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Recommend me some music


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You should check out Royce Da 5'9". If you don't know who he is he's a rapper that used to write songs for Dr. Dre.

I recommend the following Royce Da 5'9" songs.



-I And Me


-Sacry Movies (featuring Eminem)

-Death is Certain Part II (It Hurts)

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Hmm, let's see here. Seeing as how we have similar music tastes, we'll open this up with the bands that I like and we'll go from there mmmmkay?

My List:

The Agony Scene - Just recently got into this band and they're pretty much the main band I'm into at the moment. A good metalcore band from Roadrunner Records.

Still Remains - Another metalcore band from RR, but still damn good. Gettin' into them just about the same time as The Agony Scene.

All That Remains - A band that many view as part of that next generation Metal movement people speak of lately. A good metalcore band and could possibly be the next big thing in metal.

A Bitter Farewell - Yes, you guessed it. Another metalcore band, but they're pretty solid, along with the ones already suggested so far.

Bury Your Dead - A good metal band that has somewhat of a humerous side to them. Their latest album, all of the song titles are of Tom Cruise movies. So yeah, check them out.

Chocolate Covered World - Surprisingly this isn't a metalcore band. This is a hard rock band that I found out about from a friend that lives with me. I had heard "The Show" by them before, but didn't know who they were. You might have heard of them before. If not, then check them out.

A Dozen Furies - The Battle for Ozzfest winner is deservingly so IMO. A band that's pretty good and I'm actually excited to see live at Ozzfest.

C.Y.N. (Curse Your Name [Formerly Cynder]) - The Battle for Ozzfest runner-up. A good band who I thought should have won actually, but oh well.

Sicks Deep - Yet another band from Battle for Ozzfest, so I'm not sure if you don't know about them or not, but they're the band that I actually wanted to win it, but oh well, what'cha gonna do?

The Damning Well - They only have one song that I know of out there and it was on the Underworld OST. With Richard Patrick (Filter) on vocals, Wes Borland (Limp Bizkit) on guitar, and Josh Freese (A Perfect Circle) on drums, this band has "Awakening" out there and it's solid IMO. I really wish they would do more/would've done more together.

Scars of Life - Viewed by many the most known unsigned (by a major label) band in the country (US), they've made a pretty good name of themselves with the word of mouth about them. They're pretty good and if you haven't checked them out, do it now.

Sinai Beach - A pretty good hardcore band. The name's odd, not something that screams "metal", but they're a pretty good band nonetheless.

Thornley - I throw this one out because I know how much you love Soundgarden and grunge stuff. Their vocalist sounds so much (somtimes too much) like Chris Cornell. I'm suggesting this band not knowing if you have heard them or not, but if not, check them out.

Gizmachi - The first band to sign onto Big Orange Clown Records (the record label headed by Clown of Slipknot) is going to be on the Ozzfest 2nd stage this summer. A band I'm intrigued by and you should be too.

Bleed the Sky - A band that's signed to Century Media and is looking pretty good at the moment. Could end up being an Unearth type of band with you possibly.

MANNTIS - Yet another Battle for Ozzfest band, so whatever. They're impressive though. They have the backing of Mark Hunter of Chimaira and they're starting to gain in popularity.

Sickle - A band I discoved while on garageband.com and it's quite a solid metalcore band out of California. It seems that Massachusetts and California are producing all the good metalcore bands nowadays.

Ragged - Quite a bit like Sickle actually. A California metalcore band that I enjoy lol.

Planet of 9 - Kick-ass local band. They've got a mainstream-ish sound that consists of something like techno and hard rock. I suggest them because I believe that they could be a pretty big band possibly and I enjoy their music.

Oh and I second the suggestion of As I Lay Dying, if you haven't heard them already. Oh and those last 3 you probably would have to visit their websites and/or puevolume.com/garageband.com to get some music from them instead of the "free online music store". ;)

....quite the list eh?

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I second whoever said get some Neurosis.

Get some Head Automatica too. Not a clue if you'll like them, but they are pretty goddamn cool.

And some Volta, some Coheed, some ATD-I, some Defacto and some Omar stuff - although I don't doubt you will already have a lot of that, if you don't, get it :D

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You disappoint me, Bas. What's next, From First To Last? :P

Hey, I could have recommended stuff like Pg. 99, City of Caterpillar, Unearthly Trance, Pig Destroyer, and Wolf Eyes, but I doubt he'd like those bands. With the exception of probably CoC.

Considering I seem to be one of the only people pimping Pig Destroyer on this board, I sincerely doubt it.

EDIT: For reference (if you want to look at heavier stuff), I like Emperor, Napalm Death, Pig Detroyer, Zyklon, Disiplin, Insision, Immortal.....amongst others. If anyone wants to try and recommend stuff along that line, it's up to them.

Edited by kevinnashwannabe
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If you like PxDx, you should like Agoraphobic Nosebleed. They have the same guitarist, and they use a drum machine, but that might change soon, I hear some news about them getting an actual drummer. It might only be for live shows though. Like Pig Destroyer, belongs in grindcore, or 'avant-grind', although I don't know what that means.

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Yeah, Agoraphobic Nosebleed is pretty good too. Nowhere near Pig Destroyer though, in my opinion.

I'm guessing that you have already heard them, but you could get some Satyricon songs. Especially "Mother North", it's a great song.

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If you like PxDx, you should like Agoraphobic Nosebleed. They have the same guitarist, and they use a drum machine, but that might change soon, I hear some news about them getting an actual drummer. It might only be for live shows though. Like Pig Destroyer, belongs in grindcore, or 'avant-grind', although I don't know what that means.

"Avant-Grind" is probably just the technical term for "grind with a couple of poncier bits" :P

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Cheers for the recommendations Bushmeister, but I swear, where have all the Shuggah fans come out of the works from? I swear, it was only a small while ago I seemed to be on my own in pimping them. Awesome band, one of my favourites.

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Cheers for the recommendations Bushmeister, but I swear, where have all the Shuggah fans come out of the works from? I swear, it was only a small while ago I seemed to be on my own in pimping them. Awesome band, one of my favourites.

I have been pimping Meshuggah since EWB III, and even featured them in my sig back there in the form of the lyrics to the last part of New Millenium Cyanide Christ (starts from "Disciples! Come you with me..." etc.) I try to mention them in any conversation that it's even remotely feasible to have them mentioned. You are not alone, my friend. The awesomeness that is Meshuggah has plenty of fans.

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........Norse = Scandanavia (doesn't it?)

Meshuggah = death metal (albeit with a more "cyber" and "math" element to it)

So I kinda see what he's saying. It's not like there is a type of "norse metal".....even though there is "viking metal" apparently, which I don't think he meant, but who knows.

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I'll list a variety of different stuff for you.

Hardcore Punk

Negative Approach, Code of Honor, Youth Brigade (From Washington D.C., different group then the LA band), Dr. Know, Toxic Reasons, and Reagan Youth.

Avant Garde/Experimental punk

Flesh Eaters, Big Boys, Proletariat, The Screamers, Vic Godard and the Subway Sect (or Subway Sect for short), Flux of Pink Indians, Geza-X, Wire, and Feederz.

Other good punk rock

The Plugz, No Alternative, Blitz, Battalion of Saints, The Damned, The Controllers, The Saints, and Husker Du.


Phantom Surfers (surf revival), The Trojans (Celtic Ska), The Wailers (Not Bob Marley's band, but a good garage act from the 60s), Destruction Unit (a sort of garage rock with an electronic/synth sound), Elvis Hitler (Psychobilly), and Firestarter (garage rock from Japan).

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