when I beat you down like the bitch that you are. See you around, I’ve got a match to win.”

Bagwell then walks away leaving a pissed off Hogan standing alone.

OR - 91

Twenty Man Battle Royal - #1 Contenders match for the GPW Championship

Every thirty seconds a new entrant will enter.

Entrant #1 – Test

Test makes his way down to the ring to a little heel heat from the crowd.

Entrant #2 – Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Test can’t believe who he has to face and starts to argue with the ref that this is unfair but there’s nothing that the ref could do. Hacksaw makes his way down and gets into the ring, Test tries to back off but Hacksaw doesn’t stop, eventually he charges at Test who ducks and low-bridges the top rope sending Hacksaw out and over the top rope.

Elimination #1 – Hacksaw Jim Duggan by Test

Test celebrates the elimination and waits for his next opponent.

Entrant #3 – Ken Shamrock

Shamrock gets into the ring and offers the handshake to Test who just delivers the big boot on Shamrock, he then just lifts him up on his shoulder and throws him over the top rope to the floor below.

Elimination #2 – Ken Shamrock by Test

Test starts to taunt the crowd and again waits for his next opponent

Entrant #4 – Sting

Test soon stops his showboating when the new GPW North American Champion makes his way down to the ring; Sting shows the scars of his battle last night with Raven and slowly makes his way down to the ring. The two lock up in the middle of the ring and Sting manages to back Test to the corner, there he lays some knife-edge chops onto Test Chest, the buzzer sounds signalling the entrance of the next participant.

Entrant #5 – A-Train

A-Train runs to the ring and immediately charges into the corner where Sting is still attacking Test. Sting hears him coming though and moves out of the way sending A-Train running into his tag team partner. Sting then closelines A-Train out of the ring and goes back to work on A-Train.

Elimination #3 – A-Train by Sting

Entrant #6 – Seven

Seven goes over to where Sting and Test are in the corner and helps out Sting by attacking Test. The two have a temporary alliance as they slowly get Test balanced on the top rope and almost get him over the top rope until Seven is attacked.

Entrant #7 – Buff Bagwell

Bagwell comes running down to the rig and immediately attacks his former friend Seven. He quickly drags him over to the other side of the ring while Test gets the upper hand with Sting. Test manages to get off the top rope by poking Sting in the eyes, he then goes to eliminate him by big booting him out of the ring but Sting ducks leaving Test teetering on the top rope, Sting quickly closelines Test out of the ring to the disbelief of Test.

Elimination #4 – Test by Sting

Entrant #8 – Johnny Stamboli

Johnny Stamboli enters and goes out to help Bagwell on his attack of Seven, meanwhile Test is throwing a fit on the outside, he grabs a steel chair from ringside and gets back into the ring, he waits for Sting to turn around before plastering him across the head with the chair. He gets Bagwell’s attention and gets him to throw him over the top rope, eliminating him.

Elimination #5 – Sting by Buff Bagwell

Entrant #9 – Rene Dupree

Rene keeps to the side of the aisle way while Test continues to beat Sting up the ramp way and to the back out of sight. Back in the ring Stamboli and Bagwell are continuing their attack on Seven while Rene slowly makes his way down to the ring but instead of getting in he just watches the action.

Entrant #10 – Ron Killings

Killings come running down to the ring and goes for Stamboli, he irish whips him to the ropes and dropkicks him over the top rope.

Elimination #5 – Johnny Stamboli by Ron Killings

Killings then turns his attention to Buff Bagwell, he attacks him from behind and starts to lay punches to his head.

Entrant #11 – Justin Credible

Credible comes running down to the ring and quickly goes after Seven who had beaten him earlier in the night Credible gets Seven balanced on the top rope trying to get him over the top rope. Rene Dupree took this moment to get into the ring and ran over to where Justin Credible was he managed to throw out Justin Credible and Seven at the same time.

Elimination #6 & #7 – Justin Credible and Seven by Rene Dupree

Dupree slides under the bottom rope to the outside and continues to watch as Ron Killings and Buff Bagwell fight it out in the ring

Entrant #12 – Bill DeMott

DeMott goes ad helps Killings out with his battle with Bagwell the two nearly manage to get Bagwell out of the ring until the next participant attacked them.

Entrant #13 – Lodi

One half of the Rainbow express Lodi made his way down to the ring and attacks Bill DeMott, but DeMott manages to fight back he keeps the upper hand until entrant #14 made his way down.

Entrant #14 – Lenny Lane

The other half of Rainbow Express goes to help out his tag team partner and attacks Bill DeMott, the two start to beat him down while Buff Bagwell manages to get Ron Killings out of the battle royal.

Elimination #8 – Ron Killings by Buff Bagwell

Bagwell takes a quick rest in one corner while Lenny and Lodi continue there beating of Bill DeMott

Entrant #15 – Chris Chetti

Chetti goes straight to work on Lodi, completely ignoring Bagwell who is slumped in the corner, Chetti starts his focus on Lodi while DeMott battles back against Lenny Lane. Chetti quickly disposes of Lodi over the top rope and DeMott chucks over Lenny Lane, but while he goes to yell at Lenny, Bagwell sneaks up behind him and throws him out of the ring.

Elimination #9 – Lodi by Chris Chetti

Elimination #10 – Lenny Lane by Bill DeMott

Elimination #11 – Bill DeMott by Buff Bagwell

Entrant #16 – Sylvan Grenier

Sylvan makes his entrance and goes to stand next to his partner Rene Dupree on the outside, the two watches as Chris Chetti continue to brawl inside the ring.

Entrant #17 – Christian York

The team of La Resistance soon stop smiling and look shocked to hear the music of York & Matthews who they had laid out earlier in the night. The look straight at the ramp way waiting to see if he would actually come out but York came through the crowd and jumped the guardrail. He chucks them both into the ring and slides in after them just in time for the next entrant to come out.

Entrant #18 – Joey Matthews

Matthews comes sprinting down to the ring and joins in with Christian York the attack on La Resistance. The two quickly dispose of Rene Dupree and then throw over Sylvan Grenier as well. The two then high five each other before Christian York throws Joey Matthews over the top rope. Matthews can’t believe what York had done but Matthews shrugs his shoulders and offers a handshake to Matthews who accepts it and walks to the back.

Elimination #12 – Rene Dupree by Christian York

Elimination #14 – Sylvan Grenier by Joey Matthews

Elimination #15 – Joey Matthews by Christian York

Entrant #19 – Danny Doring

Christian York and Danny Doring join in the attack on Buff Bagwell as the twentieth and last entrant makes his way down.

Entrant #20 – Randy Savage

Savage goes down to the ring to a huge amount of heel heat, he quickly attacks Christian York from behind and throws him over the top rope.

Elimination #16 – Christian York by Randy Savage

Savage then turns his attention to Chris Chetti and quickly throws him over the top rope as well.

Elimination #17 – Chris Chetti by Randy Savage

We were now down to our last three participants and Bagwell and Savage teamed up to take on Doring, it didn’t take long to throw him over the top rope.

Elimination #18 – Danny Doring by Buff Bagwell and Randy Savage

The two heels met up in the middle of the ring and started to throw insults at each other. Savage then low-blowed Buff Bagwell and scoop slammed him down to the mat. Savage then climbed the top rope and signalled for the Savage elbow, Bagwell recovered quickly though and closelined Savage ff the top rope and to the floor alone, winning the match sending him to face Hulk Hogan at the End is Near.

Elimination #19 – Randy Savage by Buff Bagwell

Winner – Buff Bagwell

CR – 66 MQ – 55 OR – 62

Bagwell celebrated his win as Hulk Hogan appeared on the stage and slowly started to clap for Bagwell as Instigation went off the air.

Best Segment – Buff Bagwell confronts Hulk Hogan

Worst Segment – La Resistance prepare for their ‘match’


This week’s Instigation got an overall rating of 72 and a TV rating of 6.50. We beat Raw by a bit this week as well as they got a 6.05, it’s not by much but we’re slowly getting there. We had made a one time only deal with Hacksaw Jim Duggan and that's it, so don't expect him to be written into written into any further storylines!

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7025 people are in attendance for tonight’s show where the team of Jeff Hardy and CM Punk will takes on Scott Steiner and Scott Hall.

To kick off tonight’s show Don Callis makes his way down to the ring to a chorus of boos from the crowd.

Callis: “Last Sunday Jerry Lynn miraculously escaped with his championship even though AJ Styles was minutes away from winning it back. AJ why did you have to jump of that cage? Why couldn’t you just climb down and then we could get rid of Jerry Lynn once and for all. AJ get out here right now and tell me exactly what you were thinking.”

AJ Styles’s music hit and the former champion made his way down to the ring to even more boos.

Styles:Okay, I admit I made a mistake, the phenomenal one made a mistake. When I was on top of that cage and I saw the prone body of Jerry Lynn laying there I thought if I hit this I cold finally be rid of him. I thought if I hit this move I could prove to everybody once and for all that I am the one true champion and that I am the best in this business. All I need is one more chance Don, one more chance and I promise you that I will get rid of Jerry Lynn and take my championship back.”

Callis: “After last Sunday you don’t deserve to even have a job on my show, you don’t deserve to stand in front of me and you certainty don’t deserve a title shot, but I’m willing to give you one last chance. One last chance to prove to me that you have what it takes because tonight you will face Jerry Lynn and it will be for the GPW World Championship.

OR - 72

Lita –vs- Trinity

If Trinity manages to pin Lita in this match she will get another shot at the women’s championship at The End is Near. Lita made her way out first to a good face pop but halfway down the aisle Trinity attacked her from behind. She threw Lita in the ringsteps and then rammed her head into the guardrail. Trinity then threw her into the ring and climbed the top rope she waited for Lita to get up to her feet before hitting her flying rana. Trinity then covered Lita and put her feet on the bottom rope. The ref didn’t see this and counted the three meaning that Trinity will go on to the End is Near for a shot at Lita’s Women’s Championship.

Winner – Trinity

CR – 76 MQ – 56 OR – 69

Backstage AJ Styles and Don Callis are in his office.

Styles: “Listen Don thanks for the opportunity tonight and this time I will not disappoint.”

Callis: “Listen you better not because if you do this will be your last night on this show and in this company. You better walk out of that match champion and you better make sure that Jerry Lynn can’t walk out of that match.”

Styles:The phenomenal one this time has a plan, this time I have backup.

Callis: “Backup?”

Styles: “Yeah, just wait and see this is going to be huge.”

OR – 63

Shark Boy –vs- Sonny Siaki

In the shortest match of the night Shark Boy took on Sonny Siaki. Siaki tried his best in this match but all his efforts were in vain as Shark Boy controlled every aspect in this macth. The finish came when Siaki became a victim of a deep sea drop from Shark Boy.

Winner – Shark Boy

CR – 77 MQ – 65 OR – 73

Piper’s Pit

As we come back from the commercial break the Piper’s pit set is up in the ring with the host already standing in the middle of the ring.

Piper: “After a short absence the reason that you all should watch this show for is back, and tonight I have a guest who you should all aspire to be like. My guest tonight is one of the most; in fact he is the most under-utilised talent on the whole roster. Tonight my guest should be fighting for the GPW World Championship but he doesn’t even have a match tonight. So tonight I will highlight his case, tonight my guest is Kid Kash!

Kid Kash makes his entrance and gets into the ring.

Kash: “Tonight as you say I have no match, I should be recognised for my obvious talent. I shouldn’t need to tell you all that you should bow down and adore me, but since I am being continually being held down in the company I challenge anyone in the back, anyone at all, to come out and face me one on one in a match tonight and I will show you all just how great I am.

Paul London’s music hit and he appears on the stage. He then starts to run down to the ring and goes face to face with Kid Kash, the ring is cleared of the Piper’s pit set and a ref comes down the aisle for an impromptu match.

OR – 85

Paul London –vs- Kid Kash

In a match that was possible too good for words to describe it these two men put on a spectacle. The crowd were hooked from the beginning to the end and it will certainly not be the last match that these two have with each other. The two went move for move, punch for punch through it all, London managed to pick up the win with a rollup and the crowd came to their feet to applaud the efforts of both men.

Winner – Paul London

CR – 80 MQ – 100 OR – 90

Gail Kim –vs- Victoria

After the last match the crowd never really got into this one and weren’t really paying much attention to it, they never really missed much anyway. Gail Kim got the pin fall by pinning Victoria after hitting her standing rana.

Winner – Gail Kim

CR – 67 MQ – 57 OR – 62

Backstage AJ Styles is with our reporter Dan Wilson

Wilson: “Earlier tonight you said that you were bring backup for your match here tonight with Jerry Lynn, what exactly did you mean by backup?”

Styles: “Like I said you’ll have to wait and see but I will tell you this…” AJ Styles is cut off by his phone going off, “I’ve got to take this.”

AJ starts to walk away and doesn’t notice that the camera is still following him.

Styles: “Are you here…good where about…I’ll be right there…yeah I got it…. no don’t worry everything will work out fine!”

Styles turns around and notices the camera, he shoves him down and runs off in the other direction. The commentators start to ask what is Styles up to?

OR – 75

Jeff Hardy & CM Punk –vs- Scott Steiner & Scott Hall

Jeff Hardy and Scott Hall started off this match; Hall’s power advantage was shown from the start. Jeff couldn’t get a move in and the heel team quickly started to double team Jeff at every opportunity. Eventually Scott Steiner took the fight to the outside, he dragged Jeff up the ramp way and disappeared behind the curtain leaving CM Punk and Scott Hall alone in the ring. The ref started to count the to men out but his attention was soon distracted when CM Punk and Scott Hall started to restart the fight in the ring. The two men also took the fight outside the ring and started to fight into the crowd. The ref had no choice but to throw the match out.

Winner – Not decided due to double count-out.

CR – 67 MQ – 71 OR – 69

Our cameras return to the backstage area where Psychosis is shown pacing back and forth, the camera then reveals Torrie Wilson strapped to a chair and tape across her mouth, Bill Alfonso is also standing in the back of the room.

Psychosis: “I’m sick of playing these games, it should be over by now but you just can’t let thing’s go can you?”

The camera turns round to see that the person he is talking to is Spanky, who is handcuffed to a pipe in the corner of the room, he like Torrie has tape over his mouth.

Psychosis: “But Spanky you like to play games so let’s play one right now!”

Psychosis pulls out a golf club and starts swinging it.

Psychosis: “Now golf, supposedly a gentlemen’s game. Relaxing, simple no great skill involved.”

Psychosis swing the club at Spanky’s head but stops inches from his face

Psychosis: “But you know what I’m not a golfing man, no baseball is more my game.”

Psychosis pulls out a baseball bat

Psychosis: “Baseball is tactical, you have to think your every move, when to run, how far you do. The bat also comes in usefull as well.”

Psychosis swings the bat at Spanky’s head but once again stops it inches from his face.

Psychosis: “But I’m fed up of all of this Spanky, I’m through with it. At Retribution I became the new Cruiserweight Champion and I’ve already got Torrie Wilson and I unlike you will never let them go! I’ve won Spanky, it’s over!

Psychosis grabs Torrie Wilson and Bill Alfonso opens the door for him to exit. The door closes and Spanky starts to struggle to break free.

OR – 73

Jerry Lynn© -vs- AJ Styles - GPW World Championship

Back in the ring it is time for our main event as Jerry Lynn makes his way down to ring. AJ makes his way down for the second time tonight and gets the same reaction as last time from the crowd. The two lock up in the middle of the ring, Styles whips Lynn into the ropes and closelines him out of the ring. The ref warns Styles to keep it in the ring as Lynn slowly gets back inside. AJ quickly goes back on the offensive by kicking Lynn in the back, not letting him get up and that’s how the rest of the match went with Styles firmly in control of the match.

Styles went for the Styles clash but Lynn just powered out of if and set up AJ Styles for the cradle to the grave when a fan jumped the guardrail and got into the ring. He attacked Lynn and the ref immediately called for the bell. The fan helped Styles up and the two-shook hands, Lynn started to get back up and Styles and his friend started to beat Lynn down. Styles delivered his Styles clash while his friend climbed the top rope, once there he took off his hood revealing himself to be Eddie Guerrero. He came flying off with a perfect frog splash as the crowd started to boo the two men.

Winner and still GPW World Champion by DQ – Jerry Lynn

CR – 79 MQ – 95 OR – 85

GPW TV faded to black as AJ Styles and Eddie Guerrero stood over the body of Jerry Lynn raising the GPW World Championship belt above their heads.

Best Segment – Paul London –vs – Kid Kash

Worst Segment – Gail Kim –vs- Victoria


GPW TV got an overall rating of 75 and a TV rating of 6.63, beating WWE’S Smackdown rating of 5.17. The Spanky/Psychosis feud remained strong at 91 heat. We had managed to sign Eddie Guerrero from the WWE, as he was unhappy at the way he was being used there, he will be a valued member of our roster.

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The music plays and the pryos go off signalling the start of this week’s Instigation. 7013 people are in attendance to witness the main event of A-Train facing the GPW Champion Hulk Hogan.

After a quick recap of the battle royal last week we cut to Bret Hart’s office when Test walks in.

Test: “I want Sting and I want him tonight!”

Hart:After your actions last week what makes you think you’re going to get him, in fact what makes you think that you could ask for anything? You’re lucky you’re not suspended, just because he eliminated you and you had to be such a sore looser that you had to make sure he got eliminated, not before though you cracked a steel chair over his head so you want Sting? You want to face Sting tonight in that ring because he eliminated you last week…”

Test: “Not just that! Last month in the North American Championship tournament it was me facing Sting. I had that match won if it wasn’t for that big pile of crap Raven. He came down that ramp when he had no business in that match and cracked a steel chair over my head. If it wasn’t for Raven I would be the North American champion not Sting so I want to prove that I can beat Sting and that I should be the rightful North American Champion.”Hart: "Fine you want it that much you can have it, tonight it’ll be Test –vs- Sting in a non-title match-up.

OR – 84

Erotica –vs- Rainbow Express

In the first match of the night the team of Chris Chetti and Danny Doring took on Lenny Lane and Lodi. Rainbow Express asked for this match after Chris Chetti eliminated Lodi last week. Erotica picked up the win by Doring hitting the wham bam on Lodi and getting the three.

Winner – Erotica

CR – 68 MQ – 81 OR – 66

Backstage Buff Bagwell is with Josh Matthews

Josh: “Last week you won the twenty man battle royal meaning that you will go on to face Hulk Hogan at The End is Near for the GPW Championship, what are your feelings going into this match?”

Bagwell: “Two weeks ago I showed the world that I can beat Hulk Hogan, two weeks ago I showed the world that Buff Bagwell can beat Hulk Hogan and at The End is Near I will show the world once again that Buff Bagwell can and will beat Hulk Hogan. What's more Josh Matthews there's not a thing that anyone can do to stop me”

Josh: “But with all due respect Buff two weeks ago you ambushed Hulk Hogan from behind with a steel chair and even after that sickening assault he was able to retain his championship at Retribution against Randy Savage, this time you won’t be able to use a steel chair or you’ll be disqualified what chance do you think you’ve actually got?”

Bagwell: “I unlike that peon Randy Savage will get the job done. I showed the world two weeks ago that I can beat Hulk Hogan and last week I showed that I could beat Randy Savage by throwing him over the top rope. Savage is a nobody, a nothing, a man who’s way past his prime who’s trying to hold onto the spotlight, just like Hulk Hogan. You’re right I won’t be able to use a steel chair but I will beat Hulk Hogan and that’s a promise.

OR – 68

Ron Killings –vs- Rodney Mack

In the shortest match of the night Rodney Mack picked up the in over Ron Killings. He connected with his underhook powerbomb and then locked in the blackout submission hold. Killings was in the middle of the ring with no hope of getting to the ropes so he had no choice but to tap out. Mack refused to let go of the hold and didn’t let go until Killings wasn’t moving. Referees and road agents came running to the ring, giving Mack a wide berth, to check on Ron Killings as we went to a commercial break.

Winner – Rodney Mack

CR – 68 MQ – 71 OR – 62

Backstage Sting is shown walking down a corridor when Test came running up behind him and hit him on the back with a steel pipe. Sting went down to the floor and Test started to lay boots onto his chest.

Test: “That championship should be mine Sting you got lucky that night, but it looks like your luck’s just ran out. After I beat you tonight I’m going to take your title, see you later Sting.”

Test brought the steel pipe down on Sting’s chest again before leaving the scene as we head back to the ring for our next match.

OR – 66

Cade & Jindrak –vs- La Resistance

La Resistance completely dominated this match; they singled out Garrison Cade and kept him from tagging in his partner. They kept him in their half of the ring and double teamed him whenever the ref’s back was turned. Jindrak got so frustrated that he got in the ring and went to deliver a super kick but the ref intercepted him before it could connect. As the ref was getting him out of the ring Rene and Sylvan delivered the La Crepe on Cade and Rene got out of the ring. The ref turned around and saw the cover; he counted the three before Jindrak could break up the pin. La Resistance made there way backstage congratulating themselves on another win.

Winner – La Resistance

CR – 57 MQ – 64 OR – 54

Ken Shamrock –vs- Randy Savage

Savage is still angry at not getting another shot at Hogan’s belt and it showed in this match. Savage didn’t allow Shamrock to get any offence in this match; he made sure that any momentum that Shamrock gained was quickly cut off. The finish came when Savage went to nail his Savage elbow but Shamrock ran up to meet Savage on the top rope. There he proceeded to deliver a belly-to-belly suplex on Savage from the top rope. Shamrock covered and got the three to get the upset victory.

Winner – Ken Shamrock

CR – 76 MQ – 69 OR – 65

Ken Shamrock gained overness from this match. Randy Savage lost overness from this match.

Backstage La Resistance are shown in their locker room.

Rene: “Can you believe what we have been reduced to? We are former GPW Tag Team Champions, we were the first GPW Tag Team champions and we are forced to fight Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak. It’s just another example of how we are being screwed out of everything we deserve. We need to find a way of getting another tag team title shot and then they’ll have no choice but to recognise just how great we really are.”Sylvan: “But Bret Hart has told us that after what we did to York & Matthews last week that as long we won’t be getting another title shot.”

Rene: “All we need is a plan to make Bret Hart have no choice but to give us a title shot, and I think just how to do that.”

OR – 65

Sting –vs- Test

Test made his way out first to boos from the crowd after what he did to Sting earlier on in the night, Sting made his entrance to a good pop and as soon as he got in the ring he attacked Test. He backed him into the corner and delivered a stinger splash, he then connected with a scorpion death drop and locked in the scorpion deathlock. Test crawled to the bottom rope and just managed to get a hold on it but Sting wasn’t having any of it he dragged Test back to the middle of the ring. Test tried again to get to the bottom rope but Sting kept on dragging him back into the middle of the ring. Eventually he couldn’t take the pain any longer and tapped out giving the win to Sting by submission.

Winner – Sting

CR – 72 MQ – 63 OR – 62

Hulk Hogan –vs- A-Train

It is now time for the main event of tonight’s show which as the GPW Champion Hulk Hogan taking on the mammoth A-Train. This was not a technical masterpiece but a straight out brawl. Hogan had just dropped the leg across the throat of A-Train when Buff Bagwell came running down the aisle. The ref had just got up to the two count when Bagwell dragged him out of the ring breaking the count. The ref immediately called for the bell giving Hogan the win by DQ. Hogan was looking around trying to figure out what was going on when Bagwell snuck up behind him with a steel chair.

Hogan turned around and got plastered with a chair shot on the head. Hogan tried to get back up but Bagwell again brought the chair down onto the head of Hogan, busting him open, Bagwell slid out of the ring and grabbed Hogan’s title belt before getting back in and started to kneel down next to Hogan shouting at him while holding on to the belt.

Bagwell: “You see this Hogan this is mine, you’re just keeping it warm. The End is Near I’m coming to get what is mine and that’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”

Bagwell got out of the ring but not before laying the title belt on Hogan’s chest

Winner by DQ – Hulk Hogan

CR – 83 MQ – 43 OR – 63

Instigation came to a close with a battered and bloody Hulk Hogan lying in the ring.

Best Segment – Bret Hart books Sting –vs- Test

Worst Segment – Cade & Jindrak –vs- La Resistance


This week’s Instigation again beat Raw in the ratings getting a 6.47 against their 6.03. However the overall rating of the card was a 62, the lowest we have had yet on Instigation or any other show for that matter. Then again with a main event of Hulk Hogan –vs- A-Train is it any wonder that the show rating was awful?

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7032 people are here for this week’s GPW TV. Last week AJ Styles said he was brining in backup for his match against Jerry Lynn, that backup turned out to be former WWE superstar Eddie Guerrero. What relationship do these two have and will Eddie Guerrero make another appearance tonight?

We start off tonight’s show with Don Callis standing in the ring.

Callis: “Last week in the main event we saw Jerry Lynn take on AJ Styles for the GPW World Championship, a match that had no definite winner after interference. Tonight there will be a winner, AJ Styles will once again take on Jerry Lynn for the GPW World Championship in a match that will have no time limit so it’ll go on for as long as it’s necessary. Also that match will be a no disqualification match so like I say there will be a winner and I will make sure the right man wins.”

OR – 77

Gail Kim –vs- Trinity - #1 contendership for the GPW Women’s Championship

Trinity will be facing Lita at The End is Near for the GPW Women’s Championship, something that Gail Kim isn’t too happy about. Kim challenged Trinity tonight with the number one contendership for the GPW Women’s championship on the line. Trinity tried to back out of the match but Don Callis signed it any way. It was a typical women’s match with uninspiring brawling and the crowd not really in it. The finish came when Trinity exposed ring buckle and sending Gail Kim head first into it. The ref disqualified Trinity for it but even though Trinity lost the match she is still the number one contender, as she wasn’t pinned. Trinity was going back up the aisle when Lita appeared behind her, she got Trinity back into the ring and delivered a twist of fate on her before leaving the ring.

Winner by DQ – Gail Kim

CR – 73 MQ – 63 OR – 69

Trinity lost overness from this match.

Backstage Don Callis is shown in his office when AJ Styles walks in.

Styles: “So what did you think? The phenomenal one said that he was bringing up backup and that’s just what I did.”

Callis just got up off his chair and came face to face with AJ Styles, the two stared at each other for a while until Don Callis broke out into a smile and shook the hand of AJ Styles.

Callis: I never doubted you for a minute, but listen we got to talk about tonight’s match between you and Jerry Lynn.”

Styles: “Don’t worry I’ve got it all sorted, I’m taking back my title tonight.”

OR – 74

Air Paris –vs- EZ Money

These two put on a great match here tonight, which for some reason the crowd didn’t get into as much as they could have. Never the less these two went out there and gave it there all and in the end EZ Money walked away with the victory after hitting Air Paris with the bank roll.

Winner – EZ Money

CR – 72 MQ – 92 OR – 82

Piper’s Pit

As we come back from the commercial break Roddy Piper was standing in the ring ready to introduce his guest tonight.

Piper: “Once again I present to you morons the best wrestling talk show that the world has ever know Piper’s Pit. Tonight my guest deserves the utmost respect, he is one of the most influential people to ever step into the squared circle and when he comes out here you’re to cheer him and show him the respect that he deserves. Please welcome Scott Hall.

Scott Hall makes his way down to the ring with the crowd booing him all the way down the ramp.

Hall:Shut up all of you, you should bow down and worship me.” This just earns Scott Hall even more boos. Why do you boo me? Is it because you’re just jealous of me? Is it that you wish you could be me? Well you can wish all you ant none of you even deserve to be breathing the same air as me.”

Piper: “Ignore all of them they wouldn’t know talent if it came and spit in their faces.”

The crowd start to boo even more, which seems to infuriate Hall who starts to destroy the Piper’s Pit set which doesn’t go well with Piper. Piper tries to stop him but Scott Hall nails him with the outsider’s edge before picking up the mic again.

Hall: “This is your fault CM Punk, you’re the cause of all this. You disrespected me and you made the crowd turn against me. If it’s the last thing I do Punk I will my it my life mission to destroy you and when it’s all over you will learn the meaning of respect.

OR – 76

Shark Boy –vs- Paul London

The crowd didn’t know who to cheer in this match and went back and forth between the two men. Paul London managed to get the win after connecting with the London’s calling. After the match Paul London helped Shark Boy up and the two shook hands before they made there was backstage.

Winner – Paul London

CR – 78 MQ – 82 OR – 80

Billy Kidman –vs- Kid Kash

Kash is still on his mission to prove himself and this showed with this match. Kash was like a man possessed and went to work on Billy Kidman. Kash picked up the win after nailing Kidman with the cha ching and got the three.

Winner – Kid Kash

CR – 70 MQ – 85 MQ – 77

Our cameras return to the backstage area showing AJ Styles on the phone with someone.

Styles: “Yeah I got a rematch….for the title….this week we’ll get the job done…..don’t worry I can handle him just make sure you get there on time….oh no that won’t be a problem it’s a NO –DQ so it’ll, hey wait a minute.”

AJ Styles then notices the camera and shoves the cameraman down just like last week. He walks away continuing his phone call.

OR – 84

Jeff Hardy –vs- Scott Hall

Scott Hall still looked pissed after earlier tonight. As soon as Jeff got in the ring Hall attacked him and didn’t let him up off the mat. Hall quickly set up Jeff for the fall away slam, he connected with it and went for the pin but Jeff kicked out at the count of two. Hall started to argue with the ref, this allowed Scott Steiner to come running down the aisle. Steiner slid into the ring and connected with a Steiner spiral on Jeff before getting back out of the ring. Hall saw all this happen and quickly went back over to where Jeff lay, he hoisted him up onto his shoulders and hit his outsider’s edge.

Hall covered him for the three and Steiner got back into the ring. The two started to lay boots onto Jeff until CM Punk came running down the aisle with a steel chair. The two heels quickly got out of the ring and made their way backstage as CM Punk checked on Jeff Hardy.

Winner – Scott Hall

CR – 69 MQ – 61 OR – 66

As we come back from the commercial break Psychosis makes his way out to the ring, without his manager Bill Alfonso who must be guarding Torrie Wilson in the back.

Psychosis: “Last week Spanky you tried to rescue your precious Torrie Wilson but just like everything else you try to do you fail miserably. Give it up Spanky, you’ve lost, I’ve won, it’s over. I have everything and you have nothing, I’m not going to waste anymore time with you, you’ll be getting no title shot and you will not get Torrie Wilson back she’s mine…”

Spanky appears on the titentron.

Spanky: “Are you sure about that?”

The camera turns around to see Bill Alfonso lying bloodied on the floor the camera turns back around to where Torrie Wilson is now standing next to Spanky.

Spanky: “You say it’s over but it’s not over until I say so. It’s just seems like I’ve rescued Torrie and I’m coming for the GPW Cruiserweight Championship.”

Psychosis: “You may have gotten Torrie back Spanky, but not for long. I’ll get her back someday, there’s no way you can guard her every single minute. Some day you’ll let up and I’ll be there in a flash and I’ll get her back. You say that you’re coming for this, my title, there’s no way in hell that you’re getting another title shot as long…”

Don Callis’s music hits and out comes the commissioner of GPW TV for the second time tonight.

Callis: “The last time I checked I was the one that made the matches around her and not you, but it seems to me that you two have something the other wants. Psychosis you want Torrie Wilson and Spanky you want the GPW Cruiserweight Championship. So at The End is Near it’ll be Spanky –vs- Psychosis. If Psychosis wins not only does he keep his championship but you will also have the services of Torrie Wilson. Spanky if you win you’ll get the GPW Cruiserweight Championship it’s that simple, however it also seems that you need to settle you issues once and for all so it can’t be a normal match, it’ll be a LADDER match. Now that’s a great match if I do say so myself.”

OR – 74

Jerry Lynn –vs- AJ Styles - GPW World Championship

It was now time for the main event in a rematch from last week. Styles made his way down to the ring first to major heel heat from the crowd, Jerry Lynn then made his entrance to a good pop from the crowd. The two came face to face in the middle of the ring, Styles struck first kicking Lynn in the gut and then tried to nail his Styles’s clash but Lynn blocked the move, instead Styles nailed a brutal looking powerbomb on Lynn. Styles went for the cover but Lynn got the shoulder up after the two count.

Styles remained in control until he went to hit a superplex off the top rope; Lynn though punched Styles in the stomach and rammed his head into the top turnbuckle. Lynn then hit a powerbomb from the top rope to the delight of the crowd. He went for the cover but Styles kicked out at the count of two. Lynn kept control and was unrelenting on his attack. Lynn was just about to hit his cradle to the grave when Eddie Guerrero slid into the ring with a steel chair. Lynn abandoned the attempt and went to try and fight Eddie. Eddie though swung the chair but Lynn ducked and the chair connected with the skull of AJ Styles instead. Lynn then turned Eddie around and nailed his cradle to the grave on Eddie. Lynn then covered Styles as Don Callis came running down to the ring. He was too late though as the ref’s hand had just hit the mat for the third time meaning that Jerry Lynn had retained his Championship.

Winner and still GPW World Champion – Jerry Lynn

CR – 79 MQ – 95 OR – 95

GPW TV faded to black with Jerry Lynn holding his title belt in the air with Eddie Guerrero and AJ Styles lying in the ring.

Best Segment – Jerry Lynn –vs- AJ Styles

Worst Segment – Jeff Hardy –vs- Scott Hall


This week’s GPW TV got a overall rating of 77, a great improvement on Instigation. We got a TV rating of 6.66 moving further and further away from WWE’S Smackdown which got a TV rating this week of 5.13. The Spanky/Psychosis feud remained where it was at 91 heat. The End is Near is slowly but surely coming together and it looks like the Spanky/Psychosis ladder match could steal the show.

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The music plays and the pryos go off signalling the start of this week’s Instigation. 7512 people are in the crowd to see the main event of Buff Bagwell taking on Ken Shamrock

Hulk Hogan is shown walking in a corridor backstage to a huge pop from the crowd, he turns the corner and bumps into Buff Bagwell.

Bagwell: “Hey Hulk, how’s it going? I hope you’re getting ready for the End is Near when I come for your title. Actually there’s really no point for you to get ready because no matter what you do I’m going to beat you. I’m going to show everyone just how pathetic you really are. You’re past it Hogan, everyone knows it; everyone sees just how sad you really are, you’re a pathetic old man who doesn’t know when his time is up. Why don’t you do yourself a favour and leave right now before…”

Bagwell was cut off as Hogan attacked him. The two started to brawl around the backstage area until referees and road agents managed to separate them.

OR – 86

Buff Bagwell gained overness from this segment.

Bill DeMott –vs- Rodney Mack

In the first match tonight saw Bill DeMott and Rodney Mack fight it out. DeMott picked up the win with a small package on Mack, who was irate after the match. Mack attacked the referee and nailed him with an underhook powerbomb. Mack wasn’t finished though as he locked in the blackout on the ref, he finally let go of the hold and made his way to the back with the crowd booing him all the way.

Winner – Bill DeMott

CR – 62 MQ – 81 OR – 71

Backstage Bret Hart is shown backstage in his office.

Bret: “Coming up soon is the End is Near event and it has come to my attention that there is not a number one contender for the GPW Tag Team Championship. That’s why tonight there will be a fourway match to determine that number one contender. A representative from each team will battle it out in a sudden death match. Representing Erotica it will be Chris Chetti, for Cade and Jindrak it’ll be Mark Jindrak, for Rainbow Express it will be Lodi and against my better judgement the board of directors have said that La Resistance will also have to be represented in that match. So representing La Resistance it’ll be Rene Dupree.

OR – 86

Seven –vs- Justin Credible

The was the worst match of the night for the crowd response. The lack of response from the crowd seemed to really affect the two and didn’t put on the best that they cound do. In the end Justin Credible picked up the win, much to his surprise, by nailing the that’s incredible.

Winner – Justin Credible

CR – 54 MQ – 79 OR – 66

Backstage La Resistance is shown in their locker room.

Sylvan: “I’ve got to give it to you Rene I thought that your plan wouldn’t work but it did just how did you manage it?”

Rene: “Well Sylvan it was quite easy actually. A member of the board of directors was Canadian and I just appealed to his better nature.”

Sylvan: “So he’s the one that complained about how we were being treated then.”

Rene:Yeah, he was quite easily persuaded as well, he just needed a little extra persuasion if you know what I mean.”

Sylvan: “No not really,”

Rene: I bribed him you idiot, god it’s people like you that give French people a bad name. Come one we’ve got to get ready.”

OR – 64

Ron Killings –vs- Johnny Stamboli

We cut back to ringside where Johnny Stamboli is already in the ring waiting for his opponent. Killings came out to a good pop from the crowd. The start of the match went Stamboli’s way but the tide turned and Killings was able to nail the true convictions for the three count.

Winner – Ron Killings

CR – 71 MQ – 72 OR – 71

Chris Chetti –vs- Mark Jindrak –vs- Lodi –vs- Rene Dupree - #1 contendership for the GPW Tag Team Championship.

Before the match started the champions Christian York and Joey Matthews joined the announcing team. The first fall in this match will be the deciding one and all partners have been banned from ringside. Once all four competitors were in the ring the match started. Jindrak and Dupree paired off, as did Chetti and Lodi. The ref was having a hard time keeping up with everything that was going on in this match as Rene took his fight to the outside leaving Lodi and Chetti in the ring. This proved to be a huge mistake as Lodi was able to nail the splash from the top rope and got the three before Rene had time to break it up. This now means that it’ll be York & Matthews –vs- Rainbow Express at The End is Near

Winner – Lodi

CR – 61 MQ – 69 OR – 65

Backstage Test is with our interviewer Josh Matthews

Josh: “Last week even though you attacked Sting with a steel pipe before your match Sting was able to walk away with the victory…”

Test: “Yes we all saw what happened last week. We saw Sting make me tap in that ring but just because you won the match last week that it’s over between us? It’s far from over Sting, I should’ve won that match a month ago Sting, I would have won it if it wasn’t for Raven. I AM the rightful GPW North American Champion. I’m coming for it Sting, I’m coming for it real soon.

OR – 69

Sting –vs- A-Train

Speaking of Sting his match was up next against the tag team partner of Test the mammoth A-Train. Sting had the match won until Test came running down the ramp with a steel pipe in hand. Test got into the ring and brought the pipe down on Sting’s back, causing the immediate disqualification.

Test: “It doesn’t feel good Sting does it? Knowing that you had a match won and that being taken from you. Until I get recognised as the rightful GPW North American Champion then this is what will happen to you each and every week.

Test signalled for A-Train to pick Sting up and deliver the derailer, which A-Train was happy to do. A-Train lifted him up again and held him for Test to attack him, Test came running at Sting and nailed him with a big boot.

Winner by DQ – Sting

CR – 72 MQ – 63 OR – 69

A-Train gained overness from this match.

As we come back from the commercial break Bret Hart is shown backstage walking down the corridor. He stops when he reaches Test’s locker room and enters it where Test and A-Train are celebrating their actions.

Bret: “You think you’re pretty smart don’t you? Listen I don’t agree with what you have just done but you did make a point. Sting has just spoken to me and he wants you in a match again. So against my better judgement at The End is Near it’ll be Sting –vs- Test for the GPW North American Championship but if you interfere in any of Sting’s matches between now and the End is Near your title shot will be gone and you won’t get another one.”

OR – 89

Ken Shamrock –vs- Buff Bagwell

It was now time for the main event of the evening of Ken Shamrock taking on Buff Bagwell. Bagwell made his entrance first to a good amount of heel heat. Shamrock then made his entrance to little reaction from the crowd. Shamrock immediately offered the handshake to Bagwell who, unsurprisingly, laughed and attacked Shamrock signalling the start of the match. Shamrock though battled back and backed Bagwell into the corner where he proceeded to lay knife-edge chops onto the chest of Bagwell. Buff then gained the advantage and went to deliver the Buff blockbuster but Shamrock avoided the attack. Buff was now dazed and walked right into a belly-to-belly suplex by Shamrock who then covered but only got a two count. From this point in the match Shamrock remained in control until Bagwell low-blowed him while the ref was distracted. This let Bagwell nail the kobayshi DDT for the three count and the win.

Buff: “You see that Hogan, you see how easy it was for me to beat him. It’s going to be that easy for me at The End is Near to pin your sorry ass. Why don’t you just save yourself the time, effort and humiliation by forfeiting the match now Hogan? Just come out now give me the belt and I’ll be declared the winner. It’s either now or at The End is Near it’s up to you.”

Hulk Hogan’s music started and the crowd came to their feet. Hogan slowly got into the ring and came face to face with Buff Bagwell. Hogan took off the GPW Championship belt and handed it out to Bagwell, who just smiled and laughed but when he tried to take it out of Hogan’s hands he Hogan wouldn’t let it go. Instead he just smiled and drove the belt right into Buff Bagwell’s skull much to the delight of the crowd.

Winner – Buff Bagwell

CR – 75 MQ – 72 OR – 74

Instigation faded to black with Hulk Hogan standing over Buff Bagwell with his championship belt raised in the air.

Best Segment – Bret Hart books Sting –vs- Test at The End is Near

Worst Segment – La Resistance talk backstage


This week’s Instigation got a TV rating of 6.85 compared to Raw’s 6.01. The overall rating also improved dramatically from last week by getting a 76, a rise of 14. There’s only one more Instigation left before The End is Near so next week will just be a hype event for the PPV.

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A crowd of 7506 have turned up tonight for this week’s GPW TV, where after last week’s show Jeff Hardy will take on Scott Steiner and Cm Punk will face Scott Hall.

Bud first Don Callis came down to the ring to kick off tonight’s show.

Callis: “For the past two weeks in the main event it has been Jerry Lynn –vs- AJ Styles for the GPW World Championship. Each of these match have featured Eddie Guerrero in some capacity. If Eddie Guerrero wanted a match that badly then I’m going to give him one, that’s why tonight in this very ring you will see Jerry Lynn take on Eddie Guerrero and his partner AJ Styles in a handicap match, but if that’s not enough reason to watch the best show in wrestling today then this will be. By the end of tonight I promise you that I will announce what the GPW main event is for The End is Near, and trust me it’s a gooden.”

OR – 71

Lita© -vs Trinity - GPW Women’s Championship

In a preview for The End is Near Lita defended her Women’s Championship against Trinity. Another typical women’s match with a lot of brawling and the crowd not really into it. Lita picked up the win by connecting with a twist of fate that got the three count.

Winner and still GPW Women’s Champion – Lita

CR – 75 MQ – 56 OR – 62

After we come back from a commercial break big poppa pump Scott Steiner makes his way down to the ring in his street clothes. He has the GPW Television Championship on his shoulder and looks to have something to say before his match later on tonight against Jeff Hardy. Before he could say anything however Jeff Hardy’s music starts playing and Steiner is irate that he is interrupted. Jeff comes running down the aisle and into the ring. He tries to take Steiner down but is met by a closeline. Steiner then locks in a Steiner recliner submission hold making Jeff tap out. Steiner finally leaves the ring as Jeff is helped to the back.

OR – 65

Air Paris –vs- Sonny Siaki

This was the shortest match of the night but still these two put on a good match. The match could have gone either way but in the end Air Paris walked away with the win after hitting a slingshot legdrop on Siaki.

Winner – Air Paris

CR – 70 MQ – 73 OR – 63

Paul London & Shark Boy –vs- Kid Kash & EZ Money

After last weeks match Paul London and Shark Boy have become friends and respect each other’s abilities, which is more than could be said for their opponents. EZ Money and Kid Kash were not communicating in this match at all and it showed. Neither man would tag into their partner and eventually EZ Money got so fed up with his partner that he just walked out of the match leaving Kid Kash alone. Shark Boy and Paul London quickly picked up on this advantage; Shark Boy delivered his deep-sea drop while London went up to the top rope to hit his London’s calling. After taking both man’s finisher Kash had no chance and couldn’t kick out of the pin loosing the match for his ‘team’.

Winners – Paul London & Shark Boy

CR – 80 MQ – 87 OR – 74

Our cameras return to the backstage area where AJ Styles is shown walking down the corridor, he stops at Eddie Guerrero’s locker room and knocks. The door opens and he walks in closing the door behind him. The camera then turns round to show Jerry Lynn looking on shaking his head and then walking off.

OR – 80

CM Punk –vs- Scott Hall

In the first of rematches from Retribution CM Punk took on Scott Hall, last week Hall vowed that he would destroy CM Punk, something that Punk took exception to. CM Punk made his entrance first getting a good pop from the crowd. Scott Hall’s music played but he didn’t appear at the rampway. Knowing what was coming next CM Punk moved out of the way just as Hall snuck up behind him and swung the chair, which just hit air.

CM Punk had learned from Retribution this trick and he wasn’t going to fall for it twice. The ref managed to get the chair out of Halls hands and the match started. CM Punk was in full control of this match, much to the annoyance of Hall, who tried to cheat at every chance he got. He put his feet on the top ropes every time he rolled Punk up but Punk kicked out at two, he exposed the top turnbuckle and tried to whip him into the corner but each time Punk avoided the attack.

The exposed turnbuckle played an important role in the end of the match. Hall had just nailed the fall away slam and went for the pin but Punk kicked out at two, he then backed him into the corner and charged in but Punk dodged it and Hall went head first into the exposed turnbuckle. Dazed he turned round into a Pepsi plunge by Punk, which got the three count.

Winner – CM Punk

CR – 67 MQ – 69 OR – 61

Piper’s Pit

Piper: “Tonight on Piper’s pit my guest has proven himself time and time again that he is a man of opportunity. A man that shows no bias to anyone, man or woman, tonight my guest is the commissioner of GPW TV Don Callis.

Callis came down to the ring and grabbed a mic, Piper went to speak but Callis signalled him to shut up.

Callis: “Earlier tonight I said that I was going to announce what the GPW TV main event for the End is Near, even though you people here don’t deserve to know I’m a man of principle and when I say something I mean it. For the first time the GPW World Champion will have not one but two challengers for his title. He has stated that he is a fighting champion and will not back down from any man, so I want to see how far that’ll go. This will be a tough challenge for him for it’ll be Jerry Lynn –vs- Eddie Guerrero –vs- AJ Styles for the GPW World Championship. Now I’d like to address something that happened earlier in the evening and to refresh your memories here’s the replay.”

A video clip shows Scott Steiner and Jeff Hardy fighting earlier in the night.

Callis: “These two have had issues for the last two months, they repeatedly interfere in each others matches and even though they have a match that is next they don’t seem to be content with that they need to settle this once and for all, at The End is Near one more time it'll be Jeff Hardy –vs- Scott Steiner for the GPW Television Championship

With that Don Callis drops his mic and walks out of the ring with Piper not even able to ask one question.

OR – 64

Roddy Piper lost overness from this segment.

Jeff Hardy –vs- Scott Steiner

In the second of tonight’s rematches from Retribution Jeff Hardy took on Scott Steiner, and as we have just found out these two will face each other at The End is Near as well. Jeff Hardy was not over the damage that he sustained when he tried to attack Steiner earlier in the night. Steiner took advantage of this and locked in the Steiner recliner on Jeff. He was in the middle of the ring and had now where to go, but he refused to tap out though and the ref called for the bell and Jeff’s hand had fallen three times.

Winner – Scott Steiner

CR – 76 MQ – 64 OR – 64

As we come back from commercial break a ladder has been set up in the ring and the Cruiserweight Champion Psychosis was sitting on the top of it.

Psychosis: “Spanky, last week you managed to rescue Torrie Wilson and got yourself a title shot at the same time but there was something you didn’t bargain for wasn’t there. Don Callis made our match a ladder match and you will always regret getting in my business after I finish with you. Spanky the event is called The End is Near, it’s almost as if it was named after you, after I beat you and take your beloved Torrie from you I will look down on you from the top of the ladder and know what it is I have to do. I will have to end the sorry assed career of Spanky, your time has come, the end is near for you. After our match you won’t know anything, not even who you are. I will beat you down Spanky so hard that you won’t realise anything and all of what we’ve been through will be a distant memory. You’ll think it as all a dream, you’ll forget you ever knew Torrie Wilson Spanky, as I will make sure nothing of what you are now will exist. Spanky, always the hero, always doing the right thing but when will you learn? When will you learn that your willingness to help Torrie Wilson, your love for her Spanky is your ultimate weakness and I will exploit that weakness to every end. You do not see anything that everyone else sees you are too blinded by love and that is going to be your downfall. At The End is Near Spanky I will climb that ladder, I will retain my championship, I will get Torrie Wilson back and I will put an end to your career…”

Spanky’s music hit and Psychosis sprung to attention. Spanky jumped the guardrail and silently climbed the other side of the ladder to Psychosis whose attention was solely on the rampway.

Psychosis: “You see what I mean, he feels that it is right that he should defend the name of Torrie Wilson, he feels that he should come out here and fight me but the most wise decision that he has ever made was to stay in the back…”

Psychosis was cut off as Spanky shoved Psychosis off the top of the ladder, he landed on the mat and Spanky looked down on the prone body of Psychosis. He looked at the crowd and signalled for the left turn at Albuquerque and the crowd popped loudly for it. Spanky got on the top rung of the ladder and came flying down and nailed the left turn at Albuquerque on Psychosis as a “holy s**t,” chant came from the crowd.

OR – 76

Jerry Lynn –vs- AJ Styles & Eddie Guerrero

In the main event of tonight’s show Jerry Lynn was faced with his two opponents at The End is Near, but now that it has been announced that these three men will face each other at The End is Near will the team of AJ Styles and Eddie Guerrero be able to form a cohesive unit? At the start of the match they were able to stay on the same page, keeping any momentum that Lynn gained got cut off, they also kept on making fresh tags between them to make sure that the two were well rested.

However the communication soon fell down. Styles told Eddie to hold up Lynn, which he did but when Styles went for a superkick Lynn ducked meaning that the superkick connected with the face of Eddie Guerrero, before Styles knew what was happening Lynn rolled him up and got the three count. Lynn immediately got out of the ring and made his way backstage while Eddie was recovering from the superkick and AJ Styles was arguing with the ref.

After the match Eddie got into Styles’s face wanting to know what he was doing, a shoving match started and Styles nailed the Styles clash on Eddie. Styles then headed up the rampway where Jerry Lynn reappeared. Styles turned around and Lynn kicked him in the gut and delivered a cradle to the grave on the steel rampway.

Winner – Jerry Lynn

CR – 83 MQ – 84 OR – 74

AJ Styles lost overness from this match

GPW TV faded to black with Eddie Guerrero laid out in the ring, AJ Styles laid out on the rampway and Jerry Lynn standing tall.

Best Segment – AJ Styles goes into Eddie Guerrero’s locker room

Worst Segment - CM Punk –vs- Scott Hall


This week’s GPW TV got an overall rating of 68, down from last week’s show. The TV rating is still strong though getting a 7.09 beating Smackdown’s 5.15. All the GPW TV matches have been announced for The End is Near, the Spanky/Psychosis feud remains strong at 91 and it still looks like it be an epic match at The End is Near.

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A crowd of 7042 are here tonight for the last Instigation before The End is Near. Tonight in the main even will be Hulk Hogan –vs- Test.

Erotica –vs- La Resistance

In the first match tonight saw the team of Chris Chetti and Danny Doring face the team of Rene Dupree and Sylvan Grenier. La Resistance challenged Erotica for a match this week after last week’s four way match to determine the number one contender in which Chris Chetti was the one who was pinned. La Resistance managed to pick up the win by connecting with a La Crepe on Doring.

Winner – La Resistance

CR – 66 MQ – 82 OR – 74

Backstage Buff Bagwell is with our interviewer Josh Matthews

Josh: “Last week you gave Hulk Hogan the option to get out of your match at The End is Near by forfeiting the match, something that Hulk Hogan emphatically rejected last week. What are your feelings on this?”

Bagwell: “Last week was the worst decision you have ever made Hogan. I gave you the chance to go out at the top; to go out as GPW Champion, but you had to hold on to what you think is your spot. You had to try and hold on to that spotlight to stay at the top of the mountain, well Hogan you better get one last look from up there. This Sunday at The End is Near I will win the GPW Championship and I will show one last time how pathetic, how sad and how worthless you have become Hogan. You’ve become an embarrassment to our company and to our business, twenty years ago you were at the top of the wrestling world. Everyone knew the name of Hulk Hogan, everyone saw you beat the greats like Randy Savage, Ultimate Warrior and Andre the Giant, but the wrestling world has moved on and past you by Hogan. You’re the past Hogan and I’m the future, it won’t be the immortal Hulk Hogan that everyone will know the name of it’ll be Buff Bagwell that people will recognise. This Sunday at The End is Near I promise you Hogan that I’ll take your title and I’ll be the icon that everyone tries to be, I will be at the top of the mountain!

OR – 66

Ron Killings –vs- Johnny Stamboli

In a rematch from last week Johnny Stamboli asked for this match after being defeated by Ron Killings on last week’s Instigation. Stamboli attacked Killings as soon as the bell rang and he was unrelenting his attack. After a couple of minutes of dominance Johnny Stamboli put Ron Killings away with the fugettabout it for the three count.

Winner – Johnny Stamboli

CR – 71 MQ – 72 OR – 71

A video of Rodney Mack’s latest attacks, from the referees to Mark Jindrak. It’s shows just how psychotic he has become and how everyone is trying there best to avoid him.

OR – 62

Rodney Mack has gained overness from this segment.

Bill DeMott –vs- Justin Credible

Justin Credible is already in the ring as we come back from the commercial break and awaits his opponent in Bill DeMott. DeMott then made his entrance and the two locked up in the middle of the ring, DeMott was in control of the match for the most part until he went to closeline Credible down, but he ducked sending DeMott right into referee John Finnegan. This allowed for Rodney Mack to come running down the ramp and slid into the ring. He grabbed DeMott and planted him with a underhook powerbomb, he got out of the ring as Credible covered DeMott as the ref regained his senses, he looked up saw the cover being made and made the three count.

After the match Justin Credible got out of the ring as Mack came back, not taking his gaze off DeMott. He locked in the blackout on him as the ref tried to get him off but to no avail. Finally Mack relinquished the hold and got out of the ring to boos from the crowd as we went backstage.

Winner – Justin Credible

CR – 60 MQ – 67 OR – 63

Test is shown on the Titentron with our interviewer Josh Matthews

Josh: “This Sunday at The End is Near you will be facing Sting for the GPW North American Championship, what exactly are your thoughts going into this match after he beat you so decisively two weeks ago?”

Test: “That was just one match Josh, it doesn’t prove anything, but what you seem to be missing is that if it wasn’t for Raven then I would be the North American Champion, I should be the known for the rest of time as the first ever GPW North American Champion but that honour was taken away from me, by Raven and by Sting, I will extract my revenge and I will make sure that I get what I deserve. I may not be able to touch you till Sunday and you’re not allowed to touch me but watch my match later on tonight with Hulk Hogan to see what is in your future.”

OR – 65

Christian York –vs- Lenny Lane

These two will be involved in the tag match at The End is Near for the GPW Tag Championship. Both Joey Matthews and Lodi were banned from ringside in this match. This match was the shortest match all night and Lenny Lane picked up the win after Christian York tapped out to the tiger tamer submission hold. If this happens this Sunday we will have new tag team champions.

Winner – Lenny Lane

CR – 62 MQ – 66 OR – 64

Our cameras return to the backstage area where Rodney Mack is shown putting his bags in the trunk of his car, when Bret Hart slams the trunk and gets in Mack’s face

Bret: “Just where do you think you’re going huh?” Mack just stares at him, “You had no reason to interfere in Bill DeMott’s match earlier but you saw fit to do so. In fact you see fit to do whatever you want round here lately, you attack people after matches, you attack GPW officials and I for one are sick of your actions, Bill DeMott agrees with me as well and I’ve seen fit to make a match so this Sunday at The End is Near it’ll will be Rodney Mack –vs- Bill DeMott, now the shows isn’t over so get you bags out of there and go back to your locker room.”

Mack slowly gets his bags back out of the trunk and doesn’t look at all pleased about the announcement that Bret Hart just made as we go back to the ringside area.

OR – 70

Ken Shamrock –vs- A-Train

This was a match pitted the brawler A-Train against the technical master Ken Shamrock. A-Train enraged Shamrock at the start of the match by not accepting the handshake, Shamrock was quick to apply the ankle lock and A-Train had no choice to tap out to the pain.

Winner – Ken Shamrock

CR – 71 MQ – 69 OR – 70

We backstage once more tonight where Hulk Hogan is shown walking in the backstage area when he walks into the GPW North American Champion Sting.

Sting: “Listen I know we’ve had issues in the past but take no notice of Bagwell he’s just an arrogant little son of a bitch who needs to know the meaning of respect, and I know this Sunday that you’ll make him respect you.”

Hogan: “Sting brother you’re right he’s a whinny little bitch and talking about whiney little bitches my match is next and I’m facing your opponent at The End is Near in Test. I know you can beat the snot out of him brother and together we’ll show them dude, we’ll show them that we’re not some old relics that belong in a museum, we’ll show them that we’re fighting champions and that we are truly icons.

OR – 78

Hulk Hogan –vs- Test

It was now time for our main event and Test made his entrance first to a good amount of heel heat from the crowd. Hulk Hogan’s music played and the crowd gave him a thunderous pop as he made his way down to the ring. From the get go Test underestimated the champion by taunting the crowd instead of concentrating on his opponent. This allowed Hogan to recover from every move that Test hit with, in fact Test went to hit the big boot on Hogan early on in the match. Hogan however ducked the attempt and delivered a big boot of his own, he then ran to the ropes and delivers the ledgrop on Test and covered him for the three count.

Hogan started to celebrate his win and didn’t see Buff Bagwell running down the ramp, he tried to take Hogan by surprise and attacked him form behind. However Hogan shrugged off the attack and scoop slammed Bagwell down to the mat, he the dropped the leg on Bagwell as well as the crowd cheered him on.

Winner – Hulk Hogan

CR – 82 MQ – 40 OR – 69

Instigation faded to black with Hulk Hogan celebrating his win with Buff Bagwell lies in the middle of the ring.

Best Segment – Hulk Hogan and Sting talk backstage

Worst Segment – Rodney Mack video


This week’s Instigation got a overall rating of 67 and a TV rating of 6.49 once again beating Raw, which got a 6.01. All matches are now set for The End is Near and looks to be a good way to end the year.

Edited by Mattp2004uk
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The last GPW TV before The End is Near got a crowd of 7504 people. Tonight in the main event will be Jerry Lynn taking one of his opponents this Sunday at The End is Near in Eddie Guerrero.

But first CM Punk made his way down to the ring to start off tonight’s show.

Punk: “For over a month you have interfered in my matches and attacked me from behind yet you are the one that goes on about respect. In every match we fought in I am the one who walked out the victor but you still say I have to respect you, I will not respect you Scott Hall! I will not respect you until you show me that you deserve it and you can show me tonight! You can prove to me that you do deserve respect by stepping into this ring one more time with me. After tonight though Scott Hall you will learn something too, you will learn that you should never threaten the punker!

Scott Hall’s music hits and he stands on the rampway while the crowd boo him.

Hall: “You’re on Punk, later tonight I’m going to destroy you in that match. I’m going to make you wish that you have never been born, I’m going to make you beg for your life and I’m going to make all these people respect me again.”

OR – 68

Gail Kim –vs- Trinity

Trinity has promised to make an example of Kim tonight to show Lita what she should expect this Sunday at The End is Near. Trinity picked up the win by connecting with a moonsault on Kim. After the match Trinity attacked Kim with a steel chair, bringing it down three times onto the back of Kim, before shouting at the camera “this is what’s in your future Lita.”

Winner – Trinity

CR – 75 MQ – 56 OR – 69

Piper’s Pit

As we come back from the commercial break Rowdy Roddy Piper is standing in the middle of the ring surrounded by the Piper’s pit set.

Piper: “Once again I’ve delivered to you morons the greatest wrestling talk show the world has ever know. Now tonight’s guest is no stranger to Piper’s Pit, in face just three weeks ago he was my guest, ladies and gentlemen I present to you Kid Kash.”

Kid Kash made his way down to the ring and grabbed a mic.

Kash:Three week’s ago I said that I was going to prove that I am the most under appreciated wrestler on this show and for the last three weeks I’ve tried to prove that but the way I see it is that one person has made that impossible for me to do. He has continually stood in my way, he is another obstacle I must overcome, and I will overcome you. Tonight I challenge that obstacle for a match right here right now. Tonight I challenge Paul London for a one on one match.

Paul London comes out and stands on the rampway.

London: “You want me in a match, right here right now? Well I’ve going nothing else to do so why the hell not.

London came down to the ring as the ring was cleared of Piper and all the other equipment.

OR – 80

Paul London –vs- Kid Kash

These two once again put on a breath-taking match. Both men also kicked out of the each other’s finishers, much to their surprise. Eventually Kid Kash got the win after nailing the money in the back for the three.

Winner – Kid Kash

CR – 80 MQ – 100 OR – 90

We go to the backstage area where AJ Styles and Eddie Guerrero are shown arguing in a corridor.

Eddie: “Listen essa, you got me here to help you take out Jerry Lynn, you said nothing about how only you got the shot at the GPW World Championship and homes, that’s a little out of order.”

Styles:Out of order, are you out of your mind? The phenomenal one is never out of order, Jerry Lynn is mine, that championship is mine and this Sunday you better make sure you don’t forget that.”

Eddie: “You can’t get the job done essa, Lynn’s beaten you countless times homes, and you need me to take out Lynn. I don’t need you and this Sunday I will win that match and I will be the new GPW World Champion so essa you better not forget that!

OR – 84

Jeff Hardy –vs- EZ Money

In the shortest match of the night Jeff Hardy faced EZ Money. Virtually at the start of the match Scott Steiner came running down the ramp with a steel chair. EZ had whipped Jeff to the ropes but Jeff had reversed it. Steiner hadn’t seen this though and sent the chair into EZ Money’s back and he walked right into an almost reverse twist of fate move. Jeff covered EZ and got the three count before Steiner was able to break up the cover.

After the match Steiner was furious and delivered a belly to belly suplex on Jeff, he wasn’t finished though as he picked Jeff up and planted Jeff with a Steiner spiral. Jeff was then locked in the Steiner recliner as referees came running out of the back to try and get Steiner off Jeff.

Winner – Jeff Hardy

CR – 70 MQ – 70 OR – 69

Jeff Hardy gained overness from this match

Backstage CM Punk is with our interviewer Dan Wilson

Dan: “Earlier tonight you challenged Scott Hall to a match and with the state of mind Hall is in at the moment a lot of people are wondering what exactly are you thinking challenging Hall to a match?”

Punk: “There’s only one thing on my mind at the moment Dan and that is the threat that Hall gave me. He threatened to destroy me, to end my career, to make sure that I can’t work in this business ever again but I’m not going to wait for him to come and attack me. I’m not going to live my life always looking over my shoulder wondering when and where he’ll strike, I’m going to face Scott Hall tonight to show him that you cannot take CM Punk lightly. Tonight when we lock eyes across form that ring, when we both know that this match is going to prove who is the better man then maybe Scott Hall will be thinking that it wasn’t really a good idea to threaten the Punker.

CR – 71

CM Punk gained overness from this segment

CM Punk –vs- Scott Hall

Scott Hall made his way down to the ring first to a good amount of heel heat from the crowd. CM Punk’s music hit and he made his way down to the ring to a good face pop from the crowd, but every time he tried to enter the ring Hall kept on charging at him and not allowing him to get in. Eventually CM Punk got so frustrated at this that when Hall charged him again he swung a steel chairand it went straight into Hall’s skull. This allowed CM Punk to get in the ring to start the match.

With the early advantage CM Punk managed to connect with the Pepsi plunge but when he went for a pin Hall recovered and kick out of the pin attempt. After a brief struggle Scott Hall was able to connect with an outsider’s edge on CM Punk. Hall went for the pin but he could only get a two count, but the manoeuvre had taken a toll on CM Punk and he wasn’t able to recover from it.

Hall wore down CM Punk, planting him with another outsider’s edge but before going for the pin he got out of the ring and grabbed a steel chair. Hall went to get back in the ring but the ref grebbed the steel chair before he could use it. Hall had a little temper tantrum until regaining his composure. He went back to where CM Punk lay and once again got CM Punk on his back, he delivered a third outsiders edge on him and covered him. This seemed too much for Punk and he wasn’t able to kick out of the cover, meaning that Scott Hall has won the match.

Winner – Scott Hall

CR – 73 MQ – 61 OR – 69

As we come back from the commercial break a ladder has been set up in the ring just like last week, however this time Spanky was perched on the top of it.

Spanky: “Last week Psychosis you said that you would end my career, that you would retain your GPW Cruiserweight Championship, that you would get the services of Torrie Wilson. The fact is that your presuming a lot of things, last week I showed you how easy it was for me to attack you, two weeks ago I showed how I could outsmart you and this Sunday I will show that I will beat you. You have taken everything that has ever mattered to me Psychosis, my GPW Cruiserweight Championship and Torrie Wilson, but I rescued Torrie Wilson from you and this Sunday I’m coming for the cruiserweight championship. We’ve been fighting now for three months, three long months of mind games, gruelling matches and three months of utter hell. This Sunday that all comes to an end, this Sunday we both know what we have to do. We know that one of us won’t be walking out of that match of our own accord, and I will make sure it won’t be me. You say that the hero never wins in real life, that right never pays well last week I was in the exact same position, I looked down and delivered crushed you, I showed you how easy it will be for me this Sunday at The End is Near, but I showed you once and for all that doing the right thing is the best way to do things and that when we step into that ring this Sunday we not battling for only the championship anymore Psychosis, we’re battling for way much more than that. We’re battling for the way of our lives, we’re battling for which way of life is best and this Sunday it’ll be finally shown which is the best…

Unknown to Spanky while he has been speaking Psychosis has done what Spanky done last week and climbed the ladder up behind Spanky and waited for his time to attack.

Spanky: “I know you’re listening back there Psychosis, probably looking for Torrie Wilson but she’s not here, she’s at home where’s she safe and where she’s going to stay. You’ve seen the last of her Psychosis and I will make sure that you do not lay another hand on her, before I go tonight I want you to think about this Psychosis and I want you to listen real good…”

Spanky just reaches behind him and grabs Psychosis’s head and the dives off the ladder delivering a sliced bread #2 on Psychosis from the top of the ladder while a “holy s**t” chant emanates from the crowd. Spanky is laid out as well but when he comes too he stands over Psychosis.

Spanky:It’s going to take one mistake, one false move like you did just then and our match at The End is Near will be over. Have fun and say goodbye to you championship because this Sunday I’m coming for it.

OR – 85

Jerry Lynn –vs- Eddie Guerrero

It was now time for our main event of the evening and it was Eddie Guerrero’s first singles match here in GPW. The two lock up in the middle of the ring and Eddie comes out of it the better man. He knocks Lynn down and taunts the crowd, as Lynn doesn’t look impressed. Throughout the match Eddie gets more and more cocky while Lynn gets more and more irate, to the extent that he finally seems to snap and goes for Eddie and knocks him down with a stiff looking closeline. Lynn then plants him with a couple of suplexes and then goes for the cradle to the grave pilediver, but Eddie back body drops out of the attempt.

Eddie then goes up top and goes for a frog splash but Lynn rolls out of the way leaving Eddie just to hit the mat. He was now dazed and Lynn was able to take advantage of this he goes again for the cradle to the grave piledriver and this time connects with it. He goes for the pin but AJ Styles drags him out of the ring and the ref calls for the bell.

Styles and Lynn start to brawl up the ramp and eventually Styles manages to get the better of Lynn, he goes for the Styles clash but Lynn blocks the move, Styles instead plants Lynn with a powerbomb on the steel rampway. Eddie groggily gets up in the ring and the two challengers lock eyes.

Winner by DQ – Jerry Lynn

CR – 83 MQ – 92 OR – 87

GPW TV ends with AJ Styles standing over Jerry Lynn while Eddie Guerrero starts to shout insults at AJ Styles while doing the belt motion round his waist.

Best Segment - Paul London –vs- Kid Kash

Worst Segment – CM Punk challenges Scott Hall


This week’s GPW TV got an overall rating of 77, we are also pulling away from Smackdown in the rating more and more each week. This week we got a TV rating of 7.10 compared for their 5.20. The Spanky/Psychosis remained at 91 heat going into The End is Near this Sunday, speaking of which the preview should be up next.

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The End is Near Preview

Lita© –vs- Trinity - GPW Women’s Championship

Trinity won the right to be in this match after cheating to win her match against Lita three weeks ago. These two have fought for the right to be champion for the last three months, will this be there final battle or will this war continue for another month?

Bill DeMott –vs- Rodney Mack

Rodney Mack has been like a man possessed the last couple of weeks, attacking referees and wrestlers over on Instigation, Bill DeMott was the latest to feel that wrath but will DeMott be able to stop this psychotic monster of will Rodney Mack be able to get the victory?

York & Matthews© -vs- Rainbow Express - GPW Tag Team Championships

Lodi won the four-way match two weeks ago on Instigation for the chance at the champions. Last week on Instigation Lenny Lane was able to get the victory over Christian York, will he be able to get another victory this Sunday or will the champions once again walk with their belts?

Jeff Hardy –vs- Scott Steiner© - GPW Television Championship

The two have a pure hatred for one another, they have attacked each other in the ring, backstage and in each other’s matches. Scott Steiner each time has been able to walk away with the victory but will Jeff Hardy finally regain the Television Championship or will Scott Steiner once again defeat the young daredevil?

Sting© -vs- Test - GPW North American Championship

Test has been on a mission lately over on Instigation. He says that he is the rightful GPW North American champion after Raven interfered in the tournament one month ago. Sting was the man to eliminate him out of that tournament after Raven’s interference backfired. Sting was also the man to eliminate Test from the battle royal a few weeks ago to determine the number one contender for the GPW Championship. Ever since Test has been on a crusade, a crusade to make sure that he gets what he deserves. However one man stands in his way, that man in Sting. Can Test reach his goal or will Sting beat Test and prove that he rightfully is the GPW North American Champion?

Spanky –vs- Psychosis© - Ladder Match - GPW Cruiserweight Championship

These two have one of the most personal rivalries in the history of this company, even the whole wrestling business. These two have fought at Global Warfare I, Freefall, Retribution and will face each other once again this Sunday at The End is Near. This match however will be a ladder match, which was set up by GPW TV commissioner Don Callis. However this match is not only for the GPW Cruiserweight Championship but also for the services of Spanky’s manager Torrie Wilson, who Spanky recently saved from Psychosis and Bill Alfonso. Will Spanky be able to regain the GPW Cruiserweight Championship or will Psychosis once again get his hands on Torrie Wilson.

Hulk Hogan© -vs- Buff Bagwell - GPW Championship

In a battle that has been dubbed by Buff Bagwell as the past versus the future. Bagwell claims that Hulk Hogan is past it and should have retired years ago, he has promised to take the championship and to end Hulk Hogan’s career, but Hulk Hogan us the man that can do the impossible. Will Hogan prove once again that he isn’t past it and that he really is a fighting champion or will Buff Bagwell be able to do what so many men have tried to do and end the legacy that is Hulkamania?

Jerry Lynn© -vs- AJ Styles –vs- Eddie Guerrero - GPW World Championship

AJ Styles was given a last chance at Jerry Lynn three weeks ago and Styles said that he was bringing backup, and backup he delivered in former WWE superstar Eddie Guerrero. In Don Callis’s ongoing quest to rid GPW TV of Jerry Lynn he made this match a triple threat, but since that announcement there has been tension in the ranks of AJ Styles and Eddie Guerrero. Will these two be able to work together and get rid of Jerry Lynn once and for all or will Jerry Lynn defy the impossible and walk out of the End is Near as the GPW World Championship, there’s only one way to find out.

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The End is Near

16549 people have sold out the arena for the last GPW PPV of 2003. Tonight we have a double main event of Hulk Hogan –vs- Buff Bagwell for the GPW Championship and a triple threat match for the GPW World Championship featuring Jerry Lynn, AJ Styles and Eddie Guerrero. Also tonight Spanky and Psychosis will face off one more time in a ladder match for the GPW Cruiserweight Championship.

Bill DeMott –vs- Rodney Mack

DeMott made his entrance first in this match and got a good face pop from the crowd, Mack made his entrance to a few boos but nothing major. As soon as Mack got into the ring he charged at DeMott, forcing him into the corner, there he started to lay right hands into DeMott’s temple, who reversed it and delivered some right hands of his own. The match went back and forth between the two, but every time Mack went for a cover and DeMott kicked out at two he started to get frustrated and imitated the referee, this allowed DeMott to get rested and go on the offensive.

Mack had been able to nail his underhook powerbomb but DeMott kicked out at two, making him again frustrated and went outside to get a steel chair. When he got back inside the ring though the ref grabbed the steel chair before he could us it. While Mack was arguing with the ref DeMott got back up to his feet, when Mack turned round he walked right into a no joke from DeMott, who then covered him and got the three count.

Winner – Bill DeMott

CR – 65 MQ – 76 OR – 70

Sting© -vs- Test - GPW North American Championship

The challenger Test makes his way down to the ring to a good amount of heel heat to start this match and event off. After a quick replay of all the events leading up to this match Sting makes his entrance to a good pop from the crowd. Sting got into the ring and the two men locked eyes from across the ring. They slowly walk to the middle of it as the ref raises the championship belt over there heads, Sting and Test start to trade insults back and forth before Test slaps Sting right in the mouth. Sting responds by punching Test in the head as the bell rings to start this match.

Sting backs Test into the ropes and whips him across the ring, he then closelines Test down to the mat with a two count from the ref. Like their match on Instigation Sting is in full control of the early going of this match-up until Test low blows him while the ref is distracted. Test then connects with a Test drive and went for a pin but Sting kicked out at the two count. Test agued with the ref that is way a three count and Sting slowly crawled to the corner and got to his feet. Test saw that Sting was now up and went to hit his big boot but Sting ducked it and planted Test with a scorpion death drop. Sting went for the cover but Test kicked out before the count of three could be made. Sting was in disbelief that Test could kick out of it and dragged him to the middle of the ring. There he locked in the scorpion death drop and Test how no choice but to tap out to the pain.

Winner and still GPW North American Champion – Sting

CR – 72 MQ – 63 OR - 69

York & Matthews© –vs- Rainbow Express - GPW Tag Team Championship

Christian York and Lenny Lane started this match out for their respective teams and Lenny was the one to strike first, drilling York with a spinebuster. From this point on the heel team singled out York and didn’t allow him to make a tag to his partner Joey Matthews. They used every trick in the book but they weren’t able to put York away for the three count. Eventually York was able to hit a desperation move, getting a jawbreaker on Lodi. This allowed him to crawl to his corner and tag in Joey Matthews who was like a house on fire when he got in. He delivered a swinging DDT to Lenny Lane, which took him out of the match. York & Matthews then hit the full effect on Lodi and Matthews covered him for the three count.

Winner and still GPW Tag Team Champions – York & Matthews

CR – 71 MQ – 84 OR – 73

Jeff Hardy –vs- Scott Steiner© - GPW Television Championship

In the first of GPW TV matches Jeff Hardy takes on Television Champion Scott Steiner. Before the match a video package shows the past couple of months of the rivalry. After the package finishes the sirens blaze in the arena signalling the arrival of Scott Steiner, he comes down to the ring to a good amount of heel heat from the crowd. After flexing and posing for a while Jeff Hardy’s music hits and the challenger comes running down to the ring. The two lock up in the ring in a show of strength, but there was no doubt who was going to come out on top. Scott Steiner just shoved Jeff Hardy down and then flexed his muscles, just to get drop kicked down by Jeff, which took him by surprise.

Jeff continued on the offensive by making sure that Steiner stayed on the mat, but when he went up top to try and end the match Steiner recovered and shook the ropes, breaking Jeff’s balance. Steiner then climbed up to the top rope to where Jeff was and went to deliver a belly-to-belly suplex but Jeff blocked the move. A few well-timed punches by Jeff stop Steiner and he was able to shove him off the top rope. Jeff then came flying off the top rope with a Swanton bomb, which connected but when he went for the cover Steiner was able to kick out a two.

Jeff got Steiner up off the mat and delivered the same move that he delivered a few weeks ago on GPW TV, which looked like a reverse twist of fate and we now know that he is calling that move the xtreme overdose. Instead of going for the cover again Jeff went back up top and delivered another Swanton bomb on Steiner. He made the cover and it proved too much for Steiner, as he was unable to kick out of the cover meaning we have a new Television champion.

Winner and NEW GPW Television Champion – Jeff Hardy

CR – 79 MQ – 67 OR – 73

Jeff Hardy gained overness from this feud ending.

Lita© -vs- Trinity - GPW Women’s Championship

In what turned out to be the shortest match of the night Lita once again took on Trinity for her GPW Women’s Championship. It was a typical women’s match with uninspiring brawling and the crowd using it as a toilet break. Lita won with a twist of fate and a moonsault to finish it off.

Winner and still GPW Women’s Champion – Lita

CR – 63 MQ – 76 OR – 73

Lita gained overness from this feud ending. Trinity gained overness from this feud ending. The GPW Women’s Championship has gained in image.

Spanky –vs- Psychosis© - Ladder Match - GPW Cruiserweight Championship

After a brilliant video package it is now time for the most anticipated GPW Cruiserweight Championship match we have ever had in GPW. To recap the rules if Psychosis wins this match he will get the services of Torrie Wilson and retain the GPW Cruiserweight Championship, however if Spanky wins Torrie Wilson will still be his manager and he will win the GPW Cruiserweight Championship. Both Bill Alfonso and Torrie Wilson have been banned from ringside in this match to protect themselves and to make sure that they don’t interfere in the finish of this match.

Spanky came out to the ring first with the crowd cheering loudly for him, he got into the ring and looked up above it where the title belt hung over the ring. Psychosis then made his entrance to loud boos from the crowd; he too got in the ring and looked up to where his championship hung. He then looked right into the eyes of Spanky showing no fear, but after all the words that Psychosis has been saying leading up to this match he seems a little reluctant to start the match. Spanky soon got fed up of waiting for him to lock up and charged at him, but Psychosis low bridged the ropes sending Spanky to the floor. He laughed; obviously he was trying to lull Spanky into a false sense of security.

With Spanky out on the floor Psychosis quickly climbed the ladder that was already set up in the middle of the ring, but he was unable to reach the top rung as Spanky shoved the ladder down, stopping Psychosis climb. The two found new and unique ways to use the ladder, each more brutal and damaging than the one before it. Each man had tried to climb the ladder but every time the other would quickly stop the climb.

The finish came when Spanky and Psychosis were both at the top of the ladder, Spanky had been busted open quite badly and blood was flowing from a gash above his right eye. The two started to punch each other in an effort of get the other one of the ladder, a well-timed punch by Psychosis right to the eye of Spanky sent him down to the mat, but with the championship belt within his reach Psychosis didn’t reach for the belt. Instead he stared at Spanky and got a psychotic look in his eyes. He climbed to the top rung of the ladder and stared down at the bloody and battered Spanky, he signalled for the guillotine legdrop, but he waited too long to hit it. Spanky with his last energy kicked the ladder over, sending it toppling down with Psychosis on it. Psychosis went flying over the top rope and to the floor below, landing with a sickening thud onto the concrete floor.

A “holy s**t” chant started up from the crowd and Psychosis showed no sign of life. Spanky slowly got the ladder back into position and very slowly climbed the ladder and Psychosis was in no state to stop him. Spanky reached the top rung, reached up and grabbed the GPW Cruiserweight Championship to the delight of the crowd. Spanky got back down to the mat and collapsed as medical personnel came out to check on both men.

Winner and NEW GPW Cruiserweight Champion – Spanky

CR – 88 MQ – 100 OR – 94

Spanky gained overness from this feud ending. Psychosis gained overness from this feud ending. The GPW Cruiserweight Championship has gained in image.

Backstage our interviewer Dan Wilson is with GPW TV wrestler Eddie Guerrero

Dan: “Eddie, tonight you challenge Jerry Lynn for the GPW World Championship, however also tonight in that very same match is the very first GPW World Champion AJ Styles looking to regain the gold. What exactly do you think your chances are going into this match when you not one but two opponents? Will you be able to walk out with that championship gold around your waist?”

Eddie:Can I walk away with the gold essa? Can Eddie Guerrero walk away the new GPW World Champion? Look at who I face tonight homes, on one hand you have AJ Styles, the so-called phenomenal one, the first ever GPW World Champion, and on the other hand you have Jerry Lynn. I can beat Jerry Lynn and since Jerry Lynn can beat AJ Styles then essa tonight I’ll be walking out of this arena with the GPW World Championship around my waist. I don’t just claim that essa, I guarantee it!

OR - 84

Hulk Hogan© -vs- Buff Bagwell - GPW Championship

We cut back to ringside where the damage of the last match had been cleared, Buff Bagwell came out first to major heel heat from the crowd, the crowd were all over Bagwell, and he even got into an argument with a crowd at ringside. The crowd soon started to cheer when Hulk Hogan came down to the ring. He was just entering the ring when Bagwell blindsided him from behind, he had slipped out of the ring without Hogan noticing and waited for him to climb in the ring to attack him. Bagwell rammed Hogan’s head into the ring post and the ring steps. Bagwell then shoved Hogan in the ring and drilled him with a kobayshi DDT, he then covered Hogan looking for the three but he could only get the two count.

From this ambush Bagwell remained in full control of the match, he had a couple of near falls but he was unable to put Hogan away for the three count. The tide turned though when Bagwell tried to connect with a Buff blockbuster, Hogan blocked the move and scoop slammed Bagwell down to the mat. Bagwell was then whipped into the ropes and was nailed with a big boot. Hogan then dropped the leg on Bagwell for the three count and retaining his championship.

Winner and still GPW Champion – Hulk Hogan

CR – 88 MQ – 36 OR – 72

Jerry Lynn© -vs- AJ Styles –vs- Eddie Guerrero - GPW World Championship

This match is sudden death, Eddie was put out of this match quite early after being on the receiving end of a Styles clash from AJ Styles, Eddie rolled to the outside, which left Lynn and Styles in the ring. This was the formula for the whole match with two in the ring and one on the outside. Styles and Lynn fought it out in the ring and it wasn’t too long until Lynn planted Styles with a cradle to the grave piledriver, Lynn went for the cover but Eddie had recovered enough and broke the pin attempt.

It was now Eddie Guerrero and Jerry Lynn in the ring, Eddie managed to hit his three vertical suplexes on Lynn but when he went up top to deliver a frog splash AJ Styles came back and shoved Eddie off the top rope. Styles then went up top and went to hit the spiral tap but Lynn rolled out of the way. Lynn again went to cover Styles but Eddie broke the count.

Eddie shoved Lynn out of the ring and locked in the lasso from El Paso on Styles who was caught in the middle of the ring. Lynn was still on the outside and didn’t know about what was going on inside it. When he did finally look up he saw that Styles was screaming in pain from the submission hold and he entered the ring to go and break the hold. However Lynn was a fraction of a second too late as Styles couldn’t take the pain anymore and tapped out, giving the win to Eddie Guerrero. Lynn was furious as the title had changed hands and he wasn’t the one to be involved in the decision. Eddie Guerrero didn’t seem to care who he had beaten and started to celebrate his title win.

Winner and NEW GPW World Champion – Eddie Guerrero

CR – 80 MQ – 85 OR - 82

The End is Near finished with Eddie Guerrero celebrating his win on the ramp with Jerry Lynn arguing with the ref in the ring.

Best Segment - Spanky –vs- Psychosis - Ladder Match

Worst Segment - Sting -vs- Test


The End is near got an overall rating of 79 with a buy rate of 1.54. As expected the Spanky-Psychosis ladder match ended up stealing the show. With our rise in popularity we are now at “war” with the WWE. However we are not yet strong enough to do any damage as they have the most star power and best talent out of our two, but not for long! The End is Near certainly was a way to end the year on a high note.

In other news Jersey All Pro Wrestling have risen to regional level.

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One night removed from The End is Near a crowd of 7549 people are in attendance for tonight’s Instigation. Tonight Randy Savage will challenge Sting for the GPW North American Championship.

Hulk Hogan is shown arriving at the arena to a huge pop from the crowd. He has the GPW Championship on his shoulder and gets congratulated for his win last night against Buff Bagwell. He carries on walking until he comes face to face with Sting

Sting: “Hogan brother, last night we showed the world that we aren’t relics just like you said. We proved that we can beat anyone and that we are indeed fighting champions.”

Hogan:That we did brother, that we did.”

OR – 89

Erotica –vs- Rainbow Express

The opening match to tonight also proved to be our shortest. Erotica won by connecting with the double jump moonsault for the win.

Winner – Erotica

CR – 65 MQ – 79 OR – 64

As we come back from the commercial break Buff Bagwell makes his way down to the ring, he ignores the boos from the crowd and starts to address Hulk Hogan.

Bagwell: “Hogan, last night you beat me you managed to pin me, but I’m a man that can move on and leave such things behind. However the one thing that I can’t understand is that it’s over. Sure you beat me in one match Hogan, one measly match do you really think that it’s over between us Hogan. It’s far from over, I want a rematch and I want a rematch right here tonight, but this time Hogan I WILL make sure that I come out tonight as GPW Champion and that’s a promise.

Bagwell drops the mic and waits for Hogan to respond to the challenge, he doesn’t have to wait long as Hulk Hogan music’s starts and the champion comes out and stands on the top of the ramp.

Hogan: “Let me get this straight bother, I beat you one two three in the middle of the ring and you want think that you deserve a rematch, you think that it’s over between us and you think that it was just a fluke that I beat you. You want a rematch tonight brother you’ve got one. But let me get this straight brother it’s your last one as I want to show everybody I want to make sure that all these Hulkamaniacs here know that Hulk Hogan can beat your ass, two nights running in the middle of the ring one two three. So Buff Bagwell what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do when Hulk Hogan and all his Hulkamaniacs runs wild on you?”

OR – 83

Hulk Hogan lost overness from this segment

Ron Killings –vs- Rodney Mack

Mack still looks irate at the loss from last night against Bill DeMott at The End is Near. Killings was able to use this distraction to his advantage and pinned him after nailing the true conviction.

Winner – Ron Killings

CR – 68 MQ – 71 OR – 62

Our cameras go to the backstage area where Buff Bagwell is standing with our interviewer Josh Matthews

Josh: “Earlier tonight you challenged Hulk Hogan for a match tonight for the GPW Championship even though last night he pinned you in the middle of the ring…”

Bagwell: “What do you want me to say Josh? Do you want me to say that Hogan got lucky; that Hogan won by a fluke that Hogan beat Buff Bagwell cleanly and decisively? Last night was last night Josh and tonight it’s a whole different ballgame. When I promise that I will walk out tonight as the new GPW Champion I mean it!”

Buff Bagwell then shoves Josh to the side before walking down the corridor.

OR – 79

Bill DeMott –vs- Justin Credible

In another short match Bill DeMott picked up the win after planting Credible with a no joke for the three.

Winner – Bill DeMott

CR – 80 MQ – 67 OR – 56

We return to the backstage area where Sting is shown getting ready for his GPW Intercontinental Championship defence later on tonight against Randy Savage. He finishes lacing up his boots before leaving the room. The camera watches him leave and we see a figure clad in black from head to toe creep out. The figure sneaks over to Sting’s bag and slips a piece of paper into it. The figure then leaves the room, just as the figure exits one door Sting enters the other door and heads over to the bag. He picks it up and the piece of paper drops to the floor. Sting notices and picks it up. He reads it and gets a confused look on his face. He scrunches the note up and flings it behind him as we return to ringside.

OR – 72

Ken Shamrock –vs- Johnny Stamboli

To start the match off Shamrock offers the handshake to Stamboli who just laughs and slaps the hand away. Shamrock again extends the hand but Stamboli slaps it away again. This time Shamrock slaps Stamboli across the face and the bell rings signalling the start of the match. Shamrock completely controls the pace of this match. Eventually Stamboli became a victim of a belly-to-belly suplex from Shamrock, who then locks him in the ankle lock, giving him no option to tap out.

Winner – Ken Shamrock

CR – 72 MQ – 74 OR – 65

Once again we return backstage where Randy Savage is shown with our interviewer Josh Matthews

Josh: “Coming up next you’re going to be facing Sting for the GPW North American Chmpionship, what do you think your chances going into this match are?”

Savage: “Ever since I lost to Hulk Hogan at Retribution everywhere I go people are laughing at me. Pointing at me and laughing in my face, which never used to happen. Everyone was afraid to speak to me, even look at me but Hulk Hogan made them forget that. People have forgotten just what a force I am and will always be but tonight I’m going to remind them. I am going to remind them exactly why I’m the best wrestler in the world and that I am still a force to be reckoned with. Tonight I’m going to annihilate Sting and then everyone will see just what they have forgotten.

Randy Savages starts in the arena and he walks off to make his entrance.

OR – 84

Sting© -vs- Randy Savage - GPW North American Championship

Savage comes out to a chorus of boos from the crowd. Sting makes his entrance to a decent pop from the crowd, he gets into the ring and Savage immediately charges at him, catching him off guard the two go tumbling over the top rope and to the floor below. Savage then whips Sting into the guardrail and rolls into the ring to break the count. He rolls back out again and rams Stings head into the ringpost and then into the ring steps. Savage then scoops slams Sting onto the steel rampway before once again rolling into the ring to break the ten count. The ref stops him this time though from immediately going right back outside to continue his attack. Instead he climbs up to the top rope and signals for the Savage elbow, he comes flying down but Sting rolls out of the way and Savage lands right on the steel rampway with a scream of pain coming out of him.

Sting then gets Savage into the middle of the ring and locks in the Scorpion deathlock, Savage screams in pain and tries to crawl to the bottom rope but Sting drags him back to the centre of the ring. However Savage still refuses to tap out and eventually passes out from the pain of the submission hold. The ref award the match to Sting as Savage is wheeled out of the arena.

However as Sting is celebrating his win Test enters the ring, he waits for Sting to turn around and nails him with a big boot. Test then grabs Sting’s championship belt and raises it over his head as Instigation heads into a break.

Winner and still GPW North American Champion – Sting

CR – 76 MQ – 57 OR - 63

Hulk Hogan© -vs- Buff Bagwell - GPW Championship

As we come back from commercial break Buff Bagwell is already standing in the middle of the ring. Hogan’s music hits and he comes down the ramp to a thunderous pop from the crowd. He gets into the ring and the two come face to face in the centre of the ring for the second night in a row.

Bagwell is the first to strike, laying punches into Hulk’s temple. Hogan fires back though with right hands of his own, getting Bagwell to the ropes and whipping him across the ring. Hogan closelines him down to the mat and goes to drop the leg early on in the match but Bagwell rolls out of the way before Hogan could connect. While stunned Bagwell dropkicks Hogan’s face down to the mat and then locks him in a leg lock sort of manoeuvre.

Hogan manages to get to the bottom rope to break the hold but this move had a major impact on the way the rest of the match as fought. Hogan was limping throughout it and Bagwell targeted it at every possible chance. Bagwell looked to try and end the match by delivering a Buff blockbuster on Hogan but before he could do it Hogan scoop slammed him down to the mat. Hogan then came running off the ropes and drilled Bagwell with a legrop of doom. Hogan covered Bagwell and the ref counted one two three to give the match to Hulk Hogan.

Winner and still GPW Champion – Hulk Hogan

CR – 87 MQ – 36 OR – 63

GPW Championship has lost image

The last Instigation and last GPW show of 2003 came to a close with Hulk Hogan standing on all four turnbuckles raising his championship belt above his head.

Best Segment – Hulk Hogan is congratulated by Sting

Worst Segment - Bill DeMott –vs- Justin Credible


This week’s Instigation got an overall rating of 68 and a TV rating of 6.90. This show was mainly centred on the Buff Bagwell and Hulk Hogan match as well as the introduction of what hopes to be one of the more major angles of the start of 2004.

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The top 100-wrestler list was published today and below is the top ten wrestlers on that list.

1 – Chris Jericho

2 – Kurt Angle

3 – Low Ki

4 – Christopher Daniels

5 – Taka Michinoku

6 – AJ Styles

7 – Kid Kash

8 – Eddie Guerrero

9 – Tajiri

10 – Spanky

Other GPW Wrestlers on this list were

13 – EZ Money

17 – Jerry Lynn

18 – Shark Boy

24 – CM Punk

25 – Paul London

27 – Psychosis

73 – Air Paris

81 – Frank Shamrock

85 – Christian York

Credit GPW.com



7506 people are here for the first GPW TV of 2004. At The End is Near Eddie Guerrero was able to become the new GPW World champion by making AJ Styles tap out, but what will Jerry Lynn have to say about loosing in his title without being involved in the decision?

Don Callis is already standing in the ring as we come onto the air. He has a mic in his hand ready to address the crowd.

Callis: “Last Sunday at The End is Near a new GPW World Champion was crowned in Eddie Guerrero, but ever since Sunday I’ve had AJ Styles in one ear wanting a shot at the GPW World Championship and in the other ear I’ve had Jerry Lynn bitching and moaning that he wasn’t the one to tap out and as much as I hate to admit it he has a point. That’s why tonight in this very ring Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles will fight it out in a match to determine who will get a shot at Eddie Guerrero and his championship at A New Level. However over the last few months we’ve seen these two fight it out in a variety of matches and frankly I’ve become board of them fighting each other week after week after week. So joining them in that match will be a surprise entrant making it a triple threat match. The first person to get a submission or pin fall victory will be the number one contender to the GPW World Championship. Oh and Jerry Lynn don’t worry the mystery entrant is a gooden, actually scratch that do worry!”

OR – 73

Don Callis gained overness from this segment

Nova –vs- Sonny Siaki

In the shortest match of the night Nova was able to get the win after planting Siaki with the spin-doctor for the three count.

Winner – Nova

CR – 64 MQ - 66 OR – 58

Nova gained overness from this match. Sonny Siaki lost overness from this match.

Our cameras go to the parking lot where a long black limo is pulling up. The driver gets out and opens the door, allowing the new GPW World Champion Eddie Guerrero to get out.

Eddie: “Get the bags out of the trunk and take them to my locker room essa, I’ve got to go and see a man about tonight.”

OR – 84

Shark Boy –vs- Kid Kash

In a complete squash match Kid Kash destroyed Shark Boy in the ring. As soon as the bell rang Kash was unrelenting on his attack and Shark Boy had no chance. In the end Kid Kash put Shark Boy away with the money maker for the three count.

Winner – Kid Kash

CR – 70 MQ – 65 OR – 69

Paul London –vs- Billy Kidman

London was in control for most of the match, Kidman wasn’t able to get many moves in or gain any momentum. The moves Kidman did deliver though were high impact, he managed to nail the bkbomb on London but he kicked out at the two count. Kidman then went up to the top rope, looking to deliver the shooting star press, but London rolled out of the way making Kidman connect with the mat. London then decided it was his turn to go up to the top rope. He came flying off with the London’s calling on Kidman London then covered him and got the three count.

After the match had ended London helped Kidman up to his feet, London extended his hand to Kidman who accepted it. London then raised Kidman’s arm up and went to leave to ring but Kidman swung him around and drilled him with a bkbomb. Kidman then exited the ring getting booed from the crowd as he went.

Winner – Paul London

CR – 58 MQ – 83 OR – 63

Billy Kidman gained overness from this turn and is now a heel

Backstage AJ Styles is with our interviewer Dan Wilson

Dan: “Later on tonight you will face Jerry Lynn and a mystery entrant for the right to face Eddie Guerrero at A New Level. Do you feel you can walk out of this match as the number one contender when you don’t even know one of your opponents?”

Styles: “The phenomenal AJ Styles doesn’t have to worry about anything like that. I was the first ever GPW World Champion and I will be the first ever two time GPW World Champion, the fact that I have to face two opponents to get there doesn’t worry me. I will go onto A New Level as the number one contender and I will leave there as the new GPW World Champion and Jerry Lynn or whoever the hell the other one is can’t do a damn thing to stop me.

OR – 69

CM Punk –vs- Scott Steiner

Steiner looks irate at the fact that he lost the GPW Television championship at The End is Near to Jeff Hardy. He took all this anger out on Punk but it didn’t allow him to focus on the match. Punk was able to recover from the attack from Steiner and lock in the devil lock on him. Steiner had no option but to tap out to Punk who quickly got out of the ring to avoid the wrath of Steiner.

Winner – CM Punk

CR – 67 MQ – 67 OR – 59

Scott Steiner lost overness from this match

Jeff Hardy –vs- Scott Hall

These two are no stranger to each other as they have faced off on numerous occasions in the past. Jeff picked up the win after connecting with the xtreme overdose and following it up with a Swanton bomb. After the match Hall started to destroy the ringside area. Ripping apart the announcer’s table in a temper tantrum at loosing the match. Hall makes his way up the ramp when he sees a fan laughing at him in the front row. He grabs the fan and brings him over the guardrail and starts to lay into him.

Hall shoves the fan into the ring and the fan tries to crawl away from Hall who starts hunting him down. Hall eventually stops taunting him and nails him with an outsider’s edge as the crowd boo him. We go to a commercial break as Hall finally goes to the back allowing referees to check on the fan laying lifeless in the middle of the ring.

Winner – Jeff Hardy

CR – 70 MQ – 61 OR - 60

Piper’s Pit

As we come back from commercial break Roddy Piper is standing in the ring.

Piper: “As it is a brand new year it is necessary to start of the first Piper’s pit of 2004 with a bang and the only way to do this is with a guest of championship material. A man who everyone else tries to personify, a man who is an example for everyone else to live up to and there’s only two men in this whole company who have all these characteristics. One of course is me and the other is the new GPW World Champion, so ladies and gentle men please welcome Eddie Guerrero to Piper’s pit.”

The crowd boo loudly as he makes his way out to the ring.

Piper: “Let me be the first to congratulate your win last Sunday at The End is Near over Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles. I don’t know if you’ve been informed but later on tonight the two men who you fought at The End is Near and a mystery entrant will fight it out to find out who your next opponent will be.”

Eddie: “I’ve been informed homes, but I’m not worried. I beat Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles at The End is Near so I can beat them again. The mystery entrant won’t be a problem either essa. No one is better than me, no one can beat me, I’m the alpha male of this company. I am the strongest, the smartest and the best essa, I don’t worry about any of those other people essa. I can beat anyone who comes up against me homes and I don’t care who wins later on tonight because they’ll just be another victim of the alpha male Eddie Guerrero!

OR – 90

Roddy Piper gained overness from this segment

Spanky –vs- EZ Money

This match didn’t even get started as when Spanky gets into the ring Kid Kash comes running down to the ring with a steel chair in his hand. He slides into the ring and blasts the chair over the head of Spanky. Kash kept up the attack bringing the chair down on Spanky time and time again as the bell kept on ringing with referees hanging out on the outside trying to figure out what Kash was up to and too scared to go into the ring to confront him. Eventually Kash left the ring and allowed the refs to check on Spanky, who was already bruised after the ladder match last Sunday.

Winner – Not Decided

OR – 78

Jerry Lynn –vs- AJ Styles –vs- ??? - #1 Contendership for the GPW World Championship

Jerry Lynn came out first to a good pop from the crowd, AJ Styles then made his entrance getting heel heat on the way down. The two then stood in opposite corners waiting for the mystery entrant. The lights then went out leaving the arena in pitch-blackness, a symbol of a mask then showed on the titentron and REY MYSTERIO came flying up from under the cage to a huge pop from the crowd.

AJ Styles looked irate at who the mystery entrant was but Lynn didn’t seem too worried. Mysterio entered the ring and the three men looked at each other from their respective corners. Each of them went slowly to the middle of the ring and started to throw insults at each other before Styles dropkicked Lynn down to the mat. Mysterio and Styles then started to battle it out in the ring and Styles was nearly able to pick up the win but Lynn broke up the pinfall attempt.

Halfway through the match Mysterio was downed on the outside after Styles had rammed his head into the ring post leaving Styles and Lynn left in the ring. Styles nailed Lynn with the Styles clash and went for the pin but the recovered Mysterio broke the pin up. Mysterio then threw Styles over the top rope and turned his attention to Lynn who as slowly pulling himself up with the ropes.

Mysterio went running at Lynn and connected with the 6-1-9, he then waited for Lynn to pick himself up and drilled him with the west coast hop. Mysterio went for the pin and the ref went down 1…2…3! Mysterio goes on to face Eddie Guerrero at A New Level for the GPW World Championship

Winner – Rey Mysterio

CR – 79 MQ – 85 OR – 73

As GPW TV comes to an end Eddie Guerrero comes out and stands on the stage. Rey and Eddie have a staredown before the screen turns to black!

Segment of the night: Piper’s Pit with Eddie Guerrero

Worst segment of the night: Nova –vs- Sonny Siaki


This week’s GPW TV got a TV rating of 7.09 against Smackdown’s 5.20. We are now destroying them in the ratings on Thursday nights. Our overall rating of tonight’s show was 70, which isn’t really anything special but it proved to further our storylines.

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The music plays and the pryos go off, we are live for the first Instigation of 2004. A crowd of 8623 are in attendance tonight where Bret Hart has promised to make a major announcement over the number one contendership for the GPW Championship.

And we didn’t have long to find out what that announcement is as Bret Hart makes his way down to the ring to start the show off.

Bret:I was sitting at home last Thursday night and I was flipping through the channels when I came across GPW TV being shown. Now while I was watching this I noticed that not only did GPW TV have new signing that I didn’t know about but also I realised that Hulk Hogan doesn’t have a challenger for A New Level. So ever since Thursday I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out who should face Hulk Hogan for the GPW Championship and I couldn’t find anybody who should face him. So I’ve come up with a way to decide the new number one contender. I’m absolutely sick and tired of people running around here attacking people to get a title shot. Buff Bagwell comes to mind with that, no now if you want a title shot you’ve got to earn it. You’ve got to fight for the right to get a shot at the championship. So that’s why starting tonight eight men will fight in a tournament to decide who will face Hulk Hogan at A New Level for the GPW Championship. However that match at A New Level won’t be an ordinary match, no that match will be assigned a special guest referee of my choosing, but I will not reveal who that is until just before the match, oh and in the words of Don Callis, it’s a gooden!”

A graphic then flashes up on the screen with four brackets on it; the eight men in the tournament are –

Ken Shamrock

Buff Bagwell



Bill DeMott

Randy Savage

Ron Killings

Rodney Mack

OR – 93

Bret Hart gained overness from this segment

Seven –vs- Johnny Stamboli

In our opening match of the night Seven took on Johnny Stamboli. Seven was in control of the match until Stamboli hit Seven with a low-blow and followed it up with a fugettabout it for the three count.

Winner – Johnny Stamboli

CR – 60 MQ – 74 OR – 67

As we come back from the commercials Sting is shown in his locker room. He opens his bag and pulls out a note that looks just like the one he had last week. This time though instead of screwing it up he just drops the paper and storms out of the room. The camera zooms up to the note, which reads:

“Sting I know everything you do. I see everything you do. I hear everything you say and I’m going to be seeing you real soon.”

OR – 68

Chris Chetti –vs- Justin Credible

In the shortest match of the night Chetti picked up the win after drilling Credible with the Amityville horror.

Winner – Chris Chetti

CR – 57 MQ – 73 OR – 65

York & Matthews –vs- Rainbow Express

In a rematch from The End is Near the team of Christian York and Joey Matthews took on Lodi and Lenny Lane, but this time without the tag team belts on the line. York & Matthews again walked out with the win after connecting with the full effect on Lodi for the three.

Winner – York & Matthews

CR – 65 MQ – 83 OR - 78

La Resistance are then shown in their locker room watching Christian York and Joey Matthews celebrating their win in the ring on a TV.

Rene: “We’ve got to find a way of getting another shot at the tag titles.”

Sylvan: “But you heard Bret Hart earlier we can’t just attack them and get a title shot.”

Rene: “I know!”

Sylvan: “And Bret also refuses to put us in a number one contendership match for the straps.”

Rene: “I know!”

Sylvan: “So how do we get a title shot?”

Rene: “I don’t know Sylvan ok, I just don’t know.”

Sylvan: “What about that man on the board of directors that you bribed last time, can’t he help us?”

Rene: “He’s been kicked off the board.”

Sylvan: “What for?”

Rene: “What do you think what for? He was caught taking my bribe by some photographer that was sent to follow him. The photos were sent to the board and they kicked him off.”

Sylvan: “So we’re screwed then?”

Rene: “It looks like it.”

Sylvan: “You know you’re not the only one with connections Rene, just leave it up to me!”

OR – 71

Ron Killings –vs- Rodney Mack - #1 Contender Tournament Round 1

In the first match of round 1 in the tournament Ron Killings picked up the win after nailing Mack with the true conviction for the three count.

Winner – Ron Killings

CR – 68 MQ – 71 OR – 69

Bill DeMott –vs- Randy Savage - #1 Contender Tournament Round 1

To find out who will face on Killings next week Bill DeMott and Randy Savage battled it out. Surprisingly DeMott was in control for most of this match and Savage’s attention didn’t seem to be on the match at all. DeMott had just hit the no joke and had gone for a cover but Savage had kicked out at the count of two, DeMott went to go and climb the top rope but Savage grabbed his ankle and rolled him up. Savage then got a handful of tights, which the referee didn’t see, and got the three count. Savage then rolled out of the ring as DeMott started to argue with the ref over what had happened.

Winner – Randy Savage

CR – 76 MQ – 68 OR – 73

We cut to the backstage area where Buff Bagwell is with our interviewer Josh Matthews

Josh: “Coming up you’ve got a match against Ken Shamrock to advance in the tournament, do you feel that you can outlast the five other men that are left and go on to face Hulk Hogan at A New Level?”

Bagwell: “Josh I may have encountered a few snags on my road to becoming the GPW Champion but tonight I will overcome them. Hulk Hogan is a has been, he over the hill, past it, finished and he needs to realise it. The man to make him realise it me, Hulk Hogan you may have beaten me at The End is Near and last week but I will beat you one way or the other and I will be GPW Champion.

OR - 66

Sting –vs- A-Train - #1 Contender Tournament Round 1

We return to the ringside area where A-Train is making his entrance to some good heel heat. Sting then came down to the ring to a good face pop from the crowd, he got into the ring and immediately attacked A-Train, who no way of battling back. Sting was like a man possessed in this match and had just brought A-Train down to the mat with a scorpion death drop and had locked in the scorpion deathlock when Test came running down the ramp.

The ref noticed him and told him to go to the back, as he was distracted the ref never noticed that A-Train was tapping out. Sting released the hold and went to tell the ref that he had won the match when A-Train rolled out of the ring and grabbed a steel chair. The ref was busy trying to deal with Test and Sting so didn’t notice what was going to happen, A-Train grabbed a hold of Sting and slammed the chair over his head. A-Train got rind of the evidence and covered Sting, Test took this as his cue to leave and the ref turned his attention back to the match, he saw the cover and counted the three count as the crowd started to boo knowing that Sting had been screwed.

Winner – A-Train

CR – 72 MQ – 62 OR – 68

A-Train gained overness from this match

Ken Shamrock –vs- Buff Bagwell - #1 Contender Tournament Round 1

In the last match of this round Ken Shamrock took on Buff Bagwell in the main event of this evening. Buff Bagwell came down to the ring first getting heel heat as he made his way down the ramp. Ken Shamrock then came down and got a good face pop from the crowd. He got into the ring and offered his hand out to Bagwell who just started at Shamrock like there was something wrong with him, Bagwell then suddenly struck with a punch to the temple of Shamrock and backed him into the corner. Bagwell then proceeded to lay some knife-edge chops onto the chest of Shamrock, who then grabbed Bagwell and shoved him into the corner and gave him some knife-edge shots of his own.

The match continued in Shamrock’s favour until Bagwell was able to avoid a running closeline from Shamrock, Bagwell then attempted the cover and put is feet on the ropes but Shamrock managed to kick out at the two much to Bagwell’s disbelief. Bagwell started to argue with the ref that he got a three count and not a two; the ref wasn’t having any of it though so Bagwell shoved the ref trying to intimidate him. The ref shoved him right back though right into a roll up by Shamrock, the ref went down for the count but Bagwell kicked out at two.

Bagwell then went back onto the offensive and drilled Shamrock with a Buff blockbuster but could only get a two count out of Shamrock. Bagwell couldn’t believe that he had only gotten another two count and set up Shamrock up for the kobayshi DDT but Shamrock blocked the move. Shamrock then planted Bagwell with a belly-to-belly suplex and then locked in the ankle lock. Bagwell was stuck in the middle of the ring with nowhere else to go, he tapped out giving the win to Ken Shamrock who will go onto face A-Train next week in round two of the tournament.

Winner – Ken Shamrock

CR – 76 MQ – 66 OR – 72

Instigation fades to black with Ken Shamrock celebrating his win in the ring.

Best segment: Bret Hart announces tournament

Worst Segment: Chris Chetti –vs- Justin Credible


This week’s Instigation got a overall rating of 71 with a TV rating of 7.77, This again has outdone WWE’s Raw, which got a rating of 6.05. The brackets for round two of the tournament look like this and will be contested next week on Instigation:

Ron Killings

Randy Savage

Ken Shamrock


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8277 people are here tonight for GPW TV. Tonight GPW World Champion will go one on one with Paul London. Last week the debuting Rey Mysterio won a number one contender’s match to face Eddie Guerrero at A New Level, what will the champ have to say about this?

To start off tonight’s show AJ Styles made his way down to the ring

Styles: “Last week as I’m sure you know the phenomenal AJ Styles was involved in a match to see who is the number one contender to the GPW World Championship and I’m sorry to say that the phenomenal one didn’t win that match but the phenomenal one never lost that match either. You see Jerry Lynn was the one who got pinned not me, Jerry Lynn lost that match not me and the way I see it is Rey Mysterio isn’t the rightful number one contender, he never defeated both men in that match, he defeated the weaker of the two because there is no way that the little peon can beat the phenomenal one AJ Styles…”

The arena goes black and the mask appears on the titentron signalling the arrival of Rey Mysterio. He comes down to the ring and goes face to face with AJ Styles.

Rey: “I can’t beat you huh? I can’t defeat you? The way I see it I’ve already beat your punk a*s so I’ve already beat you!”

Styles: “No that’s where your wrong you beat Jerry Lynn’s punk a*s not mine, but since you think you can beat me how about you and me fight it out tonight, with the number one contendership on the line, that’s if you’re not too afraid to face me!”

Rey: “I’m not afraid of anything and I’m certainly not afraid of you. You want to face me tonight with my number one contendership on the line, fine you’re on, see you later oh phenomenal one!”

OR – 73

Lita –vs- Victoria

In our opening match Lita took on Victoria in a non-title match. Victoria picked up a somewhat of an upset victory here after getting the three count after nailing Lita with a widow's peak.

Winner – Victoria

CR – 73 MQ – 58 OR – 68

Victoria gained overness from this match. Lita lost overness from this match.

Spanky –vs- EZ Money

This match was scheduled to be decided last week but after Kid Kash attacked Spanky the bout never happened. This week both men had managed to get to the ring and start the match but like last week Kid Kash came running down to the ring. Spanky had just nailed the sliced bread #2 on EZ Money when he noticed Kash on the outside. He started to throw insults at him, which allowed EZ to recover. He snuck up behind Spanky and rolled him up and grabbed a handful of tights. The ref, not seeing this, went down for the three count and gave the match to EZ Money. This caused Kid Kash to go back up the ramp laughing all the way.

Winner – EZ Money

CR – 85 MQ – 93 OR – 89

EZ Money gained overness from this match

Backstage Don Callis is shown in his office when Victoria walked in.

Victoria: “Did you see that? Did you see me pin Lita one two three in the ring? Did ya?”

Callis: “What do you mean did I see it, of course I saw it so what’s your point you won a match whoop de doo!”

Victoria: “Not just any match, not just any win, no I pinned Lita, the GPW Women’s Champion Lita. Don’t you see what this means?”

Callis: “No, is there something I’m missing here?”

Victoria: "Yes, you don’t see it; you don’t see what I am. I pinned Lita, I BEAT the champion that makes me the number one contender to the GPW Women’s championship, doesn’t it?”

Callis: “Oh, ok now I know what you mean you beat Lita, the Women’s Champion, and now you think that you’re the number one contender. You want to know when you get a shot at the championship don’t you?”

Victoria: “Yeah, hey what do you mean think I’m the number one contender I pinned Lita doesn’t that make me the next in line for a shot?”

Callis: “You’ve got a point and I’ll tell you what I’ll do. At A New Level it’ll be Lita –vs- Victoria for the GPW Women’s Championship!”

OR – 63

Shark Boy –vs- Billy Kidman

Kidman was in control of most of this match but everything that he threw at Shark Boy couldn’t put him away from the three count. Eventually Kidman got so angry that he went outside and grabbed a steel chair from ringside. He got back in the ring and plastered it over the head of Shark Boy, giving the ref no choice but to disqualify Billy Kidman for his actions.

Winner by DQ – Shark Boy

CR – 71 MQ – 86 OR – 76

Piper’s Pit

Piper: “Tonight will mark the third time that tonight’s guest will have been on Piper’s Pit, he needs no introduction as you’ve already seen him once already tonight. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Kid Kash.

Kash came down to the ring getting booed all the way. He got in the ring and grabbed a mic.

Kash: “Do you really think that I care what you people think of me? Do you think that the K.I.D. cares at all about what you jackasses think? I have said time and time again that I am the most under appreciated man on the entire roster and I deserve recognition for my obvious talents, but no matter how hard I try I still don’t get it. I win matches and still I don’t get appreciation, I bust my ass for this company and still I get no appreciation so I decided to make people give me what I so rightfully deserve and the only way to do that it to be a champion around this place. Spanky, the Cruiserweight Champion was my choice. Here is a man that you cheer, that you love and that the people around here have given him everything on a silver platter, but not for much longer. Spanky I want a match against you the GPW Cruiserweight Championship. I don’t care when or where but I want one, I will not be ignored any longer and I will get my recognition…

Kash was cut off by Spanky running down the ramp. Spanky got in the ring and charged at Kash, he two men started brawling around the ring as Piper got out of the way of the two men. Eventually referees and road agents were able to separate them and get Kash out of the ring. Don Callis then appeared on the titentron.

Callis: “You want a shot at the Cruiserweight Championship Kash well at A New Level you will get you’re wish as it’ll be Spanky –vs- Kid Kash.

OR – 88

Nova –vs- Scott Steiner

In the shortest match of the night Scott Steiner was able to get a submission victory over Nova when he became a victim of the Steiner spiral and was then locked in the Steiner recliner. Nova had nowhere to go and tapped out to Steiner.

Winner – Scott Steiner

CR – 64 MQ – 63 OR – 63

Jeff Hardy –vs- Scott Hall

In a rematch from last week Jeff Hardy once again took on Scott Hall. Hall was the one who challenged Jeff to this match tonight after loosing last week. This week didn’t fare too well for Hall either as once again Jeff drilled Hall with the xtreme overdose and followed it up with a Swanton bomb getting the three and a pin fall victory for the second time over Hall in as many weeks.

Jeff celebrated the win by posing on the top turnbuckle as Hall started to get back up. He couldn’t believe that he had lost another match and snapped just like last week. Hall grabbed Jeff off the top turnbuckle and planted him with an outsider’s edge. Hall then spat on the body of Jeff before making his way back up the ramp.

Winner – Jeff Hardy

CR – 76 MQ – 62 OR – 71

We go backstage where our interviewer Dan Wilson is standing by with AJ Styles

Dan: “Coming up tonight you will face Rey Mysterio for the right to face Eddie Guerrero at A New Level. Last week though it was you Jerry Lynn and Rey Mysterio fighting for that same honour where Rey Mysterio won that match, what’s stopping him from winning tonight’s match as well?”

Styles: “What’s stopping him Dan? The phenomenal one is that’s who. You need to remember who was pinned last week, it was Jerry Lynn not me, so Rey Mysterio can not call himself the number one contender as he never beat me. Dan tonight he will not walk out tonight as number one contender as he will go against the one person that he can’t beat and he knows it, you know it, the camera man knows it and hell all this idiotic people here know it as well, Rey Mysterio can not beat the phenomenal one AJ Styles.

OR - 85

Paul London –vs- Eddie Guerrero

Paul London fare well against the champion in the early going of this match, he had managed to keep Eddie Guerrero from gaining any momentum and stopped him from getting any high impact moves on him, however when his went to knock him back down to the match with a dropkick Eddie ducked the attempt and London’s dropkick connected with the referee. This allowed for Billy Kidman to come running down the ramp. He got into the ring and hit the bkbomb on London as Eddie went up to the top. Eddie came flying off with a frog splash and covered London. The ref groggily came over and counted the three giving the match to Eddie.

Winner – Eddie Guerrero

CR – 83 MQ – 99 OR – 91

After the match Eddie Guerrero joined the announcers to watch the next match which will determine ho his opponent at A New Level will be.

Rey Mysterio –vs- AJ Styles - #1 Contendership for the GPW World Championship

AJ Styles came down first in this match and stopped at the announcer’s table to warn Eddie Guerrero not to interfere in the match and that he will see him at A New Level. After the warning had been given the arena went black and Rey Mysterio came flying out from under the stage to a good pop from the crowd.

Styles took the advantage in the early going of this match and got some near falls over Mysterio, but he couldn’t get the three count. Mysterio battled back tough and nearly got the three count after hitting a splash from the top rope. Styles took the advantage back after a well timed low blow and nailed Mysterio with the Styles clash but when he went for the cover Mysterio was too near to the ropes and got his foot on the bottom rope.

Styles couldn’t believe it and started to slam his fists into the mat, he charged at Rey who delivered a drop toe hold onto the middle rope. He then connected with a 6-1-9 and followed it up with a west coast hop for the three and he will still be going to A New Level to face Eddie Guerrero for the GPW World Championship.

Speaking of the champion Eddie Guerrero left his position at the announcer’s table and got into the ring and came face to face with his challenger. After a few insults Eddie slammed his title belt into Mysterio’s face.

Winner – Rey Mysterio

CR – 81 MQ – 85 MQ – 83

GPW TV came to an end with Eddie Guerrero posing on the top rope with his belt in the air.

Best Segment – Paul London –vs- Eddie Guerrero

Worst Segment – Don Callis books Lita –vs- Victoria at A New Level


This week's GPW TV got an overall rating of 77 and a TV rating of 7.92 once again beating Smackdown, which got a TV rating of 5.20. A New Level looks to be a brilliant event with two major matches already announced in Rey Mysterio –vs- Eddie Guerrero and Spanky –vs- Kid Kash.

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The music plays and the pyros go off as 8257 people rise to their feet in anticipation for tonight’s event. In the continuation of the number one contendership tournament Ken Shamrock will face A-Train and Ron Killings will go one on one with Randy Savage in tonight’s main event.

Sting –vs- Buff Bagwell

To kick us off tonight Sting made his way down to the ring, followed by Buff Bagwell. The two locked up and Sting backed Bagwell into the corner and laid some knife-edge chops onto the chest of Bagwell. The majority of this match was controlled by Sting; Bagwell managed to get some offence in but didn’t do any major damage.

The finish came when Test came running down the ramp and got into the ring just as Sting had got Bagwell locked in the scorpion deathlock in the centre of the ring. Test delivered the big boot to the face of Sting making the ref throw out the match and give the win to Sting by DQ.

Winner by DQ – Sting

CR – 77 MQ – 55 OR – 70

As we come back from the commercial break Instigation commissioner Bret Hart is shown in his office when Sting comes barging in.

Sting: “Give me Test, that jackass has interfered in the last of my matches, I want him at A New Level.”

Just then Test comes walking into the room

Test: “Just a second there Sting I’m not going to face you when I have nothing to gain out of it.”

Sting: “Fine you want something back fine my championship’s on the line.”

Bret: “Listen Sting I know you want Test but last week I said that people will not get title shots by just attacking people and I meant that. I don’t want this to be that type of show, I want people to earn their shots…”

Sting: “I couldn’t give a damn about what you want I want Test…”

Test: “And I want the North American Championship…”

Bret: “Fine, but this is how it’s going to work tonight Test you face Chris Chetti, the winner of that match will go on to face Sting at A New Level for the GPW North American Championship, everyone happy?”

Sting then left the room a couple of seconds later the figure in black that we saw two weeks ago was seen following the direction in which Sting was going.

OR – 67

Seven –vs- Rodney Mack

Ever since loosing his tournament match last week Mack had been irate and demanded a match here tonight, the unlucky person that had to face him was Seven. Seven was unable to get any momentum going and became a victim of an underhook powerbomb by Mack, who then locked Seven in the blackout submission hold, which Seven quickly tapped out to.

Winner – Rodney Mack

CR – 57 MQ – 73 OR – 65

Our cameras return to the backstage area where La Resistance are shown in their locker room.

Rene: “Just how did you manage to get us a title shot Sylvan?”

Sylvan: “Trust me Rene you don’t want to know.”

Rene: “Oh right, but listen the main thing tonight we’re going to regain the tag championship.

Sylvan: “Yeah and then we’ll get the hell out of this god forsaken town.”

Rene: “I know, but lets just be happy in the fact that we’ll be taking the tag team championship back home to France.”

OR – 65

Bill DeMott –vs- Lodi

In the shortest match of the night Bill DeMott picked up he win over Lodi after planting him with a no joke for the three count.

Winner – Bill DeMott

CR – 66 MQ – 59 OR – 63

York & Matthews© -vs- La Resistance - GPW Tag Team Championships

Rene & Sylvan used every cheating tactic that they could think of but nothing that they could think off was able to win the match. Eventually they took drastic measures they managed to get Christian York down to the mat and started to taunt Joey Matthews, who was on the apron, he entered the ring, which sent the ref over to try and get him out. This allowed for Sylvan to get a steel chair from ringside, Rene picked York up and held him for Sylvan to hit, but York ducked the attack sending the chair into Rene’s head. Matthews was then able to get Sylvan out of the ring as York made the cover on Rene, the ref counted the three meaning the York & Matthews retained their championships.

Winner and still GPW Tag Team Champions – York & Matthews

CR – 67 MQ – 87 OR – 77

Chris Chetti –vs- Test - #1 Contenders to the GPW North American Championship

Test made his way down to the ring looking very pleased with himself, so he didn’t seem to notice that the crowd was booing him all the way down the ramp. Chetti then came down to the ring to a small pop from the crowd. Test immediately took control of the match using his power to his advantage. Test quickly disposed of Chetti with a big boot and got the three meaning that Test will face Sting at A New Level for the GPW North American Championship.

Winner – Test

CR – 61 MQ – 71 OR – 66

Our cameras go to the backstage area where Randy Savage is with Josh Matthews

Josh: “Later on tonight you will face Ron Killings for the chance to advance in this tournament. If you do win that match you will go on to face the winner of the Ken Shamrock and A-Train match, which of these two would you prefer to face if you win tonight?”

Savage: “If? If I win tonight, there is no if Josh, there’s not one shred of doubt in my mind that I will not win this match tonight. And as far as Ken Shamrock or A-Train goes the looser of that match should count himself lucky that he won’t have to face me next week. Ron Killings, Ken Shamrock or A-Train it doesn’t matter who I face, they are all roadblocks in my way of getting a shot at Hulk Hogan and when I do face Hogan at A New Level I will not walk away empty handed.

OR – 81

Ken Shamrock –vs- A-Train - #1 Contendership tournament Round 2

In the first of tonight’s semi-finals match up Ken Shamrock took on A-Train. As is customary from Shamrock he extended the hand to A-Train who just scissor kicked him down to the mat. A-Train then dragged him off to the corner and started to thrust his shoulder into the chest of Shamrock.

A-Train then walked over to the other side of the ring and charged at Shamrock, who saw him coming and dodged the oncoming collision. This sent A-Train right into the turnbuckle and he turned round right into a belly-to-belly suplex from Shamrock, who then locked him in an ankle lock, which quickly made him tap out to the pain. This means that Ken Shamrock will face either Ron Killings or Randy Savage next week for the right to face Hulk Hogan for the GPW Championship at A New Level.

Winner – Ken Shamrock

CR – 76 MQ - 68 OR – 71

Ron Killings –vs- Randy Savage - #1 Contendership tournament Round 2

In the main event of the evening Ron Killings took on Randy Savage. Killings put up a brave fight throughout the whole of this match but he was not match for the experience of Savage, who controlled every aspect of this match from the start to the finish.

Killings was able to nail Savage with the true conviction but could only get a two count over Savage. As Killings was setting him up for a second true conviction Savage nailed him with a low blow that sent him down to the mat. Savage then climbed up to the top rope and nailed the Savage elbow right onto the chest of Killings. Savage then covered him for the three meaning that it’ll be Ken Shamrock –vs- Randy Savage next week on Instigation.

Winner – Randy Savage

CR – 82 MQ – 66 OR – 77

Instigation faded to black with Savage celebrating on the top rope.

Best Segment – Savage on the mic.

Worst Segment – Bill DeMott –vs- Lodi


This week’s Instigation got an overall rating of 68, which is a bit down from what we are used to. The TV rating though consistently stays strong getting a rating of 7.71 compared with the 6.10 that Raw got.

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8267 people are in attendance tonight for a main event of Rey Mysterio –vs- Kid Kash, but first…

Eddie Guerrero makes his way down to the ring.

Eddie: “Rey Mysterio is the number one contender to my GPW World Championship, but essa you don’t have what it takes, you don’t have what it takes to be a champion. You’re not championship material homes. Your one of those people who always gets their shot but always comes up short. You can hope and pray essa that you have a small chance of beating me at A New Level homes, but you don’t have a chance in hell of beating me. No one can come close to having my charisma, my looks, or my skills homes. You hide behind that mask so people don’t know who you really are. Rey Mysterio you will not beat me, in fact you will just be the next victim of the alpha male Eddie Guerrero!

Eddie then exits the ring seemingly his message delivered. He reaches the top of the ramp when the lights go out and the mask symbol of Rey Mysterio shows on the titentron. The arena lights come back on and Rey Mysterio is shown standing behind Eddie Guerrero, he turns around and Rey grabs the belt out of Eddie’s hands and drives it into the head of Eddie, just like he did to him last week.

OR – 91

Eddie Guerrero gained overness from this segment. Rey Mysterio gained overness from this segment.

Lita© -vs- Gail Kim –vs- Victoria –vs- Trinity - GPW Women’s Championship

Don Callis signed this four-way match to try and get some life into the women’s division, as he has been increasingly disappointed in it. Victoria is scheduled to face Lita at A New Level that match could change if there is a new champion at the end of this match. As is turns out Victoria was brawling up the ramp with Gail Kim while Lita managed to nail Trinity with the twist of fate and pin her for the three before anyone could break it up.

Winner and still GPW Women’s Champion – Lita

CR – 74 MQ – 61 OR – 63

Backstage Scott Hall is shown with our interviewer Dan Wilson

Dan: “Scott Hall for the past two weeks you have been beaten by Jeff Hardy…”

Hall: “Don’t you talk to me like that!”

Dan: “Like what?”

Hall: “Like that, that tone, I do not like that tone Dan, it’s disrespectful.”

Dan: “But Scott I never meant to disrespect you.”

Hall: “But you did and you’re doing it right now, I do not like being disrespected like that.”

Dan: “But Scott I’m trying to ask you a question…”

Hall:You’re disrespecting me by he actions that you are doing, you’re asking me about him, you’re asking about Jeff Hardy. You think that I can’t beat him?

Dan: “No, I mean yes you can beat him.”

Hall: “You said no, you think I can’t beat Jeff Hardy, well how about I show that that I can beat him.”

Hall grabs Dan and throws him against a wall and then powerbombs him through a table.

Hall: I can beat Jeff Hardy, I’ll show you I’ll show all of you that I can beat him.”

OR – 73

Air Paris –vs- Scott Steiner

In what was basically a glorified squash Steiner mercifully ended the match by locking Air Pairs in the Steiner recliner, which made him tap out.

Winner – Scott Steiner

CR – 69 MQ – 68 OR – 61

Piper’s Pit

As we come back from the commercial break Roddy Piper is standing in the ring

Piper: “Over the years I’ve had some of the most influential of people as guest on my wrestling talk show, and that’s why it’s the best today. As this show went on I had to keep up the standard of people on this show. You can’t just be a nobody and expect to become a guest on Piper’s Pit. Now tonight’s guest will raise the bar for Piper’s pit, tonight my guest is a former world champion and was the first ever GPW World Champion tonight I want you all to welcome the phenomenal one AJ Styles!

AJ Styles music hits and the former champion makes his way out to ring getting booed along the way.

Styles: “Thank you Piper for that fitting introduction, but the phenomenal one has been having a bit of trouble lately. It seems that people have started to doubt me, they doubt that I am truly phenomenal, but not for long. It’s time to remind you all just how phenomenal I really am, just how great I really am. Real soon you’ll all see just why I’m called the phenomenal AJ Styles.

OR – 83

AJ Styles gained overness from this segment

Jeff Hardy –vs- Scott Hall

As Jeff was coming down the ramp Scott Hall attacked him from behind, he grabbed him and rammed him right through the guardrail. Hall then grabbed Jeff and shoved him in the ring steps. Hall then shoved Jeff in the ring as he grabbed a chair from ringside. Hall got in the ring and went over to where to lifeless body of Jeff lay, he raised the chair above his head and brought it down onto the body of Jeff, making the ref call for the bell. Hall took no notice of this though and brought the chair down on Jeff’s head, causing blood to flow out on his forehead. Hall then laughed at his damage to Jeff as GPW TV went to a commercial break.

Winner by DQ – Jeff Hardy

CR – 78 MQ – 62 OR – 65

When we come back from commercials Don Callis is shown in his office

Callis: “The actions that we have just seen by Scott Hall are inexcusable. Jeff Hardy has been taken to hospital and we will keep you informed to his condition. In light of this I feel that there is only one course of action I can take, at A New Level it will be Jeff Hardy –vs- Scott Hall with the GPW Television Championship on the line.”[/I]

OR – 64

Shark Boy –vs- EZ Money

In the shortest match of the night Shark Boy picked up the win over EZ money after drilling him with a deep-sea drop which got the three count.

Winner – Shark Boy

CR – 81 MQ – 83 OR – 71

Backstage Roddy Piper is shown with Eddie Guerrero

Piper: "Due to the actions by Scott Hall on our regular interviewer Dan Wilson I have been asked to conduct this interview, now Eddie at A New Level you will face Rey Mysterio, just how long will it take you from disposing of him?”

Eddie: “Well essa for any regular people out there they will have to break a sweat to beat someone like Rey Mysterio, but I’m not any regular person homes. I’m Eddie Guerrero, the alpha male around here so essa Rey Mysterio how long will it take me to beat him? It’ll take me no time at all and he will become the next victim of the alpha male Eddie Guerrero!

OR – 90

Eddie Guerrero gained overness from this segment.

Paul London –vs- Billy Kidman

Two weeks ago on GPW TV Billy Kidman attacked Paul London after their match, the reason for this is that he’s sick and tired of getting walked on around here and that he will be noticed, however tonight wasn’t his night for this as Paul London was a man on a mission here tonight. Angry at the treatment that he has received from Kidman over the past couple of weeks he showed a side of himself that we have never seen before. He was inscrutably focused and was almost mechanical in his beating of Kidman. London pinned him after delivering a London’s calling for the three.

Winner – Paul London

CR – 69 MQ – 83 OR – 68

Rey Mysterio –vs- Kid Kash

It was not time for the main event and what a main event it was. These two pushed each other to the limit. Pulling off some breathtaking moves that cannot be described. These two were having a brilliant match that was unfortunately ended prematurely. Eddie Guerrero came down to the ring just as Rey Mysterio was assailing the top rope. Eddie shoved him of the top rope and he went headfirst into the guardrail below, the ref had no choice but to disqualify Kid Kash for the interference.

Speaking of Kash he didn’t look to bothered about loosing the match and actually joined Eddie Guerrero in the beating of Rey Mysterio. This brought the Cruiserweight Champion Spanky out to the ring to even up the odds. Spanky immediately went for Kid Kash and got him in the ring where he nailed a sliced bread #2 on Kash. Eddie stopped the beating on Rey to deal with Spanky; he knocked him down with his title belt and then delivered a frog splash. Eddie started to celebrate but was cut off by Don Callis.

Callis: “Right then you four want to get into each other’s business how this next week in the main event of GPW TV it’ll be the team of Eddie Guerrero and Kid Kash taking on Rey Mysterio and Spanky in a tag match!

Winner by DQ – Rey Mysterio

CR – 87 MQ – 85 OR – 77

Best segment – Rey Mysterio confronts Eddie Guerrero

Worst Segment – Air Paris –vs- Scott Steiner


This week’s GPW TV got an overall rating of 73 and a TV rating of 7.90, continuing to get better week-by-week. Smackdown on the other hand got a 5.18, which means that we are continuing our streak over them. For some reason some things didn’t work well together, the crowd reaction and match qualities were all quite good but for some reason the overall rating were considerably lower, oh well I’ll just have to chalk it up to another one of those days!

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