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Uuugh. Catherine Tate is a pile of shit. Aparently she's been kicking off that Little Britain nicked Vicky Pollard as well. Pity hers is rubbish.

My mam stopped the tape I'd put in at 10, so I missed Absolute Power which I'm absolutely gutted about. Has it still got the guy from first series of I'm Alan Partridge and early Teachers? He's ace.

Extras, pretty good. I'll be honest and say that even though I like the Office its aceness is really overblown compared to its rivals. Or as I prefer to call it, Phoenix Nights. But anyway, thought some segments of extras were class, especially the Starsky and Hutch line and the bit about Dodgeball at the start. The yellow people bit was a bit naff for me as it came across as something they'd wrote for the Office but never bothered with.

Yeah, James Lance IIRC.

Catherine Tate had about 2 laughs and that was it, Absolute Power was better than ever.

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Uuugh. Catherine Tate is a pile of shit. Aparently she's been kicking off that Little Britain nicked Vicky Pollard as well. Pity hers is rubbish.

Actually Catherine Tate came up with her character before Little Britain, for a show with a bunch of other British comedians, including David Walliams.

That's the point, she's accusing them of stealing the character.

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Uuugh. Catherine Tate is a pile of shit. Aparently she's been kicking off that Little Britain nicked Vicky Pollard as well. Pity hers is rubbish.

My mam stopped the tape I'd put in at 10, so I missed Absolute Power which I'm absolutely gutted about. Has it still got the guy from first series of I'm Alan Partridge and early Teachers? He's ace.

Extras, pretty good. I'll be honest and say that even though I like the Office its aceness is really overblown compared to its rivals. Or as I prefer to call it, Phoenix Nights. But anyway, thought some segments of extras were class, especially the Starsky and Hutch line and the bit about Dodgeball at the start. The yellow people bit was a bit naff for me as it came across as something they'd wrote for the Office but never bothered with.

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Uuugh. Catherine Tate is a pile of shit. Aparently she's been kicking off that Little Britain nicked Vicky Pollard as well. Pity hers is rubbish.

Actually Catherine Tate came up with her character before Little Britain, for a show with a bunch of other British comedians, including David Walliams.

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My thoughts posted verbatim from another board:

Three actors, one character. As if David Brent was such an interesting and layered character he needed to be split three ways (with Stiller doing 'Pompous Manager Cunt', the Woman Who Can't Act playing 'Daft Racist' and Gervais himself doing a nice line in replacing jokes with social awkwardness).

Bah. It was what I expected pretty much. I was surprised at all the various 'edgy' topics (disability, murder, racism) being dealt with simultaneously - how will they fill the remaining episodes? But obviously it's this type of humour Gervais wants to push to the fore, if his stand-up shows are anything to go by.

As for Stiller, he really didn't add anything. A couple of his lines made me laugh, but that's not really saying much for him seeing as he borrowed his delivery style from Gervais. His presence was, at least, a mild diversion from that woman who was really annoying.

I laughed a few times, but not enough to counteract the overall tone and subject matter of the show - not to mention it being stylistically indistinguishable from The Office - which really grated.

I won't write it off completely yet, mostly out of optimism because I actually did like series one of the Office and, initially, series two - until the Emperor's new clothes were dramatically torn off on repeated viewings.

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I was reading that and thinking 'this guy has a very analytical mind for comedy, I wonder what he actually is a fan of', then read the Lee & Herring quotes in your sig and went.... Woooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

You are the king, and I wish I'd never lost my TMWRNJ tape.

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Ross Kemp really overacted in tonight's episode, but I though overall it was funny. Loved Kemp's character. The stuff with Shawn Williamson was hilarious, especially the way everyone referred to him as "Barry", including his agent and Ross Kemp. The interactions between Gervais and the other male supporting character were amusing too, though they dragged on a bit.

Some of the stuff with the annoying woman was also pretty funny. She still sucks though.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

I watched it for the first time last nite, I didn't think it was that great, too many slow parts that weren't funny, although I did like the Agent, especially the part about having the phone unplugged for 2 days.

I think this weeks could of just been a bad episode, I only watched half because I was bored.

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That's Steve Merchant (co-writer and director) playing the agent, he had a pretty good cameo role when he got on screen in The Office, I'm glad he's in this a bit more. If anyone's heard his and Ricky's radio show on Xfm he's quite funny.

There are slow parts in Extras, it seems like at times they're just taking a little bit too long to build up to where the episode is going. But I'm enjoying it overall and will keep watching.

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