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n00b-esque HTML Question

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Whoops. I'm having a different problem then what I thought I was, because I'm stupid. >_<

Okay. I've got some sort of problem going on here. In IE my page looks fine. Perfect. But in Firefox, when I type a paragraph worth of text, without linebreaks, it skips a line between each line of the paragraph. This distorts my layout, and even if it didn't it would still look ugly.


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Whoops. I'm having a different problem then what I thought I was, because I'm stupid. >_<

Okay. I've got some sort of problem going on here. In IE my page looks fine. Perfect. But in Firefox, when I type a paragraph worth of text, without linebreaks, it skips a line between each line of the paragraph. This distorts my layout, and even if it didn't it would still look ugly.


Could you link me?

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I know it is. I'm normally a Front Page man. But alas, I've misplaced my install discs. I'm switching between like four fucking HTML/WYSIWYG editors. >_<

Fix it for me and I'd bare your love child. >_>

But Frontpage is the worst editor, ever.

Can't you type raw code? lol.

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Well, I didn't THINK I could.

However, I sliced the layout over in Photoshop, this time a bit more... methodically. And then I opened up Notepad and, well, did it. The broken version that I did earlier is still online, as that's not where the actual website is being hosted (it is merely where I upload worthless files).

Anyways, the version I did from semi-scratch (using the HTML created by Photoshop as a base), is working perfectly. I'm really gonna put more time into learning how to use HTML entirely, instead of knowing how to use it in junction with FrontPage.

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Well, I didn't THINK I could.

However, I sliced the layout over in Photoshop, this time a bit more... methodically. And then I opened up Notepad and, well, did it. The broken version that I did earlier is still online, as that's not where the actual website is being hosted (it is merely where I upload worthless files).

Anyways, the version I did from semi-scratch (using the HTML created by Photoshop as a base), is working perfectly. I'm really gonna put more time into learning how to use HTML entirely, instead of knowing how to use it in junction with FrontPage.

It's really not that hard. You see, most editors, especially Frontpage, code to Internet Explorer's specific HTML specifications which are wrong, this causes problems in other browsers that render HTML properly. If you code valid (X)HTML, it'll display properly in all browsers, including I.E.

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Alright. One more question. On the left and right navigation panels of the layout, I want to put... navigation panel type stuff. Links to all of my pages, the message board, et cetera. And then in the middle, I want to have my actual content. When I start typing stuff in the middle panel, it's in the center of the table. So I push enter to get it to the top of the table. I do the same with my navigation panel content. And then I start typing in the center, and for every line of my content, it pushes the navigation menu content down a line. How can I sort of, lock it into position or whatever?

Edited by blackholesun
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