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Xenosaga II/The Bard's Tale?


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Xenosaga I and II are my favorite RPGs. The only RPGs that even come close are Legend of Dragoon and Final Fantasy 7 and 10.

If you've played Xenosaga I, they changed the combat system somewhat in II and some of the voice actors are different. (Ziggy and Junior are the only playable characters with the same voice actors in both games, but the voice actor doing chaos' voice in II sounds almost like the original and MOMO's new voice is a vast improvement.)

If you haven't played Xenosaga I, get it before you play II. Because you can use clear data (finished game save) from game I to get character upgrades in II, and the series has a complex story that will leave you confused if you haven't played the first game.

Also, if you have played Xenosaga I, they got rid of MOMO's magical girl gimmick. She doesn't have any transformations in II and uses a bow instead of a wand.

The Bard's Tale I thought was kind of lame.

(Incidentally, Xenosaga III will likely be the last game, due to some recent developments in Japan involving the person whose work the games are kind of based off of)

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If you haven't played Xenosaga I, get it before you play II. Because you can use clear data (finished game save) from game I to get character upgrades in II, and the series has a complex story that will leave you confused if you haven't played the first game.

We have Xenosaga II over here in the UK, but they never released Xenosaga I. Why, I haven't a clue.

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